First Things First
To consider the war in Ukraine started in February 2022 is like starting to read a novel from the middle of the book
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Reading time: 30 minutes
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness1 and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the Intro to this “Beware of Propaganda” segment? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article.
There is no reason to worry about the events in the world as it is an evolutionary paradigm shift in which Russia is leading the Global Majority2 [+] in bringing the abusive world domination or neo-imperialism of the West (NATO) to an end, which better for both the West and the Rest of the world. Everything will get better once the foul Western hegemony is terminated and balanced with other powers in a new multipolar world in which no longer ultraliberal values of the West are coerced onto conservative majority of the world and Western greedy predators and globalists are prevented from exploiting and harassing other nations into submission.
One of the main problems with reaching a peace agreement in the war in Ukraine is the fact that the root causes are not addressed as this is, in fact, a NATO proxy war[*][+] against Russia using Ukrainians as cannon fodder and pawns in NATO's geopolitical chess game in which NATO rulers, supremacists, and globalists seek to weaken and contain Russia (drain its military resources) so that it couldn’t mess with Western globalists’ world domination agenda – prevent Russia from helping Syria, Iran, and other Middle Eastern nations that oppose Western meddling and plundering there and, most importantly, that it can’t help China once NATO provokes a war with China over Taiwan independence[+], which NATO not just failed but the opposite happened – Russia became stronger, not weaker, and became a much greater ally with China, so all NATO's plans to contain Russia and China were thwarted, which is why the biggest winner in all of this is communist China (the No.1 rival of the US) and the biggest loser is NATO & the US (Ukraine will be restored, purged from corrupt leaders, neo-Nazis, and Western predators, as well as better off in fellow Slavic Russia’s sphere of influence).
To solve this problem, we offer insights into root causes, so that both Ukrainian and Western public cease to be the pawns of war profiteers. This is such a complex matter, which is not possible to explain briefly due to the existent deep beliefs (mass psychosis) of the public, which make them resistant to simple evidence-based briefing because, due to all the previous brainwashing, they will disregard it as “Russian propaganda”. Small-minded, naïve, and superficial people are incapable to grasp all the intricacies of this war and only see what their authorities want them to see, without any questioning whatsoever. Therefore, this whole series of topics inside this wisdom-driven peace initiative is packed with numerous unbiased facts and evidence for truth-seekers and free-thinkers, so make sure to read it all because it offers a solution to this main problem. This problem can't be solved from top-down but from bottom-up – not by our leaders but by the public – not by resisting but by raising consciousness[+], which will set certain forces in motion resolving the root causes of this conflict.
Another main problem with reaching a peace agreement in the war in Ukraine is that both the Ukrainian and Western public support their NATO-puppet leaders in their war effort rather than in a peace effort. The reason why the public is doing that, despite all the bad experience with NATO leaders lying to us in the past (Iraq WMD, GWOT, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria…), is due to the cognitive warfare[+] that they used against their own citizens – this is a separate topic which we cover in another article (“NATO Cognitive Warfare”), so make sure to read it because we offer there a solution to this problem.
One of the main fallacies being pushed through NATO’s info warfare is to believe that fighting longer will lead to a better outcome for Ukraine, which is big lie. In this attrition war, time is on Russia's side, as well as on the side of American war profiteers, as with time, Russia seizes more and more territories as well as produces more ammunition than NATO and mobilizes more manpower than Ukraine, and American war profiteers earn more and more money.
“If you have an extended war of attrition, every day that goes by, you're losing more Ukrainian people. And if you are going to spend lives, it must be for a purpose. Not just a mile back and forth.“ [+] – Elon Musk
Another main problem with reaching a peace agreement in the war in Ukraine is that all essential things are taken out of context. The public is not being told the whole story but just a fragment taken out of context to make Russians look bad or much worse than they are. As a metaphor, we remind you of the Ameriquest cat killer commercial[»], where a guy is cooking spaghetti Bolognese and when he spills the sauce, he tries to save the cat from getting burned or smeared by it but his unassuming wife comes in and only sees him with a cat, knife and what looks like a lot of blood everywhere.
Likewise, we are being told the story from a middle or near end as we are beingbombarded with narratives of a so-called “unprovoked, illegal invasion” by Russia in 2022, which is easy to believe for superficial, ignorant masses because Russia did attack parts of Ukraine, not knowing that the war has been going on since 2014 and Russia intervened to end it. So, the context is crucial. If we are to judge or support anyone or support the war effort, we all need to get the facts straight, unless we want to be fooled into yet another American endless wars. Let's not be fooled by “arsonists blaming the firefighter”. Out of the context, Russians are easily seen as evil but when we see the whole context, then we may discern the whole truth. It was Ukraine, not Russia that started the armed conflict but mainstream media deliberately concealed that from us. Moreover, it was NATO that deliberately pushed Ukrainians to start the conflict, as a NATO proxy used to weaken Russia. Most people will react to this short briefing as nonsense, as “Russian propaganda” because they are so brainwashed with NATO propaganda and psyop that they are not interested in investigating this issue, in giving it a benefit of doubt, as required in any court, including in the court of public opinion.
This peace initiative is, therefore, not for such people who are not interested in looking in all the evidence we offer throughout this series of topics but prefer to be ignorant of it all and rather keep on buying into all the warmongering narratives served by NATO-puppet politicians and media. This peace initiative is for the truth-seekers and open-minded free-thinkers, thinking with their own head rather than just accept what they are being served by their leaders and their mass-media. Only when we learn all about the context and look into all the evidence, we may draw our own conclusions and make educated decisions whether we support the war or peace effort. Most people rushed into judgements without even bothering to consider the context and all the evidence, so it is time for some of us to correct that if we want to contribute to ending this horror in Ukraine before it is too late. Ukraine may vanish from the map and millions of people may unnecessarily die if we do not act and act differently than we did by now because the same actions will not bring different results. What we all thought was a decent thing to do, based on media reports we trusted, it turns out to be all lies and distortions, so our herd mentality led to horrors.
It is time to show the real solidarity or patriotism for Ukraine by standing for peace rather than for war because more war means more human and territorial losses, as Ukraine has absolutely no chance to win this war militarily, even if NATO troops joined. NATO troops would not be as motivated or bold, so they could not achieve more than what Ukrainian troops could, plus the shortage of ammunition – what's the use of more troops if even the existing troops lack ammunition?!
We urge Ukrainians and their allies to accept this peace initiative ASAP before they lose more lives, territories, and natural resources. To convince Ukrainians and NATO to do so, we’ll highlight mostly the arguments that are not in their favor, so please do not misunderstand any of it as being pro-Russian or Russian propaganda. There is no point in this context to feature pro-Ukrainian propaganda or arguments because the reality on the ground is that Ukrainians are losing an extremely huge number of precious lives and territories and have no means to regain any significant expanse of lands that Russia has seized but instead, they are likely to lose much more.
It is about cutting the damage now rather than wait for greater futile losses.
There is an increasing number of Western pundits making a case for the need to immediately negotiate with Russia, warning of otherwise very dire consequences:
· RAND Corporation's top Russia expert declared that the proverbial writing is on the wall, and that negotiated peace is the only way out for Kyiv and the West to avoid miring itself further into escalating catastrophe – The New Yorker[+]
· a Senior Fellow for Defense Priorities and a former Lt. Col. in the US Army Daniel L. Davis[+]: “If we genuinely care about Ukraine and its people, the sanest course of action would be to elevate diplomacy to try and get the best deal we can, with the greatest benefit for Kyiv, preventing the loss of any more people or cities. Refusing to take such an admittedly very difficult decision will likely not prevent an eventual Russian victory; it'll just cost more for Ukraine to reach a negotiated end to the conflict.”
· Newsweek: Lt. Col. Daniel Davis[+]: “We can no longer hide the truth about the Russia-Ukraine war. Accurate analysis of Ukraine's nearly completed summer offensive reveals that the heroic sacrifice Ukraine continues to make is producing little to no meaningful progress toward the objective of evicting Russia from Ukraine's territory… There is no realistic basis, therefore, to believe that Ukraine has the capacity to attain its stated strategic objective to reclaim all its territory, including Crimea.”
We, the whole of humanity, can't get out of this horrific mess unless we make a change, do something different. Staying on the same track and expecting to arrive at a different destination is a definition of stupidity, as Einstein put it. Blaming Putin and Russians for everything is not going to get us out of this mess. We all need to take responsibility and have a look at how we got into this mess and then go from there in a different direction to arrive at the desired world peace. It would take mental yoga to do it but stretching our minds is not everyone's cup of tea, which is why we expect a lot of resistance and therefore we try to overcome it by throwing much light onto undeniable facts and evidence that challenge the current narrative that led to this war.
So, instead of dismissing anything that opposes our beliefs about this war and its belligerents, the solution lies in all of us being open to face the truth.
The Ukrainians and NATO officials, who are dreaming of and fighting to retake Crimea and other occupied territories that Russia annexed, must know one most crucial fact: it is pointless because not only of Russian military superiority but also because the Russian Constitution would require the use of a nuclear weapon if they took away any part of the (claimed) Russian land. Russians would have to use nuclear weapons under the rules of the decree of the President of Russia dated 2 June 2020. There would simply be no other way out, according to Deputy Chair of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and former Russian President (2008 - 2012) Medvedev[+]. Therefore, the world should pray for the success of Russian warriors, who prevent nuclear war.
One of the most used warmongers’ arguments is that Ukraine and the West must keep on fighting the war because the evil dictator, wannabe imperator, Putin must be stopped before he continues to conquer the rest of Europe. There is not a single piece of evidence to back up any of these words and throughout this peace initiative we will debunk this laughable anti-Putin propaganda claim with such evidence that no one in their right mind would be able to continue to believe any of that.
At this point we want to pinpoint two crucial facts that debunk that NATO-backed Kyiv narrative: it is not Russia but Kyiv that started this armed conflict with an invasion of Donbas (where ethnic Russians live since centuries) in April 2014[*][»], and in March-April 2022, Putin wanted peace but Zelensky and his NATO masters wanted a war (they backed off from a peace deal – Russians agreed to withdraw all their troops if Ukraine promised to remain neutral, Zelensky rejected it because his NATO masters pressured him as they wanted Ukraine and Crimea to be part of NATO). Before any uninformed, brainwashed readers dismiss it as “Russian propaganda”, let's highlight that these two claims are corroborated by Kyiv and NATO authorities themselves!
Not Russia but Kyiv started this armed conflict
Most Ukrainian supporters in the West resent Putin for invading Ukraine in 2022 but both NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg[+][+][»] and Zelensky[+] (as well as all encyclopedias[+][+][+]) openly claimed that the war did not start in 2022 but in 20143 . It was Ukrainians who started the armed conflict in April 2014[*][»], (after unelected NATO-backed, anti-Russian revolutionaries came to power by force) with so-called “anti-terrorism operation”[+] by invading Donbas region and starting a civil war[+][+] there killing civilian protesters (ethnic Russians natives) – they killed around 14.000[+][+][+] of them, including many children, injuring 54.000 and forcing 2,6 million to flee their homes, before Putin sent his troops in February 2022 to rescue them from terror and tyranny – Donbas residents opposed the violent anti-Russian revolutionaries who came to power by force and supported the democratically elected government instead. Crimeans freely joined Russia in March 2014 without a single shot being fired, therefore there was no invasion or armed conflict but self-determination of locals who have the right to self-determination, as this human right is enshrined in the UN Charter and was previously already granted by the UN to many other folks like Kosovo and other former Yugoslav Republics South (Slovenia, Croatia, B&H, North Macedonia, Montenegro), and even to Ukraine in 1991, Sudan[+], etc. The US-based UN grants independence only to American allies, which is why the UN lost all its credibility.
All the evidence that backs the fact that the war started in 2014 by new unelected pro-West, anti-Russian Kyiv regime4 that undemocratically came to power by force, is provided in our article The Real Beginning of the War in Ukraine.
Evidence that Putin and Russians want peace while Ukraine and NATO want war
As confirmed by those who mediated peace talks in March and April 2022 – former German Chancellor Schröder[+][+], Israeli PM Bennett[+], Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu[+], the Ukrainian[+][+][»][»][+][+][+] and Russian[+][+] delegations, as well President Putin[+][+], WSJ[+], and many more[+][+], Putin wanted peace but Zelensky and his NATO masters wanted a war[+]. Putin agreed to major concessions during peace talks[+][+], accepted all Ukrainian demands (only the issue of Crimea was left open for further discussions), including withdrawing all his troops, and a peace deal could have been reached but Zelensky changed his mind because he wanted to please his NATO masters and war-profiteers who wanted a war so as to profit from it, weaken Russia (drain its military resources), and fancied Ukraine and Crimea in NATO. Russia's main demand was that Ukraine remains neutral (does not join NATO), which Zelensky already agreed to but then backed off from it when NATO leaders insisted on it. Inconsiderate and big-headed Zelensky wanted a peace deal in which everything is according to his wishes and not a single thing according to Russian wishes but beggars[»] can't be choosers or kings.
Further evidence that Putin and Russians want peace while Ukraine and NATO want war are their constant announcement about ceasefire – Russia has been always willing while Ukraine/NATO has always rejected ceasefire making stupid justifications[+] such as that Russians would take that time to regroup as if Ukraine would not be able to do the same; alleging Russia has more benefits from ceasefire, disregarding Ukrainian catastrophic losses. The US Institute of War made headlines such as on 31 Mar 2022[+]: “Ukraine may soon face a new threat in this war—Russia’s ceasefire offer.” Of course, because already in the first days of its SMO, Russia had achieved its top three objectives of keeping Ukraine out of NATO, liberating Donbas, and deblocking Crimea (from water and electricity supplies), at any time, ceasefire would be more favorable to Russia because they would get to legally keep the occupied territories, end the terror of ethnic Russians there, and keep Ukraine formally neutral (no NATO membership), which would mean Ukraine & NATO lost the war and a lot of land and resources. Moscow has repeatedly stated that it is ready to talk with Kyiv as long as the situation on the ground is considered. Russians announce their willingness for ending the war every month and here are just some cases that pierced through the heavily censored Western info sphere:
✅ 7 March 2022 – Russia announces limited ceasefire (Kyiv, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Sumy)[+] and offers Ukraine to halt all military operations "in a moment" and withdraw its troops if Kyiv agreed to these conditions: change its constitution back to enshrine neutrality (in 2019 Kyiv changed its constitution enshrining its path to NATO), accept that the Crimea was Russian territory, and recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states (no Russian annexation).
✅ 28 December 2022 – Putin's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that peace talks may resume if Ukraine recognized Russia's sovereignty over the annexed regions in September 2022
✅ 5 January 2023 – Russian Christmas truce proposal[+]
✅ 5 Jun 2023 – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed [+] that Moscow has never refused to negotiate but dialogue on the situation around Ukraine was only possible if Russia’s legitimate interests and concerns were taken into account
✅ 27 September 2023 – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said[+] Russia ready to make agreements on Ukraine based on situation on ground
✅ 10 November 2023 – The Kremlin makes remorseless efforts to achieve a ceasefire on its own terms[+]
✅ 5 December 2023 – Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov[+]: “Moscow is ready to resolve the ongoing conflict with Kiev through diplomatic means at any moment”
✅ 24 Dec 2023 – Putin signals for ceasefire through intermediaries[]
✅ 25 January 2024 – Russia backs Pope Francis’ peace efforts[+][+]. Also, secret peace talks in April 2023[+] In March 2024, Pope advised Ukraine to have courage to wave a white flag [+]
✅ 13 February 2024 – Putin's suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States[+]
✅ 3 March 2024 – Russian foreign minister Lavrov said Moscow never refused to negotiate with Kyiv[+]
✅ 20 May 2024 Russia's representative to the UN Security Council: Russia is ready for peaceful negotiations, but the negotiations must take into account the new regional realities on the ground[+]
✅ 24 May 2024 – Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with ceasefire that recognises current battlefield lines[+][+][+] Putin said[»], Russia is ready to negotiate, continuing the previous Istanbul agreement in April 2022, and based on current realities on the ground but with whom to negotiate was the question, referring to Zelensky no longer being legitimate president of Ukraine and proving to be not a sovereign leader anyway but just a Western puppet, considering the last peace negotiations in spring 2022. To prove how Western spin doctors are daft, ridiculous, and untrustworthy, we point to this headline[+] “Putin Admits he’s lost the War” which, of course offers no proof that Putin ever admitted that but is drawing it from Putin's generous and pacifist offer for ceasefire – so, stay away from dumb and deceitful authors and publications like that.
✅ 14 June 2024 – Russia made first public peaceful settlement proposal to Ukraine. Putin announced[»], “Ukrainian troops should be completely withdrawn from Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions … and also officially will notify about the rejection of plans to join NATO on our part immediately, literally the same minute, an order will be given to cease fire and start negotiations.” To make it clear, these four regions were already annexed by Russia in September 2022 after the local people democratically voted in a referendum to secede Ukraine and rejoin Russia (this area was part of Russia for centuries before Lenin ascribed it to not the state but the Soviet Republic Of Ukraine under Moscow governance, the very same Lenin whose monuments Ukrainians removed, which would be then only fair to also remove all the territories that he gave to Ukraine, just saying).
When on the eve of the 15-16 June Swiss summit (“on peace” officially but in fact on war judging from all the hostile statements[»][+][»][»][»][»][»], and nothing but a PR stunt), Putin put forward Russia's proposal, in a matter of the minutes, without any consideration, NATO leaders, who dishonestly claim[»] not to be party to the conflict, rejected it instead of, as it should be normal in diplomatic circles, to say something like “Thank you for the offer, give us 24 hours to discuss it with Kyiv and provide you with a counteroffer.” If NATO is not party to the conflict, who are they to reject it[+]?! They issued rejections even before Zelensky did[+]!
As a reminder of how ridiculous rejections of this proposal were, here’s just one from acting5 Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte (Klaus Schwab’s golden boy): “The fact that Putin yesterday came out with this silly peace proposal shows you that he is clearly panicking.” Shows to whom? The retarded? This is a clear evidence of how insane some or many EU leaders are as, to their own detriment, they interpret any sign of sanity, such as a peace proposal, as weakness. They don't respond to signals; only to use of force, so no wonder Putin felt he had no choice but to use the show of force (like in Georgia in 2008) after trying 8 years from 2014-2022 to diplomatically end the war in Donbas but Ukraine constantly kept violating all Minsk agreements that even then-Ukrainian President Poroshenko[+][+] and NATO leaders (then-German Chancellor Merkel[+], and then-French President Hollande[»][»][+][»]) admitted were their fraud to fool Putin only to buy time to arm Ukraine to kill the Russians. Naïve Putin trusted those cheaters for many years and then, backed by the Church and the whole of government and most of the public, said “enough is enough”.
Of course, they didn’t like the proposal in which Putin was demanding Ukraine withdrawing all troops from the regions that Russia annexed couple years ago after the native people of the region democratically voted in a referendum to secede Ukraine and rejoin Russia. But it was the will of people of Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions! And they have the right to self-determination as enshrined in the UN Charter and as NATO and most of the world granted to Kosovo, ex-Yugoslav and ex-Soviet republics (including Ukraine – double standards or what?!), south Sudan, etc.
And losers can’t be choosers, so to avoid more losses, like more territories such as Odesa and Kharkiv or even Kyiv, Ukraine and NATO should have accepted it just as they should have abided by the 2014 Minsk accords and accepted the 2022 Istanbul peace deal when Russia did not seek to annex any Ukrainian territories at all but only did it because Kyiv and NATO did not accept a peace deal.
Naturally, every subsequent peace proposal was more disadvantageous to Kyiv regime and NATO because they were losing on the battlefield, like in May 2024, Putin proposed to end the war with a settlement that recognizes current battlefield lines but a month later, he and Russian authorities expanded the demand to the whole of annexed territories, some of which parts were still under Kyiv control. And, so every later peace proposal will be more and more disadvantageous to Kyiv regime and NATO because as Russian army advances more with time, as a victor, Russia will seize more territories and kill more people – is this what psychopaths in Kyiv and NATO want? Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin warned[+] what has been obvious to all people using brains that Russia’s next peace offer would come with ‘tougher terms’ for Kyiv, and later Putin also said[»] that Russian conditions for negotiations with Ukraine will change depending on the situation on the ground, but in their arrogance, NATO and Kyiv regime prefer to genocidally fight to the last Ukrainian rather than settle for peace.
It has been clear as sky that there is no way that Ukrainian army could ever stop Russia advancing, as Ukrainian 2023 greatest counteroffensive catastrophically failed and in 2024, by that time in mid-June, Russia already seized some 55 towns and villages that amounted to over 1.920 towns and villages in Russian hands, plus the NATO aid has been declining while Russian military production has been increasing. So, you have to be extremely delusional or a psychopath to continue on this path of losing evermore people and territories.
✅ 5 July 2024 – Putin showed[+] clear interest in peace negotiations and ending the war completely when Hungarian Prime Minister Orban visited him in Moscow to discuss peace. On the contrary, just days earlier on 2 July, when Orban visited Zelensky in Kyiv, Zelensky dismissed[+] Orban's ceasefire proposal
✅ 17 July 2024 – at the UN press conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said[»+] Russia is “ready for negotiations” on Ukraine
Zelensky's refusals to negotiate peace
➡ Zelensky admitted[+] that he sabotaged Minsk peace deal with Russia and here[»] is he recorded ridiculing the Minsk Accords in 2019 in Paris.
➡ 9 April 2022 – Zelensky cancelled peace talks[+][+] that took place in Istanbul after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson talked him out of it as NATO did not agree to the condition that Ukraine should not join NATO. Zelensky and his NATO masters wanted a war[+] while Putin wanted peace, according to all peace talks participants (former German Chancellor Schröder[+][+], Israeli PM Bennett[+], Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu[+], the Ukrainian[+][+][»][»][+][+][+] and Russian[+][+] delegations, as well President Putin[+][+], WSJ[+], and many more[+][+]). Russia's main demand was that Ukraine remains neutral (does not join NATO), to which Zelensky already agreed but then backed off from it when NATO leaders intervened.
➡ 4 October 2022, Zelensky signed a decree[+][+][+] officially banning any peace negotiation with Russian President Vladimir Putin but Kyiv and NATO officials keep claiming how evil Putin does not want to negotiate peace. To this day, Kyiv has not revoked that decree, so there is no reason for Russia to propose peace negotiations, so all they can do is announce their demands for peace. Obviously, Kyiv and NATO officials are counting on their societies being dumb and unaware of this decree. To counter the threat of the public awakening, Zelensky initiates from time to time so-called peace conferences, which are nothing but PR stunts. People using brains understand what a farce each of them is by mere fact that Russians are not invited to negotiate peace there. One must be exceptionally retarded to expect that mighty and victorious Russia would just accept what Kyiv and NATO countries demand, especially seeing the reality on the battlefields and all other Russian achievements. As long as that decree is not revoked, it is in force, preventing Zelensky and Putin to enter peace talks.
➡ Zelensky is against Russia’s participation in any peace summit (Copenhagen[+], Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, Malta, Davos, summit proposed by Turkey[»], Switzerland[+]) A Russian response: Are they trying to marry me without me? :) No wonder all these conferences were a fiasco, a total waste of political capital, time and money, as nothing let alone peace was achieved.
While on the topic of peace summit, it must be noted how more and more countries are officially deviating from their previous position on the war in Ukraine as presented in voting in UN General Assembly. For instance, in both March 2022 and February 2023 UNGA sessions[+][+], out out of 193 member states, 141 states voted for a resolution[+] demanding that Russia withdraws all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine. It was a major flop as nothing happened of the sorts, quite the opposite with Russia taking more territories and more countries siding with Russia, exposing dysfunction of the UN and its resolutions. However, over a year later, at the June 2024 Swiss Summit on Peace[+], none of them demanded it any longer and only 77 states beside Ukraine were willing to sign a Joint Communiqué[+] (not so joint as it was not approved or signed by all – just 78, as none of Russian friends as well as Vatican agreed to it due to anti-Russian framing of it) reaffirming their own commitment (not Russia's) to refraining from the use of force against the territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders. So, from 140 states (besides Ukraine) demanding Russia to withdraw from Ukraine in 2023 to just 77 states (out of 193 world states; 100 boycotted it and even none of the top world's leaders bothered to come such as Biden, Xi Jinping, Modi, Lula, and the most important of all Putin was not even invited) in 2024 and not even demanding it but just reaffirming their own commitment to the territorial integrity of all states. A drop from 140 to 77 states dancing to the tune of Kyiv and Washington is a huge downturn! Apart from 32 NATO states and Ukraine, only 45 other small states (such as Kosovo, Fiji, Palau, Monaco, San Marino, Timor Leste, Sao Tomé and Principe) somewhat complied while large majority of the world dismissed the whole thing.
The US signed as well while at the same time using force against the territorial integrity of Syria, still illegally occupying a part of Syrian Homs Governorate and has a military base Al-Tanf[+] there on Iraqi and Jordan border as well as supports a Kurdish-led military rebel coalition SDF[+] that also uses force against the territorial integrity of Syria, so US-led coalition still[+] illegally occupies a third of the country with the US stealing their oil, like Trump admitted it here[»], not to mention more than 600.000[+] people have been killed as a result of US involvement, while 12 million are refugees. The Syrian government has constantly expressed its opposition to the US role in Syria, and demanded US forces withdraw. Turkey also illegally occupies[+] part of Syria. So much about the sincerity of some of those states in regards to the territorial integrity of all states!
That Swiss summit was nothing but a failed PR stunt as it was full of debacles[+] such as being national "embarrassment"[+] damaging for Switzerland's traditional neutrality, exposing a huge decline in support for Ukraine (from 140 down to 77 states), Canadian PM Trudeau mistakenly saying[»] “We’ll continue to make sure that Ukraine is held to account,” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak being titled the “President of the United Kingdom”[ꚛ], European institutions being called “countries” and listed as countries in the Joint Communiqué[+] to give an appearance that more countries signed it than they did, two countries (Iraq and Jordan) withdrawing[+] their signatures, etc. That summit also exposed some states’ real intention, which was not to end the war or make peace in Ukraine but to erase Russia from the map, such as Poland[»] and Baltic states! Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said[+] that most decisions could not be implemented without Russia – the country they arrogantly vilified and banned from participating but expect it to obediently comply, which means that the whole event was a fiasco and showed[+] futility of talks without Russia.
➡ Zelensky's non-negotiable 10-point peace formula is seen as detached from reality by almost everyone, especially Russian authorities[+] as it is effectively an ultimatum to force Russia to surrender, capitulate, and retreat to the borders of 1991, put the Russian leadership on trial, force them to pay compensations, and limit their ability to defend their territory. Even all his allies rejected his pseudo peace formula by June 2024 as they refused to consider or mention it at all during the Swiss Summit on Peace. As per Joint Communiqué[+], only three points were discussed and proposed: safety of nuclear installations, global food security, and the release of prisoners of war (all three are part of the China’s 12 points peace proposal[+]).
➡ Zelensky refused all peace proposals mediated by Belarussian, Israeli and Turkish PMs with Istanbul Communiqué[+] in March-April 2022, and other proposed by heads of China[+] in February 2023, Brazil[+] in April 2023, Vatican (Pope Francis)[+] in May 2023, Indonesia[+][+] in June 2023, and African peace mission[+][+] in June 2023 and other dozen secret peace plans[+] – arguing that all those peace proposals only serve Russia’s interests. If Russia is winning and Ukraine losing, logically, a peace deal must serve Russia’s interests rather than Ukrainian but apparently, one must have above average IQ to realize that.
➡ 24 February 2023 – the advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak repeated refusal to negotiate with Russian representatives unless Russia withdrew its troops.[+]
➡ 6 June 2023 – Zelensky said[+][+] that Ukraine was not ready to negotiate with Russian representatives unless Russia withdrew its troops, including Crimea: "The enemy will take advantage of the pause to build up its capabilities and further attack, to conduct a new wave of crimes and terror. Russia must withdraw all its troops from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders," as if Ukraine may not do the same.
➡ January 2024 – Zelensky repeated refusal to negotiate peace with Russian representatives unless Russia withdrew its troops, including Crimea.[+]
➡ 14 June 2024 – Zelensky rejected[+] Putin's proposal to end the war by Ukraine conceding all the five regions where the natives democratically voted in referendums to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. Honoring the right of the indigenous people to self-determination was against the will of the neo-Nazi supporter Zelensky who compared Putin's peace conditions to ultimatums given by German dictator Adolf Hitler.
➡ 2 July 2024 – Zelensky dismissed[+] Orban's ceasefire proposal, when Hungarian Prime Minister Orban visited Zelensky in Kyiv.
Also, Zelensky’s backers refuse to negotiate peace and any ceasefire proposals:
➡ 24 February 2023 – US Secretary of State Blinken (the guy who offered no diplomatic solution) at the UN Security Council prevented a ceasefire in Ukraine[+] justifying it by saying that Moscow would use a potential cease-fire to rest and rearm but Kyiv would use it to, so what?
➡ 17 March 2023 – US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby[+][»]: "We don't support calls for a ceasefire right now."
➡ 13 March 2024 – US Rejects Russian Ceasefire Proposal for Ukraine[+]
Another key point is that Ukrainians insist to fight instead of negotiating peace because they claim they want to liberate these regions but the undeniable fact is that the locals do not want to be liberated by Ukraine; they feel liberated by Russia!!! Kyiv regime wants Crimea but not the Crimean people; wants Donbas but not Donbas residents - it wants ethnic cleansing!
The main problem is that Kyiv regime and their backers in Western Ukraine want all those south-eastern territories but not its people! They hate the people living there because they are mostly ethnic Russians or pro-Russians (rather than pro-NATO). So, if they could take those territories back, they would tyrannize them and force them to flee (ethnic cleansing) like they had done since 2014 (like Israelis with Palestinians).
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness1 and spirit. To grasp everything as intended, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the order that we designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: Indicators Of Who Will Win This War
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which when raised, is a constructive force that creates everything good in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions. Consciousness Theorem[+] verifies that the degree of one’s well-being = the degree of one’s consciousness (The Level of Success = The Level of Consciousness). We raise[+] our consciousness with virtues (constructive modes of consciousness), which is also known as virtufication[+], as taught by virtuology[+] and presented on the scale[+] of consciousness. Significant leap of consciousness is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. People with higher level of consciousness are restored to their original image or likeness of God and can do (heal, manifest, teach…) everything as Christ and other ascended masters did.
the "Global majority" or "people of color" (POC) is according to Wikipedia[+]: a collective term for people of Indigenous, African, Asian, or Latin American descent, who constitute approximately 85 percent of the global population.
the conflict started in February 2014 when NATO-backed, anti-Russian revolutionaries violently ousted democratically-elected ethnic Russians from the government (incl. President & PM) but the ARMED conflict began[*] in April 2012 with Kyiv launching its military operation against the ethnic Russians who protested the new US-appointed regime. Ukranian National Guard packed with neo-Nazi battalions invaded Donbas and killed and terrorized ethnic Russians there for 8 years until Putin sent his troops to end the Donbas war
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Mark Rutte (Klaus Schwab’s golden boyRutte) was just an acting[+] Dutch Prime Minister because in July 2023, he had to resign due to farmers’ protests and in November 2023, his party lost the election but it took long time for new coalition government to form partly due to obstructions from the EU that wanted to keep him im power as he is WEF puppet while the winner of the election, Euroskeptic Geert Wilders is not. Although the public mostly voted for Wilders, the Western powers created the conditions under which Wilders couldn’t and did not want to govern the country, so on 28 May 2024, Dick Schoof was nominated to succeed Mark Rutte as prime minister of the Netherlands. As part of the negotiations, the new coalition four party (PVV, VVD, NSC, BBB) leaders agreed none of them would serve as prime minister, which is why an outsider, secretary-general of the Ministry of Justice and Security, Schoof was designated (as a second choice, the first one, Ronald Plasterk, withdrew due to accusations of fraud).
Mark Rutte is WEF Agenda Contributor[+], Klaus Schwab's golden boy, whom the notorious WEF founder helped to become a head of state in 2010 and stay there until farmers took him down in July 2023. Read the article[+]: WEF Lobbied Dutch Government on ‘Great Reset’ – right-wing pundits have long alleged that the Netherlands is a testing ground for globalist policies. Recently published correspondence now proves they’re right. Despite being a loser and despised by most of his Dutch people, as a fierce globalist and WEF puppet, he got selected (not elected) to became NATO Secretary General in July 2024