NATO Cognitive Warfare
Did you know that NATO is waging a cognitive war against you? In the Battle of Minds, NATO is targeting you and winning, so raise your awareness about it to win the battle
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Reading time: 13 minutes (15 with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the Intro to this “Beware of Propaganda” segment? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article.
Make sure to read it because a CIA mind-control experiment explained there[*] is relevant for understanding NATO cognitive warfare and how you’re being played.
Information warfare conducted by mainstream media, so-called “experts” from academia and military as well as politicians is enhanced by the public at large through the newest type of warfare, the “cognitive warfare”[+].
Western NATO nations have been developing new forms of warfare to wage a “battle for the brain” such as cognitive warfare tactics using the supposed threats of Russia, China, and Iran to “make everyone a weapon,” serving the interests of the NATO's military cartel. The brain became the battlefield of the 21st century. Cognitive warfare positions the mind as a battle space and contested domain. Its objective is to sow dissonance, instigate conflicting narratives, polarize opinion, and radicalize groups. Cognitive warfare seeks to change not only what people think but more importantly how they act. It can motivate people to act in ways that can disrupt or fragment an otherwise cohesive society.
The ultimate aim is to militarize the society, get the public to serve as cogs in NATO's war machine that makes war-profiteers very rich, influential, and powerful. Public needs to raise their awareness about how they are being played. Public needs to also raise their consciousness[+] to prevent or stop being played.
Cognitive warfare starts in the information sphere because information is the fuel of cognitive warfare. But it goes way beyond solely information, as information warfare in itself is a standalone operation. It’s all about leveraging the big data, as well as hyper-connectivity, and mass surveillance. Cognitive warfare is not only a fight against what people think but it’s rather a fight against the way people think. Changing the way people think is much more powerful than the information warfare and psyops.
Cognitive warfare is a game on our cognition, on the way our brain processes information and turns it into knowledge, rather than solely a game on information or on psychological aspects of our brains. It’s not only an action against what we think, but also an action against the way we think, the way we process information and turn it into knowledge. In other words, cognitive warfare is not just another name for information warfare; it is a war on our individual processor, our brain. NATO is developing new weapons and ways of harming the brain, it has the potential to engage neuroscience and technology (incl. , information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.) as well as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, along with nutrition and sounds (including music) in many different ways to influence human ecology to serve a military agenda or war-profiteers.
For instance, popularizing rap and hip-hop music as well as video war games turns the population into aggressive individuals keen to fight when called up. Also, constant bombardments with notification and profusion of data on our mobile phones is an attack on our brain, which weakens with time, unable to think on its own, which makes people resort to just following the orders of authorities.
Moreover, cognitive warfare is potentially endless since there can be no peace treaty or surrender for this type of conflict. Just as this new mode of battle has no geographic borders, it also has no time limit. Cognitive warfare can be utilized to mitigate aggression by the enemy or to magnify it in own military, and foster cognitions and emotions of affiliation or passivity; induce morbidity, disability or suffering; and ‘neutralize’ potential opponents or incur mortality” – in other words, to maim and kill people.
There is nothing to worry, though, as cognitive warfare is easier said than done and this type of manipulation can be all stopped or even prevented as soon as the public raises its awareness about the whole scheme and also raises its consciousness[+] to prevent or stop being played. While the narrow-minded master-manipulators focus on controlling the human brains, they omit to realize that there is a much more powerful aspect of human being, which is human consciousness as well as human soul. While brain and thinking may be important and potent, there will be always an aspect in human beings that will find its way to truth, liberation, and salvation.
Like quitting smoking, raising consciousness[+], too, may be demanding and even hard but it is doable, especially knowing how it is much more harmful than smoking. Until we get the kind of legislators into our governments, who will take care of banning all that, which may be the hardest in the US where a military cartel has too much power.
Victory is newly defined more in terms of capturing the psycho-cultural rather than the geographical high ground. The modern concept of war is not about weapons but about influence. Victory in the long run will remain solely dependent on the ability to influence, affect, change, or impact the cognitive domain. If kinetic power cannot defeat the enemy, psychology and related behavioral and social sciences stand to fill the void.
For instance, The Cold War did not end by the Soviet Union being defeated militarily or economically or geopolitically but in that the Soviets were deceived into thinking that the Western lifestyle is better than theirs, so they turned to West, only to be rejected as it turned out later. The West is only interested in Russian oligarchs’ investments and spending but not in Russian people let alone Russian culture and values.
Cognitive warfare may well be the missing element that allows the transition from military victory on the battlefield to lasting political success. The Western military alliance’s ultimate goal is not only physical control of the planet, but also control over people’s minds. With entire civilian populations in NATO’s crosshairs, the Western militaries work more closely with academia to weaponize social sciences and human sciences and help the alliance develop its cognitive warfare capacities. Such all-encompassing militarization of society is reflected in the paranoid tone of the NATO-sponsored reports and NATO-funded politicians and academics parroting the same co-orchestrated talking points about evilness of China and Russia with all of them rumbling from all sides in sync slogans such as “Russian unprovoked illegal invasion”, “Russian military is weak”, “Russia is losing the war in Ukraine”, “if Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there”, which perpetuate funding this war and the war-profiteers of the US military cartel. When such slogans are being reiterated from all NATO-sponsored mass media and NATO-funded politicians and heads of state, then most people have no reason to doubt it as they are unaware of the NATO agenda and them being played like fools.
This cognitive warfare has lately been used especially on Eastern European nations who have been manipulated into a mass psychosis with Russophobia. By so-called “experts”, celebrities, and mass media, they have been fed with all kinds of Russophobia-stimulating narratives for years and years so that all those with a low IQ, even people who used to love Russia, unknowingly turned into cost-free NATO pawns or operatives in its info warfare acting almost like cyborgs on cues given through mainstream media, disseminating aggressive content and comments on social media and beyond against Russians. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the “cognitive warfare”[+] involves hacking the individual by exploiting the vulnerabilities of the human brain in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering.”
NATO used to divide war into five different operational domains: air, land, sea, space, and cyber but with its development of cognitive warfare strategies, the military alliance is operating on a new, sixth level: the “human domain.” Agile Russia is never far behind and so, it adapted to this new reality in 2023 by info-counterattacks of their own. However, since “in the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the United States because the US controls all the world’s media and many European media,” as Putin said[»], Russia can at most shine the spotlight on its sources of information but achieve somewhat limited results.
Every info that comes from Russia is automatically labeled as “Russian propaganda”, which serves as a cue for brainwashed Western public to pay no attention to it. Even so, as somehow truth always prevails when it matters, more and more of it has been leaking to the independent influencers who made sure to let it be known in their circles of influence. However, Russia can't leverage the big data to use it as cognitive warfare on the Western public as it has no access into internal metrics and tools of all the Western social media platforms, which is why the West is in advantage there. Likewise, as Russians do not use much Western social media platforms and Western Big Tech corporations, the West can't brainwash and manipulate them, as they can with Ukrainians and all the others who use Western platforms and tools, not aware how they are being influenced by their algorithms.
NATO’s cognitive warfare has been evermore evident since 2022 when hordes of people from NATO countries started to engage in info warfare pro bono – they begun to be proactive, autonomous cogs in NATO's info war machine by becoming voluntary Ukrainian trolls with posting all sorts of pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian content online – taking their precious time to do the unpaid work on behalf of Kyiv and NATO interests (or, shall we say, globalists’ and war profiteers’ interests) naively believing they are doing it for a great cause of “solidarity for Ukraine or “saving freedom and democracy” from evil when, in fact, they have only been fooled and used as info warriors free-of-charge while at the same time contributing to the horrors in Ukraine, to deaths, losses and destruction there. They bought into the fallacy that fighting longer will lead to a better outcome for Ukraine, which can't be further from truth, as evident by the results on the battlefield. In this attrition war, time is definitely on Russia's side as Ukraine is running out of manpower and ammunition while Russia seizes more and more territories as well as produces more ammunition and mobilizes more manpower.
Those with higher IQ, who grasped the holes in NATO's narratives and even this whole vicious scheme, have been warning everyone about it but have been in turn perceived as pro-Russian trolls because ego-driven masses with a low IQ could simply not accept that they have been fooled into doing all this offensive work for war-profiteers without any compensation whatsoever while actually harming the Ukrainians by prolonging this futile war or being even responsible in a way for them being killed. Instead of pushing for peace, the Western public at large have been pushing for war, for sending weapons to Ukraine because they were led to believe that they are fighting the evil and that Ukrainians are the good guys. Unaware of Russo-Ukrainian history and all the atrocities Ukrainian neo-Nazis have been doing since 2014, all those pro-Ukrainian trolls wage an info war in social media corridors unaware how they have been played. It is simply beyond their comprehension that their leaders could be so deceitful. However, truth has subtle ways of coming out, so in the end truth always prevails.
What is reported or revealed about cognitive warfare is clearly just scratching the surface of a wave of new unconventional warfare techniques that Western militaries are employing around the world but keeping quiet about for obvious reasons. The US-led NATO military cartel has used novel modes of hybrid warfare also, of course, against its self-declared adversaries, including economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare. Psyop is used to destroy the morale of enemies through tactics that aim to depress troops' psychological states. The purpose of United States psychological operations[+][+][+][+] is to induce or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to US objectives. These special activities include covert political influence, like that in Ukraine. Some of the psyop methods are character assassination, demonizing the enemy, fear-mongering, media manipulation, moral panic, noisy investigation, psychological manipulation, the strategy of tension, the shock doctrine, demoralization, tolerance indoctrination, false flag1 events, etc.
It is worth inquiring about the CIA's influence on public opinion[+] and the US military perception management program[+] to induce or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to US objectives, including infiltrating the media and the arts by planting fake news[+], editing Wikipedia pages2[+], compromising smart TVs and web browsers[+], enlisting journalists[+], etc., just to name a few. The US is not hiding the US Army field manual: Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures[+] or using and actively recruiting Psychological Operations (PSYOP) operatives[+][+], thus the manipulated public should be aware of being a victim of their psyop campaigns and block it. The main channels for American psyop (to evoke a planned psychological reaction in people) are American social media giants[»] like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, where disinformation and fake news are spread like wildfire and censorship (a.k.a. content moderation) of pro-Russian content is ubiquitous. That is why free speech platforms like Telegram Messenger[+] (cross-platform, encrypted, cloud-based, and centralized instant messaging service with no censorship) and the social networking site VK, both founded by the Durov brothers (Russian-born programmers and entrepreneurs), as well as, Substack, TikTok, Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, and Discord, became very popular alternatives during this war.
The US, with just a few psyop masters running the show and having Ukraine under their thumb, has been so successful in their Psy Ops to "win the hearts and minds" of the majority of Ukrainians that they managed to steal their souls and identity as Slavs, as their authorities mindlessly deny any kinship with their fellow Eastern Slavs (Russians and Belarussians) and rather identify themselves with their former rulers – German Nazis (more than one million Ukrainians identify themselves as Bandera3 followers) and Vikings[»] (Rurik Dynasty – Ukrainians chose their coat of arms[+] that represents them to be none other than the emblem of Rurik Dynasty – a three-pronged spear or trident[+]).
Ever since Ukrainians separated from the Soviet Union (and even much earlier, since 1973)[+], Americans attempted to win them over and turn them against Russia by using psyops (with the use of social media and conspiracy theories), which climaxed with the Orange Revolution in 2004-2005, the Maidan Revolution in 2013-2014, and the Russian “invasion” in 2022-2023.
Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia published a landmark paper[+] in August 2022 on the activities of bot accounts on Twitter revealing staggering findings – of 5.2 million tweets on Twitter from 23 February to 8 March 2022, between 60 to 80% were shared by fake accounts. The war in Ukraine emphasizes the role social media plays in modern-day warfare, with conflict occurring in both the physical and information environments. Both sides in the Ukrainian conflict use the online information environment to influence geopolitical dynamics and sway public opinion. There is a large body of research[+][+][+] on identifying malicious cyber activity and judging from hyped support for Ukraine, it is safe to conclude that all or most of those fake accounts and bots were the work of pro-Ukrainian forces, such as the US secret service operatives, such as CIA and PsyOps Division of the US Army, to name just a few. Apart from disinformation, they planted all kinds of phony stories like that of the "Ghost of Kyiv"[+][»][+] – the fact that they have to invent such stories shows that there have no other true heroes to boast about.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Beware of Propaganda” segment so far covering Intro, Zelensky’s Lies “Putin's lies”, Mainstream Media Lies, and Writings On The Wall.
When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this “Beware of Propaganda” series: Resistance To the Truth
false flag[+] is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party
CIA editing Wikipedia pages[+] — in 2007, the now defunct database Wikiscanner revealed that computers from the CIA had been used to edit articles
Bandera followers or neo-Nazis – followers of Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera[+][+] who was a convicted murderer, a war criminal, and an anti-Semite leader of the ultranationalist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its paramilitary wing, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)[+][+][+] with Nazi ideology collaborating with Nazi Germany in executing ethnic cleansing & genocide of Jews and other perceived subhumans including Slavs, Gypsies, gays, etc. massacring around 100.000 civilians in World War 2. After the war, Bandera collaborated with CIA and MI6 against the Soviets until a KGB agent assassinated him in 1959.
Bandera has millions of followers (Banderites) in Ukraine today, especially in military and police forces, as well as former (2014-2019) President Poroshenko[+][+][+][+][+] and former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Zaluzhny[+][+][+][+]. Despite the world condemnation, millions of modern day Ukrainians glorify Bandera and his neo-Nazi followers as national heroes and since 2014 revolution, new Kyiv regime has installed hundreds[+] of monuments of WWII Nazi collaborators, including 40 monuments[+][+] just of Bandera and not one but 5 museums[+] dedicated to him, as many as 94 streets[+][+], 2 avenues[+], 5 lanes[+], and bridges were renamed after him, issuing postage stamps[ꚛ] with his portrait, and he was named an honorary citizen of many western Ukrainian cities. Since 2014, more than a thousand settlements and more than 50.000 streets have been renamed after those Nazi collaborators in Ukraine[+] – in 2022 alone, 237 streets, squares, avenues and boulevards were renamed just in Kyiv. In May 2015, they passed a law[+][+] that gave the OUN-UPA Banderites the honorary status of "fighters for independence" of Ukraine, making it also a crime to “publicly exhibit a disrespectful attitude” toward them, and in December 2018, they gave the original Banderites (1.201 people) a full recognition and the status of veterans[+][+] with all the benefits, such as the right to social security, and accolades. Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] glorify them while all other countries in the world consider them war criminals. And they teach[»][»] school-kids to be and salute like neo-Nazis and to hate and kill[»] Russians.