Behind-The-Scenes Powerbrokers
Who is really running or attempting to run the "show" in Ukraine and the world in general? Not the usual suspects but Jesuits, besides Jesus (not on the same team)
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Reading time: 25 minutes (or 36 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. With this article we continue “Peacemaking Mediation” segment in this peace initiative, in which we previously discussed the US Role, the UN Role and the EU Role, and now we remain in Europe by exposing the role of certain European powerbrokers.
Forgive us for making an exception with this article by stepping into the “conspiracy theory” waters. Usually, we are among those ridiculing the conspiracy theorists and deem the concept of conspiracy theory generally false however much of it that is nowadays labeled as such is not that at all. When ruling elites have no valid argument or evidence to debunk any narrative that doesn't suit them, they found a workable solution to either propagate it as “Russian propaganda” or a “conspiracy theory”. It is amazing how this method works to deceive the masses.
Despite its stigma, conspiracy theories are still very popular. And while risking being stigmatized as conspiracy theorists and being charged for defamation, the Holy Spirit has led us to go with it anyway, to pay back in kind, to give them a dose of their own medicine, or fight fire with fire. If, without giving so much as a shred of evidence, they spread a conspiracy theory about a wannabe imperator Putin wanting to destroy and conquer the whole Europe, wanting to rebuild either the Russian empire or the Soviet Union citing imperialistic or irredentist motives, then we can play at that game, too, beat them at their own game. After all, iron cuts iron.
The problem with exposing the most devious forces is that they are so crafty in their deceitful ways that it is extremely hard to provide clear evidence against them, hence the term “conspiracy theory” or “rumors”. While we do have plenty evidence, perhaps much of it would not hold at any court ruled by the very same forces we are trying to expose. It is like trying to sue an Illuminati at the court where the judge and both lawyers are Illuminati, too, but truth has mysterious ways to come out and prevail. So, hear us out and then make your own conclusions.
So, continuing on this journey of discussing the US Role, the UN Role and the EU Role in this war and peace, we will skip the UK, China, and other superpowers for now and remain in Europe by exposing the role of certain European transnational powerbrokers.
Before we expose those real Behind-The-Scenes Powerbrokers looming in the dark, let’s make sure not to undermine the almighty forces in the light that are undisguised but invisible and ruled by God. While our heavenly Father is in heaven (Matthew 6:9[+]), here on Earth, the Word of God[+], Jesus is King. As John the Apostle wrote[+], “the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son,” it is Christ that reigns supreme. Whoever thinks the life or world is unfair, denies the Christ and His fairness. Everyone, absolutely everyone gets what they deserve, nothing more and nothing less, as we all reap what we sow[+]. So, if someone's fate seems too harsh, it only appears as such to the ignorant.
Most people believe that this is the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and that the US is the hegemon that is to blame for the tragedy in Ukraine but what they do not know is who controls the US. Many people believe that the US is ruled by the globalists or by the Zionists or the Jews but it is the Jesuits (including Freemasons, Illuminati, etc.), whose HQ is in Rome (Italy, Europe).
Since the 1940s, Jesuits have created the American “Empire” as a front for its world domination ploy, secretly causing one major historical event after another, including the highly profitable war in Ukraine. All roads lead to Rome. And all causes of the war in Ukraine lead to Rome (Jesuits HQ). Allow us to explain.
The most powerful men in the world are Jesuit high priests – the black and white popes (as well as the gray pope[+]). Their power is not religious, as it seems on the surface, but is mainly secular. If we discard the conspiracy theories about the supremacy of the gray pope[+], the most powerful man on Earth is the Black Pope1[+] – Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa (since 2016) and then the White Pope – Vicar of Christ/Vicar of Horus Pope Francis I[+] (since 2013). Remember, it is never the frontman but the covert wire-puller that pulls all the strings in the dark, using puppets and networks.
For the first time in history, since 2013, when “coincidently” the conflict in Ukraine started with Euromaidan protests and culminating with the February 2014 Maidan revolution, both popes are Jesuits, Spanish-speaking (like the founder of Jesuits, Spaniard Ignatius Loyola), and both were born in Latin America (Venezuela and Argentina).
Jesuits’ head is known as the “black pope”[+] residing in Rome next to the Vatican[+] and having more power than the “white pope”. He is the grey cardinal, the ultimate wire-puller. As you know the theater wire-pullers make themselves invisible, and so it is among the true power players. If you think that Putin, Zelensky, Biden, and von der Leyen are the main players in this game, then you have been fooled. They are just the figures on this chessboard in Ukraine and beyond.
The Black Pope[+], the most powerful man on Earth, is always a Jesuit while the White Pope is a Jesuit for the first time now – Pope Francis came to power in March 2013 after Pope Benedict XVI was removed under mysterious circumstances and when the President of EU and the Knight of Malta[+] (like Pope Francis) Jose Barroso, started the conflict between Ukraine and Russia by making the 'either us or them' ultimatum to Ukraine – forcing Ukraine to choose[+] between the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan[+] and a trade agreement with the EU[+]. Basically, in the name of the EU, Jesuit-puppet Barroso set off the ‘divide and rule‘ scheme.
Pope Francis is the first pope who is openly a member of the military order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and Knights of Malta.
The Knights of Malta[+][+] are the successors of the Templars, who disintegrated due to the greed of the French King and the Pope. The Knights of Malta carried on and took on the business of healing (pharmaceuticals), banking, and military. The Knights of Malta became medics (pharma industry[+]), bankers (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgans), and soldiers of the Vatican. They continue to do so today with the same royal houses of Europe and the same wealth. Usury was seen as immoral by Catholics, so the Vatican had to use banks to support its crusades. Its HQ is in Rome since 1834 under the auspices of the Vatican and control of the Jesuit leadership.
Well Known Knights of Malta[+][+]: Walt Disney, Frank Capra, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jose Barroso (former president European Union who sparked the conflict in Ukraine forcing Ukraine to turn back on Russia), Silvio Berlusconi, Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Bloomberg, Noam Chomsky, David and Nelson Rockefeller, Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, Ronald E. Reagan, Tony Blair, Fidel Castro, Frank Sinatra, Nelson Mandela[ꚛ], Rudolph Giuliani, Ted Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Juan Carlos of Spain, Queen Beatrix[ꚛ] of the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth II[ꚛ] of England, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Henry A. Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Heinrich Himmler, Otto von Hapsburg…
The Jesuit Order is a religious order of men in the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome. It was founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola (a nobleman who had a military background) and six companions, with the approval of Pope. The founding document declared that the society was founded for "whoever desires to serve as a soldier of God, to strive especially for the defense and propagation of the faith, and for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine." As missionary 'soldiers of the Pope' they became a symbol of the supranational or globalist pretensions of the Catholic Church. The Jesuits consciously and systematically strove for world domination[+].
Jesuits originate from Europe but they were always supranational[+] and globalists spreading their beliefs and agenda across the globe as missionaries and through colleges. As Jesuit oath reveals, their prime mission is to exterminate “heretics” (Jews, Muslims, Orthodox, Protestants, Baptists…), which they have done through masterminding and orchestrating revolutions and wars using proxies.
The Jesuit Oath[+]: “…I promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war secretly or openly, against all heretics…, as I am directed to; extirpate them from the face of the earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive those infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of the women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their inexorable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulating cords, the steels of the poniard, or the leaden bullets, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to by any agent of the Pope, or the superior of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.”
The Jesuits have always been controversial and have frequently clashed with secular governments and institutions, which is why since 1759, the Catholic Church expelled Jesuits from most countries in Europe and from European colonies and Pope Clement XIV officially abolished[+] the order in 1773. Due to their suppression and internal rivalry, they joined and formed secret societies such as Freemasons2 (affiliated with the Masonic order of Knights Templar[+] since 1730s), which later branched into Illuminati[+] (in 1776 in Germany by Adam Weishaupt who was a Jesuit), Opus Dei, and others. As masters of secrecy, Jesuits later founded most of the world’s secret services such as the NSA, CIA[»], MI6, MI5, FSB, Scotland Yard, Mossad, and ASIO (Australian), were set up and are ruled by Jesuits and their pawns (who graduated from Jesuit and some other Catholic universities)!
Just like the Jesuit secret services, such as the CIA, mastermind regime changes across the globe these days, sometimes orchestrating them as revolutions like the two in Ukraine in 2004 and 2014, Jesuit-linked secret societies have done it for centuries. For instance, Freemasons claimed responsibility for the American[+][+][»] (1765-1783) and French[+] (1789-1799) Revolutions. The Jesuits were also behind the 1917 Russian Revolution[+].
Franklin and Roosevelt were Freemasons, as well as all or most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and 12[+] other US presidents (Washington, Truman, Johnson, Ford…).
The WWII leaders, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, were all Freemasons[+]. And their country’s war effort funded, by the Rothschilds and the other Illuminati bloodlines. If we are to believe David Icke[+], Hitler was Rothschilds bloodline. According to him, Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber who was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild where she was impregnated or raped by Salomon Mayer but the son Alois was not legitimized by the Rothschilds, which may also explain Hitler's hatred of them.
The Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all sides in a conflict as they are war profiteers and war mongers. The WWII was incredibly productive for the Illuminati agenda of global control, just as the war in Ukraine is. Wars put countries under an enormous burden of debt on loans provided to all sides by the Rothschilds and the Illuminati.
For centuries, the Jesuits (a.k.a. the Society of Jesus) have worn many hats: missionaries, educators and preachers; writers, and scientists, and they also have been accused of conniving in politics. The Jesuits had the reputation of being liberal and often clashed with conservative establishments. Their close association with royal courts and the papacy made the order influential, but also vulnerable to opposition, such as from 1773 until 1814, when Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits, so they joined and formed the secret societies such as Freemasons, Illuminati, Opus Dei, and some other ones, which were also banned by the Bavarian king Karl Theodore in 1784, and Freemason US President George Washington wrote about the Illuminati threat, and they were accused of overthrowing the French king Louis XVI (and Marie Antoinette) with masterminding the French Revolution[+] (1789-1799).
Jesuits are masters at using proxies to further their agenda. Using the Russian branch of the British Secret Service (secret services were invention of Jesuits, so they founded most of them in the world, including MI6, CIA, etc.), the Jesuits were also behind the 1917 Russian Revolution[+], which is evident by the communists adopting the Pope's Gregorian calendar and exterminating the “heretics” of the Orthodox Christians. At that time, the Superior General of the Jesuits was anti-Semitic[+], anti-Orthodox Wlodzimierz Ledochowski (a Pole) and his intention was to overthrow the Russian Orthodox Church for which it was necessary to get rid of the Tsar. The rumor[+] has it that Rasputin was a Jesuit MI6 Monk who first tried to destroy the Russian Empire from within but was assassinated beforehand by some patriots who realized he was a menace to the royal family and the nation. Then they recruited Lenin. Jesuit General Wlodimar Ledochowski later replaced Lenin by Stalin in 1922. Stalin was a Jesuit puppet (like Fidel Castro[+]) as he attended Tiflis Orthodox Seminary, an institution with Jesuitical regime[+][+] honeycombed with secret societies. Jesuitical methods of surveillance, spying, invasion of the inner life, the violation of people's feelings repelled, but impressed, him so acutely that he spent the rest of his life refining their style and methods[+]. Knight of Malta and Jesuit priest of US Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh directed Stalin to readmit the Jesuits back into Russia (it had been expelled by Czar Alexander I since 1820) and Stalin complied. Walsh then influenced[+] Freemason US President Franklin D. Roosevelt to formally recognize the government of Jesuit Joseph Stalin. Freemason Henry Ford helped Stalin with industrialization. Later, another Jesuit-linked society Skull and Bonesman Averell Harriman signed the Lend-Lease Act in 1941 giving Stalin’s government $11.3 Billion to “fight the Nazis”.
The Jesuits are the Illuminati. A Jesuit created the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati during the time the Jesuits were abolished by the Pope in 1773. During the 15th-16th centuries, there was a branch of the Illuminati from the Middle East called the Alumbrados[+]. It means Illuminated or Illuminati. The head of the Alumbrados in Spain was a man named Ignatius Loyola (1491–1556) – founder of Jesuits Order in 1534. When Jesuits had to go into hiding in 1773, some of them took the name of Illuminati to honor their founder and his previous Alumbrados organization. They spread illuminism by recruiting from Freemason lodges.
The supreme goal[+] of the Bavarian Illuminati was to live without government and religious interference by creating a New World Order where everyone would live in a world of equality, social fraternity, and atheism. The founder of Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt wanted to promote the spread of the intellectual and philosophical movement the Enlightenment[+] and the pursuit of knowledge through reason, human happiness, and fraternity outside the reach of church and state. He believed in reason and science3 free of moral and religious constraints. These were radical ideas in a time when the Roman Catholic Church controlled philosophy and science. The Bavarian ruler Karl Theodore banned all secret societies in 1784 and, in 1785, designated the Illuminati as a branch of Freemasonry, a known illegal organization, thus members went into hiding.
Rothschilds are one of the top Illuminati bloodlines. They have been the true force behind the Zionist Movement. Contrary to most people’s understanding, Zionism is not the Jewish people. Zionism is a political movement, not a race or religion.
The progressive religious order of Jesuits has always been associated with progressive and liberal ideas[+] and values – the virtues of obedience, flexibility, solidarity, and kinship are mostly valued. Obedience is induced through the education system[+] (most renowned secondary schools, colleges, and universities around the world were founded by Jesuits and funded by their ruling proteges) while flexibility is cultivated through adaptability and modernization approaches, which extend to contraception, LGBT+ rights, sexual morality, divorce, and ambiguity regarding their vow of celibacy. It is a path of accommodation, openness, and endless dialogue.[+] Like those in other Catholic orders, many Jesuit priests around the world have been accused of sexual abuse.
Jesuits are the template globalists. They were among the first religious organizations who travelled the globe in the attempt to win people over, to rule the world by means of using a religion as a weapon as opposed to all the other military conquerors.
Globalists' agenda stems from the Jesuit missionary endeavors across the globe. To promote their liberal doctrine, Jesuits have been undertaking ministries, evangelization, and “education” in all corners of the globe, just like globalists who attempt to indoctrinate all nations with their neoliberal, neoconservative, illusory democratic, and capitalistic values.
As part of their highly ambitious globalist agenda is to form:
➡ one world’s religion in which their beliefs dominate and the Jesuit Black Pope heads it. As part of that agenda is ecumenism4[+] (the globalists’ version or view of religion – all religion synthesized with a Jesuit Pope as the chaplain) as promoted through The Second Vatican Council held in 1962, which reshaped Catholicism
➡ a global government solving pressing global issues with a Master Plan devised by the Jesuit think-thank The Club of Rome[»][+] (founded in 1968) using measures for creation of one world state (starting with the EU and expanding) and one digital currency (CBDC), depopulation, deindustrialization, digitalization…
➡ rules-based order – The Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court (since 1998) with rules dictated by the Jesuits and white supremacists
Most people see the Jesuits only in the context of religion but their influence and authority is clandestinely all-pervading. The Jesuits have infiltrated themselves into all the governments through Jesuit universities where they conduct mind control of future rulers through both religion and education. In order to rule the world, they took the control of the pillars of the society, including religion, education (colleges), healing (pharma industry), military (defense industry), and banking.
As means of indoctrination and mind control, Jesuits invented or founded universities across the globe. So-called education (including scholarships and training) is one of their major emphases, with nearly 200 Jesuit-founded universities[+], and hundreds more high schools and educational projects[+] throughout the world.
In the world, Jesuits founded about 56 university centers; in the United States, there are 28 Jesuit universities, and colleges[+], more than 60 high schools and middle schools, over 80 parishes, and numerous social programs throughout the country[+].
For instance, Loyola University Chicago and Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. ([+]Bill Clinton, US Senator Dan Sullivan, José Manuel Barroso, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Hunter Biden, Gen. David Petraeus – former Director of the CIA, John Edgar Hoover – former director of the FBI, Felipe VI of Spain, Paul Manafort); Fordham University in the Bronx, New York (Donald Trump[+]), Loyola High School (Zbigniew Brzezinski - Polish American political scientist, geostrategist, US National Security Advisor), and many others5.
The irony is, all these people foolishly paid high tuition to have the Jesuits indoctrinate or brainwash them for many years into their agenda, not just through the curriculum and pro-Jesuit teachers but through college fraternities that are likened to fraternal organizations of Jesuits, Freemasons, Illuminati, and such.
Thanks to their several hundred years of experience in converting foreign unbelievers to their beliefs as missionaries, Jesuits are the masters of mind control, which they use to rule the world but they cleverly adapt to forces of nature that govern and determine the centers of power throughout the history of humankind. Empires come and go but the power (of Jesuits) that fuels them remains.
However, China and Russia are disrupting that foul, double-dealing scheme now at the point in time when American supremacy has been collapsing for some time (as it happens with all fallen imperialists that go through the rise-peak-fall pattern or blueprint[»] due to human nature that tends to grow ego at the peak falling to arrogance and decadence) and new ones are raising to take its place on the world stage.
This is why Jesuits have been shifting (abandoning their Western puppets who desperately try to hold on to power). In May 2021, Pope Francis named a Jesuit priest as the new bishop of Hong Kong[+], which may be a start of shifting Jesuit levers of power from the US to China as the clever Jesuits understand very well the historical cycles or patterns or changes or blueprint[»], whereby the center of world power shifts every century or so.
American hegemony, like all other previous European Empires or superpowers (British, Dutch, French…6) that aimed at world domination or exploitation, has its roots in the strongest and longest reigning empire, the Roman Empire (27 BC–1453) or more precisely, the Holy Roman Empire[+] (800–1806) as the US adopted Roman systems – banking, educational, military, political, law, intelligence, and pharmaceutical, which is all structured to dominate and exploit other nations.
What most people also do not know is that the Roman Empire (27 BC–476) was substituted by the Holy Roman Empire[+] (800–1806). After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD[+], the former Western Roman Empire disintegrated into "barbarian kingdoms"[+], so, the dream of European grandeur was revived in 800 AD. when the Holy Roman Empire was born as Pope Leo III placed a crown on the head of Charlemagne, pronouncing him the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, which was destined to be a partnership between church and state, between politics and religion. It was dissolved after Napoleon’s failed military campaigns and the fall of Francis II in 1806 but revived in 2009.
At the end of World War II, Freemason Winston Churchill proposed the creation of a United States of Europe. He and other European leaders believed the way to achieve this European empire was to first join Europe together economically and then politically (it was already militarily as part of NATO). The Common Market was formed by first six countries in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome. Yes, Rome.
With time, more and more European countries joined, so twelve member states signed a new treaty in 1992 – the Maastricht Treaty when they changed the name to European Union. In 1999 the European currency, the euro, was born. By 2007, the total number of member states came to 27 with a total population of over 500 million people.
From an economic union, it grew to political union with a constitution, parliament, a permanent president, and such. The constitution had to be ratified by all states but many Europeans didn’t want an EU constitution because they knew it would signal the end of their national sovereignty. This is why the masterminds found a sneaky way around it and called the constitution a treaty, which fooled all the states to ratify it by 2009 and select (not elect) Herman Von Rompuy of Belgium to be the EU’s first permanent president. And the dream of the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire was realized!
The European Union is the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire. The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire happened with the ratification the Lisbon Treaty[+] (the 1957 Treaty of Rome establishing a more centralized leadership and foreign policy) on 3 November 2009 when all member states of the European Union deposited its instrument of ratification with the Italian government. Europe had its constitution at last, and the Holy Roman Empire was reborn! What Hitler had failed to do by war, the bureaucrats of Europe had accomplished without firing a shot! Twenty-seven nations with over 500 million people were now under a single government with a single flag.
The evidence[+] that the European Union is the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire is in all-pervasive tributes to the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (crowned by Pope Leo III) Charlemagne:
· When the fathers of the European Union minted their first money, the European Currency Unit, they needed a meaningful image for the front of the money. Understanding that they were attempting to rebuild the Holy Roman Empire, they chose the image of Charlemagne, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The 2€ commemorative coin "1275th birthday Charlemagne"[+] pays tribute to the Frankish king and Holy Roman emperor.
· When they decided to award an annual prize to the person that had done the most to promote European unification during the past year, they chose the name for the prize to be none other than the Charlemagne Prize!
· Where did the person awarded the Charlemagne Prize have to go in order to receive the award? To Aachen, Germany, the home of Charlemagne and the place where Charlemagne’s Cathedral, which he built in 800 AD, still stands.
· Europe’s most prestigious magazine is called The Economist. Each week, The Economist devotes one page to reporting on the latest developments taking place toward European unification. The name of the page? The Charlemagne Page!
· The headquarters for the European Union is located in Brussels, Belgium. There is a building there where all nations seeking entrance into the EU must go to file their applications and to conduct the required negotiations. The name of the building? The Charlemagne Building!
The question raises then who rules the new Holy Roman Empire, that is, the European Union. The pope. No king is of greater power than the temporal power and the office of the Vatican.
A few bloodlines claim to be the descendants of King David. Spanish King Felipe VI[+] claims to be the rightful heir to the King of Jerusalem and is the head of the Aragon Templar bloodline continuum[+], the same Templar bloodlines that claim descent from the Merovingians, the Bourbon[+] of France (who had relocated to Spain; the second oldest monarchy behind only the Japanese Emperor), which gives him the right to claim to be the Holy Roman Emperor. In the past, the Roman Emperors were always more powerful than the Popes or the Jesuit Order. The crusades were all about the Black Nobility bloodlines seeking to have one of their bloodline rule the world as the King of Jerusalem.
Some argue that the WEF founder, Jesuit-educated[+][+] Klaus Schwab is the de facto ruler of Europe and beyond as he manages to instate many of his puppets (graduates of the WEF “Young Global Leaders” program) as heads of state through WEF endorsement, including the EU Presidents Ursula von der Leyen[+] and Jose Manuel Barroso[+] before her, Trudeau[+] and Freeland[+] in Canada, Sarkozy[+] and Macron[+] in France, Boris Johnson[+], Truss, and Sunak[+] in the UK, Rutte[+][+] in the Netherlands, Ardern[»] in New Zealand, Lula da Silva[+] in Brazil, former Chancellor Angela Merkel[+] and Annalena Baerbock[+][+] in Germany…
The greatest tragedies in the last two hundred years can be traced to the Jesuits (including the sinking of the Titanic[+], which J.P. Morgan was ordered to build by the Jesuits to “accidentally” sink those who opposed the Jesuits’ plan for a Federal Reserve system – all who opposed it were onboard of Titanic), including the First World War and the war in Ukraine that might lead to the Third World War. And if it is true that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion[+][+] (which outlined the Jewish world conspiracy and Hitler used as a manual and antisemitic Nazi propaganda to justify his war to exterminate the Jews) was written or forged by Jesuits or Zionists or Illuminati, that would mean that Jesuits masterminded the Second World War as well.
Jesuits are so intelligent and sly that they cleverly cover up their traces but the clever people among us may see them through. Usually, when a crime occurs, to identify crime suspects, the investigators follow the lead of the old Latin question Cui bono?[+] – in English "to whom is it a benefit?" It expresses the view that crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators.
The number one war profiteers are Jesuits, including the Vatican, also in this war. The Vatican profits from war because it takes in hundreds of billions a year through refugee placement services and humanitarian aid provided to war-torn areas. The more war – the richer the Vatican becomes. The Knights of Malta, who pledge allegiance to the Vatican, are one of the largest charities in the world. The Catholic Church has thousands of different tax-free, charitable organizations that receive money to help in humanitarian causes. No one knows how much money the Catholic Church receives each year. The Vatican Bank has been caught many times laundering money on a huge scale. The Vatican itself gives no money away to any charity.
The US Federal Reserve is a Jesuit Banking System[+], which was set up by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan. The Federal Reserve banking system was modeled after the ten Jesuit Provincial territorial system that controls the United States. All central banks are ruled by the agents of these two popes through the Knights of Malta and other Catholic organizations, including universities.
Jesuits run the Vatican with its octopus-like tentacles in all power structures such as banking, military, media, energy, and pharma industries, such as MIC7, US Federal Reserve (all members of the Bilderberg Group[+][+]) and the Bank of England, as well as Big Pharma[+], such as Pfizer (Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla is a member of the Bilderberg Group[+][+]), WHO, and The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[+]
Jesuits are masters of mind control. Through their secret services and intelligence agencies that use NGOs and mass media, among other instruments, Jesuits have indirectly created mass psychosis in Ukraine and NATO, as well in Israel and Palestine, which is why, now under a Jesuit pope we have two big wars in Europe, in Ukraine and Israel, where all the Jesuits-perceived “heretics” — the Orthodox Christians, Jews, and Muslims — are fighting with each other, killing each other to the great benefit and glee of the Jesuits. They achieve their ultimate agenda of exterminating the “heretics” by using proxies and posing as being the peace-loving, holy men in all this! Killing the “heretics” is against Crist’s teachings[+][+], therefore they are Antichristian.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Peacemaking Mediation” segment. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: Fundamental Precepts of Peacemaking
The Black Pope is called black because he is always dressed in black, as opposed to the White Pope who mostly wears white garb.
The Freemasons are the oldest fraternal organization in the world, a group begun during the Middle Ages (500–1500) in Europe as medieval a guild of skilled builders or stonemasons who built cathedrals and castles from the end of the 14th century. The "craft of masonry" began with Euclid in Egypt (300 BC), and came to England in the reign of King Athelstan (924–939).
With the decline of cathedral building, the focus of the society shifted. The first Freemasons Grand Lodge was formed in London in 1717 and the first one in the US was in 1733. Freemasonry was spread by the advance of the British Empire and remains most popular in the British Isles and in other countries originally within the empire.
The Catholic Church condemns Freemasonry since 1738. In the 19th century, the Vatican even called the Masons "the Synagogue of Satan." The Church went even further in 1983, declaring: “Their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion."
The Catholic Church is infiltrated by Freemasonry. Dr. Taylor Marshall wrote the book “Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within”[+][»], about the enemies of the Catholic Church, who realized they could not successfully attack the Church from the outside, so they hatched a plan to subvert the Catholic Church from within. Their goal: to change the doctrine, liturgy, and mission of the Church. Dr. Taylor Marshall pulls back the curtain on their nefarious plan, showing how these enemies of Christ strategically infiltrated the seminaries, then the priesthood, then the episcopacy, and eventually the cardinal-electors – all with the eventual goal of electing one of their own as pope, which finally happened in 2013 when Jesuit pope Francis was elected (after the previous pope Benedict XVI suddenly resigned or made to resign). Marshall argues that the seemingly endless scandals plaguing the Church are not the result, as so many think, of cultural changes, or of Second Vatican Council, but rather the natural consequences of an orchestrated demonic plot to destroy the Church.
The chief architect of liturgical reforms was discovered to be a Freemason. Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, the architect of the post-Conciliar liturgical reform, was a member of the Freemasons – this allegation has circulated since the 1970s, fuelled by his dramatic fall from grace in 1975. [+]
In 2012 Pope Benedict XVI's butler leaked[»] the pope's documents with embarrassing and disgusting information about Vatican bank scandals, corruption, the immorality of the clergy such as sodomy[?], male prostitutes, orgies, cocaine use, and other filth as well as homosexuality that is seen as sin in Catholic Church. When Pope Benedict XVI commissioned three cardinals to do an investigation, they came back on December 2012 with the findings that startled him, and within two months he announced that he is to resign from the papacy (peculiarly, that night the lightening stroke the Vatican[»][ꚛ])
Science as we know it today was devised by Illuminati or the Jesuits, which they taught through colleges or universities that they founded across the globe. Science became a pagan religion of sorts because the scientists or “experts” became the new gods or idols. People started to believe them more than or instead of believing in God or to the priests. The term ‘scientist’ was used[+] for the first time in 1834 by William Whewell, a renowned philosopher of science at Cambridge University. But first famous scientists were astronomers Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Isaac Newton (1642-1725), although they were not called scientists at that time. Albert Einstein called Galileo the “father of modern science.” Galileo was condemned by the Church and sentenced him to life imprisonment in 1633 (tried since 1616, died in 1642, aged 77) for suggesting heliocentrism (due to his telescopic observations), which was contrary to the Bible (Scripture passages speak of the sun as going round the earth — geocentrism, Joshua 10:12[+])
ecumenism = interdenominationalism or transdenominationalism — promoting Christian unity (merging different denomnations) as well as interfaith dialogue
Here are some worldwide influencers who all attended Jesuit schools:
Anthony Fauci (Italian-American immunologist; during corona pandemic, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the chief medical advisor to the president),
John Kerry (US Senator, 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate; Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA),
Lyndon B. Johnson - President of the United States (Georgetown Law School[+])
Joseph McCarthy - US Senator notorious for (witch-)hunting communists (Marquette University[+])
Timothy Leary - American psychologist and writer (expelled from College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts after his freshman year)
Fidel Castro - President of Cuba (Belen Jesuit Preparatory School[+], Havana, Cuba)
Charles de Gaulle - former President of France
René Descartes - French philosopher (Jesuit College of La Flèche[+] in Anjou, France)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - author of the Sherlock Holmes detective stories
Pope Francis - (Facultades de Filosofía y Teología de San Miguel[+], Colegio Máximo de San José[+])
Gabriel García Márquez - Colombian author and Nobel laureate (Jesuit Colegio San Jose in Barranquilla and Jesuit College in Bogotá, Colombia)
Alfred Hitchcock - British film director (St Ignatius' College[+], Stamford Hill, N15; relocated to Enfield, Middlesex in the 1960s)
Popes: Innocent XI (Como, Italy), John Paul I (Gregorian University[+], Rome), Paul VI - Pope (Gregorian University[+], Rome), Innocent XI (Como, Italy), John Paul I (Gregorian University[+], Rome), Paul VI (Gregorian University[+], Rome), Pius XI (Gregorian University[+], Rome), Pius XII – Pope during WWII (Collegio Romano[+], the premier Jesuit university in Rome, and Gregorian University, Rome)
Famour empires:
Ancient Greek Empire[+][+][+][+] (336–323 BC, official language: Greek, currency: tetradrachm, drachma),
Roman Empire[+] (27 BC–476 AD, official language: Latin, currency: sestertius, aureus, solidus or nomisma),
Byzantine Empire[+] (330–1453, the main languages: Latin and Greek, currency: solidus, denarius, and hyperpyron),
Mongol Empire[+] (1206-1368, official language: Middle Mongol, Turkic; currency: dirhams; religion: Tengrism, Shamanism, Buddhism; 1236 The Mongols invaded Russia; 1240 The Mongols captured Kyiv)
Ottoman Turks Empire[+] (1299–1453–1922, official language: Turkish, various currencies: akçe, para, sultani, kuruş, lira; religion: Sunni Islam),
Dutch Empire[+] (1581–1795, official language: Dutch, currency: guilder),
British Empire[+] (1497–1707–1783–1815–1914, Pax Britannica[+]; official language: English, currency: pound),
American Empire[+] (1944–2023, official language: English, currency: dollar)
When the Roman Empire became too big to have just one administrative and political center, it was divided into the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. The eastern one is also known as the Byzantine Empire. Since 27 BC, the capital of the Roman Empire was first, of course, Rome but in AD 330, Roman Emperor Constantine the Great moved the capital to Byzantium which he then renamed New Rome and later Constantinople (now, Istanbul, Turkey) until 1453 when the Roman Empire collapsed and was taken over by the Ottoman Empire.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD[+], the former Western Roman Empire disintegrated into "barbarian kingdoms"[+], so, the dream of European grandeur was revived in 800 AD, when the Holy Roman Empire[+] was born with Pope Leo III placing a crown on the head of Charlemagne[+], pronouncing him the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire (centered on the nominal kingdoms of Germany, Spain, and Italy; dominated by the Habsburg monarchy) was destined to be a partnership between church and state–between politics and religion. There were also the kingdoms of France, England and Scotland, as well as the Tsardom of Russia, etc[+]. For many years during Middle Ages, medieval Popes and bishops continued to declare suitable regional military or political leaders across Europe as royals, as long as they pledged allegiance to Pope in return, which is how Christianity spread across the continent and beyond. Christianization expanded by means of giving royal status to local chieftains whose power then increased as the gullible public was told that a high priest had a dream or something to that effect revealing the divine status of that tribal leader. In return, all those crowned rulers were obliged to or prompted due to their alleged divine status to convert to Christianity and institute it as the main religion of their kingdom or empire. This was a win-win ploy whereby Christian clergy and local military leaders could mutually consolidate each other's power. This ploy worked until the ascent of republicanism at the end of WWI when most European monarchies[+] were abolished and a New World Order was ushered in with the hegemony of the United States of America since 1944, peaking after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, which was the only superpower that used to challenge the US hegemony at the time just like the Russian Empire challenged British hegemony at the "Great Game"[+][+] during the 19th century (as Ottoman Empire, Qajar dynasty and Qing dynasty were declining).
As you see, although the notion of kingship in Europe ultimately originates in systems of tribal kingship in prehistoric Greek civilizations (c. 3000 BC)[+], none of the royalty of today are descendants neither of them nor of later BC monarchs such as the Macedonian monarch of Temenid dynasty[+], Alexander the Great[+] (356–323 BC, Hegemon of Ancient Greece, Pharaoh of Egypt, King of Persia, Lord of Asia; alleged descendant[ꚛ][+] of the son of Zeus, Heracles[+], Alexander's only son was poisoned at the age of 14, thus there are no Alexander's descendants[+]) or Caesar Augustus[+] a.k.a. Octavian (63 BC – AD 14, the founder of the Roman Empire), or Constantine the Great[+] (acclaimed as imperator in 306, became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire by 324; emraced orthodox Christianity in 312 but baptized on his death bed in 337 – the "First Christian Emperor"; he introduced the solidus, a new gold coin that became the standard for Byzantine and European currencies for more than a thousand years; he renamed the city of Byzantium to New Rome and then to Constantinople – now Istanbul and turned it into the capital of Roman Empire in 330), or Constantine XI[+] (the last Roman or Byzantine Emperor; did not have any children[+]) any other Greek or Roman emperors[+] but came about as a scheme devised by the Christian high priests to secure their power, thus, all European royal families (as of 2023, there are 12 monarchies in Europe – 2 are elective: Vatican City and Andorra and 10 are hereditary; except for Vatican, Liechtenstein, and Monaco, all of them are constitutional monarchies, which means that the monarch does not influence the politics of the state) are nothing but descendants of those swindlers – they do not have royal blood or any divine rights or authority. However, their belief in self-importance, public reverence, and all the wealth they accumulated due to their rank has allowed them to indeed raise above the commoners and cherish some noble values as they do not need to work and are not burdened with trite issues of commoners. Emperors considered themselves responsible to the gods for the spiritual health of their subjects, and after Constantine, they had a duty to help the Church define and maintain orthodoxy. Since the "First Christian Emperor" Constantine the Great[+] in 324, the emperor's role was to enforce Christian orthodox doctrine, root out heresy, and uphold ecclesiastical unity, ensuring that God was properly worshiped in his empire. It is claimed that Constantine was baptized into Christianity only just before his death in May 337. Up until this time he had been a catechumen[+] for most of his adult life. In fact, his coinage and other official motifs, until 325, had affiliated him with the pagan cult of Sol Invictus.
After the demise of kingship (c. 750 BC), the Greek city-states were initially most often led by nobility (aristocracy), after which their economic and military power base crumbled when tyrants usurped power (7th and especially 6th century BC), after which gradually emerged forms of governments led by the wealthy (oligarchy) or assemblies of free male citizens (democracy) in Classical Greece (mainly after 500 BC). The Church generally regarded the definition of doctrine as the responsibility of the bishops; the emperor's role was to enforce doctrine, root out heresy, and uphold ecclesiastical unity.
The Eastern Roman Empire (since 1557[+] called Byzantine Empire) was founded by a Roman emperor Constantine the Great (ruling from 306-337). He was the first emperor to convert to Christianity in 312 – the "First Christian Emperor". The reign of Constantine established a precedent for the position of the Christian emperor in the Church. Emperors considered themselves responsible to the gods for the spiritual health of their subjects, and after Constantine, they had a duty to help the Church define and maintain orthodoxy.
It was this derivation of the authority of kingship from the Christian Roman Empire that would be at the core of the medieval institution of kingship in Europe and its notion of the divine right of kings[+], as well as the position of the Pope in Latin Christendom, the restoration of the Roman Empire under Charlemagne and the derived concept of the Holy Roman Empire[+] in Western and Central Europe.[+] The monarchies of Europe in the Christian Middle Ages derived their claim from Christianizationand the divine right of kings, partly influenced by the notion of sacral kingship inherited from Germanic antiquity.
The age-old concept of the “divine right of kings” allowed a country's ruler to receive his or her power from God. However, few, if any, were delusional enough to actually believe themselves to be a god. An exception to this was Alexander the Great[+]. He was convinced that he was not just a descendant but, instead, the son of the omnipotent Greek god Zeus.
American Military–Industrial Complex