Beware of Propaganda
Beware of NATO propaganda, not just Russian propaganda. Truth is the first casualty of all wars
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Reading time: 18 minutes (25 with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. This article is the Intro to this “Beware of Propaganda” segment, followed by 12 other articles.
How about kicking this topic off with a British and American joke?
In the London Zoo, a guy is drinking a beer and looking at the display. Suddenly a girl falls into the pool with crocodiles. The young man throws a can and jumps for the girl. He pulls her out and hands her to her crying mother, who then praised him: “Congratulations young man, that's acting like a true British gentleman!!!” The young man answers: “No, I'm Russian!”
The next day in all the British media: Drunk Russian stole a meal from crocodiles!!!!
“People who get their news from legacy TV live in a fake alternate reality”[+] – Elon Musk
“All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” – George Orwell
“We lied, we cheated, we stole”[»] – Mike Pompeo, former CIA Director and US Secretary of State (under Trump administration)
To know how propaganda works on you, perhaps the best explanation is this secret CIA mind-control experiment1 where they placed 18 people in a room with 17 of them being actually CIA agents and one of them was just an unsuspecting member of the public; it could have been you. So, the person that was running the experiment showed every single person in the room a picture of a triangle. It was very clearly a picture of a triangle. He then asked every person in the room to simply state what they saw on the picture. Well, despite it clearly being a triangle, all of the agents were instructed to say, square. What do you see? One after another said a square, a square, a square, a square... And guess what that 18th person said? Well, he said square, too, because he didn't want to be the crazy person in the room.
Really think about the implications of that experiment. That is exactly how the media works. And even worse as state media invites state’s puppets whom they call “experts” or “leaders” (unelected but selected) to intimidate the public because if the “experts” and “leaders” are saying it, it must be true, and I must be crazy to think otherwise. This is how we get indoctrinated into believing the ruling elites’ narratives.
Imagine you're in this room with 17 other people who all say that the picture is a square, so, not knowing that you are being played, by the time it gets to you and you're the 18th person, what would you say? You’d be probably thinking, am I crazy, right? I see a triangle but maybe there is something wrong with my eyes. By the time the question is posed to you, after 17 others sane-looking people said it was a square, you would probably completely abandon reason and just join them and say: “Yeah, no, totally. That's a square.”
You’re in that room every time you watch the news broadcast where TV “experts” and other ruling elites’ puppets are telling you that Ukraine is winning and other narratives. You are too busy with your life and have no reason to doubt the authorities, so you just accept it and play along in your social media channels, right? After all, Ukraine is still fighting so they could not be losing, you may think, but then again, the military maps show that Russians are occupying a fifth of Ukraine and are advancing while Ukrainians are retreating but somehow you disregard all that evidence. Maybe you are different and you do not go along but most people do and that is a big problem that Orwell warned in his 1984 book about being induced to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
With time and more brainwashing, people's perception change and they really start to see “squares” even though they look at “triangles” because they are simply programmed to see it that way. And they start making all kinds of justifications for this dissonance between what they actually see and perceive, like a triangle is just a part of a square and so on, and even justify telling lies to help a worthy cause and other nonsense. What cause is worthy when you have to use lies to sustain it?! It is how devil works.
To prove that our brain deceives us like a devil causing us to see false reality is also this famous example of a dress that was a 2015 online viral phenomenon centered on a cellphone photo of it. Viewers disagreed on whether the dress was blue and black, or white and gold. More about it on Wikipedia[+]. The dress was black and blue, but the conditions of the photograph caused many to perceive it as white and gold, creating debate. Pascal Wallisch, a neuroscientist at New York University, believes he’s figured out[+] the difference between those two groups of people. His hypothesis is that people make different assumptions about the quality of light that’s being cast on the dress. People assume what they see more of and we have no way of knowing how our experiences guide our perception.
To prove that your perception is not reality when you are focused on one thing, here is a little do-it-yourself experiment. Fix your gaze on the black dot on the left side of this image below. But wait! Finish reading this paragraph first. As you gaze at the left dot, answer this question: In what direction is the object on the right moving? Is it drifting diagonally, or is it moving up and down?
Remember, focus on the dot on the left.
It appears as though the object on the right is moving diagonally, up to the right and then back down to the left. Right? Right?! Actually, it’s not. It’s moving up and down in a straight, vertical line. See for yourself. Trace it with your finger.
The point is, just because you perceive something in a certain way, it does not mean this is true. “It’s really important to understand we’re not seeing reality,” says[+] neuroscientist Patrick Cavanagh. “We’re seeing a story that’s being created for us.” The brain is telling us stories about the smallest things we perceive but it also tells us stories about some of the most complex things we think about, creating assumptions about people based on ethnicity, race, among other social prejudices.
Likewise, take the classic checker-shadow illusion by Edward Adelson. Squares A and B are the exact same shade of gray when seen side by side. But when B is cast in an apparent shadow and surrounded by apparently darker tiles, it just looks lighter.
The A and B are of the same color all throughout the process and apparent lightening of tile B is a story told by our brains. Likewise, Ukraine and Russia are the same, cut from the same cloth, so to speak, but the authorities and/or your brain tells you they are different and you believe it. Similar illusion is illustrated here[ꚛ], showing again how in different context the same thing appears to be different, yet it is all the same.
Now try to take it further and apply this false perception discovery to many other things in your life, including your perception about Putin, Russia, Zelensky, and many other perceptions related to the war in Ukraine. Anyone with artificially-created2 Russophobia, in their narrow-minded view, immediately jumped to the conclusion that Russians invaded Ukraine without so much as considering the context in which it was actually Ukraine that attacked first in April 2014[»] and has been killing thousands of ethnic Russians ever since, not to mention the rise of neo-Nazism there and NATO expansionism to Russian borders with their missiles pointing at Moscow.
How do we know what’s real? Like in this experiment, you found out that the object was moving up and down in a vertical line by tracing it with your finger, and the same way, you can find out the truth about anything by ditching the narrow-minded viewing and broadening your awareness with also using your own critical-thinking faculties. We have done all the work for you and reveal our findings throughout this whole peace initiative. You don’t have to believe a word we say because we provide plenty of links so that you can see all the evidence for yourself.
Do not be narrow-minded because your view of reality is then distorted, which makes you believe and do false things, including doing injustice. Peace must be based on justice. So, by looking at all the evidence we provide and give links to, broaden your awareness of all the data related to the war in Ukraine, raise your consciousness to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer).
Propagandists are using these types of illusions to trick the public into perceiving and believing in certain reality that is not real at all but just appears to be real, which is why we shine a light on that and as you to beware of it so as not to fall for false narratives and be on the side of the truth.
Truth is the first casualty of the war.
You’ve heard it many times but do you really apply it in this war? Because, if truth is the first casualty of the war, that means that what you know about this war from official sources may not be true at all, as truth is either dead or wounded, so to speak.
“Jesus said, "I am the truth", and it is your duty and mine to speak the truth. Then it is up to the person who hears it whether to accept or reject it.” – Mother Teresa
“More and more people are saying 'no' to government lies, corporate greed, and a slavish media. The silenced majority is finding its voice.” – Amy Goodman[+], The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them
“We know that they are lying.
They know that they are lying.
They know that we know they are lying.
We know that they know we know they are lying. But they are still lying.”
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Russian writer
They admitted they lied about Vietnam[+][+][+]
They admitted they lied about Korea[»][+]
They admitted they lied about Kuwait[+][+]
They admitted they lied about Iraq[+][+]
They admitted they lied about Syria[+][+][+][+]
They admitted they lied about Libya[+][+][+][+][+]
They admitted they lied about Afghanistan[+][+]
But for some reason, they love to tell the truth about Ukraine[+], don't they?! 🤔
They lied about all wars but you think they’re telling the truth about this war.😏
As the proverb goes, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. But if someone, including authorities, fool you many times, you are clearly a fool. How do you know if you’re a fool? If you’ve been fooled time and again, regardless of the topic (it could also be about the source of corona virus, the safety of vaccines, etc.).
How do you know you’ve been played?
It starts with acknowledging the possibility of it. That it is possible to fool a whole country, we all know from Nazi Germany, when a whole nation, even smart people, got deluded by a handful sociopaths. And look at how almost all Jews believe they are chosen by God, more deserving and special to God than the rest of us. Also, most people in the West believe that North Koreans and Russians are being played by their leaders but where does this belief come from? Because if you ask Russians, they’ll give you the same answer that you might give them if they’d ask you the same question: “no, it's you who are being played”. This topic is such a tabu for most people; they can't fathom that their government, their authorities are playing them for a fool… again.
But it is happening. Most people do not want to hear it, prefer the narrative they’ve been served, and just keep their head in the sand (their information bubble) and turn a blind eye to anything that challenges that narrative, or even worse, they attack anyone challenging it. People are being cancelled, deplatformed, or even locked up for it in supposedly democratic countries where free speech should not be considered crime but is.
The war in Ukraine is based on lies – lies about how it started, how it is going, and how it will end[+]. We are told that the war started with Russian “unprovoked invasion” in February 2022, when in fact it started in 2014 with Ukrainian military invasion of regions with ethnic Russians with neo-Nazi battalions massacring thousands of civilians and terrorizing millions of them for 8 years before Russia sent its troops to save them. We are told that Russian “little green men” invaded Crimea when in fact it was 20.000 Ukrainian Crimean soldiers[»][»], who defected to Russian side (therefore they ripped off Ukrainian patches and so had no insignia) and no invasion took place as not a single shot was fired there and Crimean authorities (ethnic Russians, just like most of the Crimean population) requested the protection of legally3 present Crimean and Russian troops there, as well as Crimeans voted in a democratic referendum to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia (Moscow governed Crimea from 1785-1991). We are told that the world stands with Ukraine when in fact the Global Majority[+] stands with Russia. We are told that Russia planned and failed to occupy the whole of Ukraine, which Russia denies in word and action (they just took what was theirs because majority of natives there are ethnic Russians whom Kyiv has been terrorizing). We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing from day one (Ukraine did not win in Kyiv[*], Kharkiv[*], and Kherson[*] but Russia retreated for tactical reasons as we explain and prove in articles dedicated to that). We are told that the war made NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting its stockpiles. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers. We are told that Russians reject peace talks when in fact Zelensky rejected a peace deal in April 2022 (Putin agreed to withdraw all troops), banned peace talks with a decree and rejected multiple opportunities for a negotiated settlement. We are told that if Ukraine keeps fighting, it will improve its negotiating position when in fact the terms will only get much worse than what was already available and rejected. Time is on Russia’s side.
And some US officials admitted[+] they're literally just lying to the public about Russia.
For instance, a former MI6 chief and the Atlantic Council think tank conveyed[»] that the Biden administration's media releases were propaganda messages designed to damage Putin and to manipulate rather than to inform.
Watch here[»] Julian Assange from WikiLeaks explaining how nearly every war in last 50 years has been the result of media lies. Like all wars, they've been lying to us about Ukraine the entire time, which is why we should all boycott the corporate MSM that has been feeding us with lies on behalf of government instead of doing their job of reporting truth.
Putin[»]: “In the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the United States because the United States controls all the world’s media and many European media. The ultimate beneficiary of the biggest European media is American financial institutions. Don’t you know that? It is possible to get involved in this work, but it is cost-prohibitive, so to speak. We can simply shine the spotlight on our sources of information, and we will not achieve results.”
In the West4, there is much talk of Russian propaganda in the mainstream media but nothing about Ukrainian[+][+][»] and Western propaganda as if they are non-existent. However, all who think with their own head know that there is always propaganda on both warring sides and their allies, which means that a lot of what we are being told is lies and disinformation, regardless of what side one is on.
Despite all the pretense for “fighting for democracy”, there aren’t many news platforms left that allow free speech. The last big one remaining in the world is Twitter (X; owned by American – Elon Musk), but even better ones (less censorship than on Twitter) are Telegram (owned by Russians – Durov brothers; what does that say about the Russians?!) and Substack[+] (Californian social media platform).
Unfortunately, the press in the West has been compromised. There is no free speech in the mainstream media. Due to corrupt media representatives, there is no democracy in the West, since it is duty of the press to hold political leaders accountable rather than be their mouthpieces or stenographs.
“The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state.” – John Adams
“The ability of a free and independent press to hold political leaders accountable is what makes open government possible – it is the heartbeat of democracy.”
– Madeleine K. Albright[+], Fascism: A Warning“Our democracy depends on an informed citizenry to survive, Your Honor. Besides the advancement of truth, science and morality in general, the freedom of the press is a backbone of democracy. It exists to keep the government transparent, and the human instruments of government honest.” – Kenneth Eade[+], The Spy Files
“...paramount among the responsibilities of a FREE PRESS is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people...” – Justice Hugo Black, New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 u.s. 713 (1971)
“Journalists must uphold democracy; they are its fourth and last pillar” – Those Facts
“What else do we have to expose and investigate corruption and maintain informed citizenry? When all levels of government and justice system are abusing power, where can people go with claims of that abuse? Only the press.” – JoeAnn Hart[+], Stamford '76: A True Story of Murder, Corruption, Race, and Feminism in the 1970s. But the press has failed us!
“Freedom of the press is the freedom of 200 rich people to spread their opinions.” – Paul Sethe
“Freedom of the press can never be the license to say anything one desires. Freedom of the press is not the freedom to slander and attack and must never be used to fight other people’s wars. It does not mean manipulating a story into speaking your views. One might think it common sense but in the world of journalism a lot of what makes sense is lost to the lure of favoritism, greed and fame. Sadly, in this truth-telling business, truth is hard to find.” – Aysha Taryam
“All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake ‘public opinion’ for the benefit of the bourgeoisie.” – Vladimir Lenin[+], Revolution!: Sayings of Vladimir Lenin
“Unless you have a free press in your country, there is no need to buy newspapers and there is no need to watch the news because there is no need to listen to the lies! And you already have one real information: You are being deceived by the people you are governed! This is an enough information for you!” – Mehmet Murat ildan
Western corporate media, increasingly state-adjacent, must be held accountable for being in open breach of Article 20 of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)[+], continuously dehumanizing Russians with their President Putin, broadcasting propaganda for war and advocacy of national hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, and violence.
ICCPR Article 20:
1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.
2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.
Just as the US media have been supporting or justifying South African apartheid in the past, Israeli occupation and oppression of Palestinians, and Central American death squads, since 2014, US-based cable news and social media companies have been suppressing the voices of pro-Russian activists and human rights defenders while amplifying warmongering pro-Ukraine propaganda and glorifying Ukrainian neo-Nazi brigades. Ukraine lobby online-trolls and GONGOS5 are harassing and smearing Russians, and western universities and employers are collaborating with them to punish those who dare to speak out against Ukrainian atrocities since 2014, including against their gross violations of ethnic minorities rights, massacres of civilians, child trafficking, organ trafficking, malicious biolabs, as well as brides and prostitutes trafficking. Human rights mechanisms are under sustained slanderous attack by an organized, online impunity network.
In the wake of this war, there must be an accounting for these actors as well. This is a warning to all journalists, reporters, editors, and other actors in the media, who are violating Article 20 of the ICCPR to repent and atone before it is too late.
Many people might want to skip this part as they are convicted that their information sources are the best and always right or truthful but we invite everyone to do a little test to prove their validity. We weigh Zelensky's and Putin's lies against each other for you, for instance, as well as other trustworthiness factors and you are welcome to do your own evaluation, if you are not satisfied with the result of ours. We invite you to do a test to weigh up various factors, which can't be influenced by any propaganda or ignorance or superficiality or narrow-minded view of the conflict.
Most superficial, narrow-minded people just take into consideration that Russia attacked and occupied parts of Ukraine and jump to the conclusion that Russians are evil and Ukrainians are good and the victims. But they do not know anything about the fact that Ukraine attacked ethnic Russians first in April 2014[»] and that Ukrainian neo-Nazis have been slaughtering shelling and forcing out millions of ethnic Russian civilians for 8 years before Russia intervened in 2022, similar to what have Israelis been doing to Palestinians6. And, most uninformed people do not know that Russia did not invade Crimea, which can be verified by the fact that not a single bullet was shot and that local citizens (mostly ethnic Russians) wanted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia (voted in democratic referendum just like in Kosovo, which is internationally approved), as well as that per a Treaty[+], Russian military was legally there.
What are those factors? Decency indicators. Put aside all the information or misinformation or disinformation that you have been bombarded with about Putin and Russia aside and take a look at the actual behaviors of the leaders of both sides so as to compare the value of their character and trust-worthiness. On one side, put Zelensky (with his NATO allies – Biden, Trudeau, Sunak, von der Leyen, Scholz, and Macron). On the other side, put Putin (and Xi Jinping, if you wish). So, the main question each of us should ask ourselves is, do we want to trust those who were caught lying many times, swearing or cursing and using all sorts of undiplomatic language, vilifying other leaders when they should be diplomatic while being hated by most of the public?
Who is caught lying more:
Team Zelensky ✅[*] [+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][»][»][»][»][+][+] [+][+][+] [+][+] [+]
Who swears more:
Team Zelensky ✅ [»] [+][»][»][+]
Team Putin ❎
Who vilifies other leaders:
Team Zelensky ✅[+][+] [»][»][+] [+] [»][»]
Team Putin ❎
Who made it illegal to negotiate peace:
Team Zelensky ✅[+]
Team Putin ❎
Who has no decency to dress as a head of state:
Putin ❎
Who is hated more by their own people:
Team Zelensky ✅[»][»][»] [»][»][»][»] [+] [»][»][+] [»][»][»][»] [»]
Putin ❎ (evidence of how much his people love him:[»][»][»])
Whose allies lose jobs more (karma, curse):
Team Zelensky ✅[*][+] 50+ heads of states lost jobs8
Team Putin ❎ [+] just 1 (but only due to a two-term limit)
Type of celebrities who support them:
Team Zelensky: Has-beens6 such as Ben Stiller[ꚛ], Richard Branson[ꚛ], Ellie Goulding[ꚛ], Jessica Chastain[ꚛ], David Letterman[ꚛ], Sean Penn[ꚛ], Orlando Bloom[ꚛ], Greta Thunberg[»]
Team Putin: Anastasia[+], Patriarch Kirill, Oliver Stone[+], Roger Waters[+], Bernard Ecclestone[+], Steven Seagal[+], Gerard Depardieu[+], Mickey Rourke[+]…
And most importantly😉, who plays the piano better:
Putin ❎ [»]
We feel bad for all those poor souls who are at a low level of consciousness and therefore live in a black-and-white world in which everything Russians claim is a lie or propaganda and everything Ukraine and NATO countries claim is truth. Their life must be hard at that level of consciousness, so to comfort them, we provide a way out of that black-and-white world. You will know if you belong to those poor souls or not if you try to answer this question: name some true statements from Putin and Russians. Alternatively, name some good deeds by Putin since 20009. If you have a hard time answering this and are aware that it is impossible that a whole nation lies all the time about everything or that a leader has never done anything good, you should know that you are a victim of Western and Kyiv propaganda and should detoxify yourself from all the toxic words they have been feeding your mind and heart with. The same applies, of course, and vice versa. This peace initiative is the means to detoxify. Just read it.
We wish that Putin gives a recorded public speech at the UN or any other renowned institution and just says that 2+2=4. Because, all those authorities and “experts” in the West who claim that everything that comes out of Putin mouth is a lie would surely try to prove this as just another of his many lies and it would be very entertaining to watch them proving his “lie” with inventing evidence how 2+2 mostly equals something else. Perhaps, at that point, the broader public would finally realize who have they been listening to all these years. This is exactly what we, who are well-informed, have been experiencing with everything else Putin said, which the Western media and officials have been resourcefully and amusingly dismissing as “Putin's lies”.
We searched high and low to find the actual “Putin's lies” (not to be confused with changing his mind after being provoked) being exposed with actual facts but we could not find a single valid source, just some pathetic attempts[+][»][+][+][+] and misunderstandings (confusing lies with opinions, personal views, and human right to change one's mind), which we debunk here below. We sense a malicious intent behind all the allegations as part of a greater attempt of character assassination and smear campaign. Oddly, the same publications never reported a single lie from Zelensky or any NATO leader but we have compiled a few for you to see who is the real liar and balance the score here rather than to wage a smear campaign against Zelensky.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the order that we designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: Zelensky’s lies
artificially because Russians never harmed them or their family and friends but hey are indoctrinated to hate and fear Russians through NATO propaganda narratives, incl. false historical accounts
Russian troops were legally present in Crimea since 1783, and their presence in Crimea was also certified per the Treaty[+] signed in 1997, whereby Ukraine agreed to allow Russia to maintain up to 25.000 troops there, for which Ukraine took $97 million annually
the West = the US, EU, UK, and Canada - Anglo-Saxons; NATO states
GONGOS = Government-organized non-governmental organizations
like Palestinians, 8 million of ethnic Russians are indigenous folk there; during USSR, they were administered under Kyiv and stayed upon USSR disintegration. Since 2005, they were discriminated against and since 2014 terrorized, killed and forced to flee
Please refer to our articles on Zelensky’s[*] and Putin’s[*] lies. Just like we were, you will probably also be shocked to see the results of our extensive research. We searched high and low to find Putin’s lies but could not find a single one! There is plenty “evidence” from Western sources but when we looked into it we realized that they either twisted his words or it was just a matter of him changing his mind (people are allowed to change minds) about something like invading Ukraine after many provocations and the last straw was Zelensky announcing re-aquiring nuclear weapons at the Munich Security Conference on 19 February 2022 and the US Vice-President encouraging him to join NATO at the same time.
Zelensky curse[*]: as of August 2024, some 50 of NATO and allied states high-officials (most of them heads of state, plus a couple of non-NATO allies) got struck by the so-called Zelensky curse as they all lost power (mostly resigned or stepped down) after meeting or supporting Zelensky and Ukraine. Here are they in chronological order of their fall: British PM Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister Liz Truss (not counting 20 UK government high officials incl. Rishi Sunak had to resign in 2022 and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace in 2023), Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (he was even killed), Italian Premier Mario Draghi, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (had to resign but got back), Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Moldova's Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, Finish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger, Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová, Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Latvian President Egils Levits, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (lost election but got back by a coalition scheme with much less power), Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš, Canadian Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota, Slovakian Prime Minister Ľudovít Ódor, US Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Montenegro Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Swiss President Alain Berset, Denmark's queen Margrethe II, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei, North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski, Hungarian President Katalin Novák, Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland (a.k.a. “the real ruler of Ukraine”), Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Senegalese President Macky Sall, Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
All the details about each case with links to evidence and updates, you can find here[*].
So, one by one, all Zelensky's supporters fall off, while all 39 heads of state who visited Putin since the start of SMO in February 2022 until the end of 2023 are still in power, except Senegalese President Macky Sall stepped down due to a two-term limit and Pakistani PM Imran Khan who got ousted by a US-backed coup, so it doesn't count.
Here are just couple of them: Putin raised the Russian standard of living to the higher degree than any other world leader, he donated 200.000 tons of grain to several African impoverished nations and wrote off 90% ($23 billion[+]) of African debts with no strings attached! He could have done what NATO countries do all the time – provide aid under certain conditions, such as he could ask them to recognize Crimea as part of Russia but he did no such thing! Compare that to Zelensky’s impact on the world.