Low Level of Consciousness and Related Destructive Actions
Here is another insightful article in the segment on "How Did Ukrainians Cause the War" in “The Roots of the Crisis in Ukraine” segment of this peace initiative
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Reading time: 30 minutes (or 32 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. With this article we continue “The Roots of the Crisis in Ukraine” segment of this peace initiative, where we discuss Russia’s Role and Ukraine’s Role, as well as the Trigger Events. This article continues to answer “How Did Ukrainians Cause the War”
The Ukrainians caused this war and brought all the adversities onto themselves by their low collective level of consciousness1 and corresponding destructive (rather than constructive) actions.
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which is the primary cause of everything that happens to us; when raised, it is a constructive force that creates everything in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions.
A level of consciousness determines the level of our well-being or hardship, as the scientifically proven Consciousness Theorem[+] postulates. The Ukrainian level of consciousness is determined by averaging all modes of consciousness[+] throughout each day of all Ukrainian people. Most Ukrainians are mostly driven by hate, blame, animosity, rivalry, resentment (towards Russians and others), and other low, destructive modes of consciousness such as victimhood, corruption, atheism, and conceitedness (e.g., assuming moral superiority over Russians), which cause deteriorating cognitive ability as well as bring many adversities and misfortunes to them, and cause losses and conflicts, including this war.
By lowering rather than raising their consciousness[+] to destructive rather than constructive modes of consciousness[+] (flaws vs. virtues), they caused a conflict with ethnic Russians, which led to them voting for independence and rejoining Russia.
When it comes to poor Ukrainians there is one particular issue, a peculiar phenomenon that like a virus makes the folk unable to have a “healthy”, prosperous existence. No, we are not talking about corruption this time but something equally bad: the blame game. In other words, the victim mentality and not taking responsibility for their part of the conflict.
They even blame Russia for their corruption, so much so that they put it on the American encyclopedia Wikipedia[+] (despite the fact that corruption has been most rampant in the US-backed governments of Yushchenko, Poroshenko, and Zelensky; bribing world leaders is a notorious US feat to greedily exploit world's resources).
Unless a person or a nation takes responsibility for their lives (incl. war and peace, poverty and prosperity, flaws and virtues, etc.), there can be no moving forward, no progress, and no ending the war with peace talks. Taking responsibility is the first crucial step on any road to recovery, progress, or success.
Just so we’re clear, responsibility is the opposite of guilt – one is a virtue and the other is a flaw, so by no means do we ever recommend this negative, destructive mode of consciousness. In other words, we are never suggesting that either Ukrainians, Russians, or allies should feel guilty about anything.
The root problem with Ukraine is that they blame Russia for everything that is wrong in their country. And whenever their flaws are revealed and exposed, they fervently blame it always on Russian propaganda rather than admit and fix their mistakes.
This blame game and animosity (towards Russians) are flaws causing them to decline rather than prosper. By lowering rather than raising their consciousness[+] with virtues, they will fail rather than succeed (Consciousness Theorem[+]). Taking responsibility for own faults or recognizing them is key to fixing them. Real progress cannot occur until flaws are replaced by virtues. As long as Ukrainians don't see any fault in themselves, such as the way they mistreated the Russian minorities before the war, they will not be able to correct their mistakes and make any progress. Responsibility is the first virtue on the path to peace[+].
In their blame frame of mind, naturally, they do not blame only Russians but also others for their own faults, even their friends, allies, and sponsors.
For instance, they kept postponing their counteroffensive from November 2022 until June 2023 by blaming bad weather[+][+][+][+][+]. Ukrainians were unable to stage a counteroffensive according to schedule because… of rain! In the history of mankind fighting wars, we have never heard that one before, so it must be true :) Mind you, at the same time of the year in 2022[*] and 2024[*], Russians conducted their successful offensives without complaining about the rain or the mud season.
When that excuse could not work any longer, then they found another one – blaming the West for providing inadequate supplies[+] but the West had given double more to Ukraine than what Russia had spent for its own military[*], which is why this excuse is ridiculous and a clear sign of Ukrainian fault. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? Beggars can't be choosers.
By the time the long-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive started on 4 June 2023, NATO members gave Ukraine more than $200 billion[+][+][+][ꚛ][+], around half of it was for the military, which was twice as much what Russia spent in war – $46 billion a year[+]!
When they failed with their counteroffensive in the summer of 2023, Ukrainian officials shamelessly blamed[+][+][+][+][+] the Western sponsors for it. They blamed the West for taking too long time to provide the necessary weapons, which Russians allegedly took advantage of to build defensive fortifications. However, Ukrainians hadn't even reached the first line of fortified defense[+] (a.k.a. Surovikin Defensive Line[+] with deep trenches, pillboxes, rows of concrete pyramids known as dragon’s teeth, and deep ditches called tank traps) as Russians halted them with their mobile defense using mines, artillery, and air strikes before they even came anywhere close to those fortifications.
They also blamed the West for not providing them air cover with F-16 fighter jets[+] as if jest would somehow have prevented their forces from being destroyed by mines and artillery shells. By July 2023, Ukrainians lost 449 fighter jets overall and 10 of them in just the first couple of weeks of the counteroffensive, which further indicates how insignificant F-16 fighter jets would be with strong Russian air defense systems.
So, blaming their allies and sponsors is not only unfounded but utterly obscene to ungratefully bite the hand that feeds them. Offending as well as turning against their benefactor is nothing new in Ukraine as Russians know it all too well (they provided them with $250 billion worth of aid and benefits from 1991 to 2013[+] whereas Ukraine never provided any major aid to Russia). If Ukrainians stick to that pattern of behavior, the next thing you know, they’ll start shooting and terrorizing the Westerners, too, as they have been doing with the Russians since 2014. So, Ukrainian backers, watch out for Judas' kiss!
Speaking of assigning blame, it is one of the main features of all neo-Nazis as they blame Jews and/or any other folk for their problems. This is exactly the case in Ukraine. Any nation that engages in the blame game on a large scale is doomed, especially when overloaded with neo-Nazis and fascists.
Along with that, blamers with a victim mentality usually suffer from an inferiority complex, which is why they compensate for it by assuming moral superiority.
Ukrainians are openly assuming moral superiority over the Russians. In their black-and-white worldview, they are the good guys and Russians are the bad guys. It is unclear what gives them the right to assume that but it has nothing to do with the perceived invasion of Russia because they villainized Russia long before, particularly during the events of 2013-2014 which provoked the conflict that escalated into a war.
We are not suggesting that Ukrainians are not morally superior to Russians, as they might be (who are we to judge?), but pointing to the root of the problem. Whenever any folk assumes superiority over others, they are doomed to fail and end up in a conflict or a war. Especially when they assume superiority over a superpower or a kinfolk, which would most naturally not allow their folk to be subjugated, repressed, or oppressed.
The proof that Russians are not to blame for poverty and corruption in Ukraine is in the outcomes of their two revolutions in 2005 and 2014 when Ukrainians threw pro-Russians out of their government and put pro-West Ukrainians to govern them – things got much worse rather than better. Again, they blame it on Russia. Nonetheless, all pro-Western governments (the US puppet regimes) – Yushchenko, Poroshenko, and Zelensky administrations – have turned out disastrous. Those anti-Russian Presidents have done nothing to improve the Ukrainian economy and eliminate corruption. As a matter of fact, they made things worse.
Evidently, playing this blame game and turning back on their fellow Slavic neighbor and kinfolk has been working against them on all levels. If they, instead, allowed Putin[+] to run their country, however ridiculous it may sound now, their economy could have risen 800% just as Putin managed to do in Russia. As statistics show, Putin is the most competent leader to improve the economy – there is no European or American President or Prime Minister who managed what Putin did – he increased the trade balance and living standards of Russia like no one else in the history of Europe or the world (besides former Chinese President Hu Jintao 2003-2013). By 2022, Russia's GDP per capita increased by 1147%[+][+] since Putin first took office in 2000 whereas that of the EU[+] increased only by 103% during the same period. Gross national income per capita[+] (purchasing power parity) had increased 628% (by contrast, for the same period the US[+] had increased it by 127% and EU[+] by 116%). And that is despite the major Russian financial crisis in 1999, which he solved, and despite all the sanctions against Russia, and despite the West illegally freezing $300 billion of Russian assets. Imagine what this percentage would be without these. There is no head of state in the world who has helped his folk more than he did in terms of economy, living standards, and protection of its ethnic minorities. Please don't roll your eyes at this idea but face the statistical fact that if Ukraine had hired Putin or allowed him to recover its economy, Ukrainians would be in a much, much better position and have greater living standards than when they attempted to do it without any Russian help and instead with Western help. All these statistics will be revealed here so keep reading.
The next evidence of how Ukrainians caused this war, how they brought it onto themselves is their other flaw (destructive mode of consciousness[+]): hatred.
Like all destructive modes of consciousness, also hatred causes destruction, one way or another, to those who hate. The most destructive are those who hate the most, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis (Bandera followers). Haters are losers. Winners enjoy life.
Hatred can’t be uprooted from any “bad guys” by disrespectfully treating them as the bad guys – this only justifies and reinforces their hatred. Since haters are losers, the objects of their hatred need to provide them with opportunities not to live like losers (good job opportunities). By showing them respect, fairness, neutralness, open-mindedness, and compassion, it is possible to even convert them to supporters (like Jews such as Zelensky and Kolomoisky giving jobs and awards to neo-Nazis but going about it the wrong way, like adolescents rallying for LGBT+ rights with the slogan "turn your homophobia into Russophobia" plastered on cardboard cutouts[»]). It is inhumane to promote hatred and treat any human inhumanely. All people who treat others with hatred or any other type of hostility are inhumane, whatever the excuse. If you inhumanely treat those whom you deem inhumane, how are you any better than them?!
Hatred is never a virtue but always a flaw and a very destructive one. Haters always find excuses for their hate, which is linked to the flaw of blaming others for this and that. But, as any sage and psychologist would attest, the source of hatred is internal rather than external. Hateful Ukrainians do not hate just Russians but many others, too, which is proof that it has nothing to do with Russia but with the low level of consciousness of the haters. For instance, here is a hatemongering Ukrainian member of parliament Oleksiy Goncharenko[»]2 engrossed in hate speech against Belarussian President Lukashenko threatening to kill him – is this not criminal? Threatening a president of a sovereign country is a Nazi trademark. Someone commented sarcastically: Those peace-loving Ukrainians. So cute.
Ukrainians’ hatred and animosity towards Russia sprouted in large part due to the Western propaganda that uses the ancient “divide and rule” tactic to weaken Slavic nations that would otherwise be mightier. Their main goal is to contain Russia’s and Slavs’ rapid development. In this sense, Ukraine is simply a tool to reach this goal.
Imagine a scenario in which all Slavic nations, including former Soviet Republics, former Yugoslav Republics, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Bulgaria form a Slavic Union! The US and the EU would be much worse off, as they couldn’t exploit the Slavs any longer and prohibit free trade among the Slavs as they do now.
Every third European is a Slav, nevertheless, Slavic[+] culture and languages are repressed and underrepresented. Europe is ruled by Romance[+] (French, Italian, Portuguese, etc.) and Germanic[+] (German, Britons, Scandinavians, Dutch, etc.) ethnic groups[+] because, over history, these ethnic groups have led politics of imperialism and colonialism not just in Europe but across the world, subjugating other nations, including Slavs.
Throughout history, Slavs have never colonized any non-Slavic tribes, whereby the other two (Germanic and Romance) have extensively engaged in imperialism and colonization across the whole world, conquering and occupying American, African, Asian, and Australian lands. History matters. It is bizarre how exactly people from the notorious imperialist and colonist countries are now condemning Putin and Russia for being that way. The only Slavs that annexed some of their non-Slavic neighbors were not Slavic at all – Romanovs[+] (reigning the Russian Empire 1613-1917) were mostly of German blood. Germans infiltrated into Russian nobility through marriages. All Russian heirs to the throne took German or Baltic brides, thus Romanov's bloodline[+] and genes were predominantly foreign, non-Slavic. Also, most Russian Empire army generals were German and other non-Slavic nationals or descendants (e.g., Russian Empress Catherine the Great was German and her Minister of foreign affairs, Ivan Osterman, was a German descendant). With time all Russian emperors had more foreign blood and genes than Russian.
And whenever Romanovs did colonize other nations, it was only their neighbors and mostly through treaties rather than military victories. In other words, Slavs were and still are essentially pious pacifists. The only reason Slavs, particularly Russians (other than non-Slavic Romanovs), engaged in wars was when they felt threatened and when their folk were oppressed (like in the case of Russian ethnic minorities in Ukraine). Slavs never invaded another country to conquer or exploit like other nations did, just to protect (e.g., fellow socialists or its empire) or to help liberate an occupied nation.
To further prove that it is not in Slavic DNA to violently occupy, conquer, or colonize any foreign nation is the fact that no other Slavic nations, all 12 of them, had never any colonies and never waged any wars to conquer or occupy any non-Slavic country, as opposed to most other European imperialistic nations. Unlike many other Western world superpowers, Slavs never had slaves or engaged in the slave trade.
Some non-Slav historians attribute this lack of Slavic conquest to alleged weakness – Slavs were allegedly too weak to conquer like many other European ethnic groups, which conquered indigenous Americans, Africans, Asians, and Australians. Slavs never colonized any other continents not because they were weak but because they were pacific and highly spiritual. As such, they were often an easy target for aggressive and greedy folks, which is why Slavs grew to be very suspicious of foreigners and a closed society (George Soros has tried to impose his well-meaning concept of “open society” among the Slavs disregarding Slavic culture, diversity, and transnational values).
Furthermore, as the newest genetic research proves, Slavs share the genetic material mostly with India's Brahmins[+], the priestly class, meaning that it is not in Slav's DNA to be violent or wage wars. This priestly rather than warrior gene is further attested by the fact that Slavs are the most pious folk in Europe. This Brahminic heritage of Slavs is further backed by pre-Christian Slavic Native Faith (Slavic Vedism[+] and Slavic Vedas[+]) that shares similarities with India's Vedic religion, which is why it is classified as the Indo-Slavic religion.
That said, Ukrainians do not identify themselves with Slavs as they negate their kinship with fellow Eastern Slavs (Russians and Belarussians) and identify themselves more as Vikings (they adapted a Viking coat the arms) and “Europeans”, and in WWII, they sided with Nazi Germans against the fellow Slavs. Their ancestors integrated with Vikings and Anglo-Saxons3, which is why they probably lost both Slavic genes and spirit. If anyone believes in karma, not just in good karma but bad one too, what is happening to Ukrainians is, they are paying for the sins of their grandfathers[»] who massacred more than 100.0000 innocent civilians, including children, during WWII. Those who repented, like Germans, could erase the bad karma but those who continue in the footsteps of Nazi Bandera[+][+], following and glorifying Bandera and his OUN & UPA units (millions of Bandera followers in Ukraine), as well as those who have allowed those neo-Banderites to have control and keep on killing, they are paying the price too. Until Ukrainians repent and make amends, they will pay the price for generations.
According to Western propaganda, at the root of the war in Ukraine is allegedly Russian “villain” Putin with his imperialistic and irredentist views, challenging Ukraine's right to statehood[+], and claiming Ukraine is governed by neo-Nazis.
However, the fact is that Russia didn't invade Ukraine to occupy it or annex it to Russia but to save the Russian ethnic minority that was terrorized by Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalions for eight long years, killing thousands and displacing millions of civilians of Russian ethnicity.
The fact is that Russia annexed only the territories whose majority of people (Russian ethnicity, Russophones4, and Russophiles5) wanted to be reintegrated into Russia, thereby honoring their right to self-determination. Russia made no territorial changes against the wishes of the local populace, as the authorities of both Crimea and Donbas regions asked Russia to intervene and annex them because the new anti-Russian, pro-NATO Ukrainian government and extremists have tyrannized them. Russia seized only the territories that belonged to Russia for centuries but were ascribed to Ukraine on the grounds of the Soviet Union staying under Moscow's governance.
The territories in which Russians have executed special military operations are only the territories in which predominately Russians live plus the capital Kyiv (to overthrow the alleged neo-Nazi government that oppresses Russian ethnic minorities). Russia didn't attack any provinces or towns where Ukrainians predominately live. Russia has had no intention to conquer or occupy the whole of Ukraine but only the parts where Russian ethnic minorities live in tyranny after a new anti-Russian regime took power in 2014. One of the first decisions of the new regime was to revoke the status of the Russian language and to appoint governors whom locals rejected.
Russian-speaking Ukrainians[+] who make up the majority of the population in the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine have been disenfranchised and forced to undergo Derussification[+] and Ukrainization[+], with Russian language[+] suppression (e.g. abolishing the status of the Russian language as a regional one – it was banned from schools, shops, and public spaces where mainly Russians live), along with banned Russian TV channels[+], radio, newspapers, and the importation of books from Russia, to name just a few anti-Russian regulations violating the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights[+], the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages[+], ratified by Ukraine in 2003, as well as Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights[+].
Since February 2014, the new anti-Russian, pro-West regime has regularly bombarded civilian targets, blockaded the region, cut supply lines, including water and medicines, made travel very difficult, closed the banking system, and canceled social benefit and pension payments – all this violated the Minsk agreements[+][+].
At the same time, the government adopted laws glorifying Ukrainian collaborators with Nazi Germany that further alienated the residents of the Donbas regions6 (and a large number of Ukrainians elsewhere) who do not share the culture and ideological orientations of the nationalists.
In January 2016, scholar Mark-David Mandel[+] (Professor in the Political Science department at Universite du Quebec a Montreal) wrote[+] : “But the new government in Kiev almost immediately labeled these protesters as “terrorists” and, without making any serious efforts to reassure the local population, launched an “anti-terrorist operation[+],” sending the army, reinforced by neo-fascist units that had been hastily incorporated into the National Guard.”
According to international law, the Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine has a right to determine its political status and pursue its economic, social, and cultural development but Ukraine has violated not only those laws but also the treaty agreements it had with Russia. Such actions created the critical mass that led Crimeans and Donbas residents to make their decision on reunification with the Russian Federation.
However, the Ukrainian government, especially the far-right nationalist factions and neo-Nazi Azov brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard have deplored it and executed military attacks on the rebels and civilians of the Donbas region, killing thousands, detaining hundreds, and displacing millions of them. Interesting how the West loves "rebels" when they're in Syria but hates rebels when they're from Donbas. Because the UN, EU, and US showed no solidarity with the terrorized Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine and even backed the tyranny that was inflicted upon them by the Kyiv regime7 (including the ban on the use of their native language), it is natural and legitimate that they asked their fellow Russians for help. And it is natural and legitimate that Russia intervened.
Unlike with Crimeans, for eight long years, Russia didn't recognize the two Donbas Republics that declared their independence in 2014 because it was led to believe that the Ukrainian government would implement 2014. and 2015. Minsk agreements[+][+] allowing special status for Donetsk and Luhansk Republics and granting them greater autonomy. Unfortunately, Russians were deceived by fake diplomatic peace talks for eight years during which Ukraine did nothing as agreed but further terrorized the locals and enacted new anti-Russian laws and legislations, such as further Russian language suppression[+], shutting down three pro-Russian TV channels[+], radio, newspapers, and banning the import of books from Russia, which violated UN Charter on Human Rights.
Most common people around the world were not aware of all these events. They were not even aware of the Ukrainian civil war dubbed the Civil War in Donbas 2014-2022[+] between the new US-puppet regime (installed through revolution) and Russian ethnic minorities because the Western mass media concealed it all[+] for some peculiar reason, as, for instance, the former Prime Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt tweeted about this oddity in 2015[+], or German journalist Julian Reichelt wrote in April 2015[+] about journalists being "complicit in disguising what is actually happening in Ukraine, where a war is already in full swing." Casualties such as 14.400 killed, 54.000 wounded and 2,6 million displaced[+][+][+] were gone unreported by Western mainstream media.
The Ukrainian unelected interim President Oleksandr Turchinov started the civil war by launching a military offensive against Donbas residents on 7 April 2014, which lasted until Russia intervened in February 2022. Ukrainian government kept it all hush-hush and never admitted that there was a civil war going on because, as President Poroshenko himself said on 24 July 2014: “IMF cannot give money to countries engaged in an ongoing war.” But this is false, as we now know that amid this war with Russia, on 31 March 2023, the IMF’s Executive Board approved a financial arrangement for Ukraine amounting to $15.6 billion[+]. The war went unreported by the Western mainstream media to conceal the fact that it was Ukrainians who started the armed conflict and the fact that Ukrainians, especially neo-Nazi battalions, were committing atrocities against ethnic Russians – this media censorship was enforced because NATO was backing Ukraine to do it as NATO has been fighting a proxy war[+][*] against Russia all along since 2014.
Independent journalists had tried to make it public but they were suppressed by all means possible. Therefore, there was no solidarity outcry for the Russian ethnic minority during that war when Ukrainians were attacking them dispatching the neo-Nazi Azov battalion killing thousands every year, and forcing millions to flee (ethnic cleansing and genocide). During that time, the Western media engaged in intense informational warfare: mass psychic manipulation using mass media and psyop[+][+].
Here is some evidence of how Ukraine has been raising and indoctrinating its children to hate and kill Russians, so no wonder Russia intervened in 2022 to put a stop to all that nonsense (by demilitarization, denazification, and re-education):
➡ Ukrainian school books (approved by the Ministry, of course), teach children of age 6 how to make and use bombs against Russians[»]
➡ Since 2015, training children in the military-patriotic camps of Ukraine under the auspices of the notorious neo-Nazi Azov brigade. The state-sponsored camps are annually attended by two thousand children. Participation is free, the costs are covered by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. The children are taught to fight and hate Russians and urged to shout anti-Russian slogans.[+][»]
➡ Parents indoctrinate their little children to speak: “When I grow up, I want to become a sniper and shoot Russia”[»] and to be neo-Nazis[»]:
➡ A Ukrainian influencer indoctrinates children[»][»] – even if you hate Putin, no need to raise kids in hate. This is the same woman who posted that Putin eats human brains[+].
Forgive our levity when we say Putin may not be all he’s cracked up to be, good or bad. We are speaking to both camps. There is a mystique about Russians, especially their leader Putin, thus what you see is not what you get. While this great patriot is not living up to Westerners’ expectations, he may be hugely misunderstood. He cannot be everything to everyone. If people don't like you, you know it's not about you. It's about who they think you are. The same applies to everyone else, including a guy called Putin. Your probable loathing is not for Putin. It is for who you think he is. We hear a lot of prominent Christians (like US Senator Mike Lee[+]) claiming they loathe Putin assuming moral superiority over him and Russians in general, but loathing, as well as hatred and animosity, are undeniably contrary to Jesus Christ's teachings, which then suggests that they are nothing but hypocrites whose opinions don’t matter then and probably we should trust those they consider as enemies, such as Putin and Russians. Of course, we don’t mean it literally.
Like everyone else, Putin is not immune to an occasional error of judgment. Rather than pigeonhole it as malice, it may be more humane to remind ourselves of a line from a 1711 poem by English writer Alexander Pope: "To err is human, to forgive divine"[+]. If it is too much to ask ordinary people to forgive, it shouldn't be to ask for even-handedness. Too many people indulge in double standards or turn a blind eye to others who err in the same way. Just saying.
Before anyone brands us as “pathetic apologists” or something to that effect, let's just say that the human inherent state of receptiveness to goodness is getting the better of us. That's what it is. That and the thing called “unconditional love”, which most people never heard of, so we won't pin it on that. If we may borrow from a fellow American dreamer: You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one.
Another branch of the root problem with Ukraine is falsely idolizing the West8, believing that by joining it, all their problems would be solved. Ukrainians fell prey to Capitalist propaganda[+], American propaganda[+] and its psychological operations (PSYOP[+][+]) dispersed through mass media, entertainment, and junk food, to the point that they are fully at the mercy of the West.
This bootlicking and looking up to the Americans and the collective West (assuming their superiority), above all adopting Western values, are causing Ukraine to decline rather than prosper. Drawing strength from one's roots and nurturing them is key to growth and development. Real progress cannot occur until national identity is regained (without harming others). As long as Ukrainians don't see themselves primarily as Slavs and secondary as Europeans, they will not be able to feel a sense of belonging to all their Slavic kinfolk and have their support. Assuming that foreign ethnic folks, such as Americans, Germans, Britons, or French have their best interest at heart and that they care for them more than their Slavic kinfolk will surely turn out to be a delusion coming with a huge price tag. As long as they undermine their Slavic identity and deny kinship with any Slavic folk, including Russia, Ukrainians are doomed to deteriorate, especially if they look down on and terrorize their Slavic kin minorities.
So, on one side, Ukrainians hate and blame Russians, while on the other side, they idolize the US and the EU. They just switched their master instead of becoming masters themselves. It is hard to admit but the reason for that lies in flaws more than virtues. Although Ukrainians might have turned to the West due to their trust, gratitude, love, idealism, openness, or any other virtues but some politicians did it because of corruption, opportuneness, and hedonism while most other people did it out of naivety, despair, helplessness, powerlessness, vulnerability, submissiveness, inferiority complex, inadequacy, feebleness, deprivation, as well as rivalry, hatred, and fear (of Russia) and other flaws or weaknesses.
American auspicious rhetoric, sophistry, and propaganda can be deceptive even for the strong-minded, so no criticism is implied.
Naivety is surely another Ukrainian trait or threadlike issue that may be at the root of the whole conflict with Russia, as Ukrainians fell prey to Western “divide and rule” plot by naively believing the promises of Western leaders who bribed and corrupted them into subjugating themselves to foreign, non-Slavic interests and influences. This naivety stems from the Slavic innate virtues of faith and trust, which normally makes Slavs very pious folk but when not combined with wisdom, it makes them pretty naïve.
Speaking of naivety, this implies also other instances such as the naivety of amateur Zelensky that he would be able to run a country without any education and experience as a politician and leader. Also, the naivety of his main sponsor, the oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky (owner of the Ukrainian TV station featuring the show in which Zelensky was a star) who without considering the consequences of backing an inexpert guy, with his media influence and funding made it possible for Zelensky to win the presidential election – Kolomoisky put his own interests above the interest of his country (as his pawn Zelensky became President, he was able to return from exile without worrying about having to face criminal prosecution for stealing 6.5 Billion dollars from PrivatBank). And the naivety of Ukrainian folk believing that some amateur and comedian could be competent as a President, leader, and military commander. And on top of all that, the naivety of the Ukrainian regime about the West helping them sufficiently to defeat Russia. If iit was not the case of naivety, then it was stupidity.
✴️ It is most curious why and how Ukrainians elected no one better than Zelensky to be their president – a 41-year-young guy who was nothing but a vulgar[»] self-admitted[+] “proud clown”[»][»][»] just months before being elected in 2019. A guy who made his living by playing piano with his genitals[»][»][»], dancing shaking his bootie in high heels[»], mouth-kissing men[»], and running naked in public spaces[»][ꚛ][+][ꚛ]. It makes us wonder how on Earth could Ukrainians choose a showman with no political and leadership education or experience to be their national and war leader and with a dubious 73% of the vote[+].
Obviously, there is more than one reason but a majority voted for him because he was a Russian-speaking anti-war, pro-peace candidate, who promised to make peace with Russia. There was a war there since 2014 and most people wanted it to end, which he vowed to do but then went back on his word. How he convinced people is a psyop matter and most people voted for Zelensky only to vote against the then-President Poroshenko so as not to let him stay the president[+]. By voting for a newcomer most people did not vote for him but against the government of the Maidan revolution[+].
As (dis)information warfare is becoming more ubiquitous, self-respecting Ukrainians need to free themselves from the influence of all foreigners who are subduing them under the guise they are helping. While obsessing about Russian propaganda, Ukrainians are oblivious to the dangers of Western propaganda. They are utterly dependent on foreigners' aid and handouts, which is not a dignified position to be in, especially if those foreigners are not Slavs and not even Europeans.
In other words, the root of the problem is that Ukraine has forsaken its Slavic roots. When the EU forced them to choose between the EU and Russia in 2013 (with the Association Agreement) and so between the EU and Slav values (Slavs stand to each other), Ukrainians betrayed their Slavic neighbors and violated a treaty with them. Also, many Western values (however great) that Ukrainians aspire to are wiping out their Slavic roots. Without roots, they became reliant on and controlled by foreign aid.
American or Western values and obsessions (capitalism, usury, materialism, money, success, career, power, guns, domination, superiority, narcissism, hedonism, permissiveness, same-sex marriages, homosexuality, porn, sexual liberties, promiscuity, perversity, adultery, drug use, gambling, patchwork families, celebrities worship, AI, obsession with likes and views, plastic operations, reality shows, reality stars, junk food, etc.) lead to issues such as school shootings[+] (308[+] in 2022, 348[+] in 2023), mass shootings[+] (647[+] in 2022, 754[+] in 2023), gun violence[+], gun possession (30%)[+], a rise in suicides[+], promiscuity[+], sexual harassment and rape rate[+] (around 463.634 victims of rape and sexual assault each year[+]), a declining marriage rate[+], family breakdown[+], time spent with own kids, children born outside of marriage (40%)[+], world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households (23%)[+], children living in poverty[+], missing children[+] (800.000 children in the US missing each year, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks), children trafficking[+], people living in trailers (17.7 million people[+]), homelessness crisis[+][+], aloneness[+] and loneliness epidemic[+], rising cost of college (average in 2022: $54.501 per academic year)[+], huge student loan debt (the average: $37.574)[+], materialism, over-consumption and consumerism, high unemployment rate, growing income inequality[+]; social decay[+], moral decline[+]; mental health issues[+], bad health – huge healthcare spending[+], extreme opioids and painkillers consumption[+][+], hooked on antidepressants (13.2%)[+][+], have the most pain in the world[+][+], huge health care disparities[+], the prevalence of obesity (68%)[+], high abortion rate (340 million/year)[+], world’s highest incarceration rate[+], high crime rates[+], hate speech[+] and hate crimes (10x more incidents than in Russia[+], in the US no prosecution and in Russia mostly)[+][+][+][+], occupational stress, gender inequality, racial inequality, racism, police brutality[+][+][+][+][+], with people turning into junk food addicts, gun addicts, drug addicts[+], people turning into zombies[»][»][»][»][»][»], etc.
Most of those issues are present all over the world but in the US, they became extreme, which is why Ukraine should not look up to America, as Russia has it much better.
The good news is, there is a way out of this precarious situation. It starts with Ukrainians ceasing to blame and look down on Russians or anyone else and taking full or at least partial responsibility. A set of other virtues (or inner light) will also be needed to break new ground – virtues that rank above 200 on the scale of consciousness[+], such as humility (swallowing one’s pride, which is a destructive mode of consciousness), humbleness, diplomacy, tactfulness, flexibility, neutrality, honorableness, decency, considerateness, respectfulness, fairness, optimism, sense of humor, forgiveness, acceptance, wisdom, humanism, altruism, hope, valor, love of country or patriotism (which is opposite of nationalism that involves hatred of others), faith, gratitude, devotion, compassion, and ultimately surrender to God (and fate).
So, as soon as enough Ukrainian people manage to rise beyond their circumstances and boost their morale by raising their consciousness[+], they will be able to meet the requirements for ending the war and gaining peace and freedom.
Another root cause of the conflict that escalated into a war is the conflict of images, which we will address, too, including how to resolve that conflict. This has to do with the East-West dichotomy[+] (cultural, rather than geographical), particularly the Russia-NATO dichotomy, which can be settled for good, so don't miss that part.
Most people just want this war to end. It is not a walk in the park and going for the low-hanging fruit sounds reasonable actually… if you’re a lazy fat guy who can’t climb ladders! With this peace initiative, we level up by aiming to grab that high-hanging fruit. With this peace initiative, we don't aspire just to end the war but to end all hostilities between the Slavs and beyond.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this “The Roots of the Crisis in Ukraine” segment: Trigger Events
Consciousness[+] is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which is the primary cause of everything that happens to us; when raised, it is a constructive force that creates everything in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions. It is a primordial cause and fundamental force or source of creation.
Human consciousness expresses itself in a variety of modes throughout each day (as presented on an arbitrary scale of consciousness[+]), constructive and destructive ones (virtues and flaws), and the approximate average of the values of all these modes each person or a collective or a nation engages in throughout each day, amounts to what we call a level of consciousness. Consciousness Theorem[+], the level of collective consciousness determines the level of collective achievement. In other words, the higher the consciousness level of a nation, the higher its ability to achieve its goals, including peace.
Oleksiy Goncharenko[+] is a Ukrainian MP from an opposition party, also member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; former chairman of the Odesa region Council; a son of former mayor of Odesa
Anglo-Saxons[+] are originally pagan Germanic people who migrated from northern Europe and settled first in England and then also in the US (British royal familiy the Windsors are Germans)
Russophones are people whose native language is Russian (people of Russian ethnicity)
Russophiles are people who are fond of Russia or Russian culture
Donbas[+] is a coal mining region that was part of eastern Ukraine from 1922-2022 (now part of Russia) consisting of two Republics - Donetsk and Luhansk - where most residents have been Russians for centuries. In 2022, after Bolsheviks defeated the Ukrainian nationalists, Lenin gave that part of former Russian Empire with mostly ethnic Russian residents to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine under condition that it remains part of the Soviet Union and under Moscow governance (Kyiv administration) but in 1991, Ukraine violated that agreement by breaking off from the Soviet Union and from Moscow, and since 2014, Ukrainians had been demolishing all Lenin's monuments, therefore they have no rights to claim the territories he conditionally granted them. Since Ukrainians hate Lenin and Stalin so much that they demonize them, then in the Russian view[+], it is only fair to give back all the land[ꚛ] that Lenin and Stalin allocated to Soviet Ukraine, without even asking the locals’ permission (the majority were Russians in Donbas).