Peacemaking Mediation: The US Role
Asking warmongering American warlords funded by war-profiteers to mediate peace in Ukraine is like asking the fox to guard the henhouse or wolf to guard the sheep
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Reading time: 32 minutes (or 33 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please.
With this article we start a new segment in this peace initiative, which is all about Peacemaking Mediation. After we discuss ins and outs of peace mediation, we start with the US role in both war and peace.
The world expects the UN, US, or EU to help Ukraine to negotiate a peace deal with Russia but this is impossible as we will clarify in this whole segment covering several articles. Moreover, we explain why there is a need for another peacemaking medium such as the Council of Wise Slavic Seniors with spirited public support. This war can only be ended sooner rather than later by a mass global movement of peace-loving people with the international working class that combines the struggle against war with the struggle against its cause, capitalism-driven unipolar world.
Diplomatic settlement is impossible due to the denial of this possibility (incl. a decree[+][+]) by Kyiv, which is supervised by the warlords of the United States and NATO and supported by war profiteers.
The refined and organized capitalist ruling “elite” that sponsors elections and governments of the world has been warmongering for long enough to be exposed at last for what they are – war profiteers that have no interest in peacekeeping. Their marionettes posing as politicians, diplomats, and representatives in governmental and intergovernmental organizations cannot mediate peace even if they cared to do so, as they are coerced by those powerbrokers with all sorts of existential threats and character assassination. From the West, there were no proposals for a settlement in Ukraine at all from anyone. More of a reason we, the public, need to take matters into our own hands. Not by useless protesting directed to the ruling class or civil disobedience but by acting on this peace initiative's provisions and adapting the virtuism[+] (postcapitalistic, virtues-driven concepts) as opposed to capitalism. As we will explain, resistance movements are counterproductive or ineffective as well as too often hijacked by other interests groups, so we do not recommend any such actions.
“Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” – former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower[+]
The working class, whose exploitation is the source of all profit and military power, constitutes the vast majority of the world's people. It has no interest in war. It is workers, particularly young workers, who serve as expendable soldiers in a new world war and who are suffering from a massive decline in living standards, due to sanctions imposed by the ruling elite whose earnings and profits soar in contrast.
For this war to end and to prevent World War III and nuclear catastrophe, an awakening of the working class is needed. It is achievable by simply raising own consciousness[+] and broadening awareness of all the mechanisms behind this war.
Just by reading and sharing this peace initiative, there will be enough compounding impact and cumulative collective energy to empower a paradigm shift. Like the snowball effect and the butterfly effect, whereby a butterfly flapping its wings might change the weather on the other side of the planet. The idea that something small, like getting informed and informing others, with a ripple effect can have much larger effects, such as ending this war, rests on the scientific and psychic notion that the world is deeply interconnected.
We are in a war where both sides – Ukraine with NATO and Russia – see the other as an existential threat. That makes a workable peace agreement beyond reach. Since it became obvious that Ukraine and NATO could not win this war, the best possible outcome for NATO is a frozen conflict that would likely to have a variety of terrible consequences for Ukraine and Russia. The worst possible outcome is a nuclear war, which is unlikely but cannot be ruled out. The most probable outcome is that Russia is going to win the war but to what extent, it depends on when the peace negotiation would take place. The sooner the better for Ukraine and the West. The later the better for Russia because with time they would be able to seize more territories and kill more anti-Russian people. Russia might not fully defeat Ukraine but, in any case, it will end up conquering a large swath of Ukrainian territory and making it part of Russia, while at the same time turning Ukraine into a dysfunctional rump state as long as it is ruled by the US-puppet regime.
Even before their SMO1[+], in October 2021, Russian leaders stated[+] that there can be no viable negotiations with Ukraine until the current Ukrainian regime is replaced by an independent (from the US and EU), strong, incorrupt, diplomatic, trustworthy government.
In May 2024 (just days before Zelensky mandate as a president expired), the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs placed Zelensky on the wanted list[+] on criminal charges, sending a clear signal[+] that the Russian state cannot legally negotiate with a wanted criminal, who is also no longer a legitimate president of Ukraine since 21 May when his mandate expired. No one ever negotiates peace with prosecuted criminals. Waiting for another legitimate leader in Ukraine to emerge will prolong the misery of both the Ukrainian and Russian people, which is another reason why we are calling for the public to get involved in this peace initiative.
If enough of us make pressure on our leaders to stop funding the war and start negotiating a peace deal based on realities rather than wishful thinking, then Kyiv will have no other option but to start negotiation. Russia has showed[*] willingness to negotiate peace from the very start up to now, issuing proposals every month or so but Kyiv and NATO have been unwilling to accept a defeat and the obvious fact that there is no way Ukraine can ever defeat Russian military and recapture all five regions.
The problem is that time is on Russia’s side, so with time, Russians make more advances and as victors will be in a position to make ever more demands. This is why we need to push for peace ASAP. Ukrainians are delusional and victims of mass psychosis induced by NATO warlords, therefore it would take too long to leave it up to them to come to senses. Therefore, we need to show up for them and step up the peace agenda.
In August 2023, Deputy Chair of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev wrote on Telegram[+][+]:
It is impossible to argue with references to the UN Charter when understanding that beyond sovereignty, there is also the right of nations to self-determination. But any peace proposals have a chance for success under three key conditions:
Participation of both sides of the conflict.
Consideration of historical context. And it is this: there was never a country called Ukraine before 1991. It was a fragment of the Russian Empire.
Consideration of current realities. And they are as follows: Ukraine is in a state of semi-decay, and part of its territories has returned to Russia.
The mediator who is willing to acknowledge these obvious facts has a chance for success. All others have none.
The UN, US, EU, and UK officials can’t qualify as mediators as they disregard Russia’s demands, refuse to consider historical and current realities, and have chosen their side.
With their strong anti-Russian statements or Russophobia, they deliberately continue to burn bridges and destroy any chance for peace talks, while, effectively, giving no thought to the consequences. The Western (NATO states) anti-Russian propaganda has antagonized Russians to such an extent that they are understandably indisposed to make any concessions to Western diplomats who pose as peacemakers while hiding from view the gun they hold behind their backs. The Russian Foreign Ministry completely ruled out[+] a role for the US, UK, France, and Germany in future Ukraine negotiations: they are not considered neutral mediators.
Slavs, particularly Russians, tend to be suspicious of strangers because over the course of history, they have been constantly attacked by malicious foreigners, which is why they have trust issues. The main tactic of many foreign invaders was ‘divide and conquer’, whereby Slavic nations were often played against each other, which made it easier to defeat and conquer them (ideologically or otherwise).
This might as well be the case with the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, so both nations should look into that so as not to fall prey to foreign forces or ideologies. Ukraine might have been exploiting the anti-Russian sentiment among the Westerners for their agenda but this is hurting them more than helping.
There is a witty folktale about Two Cats and A Monkey that might illustrate why Russia and Ukraine would be better off without foreign arbitration or mediation:
Once there were two cats who were good friends. One day, being very hungry, they were pleased to find a large piece of cheese, which they then cut into two to share it.
But one piece was then slightly bigger than the other. Both hungry cats wanted the bigger piece, so they started to quarrel with each other about who's going to have it. To settle the dispute, they consented to refer the matter to a monkey who had a weighing scale that could divide the cheese into equal amounts. He eagerly accepted the arbitrator's role of dividing the cheese fairly. Feigning humbleness and righteousness, the clever monkey put both pieces of cheese on the opposite ends of the scale, and then he took a small bite from the bigger piece so as to reduce its size and weight to match the smaller piece. But he bit it off a little too much, which made then the other piece larger. So, he then justifiably took a bite from the other piece to make it even with the other piece. However, the same mistake happened yet again, so he had to once more bite off the other piece but it was furthermore too much. This munching in the name of justice continued repeatedly till the pieces became very small.
Seeing their cheese gradually diminishing, poor cats pleaded with the monkey to give himself no further trouble and to just give them back what was left.
“Well then, you owe me a fee for sorting out the problem. What remains should be my compensation then,” replied the clever Monkey, upon which he crammed the remains into his mouth and with great gravity dismissed the courtyard. Clearly, he used this opportunity to trick the cats into allowing him to eat practically all of the cheese but they never realized that they were being completely fooled.
"If only we had not quarreled among ourselves, we would have our cheese instead of being hungry now," the two cats understood at least that much. Moreover, it became clear to them that if they had settled the issue among themselves without resorting to a negotiator or a judge, they would have not lost everything. Still, it never occurred to them that the shrewd monkey took advantage of their trouble for his own benefit.
This story teaches us that when two fight, it's always the third one who gets the benefit or wins while the conflicted two both lose. And also, that those who pose as arbitrators might not be that genuine, even if they are not biased.
The US Role
Referring to the aforementioned anecdote, one such dubious arbitrator is the US – the country that is most profiting from this war and has been extremely hostile toward Russia, which is why Russians are unwilling to negotiate with Washington.
👉 When we mention the US here or throughout the whole peace initiative, we only mean the US government or its ruling elite rather than the good-hearted US public – let's make that very clear. The government ought to represent public opinion but unfortunately, the opposite is often the case – public opinion represents the government – due to propaganda systems. In other words, the tail is wagging the dog. Despite decades of strong anti-Russian and anti-Putin propaganda coming from both government officials and the mass media, it is remarkable how many Americans are there who think with their own heads and are brave enough to speak up despite all the smear campaigns against them, including character assassinations.
Still, there are too many Americans who are so indoctrinated to hate the Russians that many of them are even ready to die fighting the Russians – for the benefit and glee of war profiteers. Many American soldiers joined Ukrainian forces not because they cared for Ukrainian territorial integrity or Ukrainians but because they jumped at the longed-for opportunity to “kill the Russians” and so live out their deep-rooted hatred of Russia that was instilled in them by decades-long anti-Russian American and British propaganda (including movies with Russian villains), which however had no roots in reality since Russians (especially present-day Russians) never really did any harm to them.
American False Predisposition
When asked what have Russians ever done to harm them to hate them so much, members of the American public don't have an answer or give some general, idiotic, unsubstantiated responses[+] (Russians are “predators”, “invaders”, “murderers”, “lawbreakers”, “rapists”…) that describe more Americans than Russians, while still not having one single answer about what have Russians ever done to them to justify their hatred, which indicates that they have been indoctrinated and get caught in a reality distortion field. Whether Russians invaded Ukraine or just intervened after many years of Ukrainian oppression and terror of the Russian ethnic minorities can be clear after a brief look at the history of the conflict dating back to 2004 and escalating in 2014 – all under American meddling and passive aggression.
When asked why Russia is the main threat to the United States, even US high officials such as presidential candidates were unable to answer, as evidenced in a presidential debate[+][»] on BlazeTV hosted by American journalist Tucker Carlson.
Russia has historically done much good to the US
Not that the Americans are aware of it, nonetheless, undoubtedly, Russia has historically done more good than harm to the US[+], such as:
✅ being among few major nations supporting the US in the War of Independence (1775–1783)[+][+];
✅ supporting the Union against the Confederacy during the American Civil War (1861–1865) which deterred the British from intervening;
✅ providing a wealth of natural resources by bestowing them Alaska (for a symbolic price) in 1867[+];
✅ helping them beat the Nazis in WWII (1941–1945)[+][+] and thereby establish American hegemony in the world (as British Empire declined then);
✅ taking American astronauts to the International Space Station and being the best partner in space exploration (the US used the Russian rocket engines as they were much more reliable than those made in America; Russia has flown US astronauts to ISS ever since 2011 when the US Space Shuttle program ended);
✅ sharing legitimate intelligence (e.g. for counterterrorism);
✅ in 2001, after the 9/11 attack, the first person to call G. W. Bush was Vladimir Putin to offer his full support and intel on all known terrorist groups;
✅ exposing dirt on Hillary Clinton[+] to the American people in 2016 is not a small thing Russian hackers allegedly did too (in July 2016, Donald Trump asked Russia to help "find" the missing emails from Hillary Clinton's private server from her tenure as secretary of state, which she illegally bungled[+] as they contained compromising information about her; WikiLeaks published it then[+]); there’s no doubt the leaks helped swing the election in Trump's favor – by exposing Hillary’s political machinations evidenced by her emails[+][+][+][»], Russians helped Trump win the 2016 presidential election, HRC said[+].
Clinton's use of a private email system and a private server violated federal law, as well as State Department protocols and procedures, and regulations governing recordkeeping but she was not charged because she did not act with criminal intent, the historical standard for pursuing prosecution. Nevertheless, the public turned against her. Clinton’s controversial emails[+][+] provided a glimpse into the inner workings of her campaign and her influence peddling (exposing how donors to the Clinton Foundation were influencing her in her job), as well as offered shaming details about her embarrassing views on trade and the middle class. With WikiLeaks revelations, Americans found out that Hillary Clinton is a fraud, and it was not hard to see why she fought so hard to keep her transcripts of speeches to Wall Street banks paying her millions of dollars secret, as well as responsibility for murders[»], especially in relation to Benghazi, Libya (which is just one of many reasons why some call her Killary[+][+][+][+][»])
✅ also, Russians have not surrounded America with their military bases and did not put their nukes in proximity to the American borders, which cannot be said about Americans who did all that to Russians and more.
Of course, Russia has done even more good to US ally Europe[+], such as:
✅ Russia defeated the Nazis in WWII, ending the WWII, and so saved countless European lives by sacrificing millions of Russian and Soviet lives. Let’s not forget that Ukrainian nationalists (their descendants and fans are in power now in Ukraine) were fighting on the side of Nazi Germany, betraying their fellow Soviets.
The Soviet victory in the Battle of Stalingrad[+] in February 2022 proved[+] to be a decisive psychological turning point, ending a string of German victories and decreasing the popularity of the Nazi Party, which was then bolstered by Russia defeating Nazi Germans also in the great Battle of Kursk (both battles were in Russia). In the end, the Soviets overran Germany’s eastern defenses and conquered the German capital Berlin, defeating Hitler himself.
The Allies (especially the UK and the US) surely contributed but without Russians, the Nazis would have won and remained in power (racist, anti-Semitic, and cruel[+] Roosevelt was ill and died in April 1945 without defeating the Nazis and was replaced by Truman, and brutal[+] Churchill had to resign[+] as Prime Minister on 23 May 1945, just days after the German capitulation, whereas Stalin remained in power till his death). The only thing Churchill had to offer Stalin was a bombing campaign against Germany. Germany was indiscriminately bombed[+] by the US and the UK but it was conquered by the Soviet Red Army. Hitler and his chief propagandist Goebbels killed themselves because Russians conquered Berlin (Russians obtained Hitler's dental remains). Two days later, on 2 May 1945, German General Weidling surrendered Berlin to Soviet General Chuikov as the Red Army captured Berlin[+] (it took them only 2 weeks to conquer it).
Ernest Hemingway, who served as a WWII war correspondent and an unconventional soldier in Europe, was cited[+][+] in a Soviet newspaper Pravda[ꚛ] on the 23 February 1942: “Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid… Anyone who fulminates against Hitler should consider the Red Army a heroic model which must be imitated.” And let's not forget who the leader of Red Army was – Stalin.
And, following Hemingway's statement there[ꚛ] is the one from the Commander of US forces in the Far East during the WWII, General Douglas MacArthur whose message[+] was that "the Red Army is the pride of peace-loving peoples: foreign figures salute the Red Army." Since the Cold War, NATO countries censored and suppressed all the praise for the Soviets and communists but the truth has its ways of coming out[+][+].
✅ Russia made Germany the strongest European economy thanks to cheap Russian resources[+] (mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, pearls, precious stones, metals, copper, aluminum, nickel, iron, steel, etc.) – without Russia, Germany could not have prospered as much because Germany's economy is based on industry, which depends on Russia's cheap fossil fuels. The evidence is in the fact that after cutting itself from Russian natural resources by imposing sanctions on Russia, the German economy fell into recession, was hit the hardest of all NATO members, and has suffered from deindustrialization and other self-inflicted damage. Despite being the most sanctioned country on the planet, Russia's economy is better than Germany’s[+][ꚛ] and all the other countries in Europe (not just the EU but also better than in Switzerland, the UK, etc.)[+].
We should all be also grateful to Russians for giving us many precious inventions[+][+][+][+] that most people do not even know that came from Russians such as television[+], radio receivers[+], radars[+], airplanes[+], helicopters[+], parachutes[+], lasers[+], modern type of incandescent lightbulb[+], solar power[+], satellite[+], holograph/hologram[+], heating radiators[+], roller coasters[+], telegraph[+], Telegram Messenger[+], electric trams[+], the periodic table of the elements[+], AC transformers[+], grain harvesters[+], foam fire extinguishers[+], Nuclear power plants[+], field surgery[+], classical conditioning theory[+], deciphering the Maya script[+], linear programming[+], vodka...
Most people are not aware of all these revolutionary inventions and innovations coming from Russian geniuses because Russians do not show off and the West2 has a notorious habit of appropriating many originalities from other countries branding them as their own and commercializing them. For instance, most people in the US believe that even Tesla was an American, although he was a Slav like the Russians (born in what is now Croatia to ethnic Serbian parents) and the first[+] and best[+][+][+] electric cars come from Europe, not the US.
While the Americans, masters at branding themselves as the best in the world and branding their rivals as backward, terrorists and dictators, let us point some facts:
Russians Won the Space Race
Soviet (Russian) pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin[+] was the first human to journey into outer space (he completed one orbit of Earth on 12 April 1961, with his flight taking 108 minutes; also Titov did it four months later and was a first person in space for over 24 hours) – Russians beat the Americans to it and won the Space Race, which made the Americans so furious with envy that they set out to be, at least, the first to put a man on the Moon. It was their chance to redeem themselves in the global Space Race. Whoever got to the moon first would attain serious bragging rights.
But it was actually Russians who got to the moon first with their spacecraft called Luna 2[+] in 1959 but Russians were never the ones to brag. Luna 2 was the first spacecraft to reach the surface of the Moon, and the first human-made object to make contact with another celestial body. Russians beat Americans to it, too.
Kennedy made a pledge to land a man on the Moon but never lived up to it as he died in November 1963 (alleged3 moon landing[+] was in 1969), after the Soviets beat the US again by landing other several “firsts”[+] in the Space Race (maybe, that's what killed Kennedy – ever thought of that? Several humiliations and defeats in the Cold War).
In August 1962, Russians were also the first to launch a group spaceflight.
In June 1963, Russians again beat the Americans by being the first to send a woman to fly in space (first woman and 12th person) – Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, who flew on a solo mission and was only 26 at the time – impressive. She joined a cosmonaut program only one year earlier in 1962; before that she was a factory worker and a hobby skydiver; she orbited the Earth 48 times. She has been a Member of the State Duma since 2011. First American woman in space happened 20 years later, in 1983; she was third woman in space as another Soviet woman beat Americans to it.
In 1965, Russians again beat the Americans by being the first to perform a spacewalk[+] – Alexei Leonov became the first human to perform an extra-vehicular activity, and in January 1969, Russians were again the first to perform a dual spacewalk. Another Russian cosmonaut, Anatoly Solovyev, holds the world record on the number of spacewalks performed (16), and accumulated time spent spacewalking (over 82 h)[+].
Soviets or Russians already pocketed several “firsts” before Americans got theirs4 (alleged moon landing[+] in 1969). And, it continued as Russian cosmonauts set new space records time and again, the last one in February 2024, when yet another Russian cosmonaut, Oleg Kononenko, set a new record for spending the most time in space and on the International Space Station (ISS)[+][+].
Another Russian cosmonaut, Gennady Padalka, held the world record for “the most time spent in space” at 878 days before him since June 2015 – top eight[+] have been all Russian cosmonauts. Yuri Malenchenko ranks third for time spent in space and he became the first person to marry in space, on 10 August 2003. In the category “Total human spaceflight time by country”[+], Russia beats the US, as Russians have spent more time flying in space, although the US sent more flights and more people into space.
Also, in the category “Ten longest human spaceflights”, Russians rank at top five, the longest one was 438 days in 1994-1995.
Russians took the first animal into orbit, a dog Laika in November 1957. The technology to de-orbit had not yet been developed, so there was no expectation for survival. She died several hours into flight. Belka and Strelka became the first canines to safely return to Earth from orbit in August 1960. The first animals to enter space were fruit flies launched by the United States in 1947. Americans got their fair shares of “firsts” and records but overall, they are no match for the Russians. Just like they are no match in Arctic exploration[+].
Let's close this section with a joke, shall we?
Zelensky announces Ukraine wants to build a moon base. The idea is that Ukrainian astronauts will live there permanently. When the astronauts were asked if they really wanted to spend the rest of their lives in a barren, lifeless, empty wasteland, they said: "No. That's why we want to go to the moon."
Russians Won the Arctic Race
Arctic resources race[+] is the competition between countries for available natural resources of the Arctic[+][+]. The Arctic contains significant amounts of minerals, boreal forests, marine life (fisheries), and fresh water. The mineral resources include major reserves of oil and natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickle, zinc phosphates and diamonds. The Arctic region is also home to an estimated 400.000 indigenous people.
Russia controls the Arctic resources extraction or production as well as transport routes such as Northern Sea Route. Russia also leads in icebreakers fleet needed to enable vessels to transport oil and gas from Arctic – it has more icebreakers than all other countries combined[+].
Russian President Vladimir Putin named the development of the Arctic, along with the Far East, as the country’s strategic priority. He has previously noted that the region is of great importance to Russia in terms of defense and natural resources.
Whoever controls the commodities or natural resources, controls the world.
Russia already has the biggest gas reserves in the world and is about to control the energy markets with its exploitation of Arctic resources of gas, oil, and LNG.
By 2030, LNG production in the Russian Arctic zone is expected to increase by 200 percent[+]. If we take LNG Production by Country[+], Russia is already top 6 in the world[+], so with doubling their production, they might soon match the US and Qatar. If we take Natural Gas Production by Country[+], Russia is already second in the world[+], behind the US by small margin, so when they add their Arctic LNG production, they might beat the Americans in near future. But the most important difference is that the US uses most of its gas domestically and can only export around 11%[ꚛ], while Russia exports more than 30%[+][+] of its natural gas and so earns much more than the US from it and can control the world markets this way.
Russia is already the world's largest natural gas exporter[+] and this matters the most on the global markets. Also, Russia will likely lead even more in that sector because the US decreased investment in natural gas production because it increased investment in renewable energy (wind and solar) and so the US handed Russia the keys to the kingdom. Russia, on the other hand increased investment in natural gas production, such as in Arctic exploration and exploitation.
With more than half (53%) of all Arctic coastline along its northern shores and half of Arctic population (2,5 million Russians living there), Russia has dominated the Arctic where as much as $35 trillion[+] worth of untapped oil and natural gas could be lurking. This will make Russia the commodity superpower of the world. Therefore, the last thing anyone among the world leaders should be is enemy of Russia. Especially Ukraine would profit much more from being Russian than American ally.
The country that controls production and export of energy, it essentially controls the global economic growth. This is why the US and the West want to contain Russia. They will not be able to impose sanctions and oil price caps. Russia not only controls the Arctic resources extraction or production but also transport routes such as Northern Sea Route to deliver gas and oil to biggest and most reliable consumers such as China and India. Russia will not need Europe as a customer any longer as the West plans to decouple from Russia by 2027.
In regards to transport, Russia also leads in icebreakers fleet needed to enable vessels to transport oil and gas from Arctic – it has more icebreakers than all other countries combined[+]. And with Russia selling its resources through Northern Sea Route to Asia and the Global South, de-dollarization comes into play because Russia receives payments in rubble and yuan and there is no going back to trading in dollars. The implications are huge. Especially if you combine it with Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which means that Russia and China control the sea and land trade routes, which shifts trades away from Western currencies. And with global warming, Arctic will become an even greater economic arena. [»] Russia is now behind the wheel.
Russia is currently the chair of the Arctic Council of the eight Arctic states: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, the US
The first persons to reach the North Pole on foot (or skis) and return with no outside help, no dogs, airplanes, or re-supplies were Misha Malakhov (Russia) and Richard Weber (Canada) in 1995. No one has completed this journey since.
Russians Lost the Culture War but the West Lost Its Soul
American culture dominates the world, not the Russian, so the US won the cultural war. However, much of it is trash culture[+][+], and although the US won the hearts of the masses, Russia won the hearts of the world’s intelligentsia.
When it comes to Russian cultural assets, it is absolutely impossible to imagine world culture without them. However, our governments in the West, without our consent, have illegally censored or blocked Russian news and culture from us for more than a decade, whereby we have lost chance to benefit enormously from Russia, which is a great pity.
How can it be normal that in Europe, our television is loaded with American news programs, shows, and movies but none from Russia, even though Russia is in Europe and the US is not?! How come every TV subscription in Europe includes CNN but not even a single Russian news channel[»] even though Russia is in Europe and the US is not?! It became a norm due to Americanization of Europe thanks to the corrupt European leaders who take bribes or fall for pressures from the US officials and corporate giants.
In Europe, we have been bombarded with all kinds of trash culture[+][+] from the West[»][ꚛ][»][»][»][»][»][»], as many American celebrities are real degenerates and immoral people, who are propped up into role models for a reason – to hurl us into dumbness so that we would obey the dumb or cunning leaders. Not to mention all American junk or overpriced products. If you live in the West, just think about when was the last time you saw an original, real Russian movie or documentary, or heard Russian music, or read contemporary Russian literature? We don't mean from or about the US puppets like Navalny[+][+][»][»][+][»][ꚛ][+][+][»] or any other Russian traitors who work on the behalf of Western interests (you can tell that when the West gives them prizes, awards and such, and Russians give them nicknames such as Analny for bending over backwards to please the Western masters) but from true, authentic Russian people who are not doing as told by the Western puppet masters. Even long before alleged “Russian invasion”. If you are struggling to remember the times you experienced authentic Russian culture from Russian patriots rather than Russian traitors (who scorn at highly-popular Russian government any chance they get only so that they could get the power or bribes from the West), then you can be sure your government has failed you, it has deviously deprived you of your right to benefit from Russian culture.
Here are just a few old and contemporary legends that give us goosebumps and a broader, brighter outlook on the world:
➡ Russia has given the world so many outstanding writers[+], including poets such as Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Pushkin, Bulgakov[+], Turgenev, Gogol, Bunin5[+], Maxim Gorky, Pasternak6[+], Mayakovsky[+], Nabokov[+], Yesenin, Sholokhov7[+], Solzhenitsyn[+][+][+] – 6 Nobel laureates[+] + 10 top contemporary Russian writers[+] and[+]
10 most popular Russian books abroad[+]
The Ringing Cedars of Russia (also known as Anastasia) series of books[+][+] by Vladimir Megre – so powerful that it grew into a movement and Zionists made every effort to discredit it. The real hero here is not Megre (ethnic Russian born in Ukraine) but the extraordinary main protagonist of his books, Russian Anastasia8[+], who is so exceptional that many people doubt she exists[+]. Some say, she has more power in Russia than Putin, and Putin has implemented one of her ideas in 2016 – Federal Law No. 119 FL[+][+] giving everyone (including foreign nationals) one hectare (2.5 acres) of land free of charge.
➡ Word-class composers[+]: Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Rimskij-Korsakov[»], Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Glinka, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Scriabin
➡ Diana Ankudinova[»][»] – a young Russian singer, there’s no one like her in the world
➡ All-time songs: Katyusha[»][»][»][»], Kalinka[»][»], Moskau[»][»] and Dorogoy Dlinnoyu[»]. Plus pops songs: t.A.T.u on Eurovision[»] and ‘My Marmalade’ by Katya Lel[»+][»][»]
➡ Russian choreographers[+][+][+] and dancers[»] – Ensemble "Beryozka"[»], Bolshoi Ballet[»][»][»], plus Rasputin shuffle dance[»][»][»][»]…
➡ Oscar-winning films: 1980 ‘Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears’[»][»], 1994 “Burnt by the Sun”[»][»], plus many more nominated[+] (the last nominated one was in 2017 – “Loveless”[»][»]), films of Andrei Tarkovsky[+] such as Stalker[»][»], Solaris[»], Andrei Rublev[»], and The Mirror[»], Stalingrad[»] (2013), Going Vertical (aka 'Three Seconds'; 2018), Night Watch[»] (2004), Viking (2016), Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan[»][»][»] (2007), Hardcore Henry[»] (2015), He Is Dragon[»] (2015), Guardians9[»] (2017), The Heart of Parma10[»] (2022), The Snow Queen[»] animated film, Masha and the Bear[»] cartoons[+], 6 Russian movies & series on Netflix[+]…
Warning: Russian films, very much like many German and French films, are not pleasing to all those who prefer special effects over substance. Movies with emphasis on special effects leave nothing of value in human heart.
Did you know that two Russian Jewish brothers founded Hollywood[+]? – Brothers Ossip and Nikolay Schenker became the founders of the largest Hollywood film studios – MGM and United Artists.
➡ Painters Wassily Kandinsky[ꚛ], Marc Chagall[ꚛ], Kazimir Malevich, Nikolai Roerich[ꚛ], Ilya Repin[ꚛ], Ivan Aivazovsky[ꚛ], Arkhip Kuindzhi[+], Nicolas de Staël, Alexej von Jawlensky, Valentin Serov, Natalia Goncharova, Nicolai Fechin, Ivan Shishkin, and others[+][+][+][+]
➡ Russian art masterpieces[+] – Icons, Fabergé eggs, Malachite vases, outstanding stone-cutting craftsmen[+]
➡ In figure skating, Ilia Malinin produced a first quadruple axel in Grand Prix history[»] and also Kamila Valieva is the first female ever to land a quadruple jump[»] (at the 2022 Beijing Olympics), but envious Americans had to, off course, ruin it for her and Russia by alleging a doping and oddly only after11 US team lost the gold medal to Russia – in the meantime, she has been cleared of any wrongdoing[+]12[+]
➡ List of Russian Nobel laureates[+] – 27 Russians won a Nobel Prize
➡ Russian spirit[»]
➡ colorful Saint Basil's Cathedral[+ꚛ»] in Moscow, built in the 16th century, is an icon of Russia and one the most famous esthetical architectural masterpieces13[+] if the world, however, there are countless others Russian byzantine orthodox churches that are so beautiful that we get goosebumps while visiting them. The most beautiful Russian Orthodox churches outside Russia[+]
In contrast, Ukraine has not given the world anything[+][+] or anyone[+][+][+][+][+][+] as significant in terms of culture, arts, and innovation, which is why most of the world appreciates Russia much more than (economically and culturally) poor and corrupt Ukraine. The only Ukrainians who added some value to the world in recent decades are those who fled Ukraine – in other words, no thanks to Ukraine, and ethnic Russians born in Ukraine (e.g., Gogol, Megre).
Russians are significantly more educated than Europeans and Americans (especially white Americans, who are less educated than Asian Americans[+]).
The Russian Federation has the highest tertiary14 attainment rates in the world[+], at 63% of 25-34 year-olds compared with the OECD average of 44%[+]. Percentage of citizens age 25-64 who have completed tertiary education according to OECD 2021 report[+] – Russia[+] ranks better than the US[+], the UK[+], the EU[+] and Ukraine[+].
And when it comes to just higher education (without vocational courses), then Russia beats the US, the UK, the EU, and Ukraine again! Percentage of population 25 years or older with a Bachelor's Degree or higher in 2021[+]: Russia – 41,2%; the UK – 37,3%; the US – 35% (most of them are Asian Americans[+][+]); Germany – 28,3%; France – 19,7%; Ukraine – 16,1%.
As we enter into the age of AI, due to the power of marketing, branding, and showing off, many believe that the US leads the race in innovation and while that’s true to an extent, it must be noted that behind many of the US brands are many unpretentious Russians powering the latest advancements. Google was founded by Russian-born Sergei Brin, and Intel’s Pentium line was designed by Russian-born Vladimir Pentkovski, after whom the Pentium was named. Also, the founder and chief scientist/programmer of the world’s leading AI company, OpenAI – creators of the famous ChatGPT – is Russian-born Ilya Sutskever. Telegram Messenger[+] (an instant messaging service like Twitter) and the social networking site VK (an alternative to Facebook) were founded by the Russian-born Durov brothers.
In the International Olympiad in Informatics[+], both Chinese and Russians are better than Americans with each winning more gold medals and overall medals[ꚛ].
Bear in mind that the US has twice as bigger population than Russia to draw from.
The same is true with the International Collegiate Programming Championships[+][ꚛ], International Mathematical Olympiad[+][ꚛ], and other international competitions showing the supremacy of Russian human capital and their contribution to the world.
Russia is somewhat handicapped by the artificially imposed sanctions, embargoes, frozen assets, and economic terrorism from the West, which keep it from turning into a native technological powerhouse in the fields of computers and AI development but the human capital is clearly there and ready for the breakthrough that will come as Russia finally decouples from the West and turns to China, with whose help it will build up its semiconductor (and other) industries.
The point of this article was to shine a light on greatness of Russia and its people to the Western world where they are portrayed as being nothing but evil and even called as subhumans by neo-Nazis from Ukraine, who call them “orcs”, just as Nazis used to refer to Russians (as well as Ukrainians and all other Slavs) as “Untermenschen”.
For peace to come, we all need to stop vilifying or demonizing one another but to find the goodness in people. Considering how much greatness has come from Russia, we all, especially, Ukrainians , would much more benefit from being friends with Russia rather than antagonizing them and censoring their cultural and scientific assets.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Peacemaking Mediation” segment. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: American Animosity and Rivalry
SMO = Special Military Operation
alleged moon landing — watch here[»] some evidence disputing the veracity of it proving it was just a $30 billion hoax to prove to the world during the Cold War that the US is more capable and powerful than the communist Soviets
American firsts[+] (if we do not count all the insignificant American "firsts" such as first person to make suborbital flight, first spaceflight by winged spacecraft, first orbital maneuvers, first space rendezvous, first civilian in orbit, first space docking...)
Anastasia[+] (not to confuse her with the Romanov princess Anastasia) is a surviving member of an ancient Vedic culture, whose powers and knowledge far exceed anything known today. She was born in 1969, in the Western Siberian taiga. She has extraordinary powers such as clairevoyance, healing, creation or manifesting, wisdom
after US team lost the gold medal to Russia — doping test was done a couple of months earlier (25.12.2021)
Kamila Valieva also performed a quadruple jump on couple other occasions proving she didn't need a dope to do it; consider how mean her American rivals must be to deny this innocent teenager her precious, historical victory; couple weeks later Russians attacked Ukrai
while most others were/are more concerned to show off a size of a city hallmark (Eifel tower in Paris, Statue of Liberty and One World Trade Center in NYC, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Shanghai Tower...), Russians place more value on esthetics and spirituality