Is Ukraine A Fascist And Terrorist State?
Have a look at a mountain of evidence that Ukraine is not what it pretends to be and not worthy of support, especially it is wrong to arm them with weapons
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Reading time: 26 minutes (28 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the this “Reality Checks” segment from the beginning? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article: The Real Beginning of the War in Ukraine.
In the previous article we exposed the Fallacy of Democracy vs. Autocracy Narrative and here, we provide a mounting evidence of Ukraine being not just authoritarian but a fascist and terrorist state since 2014.
Benito Mussolini, who was the first to use the term for his political party in 1915, and in The Doctrine of Fascism (published in 1932), described Fascism as totalitarian, and the Fascist State as one in which all individuals must totally and religiously conform to the laws of state, that is, to the authoritarian ruler. No one has the right to oppose the ruler.
Fascism is the incorporation of government and (big) business.
According to Wikipedia[+], FASCISM is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy – all that applies to Ukraine.
In a fascist state, people are not allowed to disagree with the State or government[+], which is the case in Ukraine – ever since 2014, anyone opposing pro-Western, anti-Russian policies in favor of pro-Russian ones is fined, banned, prosecuted, or even killed.
According to the original definition of fascism whereby a fascist state is the one where government are controlled by or serving the interests of (big) businesses, we can say that all or most NATO countries are fascist countries because they are run by WEF-appointed politicians. WEF1 with its numerous partners[+] like BlackRock[+] is a major patron of the EU institutions, which is why it controls the EU to a great extent, if not fully. WEF consulting firms Klaus Schwab's organization has infiltrated in many governments and the UN[+]2 to execute “The Great Reset”[+][+] as part of its globalist, liberal or NWO3 agenda, but the merger of corporate and government power is known as fascism. With all the sophisticated tools to manipulate the public opinion and rig elections, as well as the value of campaign funding or sponsors, there are no elections; only selections. The President of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen is a member of the board of trustees[+] of WEF, just like Jose Manuel Barroso[+] before her, who also became selected (not elected) through WEF[+][+]4 endorsement.
German founder of WEF, Jesuit-educated[+][+], Klaus Schwab has helped to instate many of his puppets (graduates of WEF “Young Global Leaders” program) as heads of state and other institutions, including Trudeau[+] and Freeland[+] in Canada, Sarkozy[+] and Macron[+] in France, BoJo[+], Truss and Sunak[+] in the UK, Rutte[+][+] in the Netherlands, Sanna Marin[+][+] in Finland, Ardern[»] in New Zealand, Lula da Silva[+] in Brazil, Queen Rania of Jordan[+], former Chancellor Angela Merkel[+] and Annalena Baerbock[+][+] in Germany, Laurence D. Fink[+] - BlackRock Chairman and CEO, Kristalina Georgieva – IMF Director, Christine Lagarde[+] – President of European Central Bank, Sadhguru[+], etc.[+][+]. Here he brags[»] about penetrating cabinets of governments.
The characteristics of fascist states that apply to Ukraine are:
➡ Prevailing Nationalism centered on the cult of a redemptive, “infallible” leader who never admits a mistake. The difference between sinister nationalism and great patriotism is that nationalists are hatred-driven towards some other nation(s) while patriots are love-driven towards their own nation, not hating other nation(s). Fascist regimes make excessive use of:
Nationalist motto or slogan – every day and almost everywhere, Ukrainians shout “Slava Ukraini!” ("Glory to Ukraine!")[+], which is the slogan that Ukrainian Nazi Banderites5 (followers of Stepan Bandera6[+][+]) used to shout in the WWII the same as Hitler's Nazi used "Heil Hitler" and “Sieg Heil” or Croatian Ustashe (Nazi collaborators) used "Za dom spremni"[+] ("Ready for the motherland") – both of which are banned now for a reason. Banderites descendants of this day adopted that fascist salute, which they got even many thoughtless foreigners to shout along. How fascist this slogan is can be recognized by the fact that Ukrainians force people, including Russian POWs, to shout it (consider why they do it), as well by the fact[»] that Ukrainian refugees in Poland beat up guys who do not want to say “Slava Ukraini”. Imagine you going abroad and forcing the locals to shout “Glory to [the name of your country]” – wouldn't that be outrageous? Who does that?! If the Nazi-era slogans like "Sieg Heil" and "Za dom spremni" ("Ready for the motherland") of the Croatian Ustashe (Nazi collaborators), founded at the same time as Bandera's OUN in 1929, are banned everywhere, then “Slava Ukraini!” ("Glory to Ukraine!") should be as well but heedless people use it disregarding historical atrocities associated with it. Whenever Croat nationalists use their slogan, it triggers aggressive discussions and disciplinary measures from international sports associations but when Ukrainian nationalists use their Nazi-era slogan, the Western authorities whitewash[+] it, which is not only a double standard but also scandalous – as scandalous as if in the same severe case of historical revisionism, Germans would now also use “Sieg Heil” all the time and encourage others around the world to use it with similar revisionist justification that this “slogan basically lost its particular connection to the Nazi Party and became one of the symbols of the pro-European protests”! What they are, essentially, saying is that history doesn't matter and as long as Nazi slogans are used for pro-European or anti-Russian means, then there is nothing wrong with it – how sick is that?! They justify its use with that it was used in the context of the Maidan revolution but the revolution itself was illegitimate and unconstitutional and its usage during revolution was unlawful anyway. It's important to be mindful of the historical context and sensitivities when using Nazi-era slogans. It's always a good idea to consider the potential impact on others and to approach such matters with respect and understanding. Anything associated with hate is wrong. Even Zelensky himself in his old show joked[»] that you need medicine if you say “Slava Ukraini” but is now saying it all the time. So he got a taste of his own medicine. Note, that he also said that Putin’s Russia was very democratic and free where anyone could shout that slogan and nothing would happen.
Symbol – Ukrainian coat of arms[+], the trident[+], also called tryzub (three-pronged spear). It was the emblem of a Viking Rurik Dynasty that in 882 occupied Kyiv and much of the now Ukrainian territory and ruled them for nearly 400 years, until the 13th-century Mongol invasion[+]. Ukrainian nationalists adopted the symbol when they proclaimed independence 3 times in 20th century.
Songs – the Ukrainian song ‘Chervona Kalyna’ has become a second anthem, the symbol of freedom and resilience[+].
Flags – the Ukrainian flag is virtually everywhere, also in forms of emojis and social media avatars used even by many pro-Ukraine, anti-Russian foreigners
➡ Disregard for Human Rights while seeking purity and cleansing for those they define as part of the nation. The representatives of all largest ethnic minorities (apart from Russia[+], most vocal about it are Hungary[+][+] and Romania) as well as prominent institutions (European Parliament[+][+], the Council of Europe Venice Commission[+][+], UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – OHCHR[+], Human Rights Watch[+], and OSCE[+]) have condemned Ukraine's education and language laws for violating human rights. The foreign ministers of Hungary, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria complained[+][+][+] to the Council of Europe and the OSCE about the violation of the rights of the respective minorities in Ukraine. The issue was discussed at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and the Assembly duly expressed its concerns – so, it is not a mere “Russian propaganda” and if those EU minorities felt discriminated against, then you can imagine how discriminated was Russian ethnic minorities who were not just repressed but also terrorized, killed, persecuted and prosecuted since 2014. Violations of human rights in Ukraine are ignored because of fear of the enemy (Russians) and the need for security. As a result, people tend to look the other way and approve of torture and long incarcerations of prisoners, as well as executions and assassinations. The US State Department releases a report on Human Rights in Ukraine[+] (and other countries) every year admitting that Ukraine is a serious offender of human rights.
➡ Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause – Ukrainians are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common enemy – Russia. Imprisonment and/or murder of opposition and minority group leaders.
➡ Supremacy of the Military – the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, soldiers and military service are glamorized, and the government tends to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Fascists arm people and justify and glorify violence as “redemptive”. Ukraine’s ratio of military spending to GDP skyrocketed (doubled) in 2014[+] (when the new fascist regime took control). While Zelensky is prosecuting priests, he has not prosecuted a single commander or general who have committed any crime – unlike Russia with the rule of law[+][+].
➡ Obsession with National Security – Ukraine is obsessed with joining NATO and fear (Russophobia[+]) is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses as well as justification for governmental crimes as the pretense for national security
➡ Obsession with Crime and Punishment – local police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws and people are willing to overlook police abuses in the name of nationalism
➡ Controlled Mass Media and undermining “truth” – the media is directly or indirectly controlled by the government and excessive censorship of media. In February 2021 (one year before Russian SMO), Ukrainian President Zelensky banned three television channels from operating in Ukraine by revoking their broadcast licenses and blocking assets after accusing them of being pro-Russian. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ)[+] condemned what they called “an extra-judicial and politically motivated ban and a blatant attack on press freedom that must be urgently reversed”. Anyone posting content that is contrary to the Kyiv regime7 narrative is considered criminal, thus persecuted and prosecuted (e.g., 6 bloggers detained for publishing footage of air defense in Kyiv[+]; a Chilean-American reporter Gonzalo Lira jailed and tortured to death for opposing Kyiv's narrative[+][+][+], Ukrainian journalists Anatoly Shariy[+][+][+][+] and Ruslan Kotsaba[+][+], Diana Panchenko[+][+][»], Yuri Chernishov[+], Dmytro Korniychuk[+][+], Yevgeny Levchenko[+], a blogger[+][+] from Kyiv …), some even killed.
Zelensky banned the Russian TV channels, radio stations, books, magazines, and newspapers – the Nazis used to burn books, and now the Western “guardians of liberalism and progress” banned Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, and other renowned Russian thinkers, creators, and artists. The so-called “cancel culture” is a fascist practice of eradicating everything and everyone creative and stifling free thought in all areas, be it economics, politics, arts, or culture. History will certainly put everything in its place and will know whom to cancel, and it will definitely not be the greatest works of universally recognized geniuses of world culture, but those who have for some reason decided that they have the right to use world culture as they see fit. Their self-regard really knows no bounds. No one will even remember their names in a few years. But Dostoevsky will live on, as will Tchaikovsky, and Pushkin, no matter how much they’d have liked the opposite.
➡ Corporatism is one of the main tenets of fascism[+]. One of the most famous fascist leader, Benito Mussolini said[+]: “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Corporatism is a form of government under which the state opens itself to influence from privileged interest groups so long as they remain under its control. Like in fascist states, in Ukraine[+], the collective management of the economy is conducted by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state, which is a combination of crony capitalism and state capitalism. Like the previous president Poroshenko, Zelensky is complicit in the foreign corporate takeover of Ukraine[+] by selling off Ukrainian natural resources (very cheaply) to his Western sponsors[+] and authorizing vampiric deals for the foreign investments to sideline and impoverish the Ukrainian population since the coup in 2014. Zelensky ‘sold’ Ukraine to the US, to the US assets management firm Blackrock[+]. Blackrock's CEO and President, Fink and Kapito, are both Jewish, like Zelensky.
➡ Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – friends and associates appoint each other to government positions and officials use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. Loyalty to President Zelensky is paramount and often more important than competence. Saying Ukraine is corrupt is like saying water is wet.
➡ Fraudulent Elections – elections were a complete sham, manipulated by smear campaigns, media manipulations, and blocking opposition candidates. Since 2022, Zelensky banned 19[+][+] political opposition parties, including OPZZh, the second biggest party in terms of parliamentary seats, banning them not just from any political activity but also seizing their assets. Guess how “fair” the next election will be! Zelensky also runs smear campaigns[+][+] against his rivals such as Kyiv mayor (and former boxer) Vitali Klitschko and and most popular presidential candidate, former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny, whom Zelensky sacked and sent abroad for no valid reason. How many opposition parties does Zelensky regime has to ban for the West to realize that Kyiv is a fascist regime???
➡ Political power derives from a false sense of reality, endorsing myth and rage, and promoting lies
➡ Fixation with perceived national humiliation or victimhood, assuming moral superiority over the enemy.
➡ Opposition to any initiatives or institutions that are ethnically and religiously harmonious.
➡ Disdain for intellectuals and the arts not aligned with the fascist narrative.
➡ On 27 November 2013, during Euromaidan protests, Ukrainian students were chanting and holding signs “Hang the Moscovites” (a neo-Nazi term for Russians, here meaning the ethnic Russians living in Ukraine, 8 million of them) [»][»][»] Did the government condemn such behavior and punish them for hate speech? Quite the opposite; it engages in hate speech, too, especially President Zelensky and his inner circle, who continually openly monger hatred, hostility, and animosity.
➡ Here is evidence of the fascist Hitler-like speech[»][»][»] by former President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, who declared fascist apartheid policies in a notoriously bombastic political speech on 23 October 2014 when he threatened to oppress and discriminate against children and civilians of ethnic Russians in Donbas (worse than Hitler did with the Jews): "We will have a job – they won't. We will have pensions – they won't. We will have the support of people – children and pensioners – but they won't. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, and they will sit in their basements. Because they don't know how to do anything! That's how, that's how we will win this war." He was referring to the Civil War in Donbas 2014-2022[+][+][+] that he conducted with his anti-Russian policies and sending neo-Nazi battalions to Donbas to kill and terrorize ethnic Russian civilians who protested his anti-Russian policies. This “beacon of democracy” clearly didn't know that first, second, and third duty of democracy is freedom for all. The boomerang of fate and karma has come around full circle for that fascist as he found himself with the rest of Kyiv, sitting in one such basement (bomb shelter) he promised and implemented[»][»] for Donbas' children[ꚛ][»]. And it is not Donbas (Russian) but Ukrainian children who ended up sitting in their basements, while Donbas kids go to schools and kindergartens[»][ꚛ], as yet another proof that the verse from Bible 26:27[+] is true: “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.” See if you can find anywhere Putin speaking like Poroshenko! But it was him, not Poroshenko, who was vilified as evil. The big question is: why Western media did not publish that Hitler-like speech and why was Poroshenko not condemned by anyone but was instead given funds and weapons to execute his fascist agenda?
➡ Another evidence of the fascist talk from the Kyiv regime is a leaked telephone conversation[»][»][+] on 8 March 2014 by Yulia Tymoshenko, 3-time presidential candidate, leader of Fatherland (Batkivshchyna) party in parliament, co-leader of US-backed protests known as the ‘Orange Revolution’ (2004-2005), and former Prime Minister (2007-2010) (the blonde US puppet with a braid around her head that the West intensely promoted as a victim of a politically motivated persecution disregarding all the evidence of her being guilty of charges[+]). In that phone call she was caught making outrageous threats to ethnic Russians and showing her murderous side (“I am ready to grab a machine gun and shoot that mother f***er in the head” – is this how a decent politician, diplomat, or wannabe president should talk?) as well as hatred for Russian ethnic minorities (“It's about time we grab our guns and go kill those damned Russians together with their leader... I would’ve found a way to kill all those a*****es”). And to the question “What should we do now with 8 million Russians living in Ukraine? They are outcasts!”, she answered: “They must be killed with nuclear weapons.” Imagine if she won a presidential election (she tried 3 times[+])! This is a convicted felon that the West insisted she should be released from prison!
➡ Another evidence of the fascist Kyiv regime is a former member of parliament from the Svoboda Party a linguist and professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language at the Lviv Polytechnic (Institute of Humanitarian and Social Sciences) Iryna Farion[+] who declared in 2017[+][+] that according to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Russian-speaking Ukrainians have no right to exist and "Don't give them either education or work." She also stated that her task is to "neutralize the Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine as much as possible." With the help of the West. In May 2023, she talked about how her grandson should punch every kid that speaks Russian in kindergarten[»] – never mind it is unconstitutional and against the law[»] Here are a couple pieces of evidence showing that her words are taken seriously, one[»] showing a complaint about a child getting sick after his teacher washed out his mouth with soap for speaking Russian at a daycare in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa, another one[»] showing a posted notice in a kindergarten saying that children are not allowed to speak Russian there, plus another one[ꚛ][+] showing a signpost at a children playground with a sign that speaking Russian language is prohibited at that playground.
With publicly calling for murder of millions of ethnic Russians, no wonder she reaped what she sowed by being murdered[+][ꚛ] herself in July 2024. She was inciting hatred based on linguistic preferences and became a fatal target of hatred herself. May God have mercy on her, but when will toxic people ever fathom how God's justice work and learn that we all reap what we sow eventually?!
➡ Other evidence that Ukraine is a fascist state since 2014, are fascist statements of various other Ukrainian politicians and leaders after a massacre in Odesa[+][+][+][»], in May 2014, when 116[+] (Kyiv admits officially only 48) peaceful protesters of Russian ethnicity were brutally murdered by being burned alive and no one was prosecuted for that although the felons are not only known but praised:
Svoboda Party MP Iryna Farion[+] posted on Facebook the next day[+] “Bravo Odesa...Let the devils burn in hell”. No wonder she reaped what she sowed by being murdered[+][ꚛ] herself in July 2024 and surely burning in hell. May God have mercy on her, but when will toxic people ever fathom how God's justice work and learn that we all reap what we sow eventually?!
Fatherland Party MP Lesya Orobets celebrated the "liquidation" of the kolorady (a derogatory term for pro-Russians)
The Right Sector paramilitary confederation, whose leader Dimitro Yarosh was a presidential candidate and an MP, celebrated the deaths, describing the massacre as “yet another bright page in our fatherland’s history”
Oleksiy Goncharenko8, who took part[ꚛ][+] in the Odesa massacre was later elected to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – these fascist lawmakers were responsible for terror against ethnic minorities.
➡ Other evidence that Ukraine is a fascist state since 2014, is the glorification of notorious fascists and Nazi collaborators by renaming thousands of streets after them, raising countless monuments in their honor, opening many museums dedicated to them, and such. Since 2014, more than a thousand settlements and more than 50.000 streets have been renamed after those Nazi collaborators in Ukraine[+] – in 2022 alone, 237 streets, squares, avenues and boulevards were renamed just in Kyiv. An independent American Jewish Forward journalist Lev Golinkin started an inventory of all monuments to all Ukrainian WWII criminals involved in Nazi crimes all over the world and has compiled an amazing list[+] in Ukraine. The OUN members or UPA militants are glorified in modern Ukraine as national heroes, 94 streets[+][+], 2 avenues[+], 5 lanes[+], and bridges were renamed after Bandera, 5 museums[+] and 40 monuments[+][+] were built in his honor, so no wonder Ukraine got the nickname Banderistan. Ukrainian UPA soldiers who survived were awarded veteran status[+][+] with all the benefits and accolades. Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] glorify them, despite all other countries in the world consider them war criminals. And they teach[»][»] kids to be and salute like neo-Nazis and to hate and kill[»][»] Russians.
➡ In May 2015, the lawmakers of Ukraine’s national parliament, the Supreme Rada, under President Petro Poroshenko (Bandera fan) passed[+][+] a controversial[+] law[+] that honors dozens of nationalist organizations including fascists of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) [+] and Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)[+] giving them the honorary status of "fighters for independence" of Ukraine, making it also a crime to “publicly exhibit a disrespectful attitude” toward them. OUN and UPA collaborated with the Nazis in 1940s executing ethnic cleansing and massacres of perceived subhumans such as Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, gays, and others in western Ukraine during and after World War II. The Rada deputy who sponsored the bill is the son of Roman Shukhevych, military leader who was trained by the Nazis and served in a Nazi-supervised auxiliary police unit[+] before becoming head of the OUN-UPA in 1943-1944. Without serious debate, without dissenting votes and with large numbers of deputies declining to take part, the motion by nationalists to honor and glorify the fascist OUN and UPA by encompassing them within the history of Ukraine’s fight for independence is both foolish and wrong. It also damaged Ukraine’s international reputation and escalated the conflict with Russia. Simon Wiesenthal Center9[+] condemned[+] that law stating that “to honor local Nazi collaborators and grant them special benefits turns Hitler’s henchmen into heroes.” Ukraine’s allies – particularly Poland – also condemned this law. 70 multinational scholars and experts on Ukraine condemned that law and sent an appeal[+] to Ukrainian President Poroshenko and the Chairman of Ukraine's parliament Hroysman not to sign that law.
Ukraine has been down this road once before. Shortly before leaving office in 2010, former President Yushchenko granted Stepan Bandera[+] the status of “Hero of Ukraine,”[+] an action condemned by the European Union[+], Presidents of Poland and Russia, Israel’s Ambassador to Ukraine, and Jewish politicians and organizations[+][+], which was then annulled[+] by new President Yanukovych. The Rada should have learned from Yushchenko’s mistake. The Rada has, at one stroke, given the Kremlin and the Donbas authorities all the ammunition they need to support their claim that post-revolutionary Ukraine is overrun by fascists and neo-Nazis. It turns out, Russians were right about it.
Furthermore, the law states[+][+] that those who “publicly exhibit a disrespectful attitude” toward these groups, or “deny the legitimacy” of Ukraine’s twentieth century struggle for independence, will be prosecuted. In other words, that law criminalizes questioning of the new Kyiv regime’s view of World War II, which deviates from the previous official view and from the view of all other European states. A law that bans criticism of any organizations – particularly ones associated with the Holocaust and ethnic cleansing – raises important free speech issues, is fascist, and a clear violation of Ukraine’s constitution, which guarantees everyone “the right to freedom of thought and speech, and to the free expression of his or her views and beliefs.”
➡ On 14 April 2020, The Atlantic Council (a globalist think tank serving the interests of NATO[+]) wrote[+][+] that “Ukraine has taken a step towards tyranny” condemning Zelensky for acts of politically motivated persecution. But that was before he became a NATO pawn. Although he increased such activities, they turned a blind to all that and now are even supporting the person they deemed a “tyrant” and his tyranny. Heck, they even honored him with Atlantic Council Global Citizen Award[+]
➡ In March 2023, Vasyl Maliuk, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), explained[+] how they intimidate judges to achieve prosecutions of certain people. They’re not even hiding it … that’s pure fascism in the open.
➡ Zelensky follows in the footsteps of Hitler by arresting opposition leaders[+] such as Medvedchuk, leader of the second largest party in the parliament, who was arrested on politically motivated “treason” charges.
➡ Zelensky has been giving awards to known notorious neo-Nazi Azov and Right Sector fighters[+][+] such as the “Hero of Ukraine” commendation and the highest state award “Gold Star Orders” to five officers[+] of the neo-Nazi Azov brigade.
➡ The neo-Nazi followers of Bandera[+][+] (Banderites in nationalist political parties such as Svoboda, Batkivshchyna10[+], People's Front11[+], Petro Poroshenko Bloc, Right Sector, Radical Party of Oleh Liashko[+], and some independent parliamentarians) got seats in the Ukrainian parliament[+][+], infiltrated governmental positions, have received state funds for their projects, have run children's military summer camps[»][»] (run by the notorious neo-Nazi Azov brigade, who teach small kids not just to use weapons and fight but also to hate Russians, as they are being indoctrinated and told to shout hateful anti-Russian slogans), have held festivals ("Banderstadt Festival of Ukrainian Spirit", annual neo-Nazi Asgardsrei festival in Kyiv[+][+], etc.) and have millions of followers (just neo-Nazi Svoboda party had over 2 million voters[+]).
➡ Evidence[»][»][»] of fascistic hate speech and the outrageous, violent expressions of Ukrainian representatives in the media, including paramilitary nationalists, targeted against Russians (which is as bad as against Jews or anyone else), assuming fascistic (moral and military) superiority over Russians. Such fascistic pronouncements, which you never hear from Russian officials, border on, if not constitute, direct advocacy of war and war crimes committed by Kyiv. The Ukrainian media regulator (National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting) first advised journalists and others in the media not to use dehumanizing language when referring to Russian troops and officials but later withdrew that advisory[+][+][+][+], allowing such indecency that is characteristic only of fascist states. The Kyiv authorities allow Ukrainian high-officials’ and state-media practice of labeling Russians “orcs” and “retards,” thereby supporting the fascist ideology of addressing other nation as subhumans. Official reports from Ukraine’s defence ministry include headlines such as “A squad of orcs has been repelled,” which is a clear of not just indecency but also fascism or neo-Nazism of Kyiv high officials. One woman explained[+] it to the reporters: “They’re orcs because we don’t consider them human.” If this is not Hitler-incarnate, then we do not know what is. Like neo-Nazis, also Zelensky considers Russians or Russia as subhuman or inhuman, which is evident by many of his fascist statements such as this one[+]: “Putin and Russia are a ring of inhumans.” Referring to people of another nation as non-human or subhuman and assuming superiority is fascist and was the practice of Hitler and his Nazis. Ukrainian regime and nationalists do not call Israelis, Americans, the Brits, or other NATO members inhuman, although they have also invaded other countries and killed even more people, which is a clear evidence that calling Russians “subhuman” is not based on aggression but based on the fascist Nazi ideology of certain nations being superior while others are perceived as subhumans. For comparison, Russian Defense Ministry is more civil in their rhetoric as they chose their words more wisely, so they never say things like “A squad of orcs has been repelled” as their Ukrainian counterpart does but they frame it[+]: the Russian military continues to “systematically reduce the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”
➡ Countless videos pop up online from Ukrainians who dare to expose the current fascist regime – one is here calling it Gestapo[»].
If you want, get educated about The History of Fascism in Ukraine[+][+][+]
These are all just some of the many other pieces of evidence[+] proving that there has been no democracy in Ukraine. While some of these undemocratic, authoritarian, and fascist measures could be justified with current martial law but not to the extent they are taken, and all these measures were more or less practiced since 2014, anyway, which invalidates “the fight for democracy” narrative. Having adopted the ideology and practices of the Ukrainian national radicals, the current regime has, in fact, degenerated into a neo-Nazi dictatorship ever since 2014.
Ukraine is a terrorist state
The Ukrainian government is a terrorist government. The evidence of Ukraine being a terrorist state since 2014 is so profuse that we would need a whole book to list all of them. Since 2014, Kyiv regime has been terrorizing and terrorist attacks against the people in Donbas as well as anyone else anywhere else who showed any signs of support for Russians – even listening to Russian music has been prohibited[+]. During war, there is a terminology tendency to downgrade terrorist attacks to simply term them as war attacks but if Ukraine is claiming to only defend itself from an alleged aggressor, then all Ukrainian aggressions and offensives on Russian soil, including Moscow, borderline regions of Belgorod[+], Kursk, Bryansk[+], and as well as Pskov, etc., are nothing but terrorist attacks, especially because they are conducted against civilians and without a declaration of war.
Watch this video[»] where Ukrainian political scientist Mikhail Chaplyga explains how Ukraine is a terrorist state – by international law, from a legal perspective, if there is no state of war introduced in the legislative field of Ukraine (Ukraine has not declared war with Russia), then the actions of Ukraine on the territory of Russia are considered terrorism.
To put it in perspective, the US had wagged illegitimate wars in the Middle East for decades, such as against Iraq, Iran, the Arabs, and Syria, which led to retaliatory four 9/11 attacks, carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States on 11 September 2001. If those attacks are considered terrorist attacks and justified the war against Afghanistan, then Ukrainian attacks on Moscow and other Russian towns, as well as prominent journalists are surely also acts of a terrorist state that should be condemned rather than supported. When the 9/11 attacks happened, Putin and Russia were the first to offer condolences and help to the US but the US didn't return the favor when Russia was attacked by terrorists and instead further supports the terrorists. What a shame!
“The Ukrainian government is a terrorist government.”[+] – lawyer-turned-politician Jindrich Rajchl, leader of a new political party in the Czech Republic (an EU state), who hopes to run for the European Parliament in June 2024 and wants the EU bloc to change its stance towards Kyiv. He is also a leader of anti-government, anti-NATO protests[+], as well as aligned with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico.
One of many evidence[»] of hate speech and the outrageous, violent expressions of Ukrainian representatives in the media targeted also against Russian civilians. Such fascistic pronouncements, which you never hear from Russian officials, border on, if not constitute, direct advocacy of terrorism and war crimes. In that video, Ukrainian national television broadcasts nationwide, with the knowledge and approval of Zelensky, terrorist threats against not just the participants of the Russian SMO in Ukraine but their families, too, proving that Ukraine turned into a terrorist state.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Reality Checks” segment. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: Fallacy of Ukraine Fighting for Europe
WEF[+] = World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab is a billionaire club of far-left, globalist oligarchs with huge influence on world governments and UN; meets once a year in Swiss Davos. Agenda: the Great Reset, NWO, one world government, depopulation, CBDC...
One of the UN projects to achieve WEF “Great Reset” Agenda is The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Obscured by noble-sounding verbiage, hides a hideous truth - they want to take away our goods, such as electrical appliances, cars and even property rights
WEF is just a proxy serving the interest of the globalist Jesuits (HQ Rome, near Vatican) via Jesuit-run CIA, as we explain in the upcoming segment "Behind-The-Scenes Powerbrokers"
Banderites[+] are Bandera followers - in WWII, Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera was an anti-Semite leader with Nazi ideology collaborating with Nazi Germany in executing ethnic cleansing & killings of Jews and other perceived subhumans including Slavs, Gypsies, gays, etc.
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Oleksiy Goncharenko[+] is Ukrainian MP from an opposition party, also member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; former chairman of the Odesa region Council; a son of former mayor of Odesa. He was among the crowds observing the Odesa massacre in May 2014
Simon Wiesenthal Center[+] is a Jewish global human rights organization researching the Holocaust and hate in a historic and contemporary context.
Batkivshchyna party in the parliament is neo-Nazi because of its ultranationalist, extremist, anti-Russian ideology, consisting of many followers of Bandera[+][+] who protect the rights to praise fascist crimes — e.g., on February 22, 2014, V. Yavorivsky, a member of the Batkivshchyna faction, introduced in Ukraine's parliament draft legislation proposing abolishing the standards of accountability for expressing personal opinions on Fascist crimes.
Also, leader of that opposition Fatherland (Batkivshchyna) party, co-leader of protests known as the ‘Orange Revolution’ (2004-2005), and former Ukrainian Prime Minister (2007-2010) Yulia Tymoshenko (the blonde US-puppet with a braid around her head that from 2011-2014, the West intensely promoted as a victim of a politically motivated persecution disregarding all the evidence of her being guilty of charges[+]) was caught talking like a fascist in a leaked telephone conversation[»][»][+] on 8 March 2014 in which she made outrageous threats to ethnic Russians and showing her murderous side (“I am ready to grab a machine gun and shoot that mother f***er in the head” – is this how a decent politician, diplomat, or wannabe president should talk?) as well as hatred for Russian ethnic minorities (“It's about time we grab our guns and go kill those damned Russians together with their leader... I would’ve found a way to kill all those a*****es”). And to the question “What should we do now with 8 million Russians living in Ukraine? They are outcasts!”, she answered: “They must be killed with nuclear weapons.” As part of opposition, she is Zelensky’s critic. Since June 2024, she is listed[+] as a wanted person in Russia, wanted under an article of the Criminal Code.
People's Front[+] party was founded by Arseniy Yatsenyuk who approved the controversial law that honors fascist organizations including OUN & UPA and described[+] it favorably as “actually European, really free and unbiased.” Such views by senior government officials represent a historical blind spot about Ukrainian history, wrote Foreign Policy[+]