US-Backed Coup in Kyiv in 2014
It is common knowledge that the US funded orchestrated an illegal regime change operation in Kyiv in 2013/2014 termed as Maidan revolution – here is all the evidence
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Reading time: 43 minutes (44 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the this “Peacemaking Mediation” segment from the beginning? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article: Peacemaking Mediation: The US Role.
In the previous article on American Animosity and Rivalry against Russia, we started to list the reasons why no one should count on the US president and officials to mediate peace in Ukraine, which we continue to list and explain throughout a couple of articles (because the list of reasons is that long). In this article, we explain how the US started the whole conflict and therefore is a party to the conflict and as such is in no position to mediate peace but to agree to it.
As we already mentioned and corroborated in previous segments, this war in Ukraine did not start with a Russian attack in February 2022 but with the new Ukrainian unelected regime (that came to power by force backed by NATO) launching a military operation against Russian ethnic minority in April 2014[»], whereby massacring thousands of civilians until Russia decided to protect and rescue them. However, the conflict started even before with the US and its EU vassals funding and orchestrating a regime change operation in Ukraine to install its puppets in government, which they dubbed first as Euromaidan protests and then as Maidan revolution. To understand Russian point of view, this also has to be viewed in the context of the previous Orange revolution, which West also funded and orchestrated 10 years before in 2004 but Western corrupt puppets could not hold power for too long. Here we provide plenty of evidence for all that.
When we talk about the US-backed coup in 2014, we must highlight that it was the Obama administration with then-Vice President Joe Biden being at the helm of all Ukraine operations – the very same guy who was at the helm of Ukraine operations when the conflict escalated into a major war – can that be just a coincidence? Can it be a coincidence that Biden's family has invested largely in Ukraine (oil, biolabs, arable land, etc.) since 2014?
Before we go into disclosing all the evidence of US-orchestrated coup in Kyiv in 2013-2014, allow us too explain why would the US do such thing. This regime change operation was a part of a covert large-scale scheme a.k.a. color revolutions[+] where the US government and its “deep state” used CIA and its NGOs to bribe local politicians, media, and naïve public (mostly students) into doing protests and riots to overturn the government so as to install US-puppets as leaders who would accept the “Western rules-based order” in which the capitalist West, especially the US hegemons may exploit the local natural resources and plunder the country all under the psyop banner of freedom and democracy.
We’d like to say it was all about money but there is more, which also comes down to money – they also wanted to steal Ukraine from Russian influence so as to weaken Russian geopolitical power and so preserve and expand American hegemony in the world, which the US ruling classes falsely believe they need to maintain their wealth.
When in 2013, Ukraine needed a loan, there were two offers:
🔵 The World Bank (IMF) offered $15 billion with two conditions:
Lift the ban on private sector land ownership.
Cut pensions and fuel subsidies.
🔵 Russia also offered $15 billion, but WITHOUT the austerity and privatization requirement.
US-puppet IMF placed that requirement on behalf of the US interests. Ukrainian President Yanukovych decided to choose Russia's offer, so Washington instigated a coup, ousting Yanukovych, so that American companies may own Ukrainian land. The new US-puppet Kyiv regime (that came to power by force and foreign interference rather than by democratic means) accepted the IMF loan and their conditions of austerity and privatization of agricultural lands. Multinational consortia with US capital have bought 1/3 of Ukraine's land since then.
In the 2013, going into 2014, the US officials masterminded, orchestrated[+] and funded the whole regime change operation (which they dubbed as Euromaidan protests and then Maidan revolution and even Revolution of Dignity) in Kyiv with Victoria Nuland[+], who was then Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, as well as US Senators John McCain, Chris Murphy, and others as well as their vassals in Europe.
US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr called[+] Victoria Nuland “Notorious Neocon Architect of Ukraine War.” US involvement in the ouster of President Yanukovych in 2014 revolution/coup kicked up tensions with Russia and contributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to seize Crimea and support the uprising in eastern Ukraine.
Besides, a whole range of American organizations were involved, which under the pretense of supporting democracy funded the people running the coup. US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Nuland said[»][+] in December 2013 that by then, the US State Department gave $5 billion in aid to Ukraine for ”democracy” even though Ukraine was a democratic state since 1991, which means for “regime change”[+] favorable to the US (serving the US interests). In other words, the US had publicly admitted to funding the overthrow of the democratically-elected government of Ukraine.
A huge number of American-funded NGOs, including that from Soros (the progressive neoliberal Hungarian-American investor who founded “Open Society” NGO) have engaged intensively in Ukraine to further American interests and neoliberal values. Soros set up a foundation in 1989 in Ukraine that played an important role in the 2014 regime change, as Soros himself admitted[»] who sought to destabilize Ukraine but projected his destabilizing efforts onto Putin. Who gave Hungarian-American Soros the right to meddle in the politics of Ukraine and push Ukraine to depend on the West rather than Russia? The NATO leaders wanted Ukraine to depend on the West so as to use Ukraine against their rival Russia.
The US government (via State Department official Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt1) relied chiefly upon cofounder of the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party, Andrei Parubiy (“the Commandant of Maidan”) to be the CEO of the Ukrainian coup in February 2014[+], and upon Dmytro Yarosh[+] – self-declared[+] follower of Nazi mass murderer Stepan Bandera2[+][+], anti-Russian radical nationalist and leader of the right-wing fascist paramilitary organization Right Sector – to be the coup’s COO (Chief Operating Officer), which in this case was not so much an executive function as a military-organizing function. And the opposition leader, whom they installed as the Prime Minister then was another neo-Nazi[»][ꚛ][+] Russophobe Arseniy Yatsenyuk who was a leader of protests and revolution together with another neo-Nazi[ꚛ] opposition Svoboda Party leader, Oleh Tyahnybok[»], and Klitschko.
The US government officials (US Senators, US Congressman, Assistant US Secretary of State, US Ambassador…) held meetings[+][ꚛ][ꚛ][+] and rallies[+][+] with the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leader and one of the Euromaidan protests/coup leaders Tyahnybok[ꚛ][+][+][»] (a self-proclaimed anti-Semite who openly called for Ukrainians to fight against the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia”[+] and called an accomplice in the murder of nearly 30.000 people in the Nazi concentration camp a hero[+]). Tyahnybok’s pro-Nazi politics have not deterred then-Vice President Joe Biden from wholeheartedly greeting him[ꚛ][ꚛ][+].
Let's just take a moment here to be fully conscious of what that means. The US authorities knew very well with whom they were dealing, they knew that they were backing and funding neo-Nazis to overthrow a democratically elected government (because it was disobedient to the Western powers). Now, how does that sit with you? Some of you might not believe it but you are free to check out all the links we provided with evidence plus we will provide a whole segment[*] on this topic of neo-Nazis in Ukraine with a segment listing many references from prominent Western authorities who admitted or objected to it. And if you still think it is impossible that the US government officials would do such a thing, then you need to know that they do that all the time. They also backed Nazis[+] immediately after WWII to kill the Soviets or communists whom the US considered to be a threat, not militarily but politically and economically.
The US cooperation with neo-Nazis is a standard covert strategy dating back to WWII when the Americans and Brits (the Anglo-Saxons) started recruiting Nazis and Nazi collaborators to fight the Soviets and Russians, which we will elaborate in a separate segment[*] on the topic of denazification.
And, the US has backed even Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria[+] although they were declared terrorists and despite the 9/11 attacks! But you probably do not know that because they cover it up by calling them “freedom fighters” just as they do now with Ukrainian neo-Nazi fighters, giving them fancy names, weapons, and money.
And just like afterward, the US military killed a senior al-Qaeda leader in late 2021[+], and let their collaborator Nazi Bandera get killed[+] in 1959 in Munich (it was part of the American occupation zone), the US will surely get rid of Ukrainian Bandera followers when it suits them (like they already did[+] with Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Gen. Valery Zaluzhny[+][+][ꚛ] – he was officially sacked[+] in February 2024 by the US-puppet President Zelensky) after they cease to be needed by the American masters. They already accused[+][+] Zaluzhny of blowing up the German-Russian gas pipelines, so Germans will surely hold him accountable as soon as he stops being useful. Or they will eliminate the top Bandera followers by allowing Russia to do the “dirty work” or blame it conveniently on Russians as they did with Bandera – Bandera's grandson believes[+] the CIA killed him.
This isn’t about taking a side. This is about pealing one more layer off this stinky onion. Basically, Western authorities are whitewashing Nazis and terrorists. How many layers of irony can we allow here? One may conclude that both sides in this war are equally and proportionally wrong, hypocritical, and immoral, thus siding with neither.
The US authorities are logically in denial about organizing a coup in Kyiv, despite solid evidence such as confession and physical proof being available, as we list them down below. In search of truth, just like detectives, we all need to follow the cues, connect the dots, zoom in, and use abductive reasoning, all of which we explained in the article on Crash Course in Reading Between The Li(n)es of Propaganda[*] but, in this context, we use these methods, besides admissions and physical evidence:
✅ following the cues like a detective – we gathered hints from a variety of sources, which leads to this conclusion. Since it is smart to hear it from all sides, not just one side, to make up one's mind with an open mind in the pursuit of truth, read here below the list of testimonials of renowned connoisseurs who all claim the US did it
✅ connecting the dots – by looking back and drawing lines between many historical bits and pieces of information of other uncorrelated coups and regime changes[+] verifiably orchestrated by the US, when all put together, it reveals a picture of a sinister ploy to secure American hegemony. Washington’s use of radicals for regime-change operations under the lofty ideals of “democracy” and “humanitarian aid,” embedded in the unipolar world order dominated by the West, was mirrored in Ukraine, whereby the US used Russophobe neo-Nazis for its political gains
✅ zooming in under the surface, it becomes very obvious how great of a role the US officials played during that time seeing that they shared platforms with the protesters, daily hosted revolutionary leaders in the US embassy, paid for the protesters’ utilities, handed out cookies to them (by “Cookie Monster”[+] Nuland), and appointed new government as leaked in a phone conversation between the US officials.
✅ abductive reasoning via the duck test – “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck” – if the US regularly changes regimes, it probably did it in Ukraine, too. It is possible to identify the US as the culprit by observing its habitual characteristics. Liars and schemers are easy to discern by their pattern of behavior.
However, there is no need to play a detective here when there are plenty of clear evidence, including admissions from key players.
Testimonials and Admissions:
➡ One of the pieces of evidence that the US plotted and arranged a coup in Kyiv and staged a civil war in Ukraine is the video[»]34 of a Ukrainian deputy Oleg Tsarov[+] talking in parliament in November 2013 (shortly before the Maidan revolution[+] in February 2014), where he spoke about having “clear evidence that within our territory with support and direct participation of the US Embassy in Kyiv, the ‘TechCamp’ project is realized under which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine.” He also said that “American instructors explained how social networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion as well as to activate protest potential to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine.”
➡ Many Ukrainian officials, including the then-head of Ukraine's Security Service Oleksandr Yakymenko, claimed[+] that Parubiy, Petro Poroshenko, as well as several other organizers of EuroMaidan, received direct orders from the US government and were doing everything they were told by the leaders and representatives of the United States. According to him, “They, in essence, lived in the US embassy. There wasn’t a day when they did not visit the embassy”. Yakymenko also blamed the United States for organizing and financing the revolution. The fact that the leaders of the opposition were visiting the US Embassy almost every day[+] during the protests and revolution suggests not only that the US supported them but that it orchestrated it all. What business did protest leaders have in the US Embassy? What support did they need from the US to be going there so often or at all?
The US Embassy violated the UN Resolution 2131 of 21 December 1965[+], which regulates the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of a state to protect its independence and its sovereignty. The US Embassy illegally interfered in the internal affairs of Ukraine and should be brought to justice.
Countless prominent, trustworthy, nonpartisan people even among the Americans and other Westerners have been saying that the Maidan revolution[+] in 2014 was a coup orchestrated by the US. It would take too much space in this peace initiative to list them all, so let's just mention a couple of them (perhaps not the best ones):
➡ That the US plotted and arranged a regime change (evidently by a coup rather than a democratic election) in Kyiv are then-President Obama's own words in an interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN in February 2015[+] where he said: “Yanukovych then fleeing after we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine”
➡ US Senator Chris Murphy (Chairman of the US Foreign Relations European Affairs Subcommittee, who was in Kyiv supporting Euromaidan protesters in 2014) admitted on February 25, 2014[+]: "With respect to Ukraine, we have not sat on the sidelines. We have been very much involved… a clear position of the US has in part been what has helped lead to this change in regime". Furthermore, he said[+]: “I think it was our role… that forced, in part, Yanukovych from office.” He revealed the motives[+]: "Billions of dollars in new economic opportunities for the US were at stake in Ukraine”, and "we shouldn't be shy about making clear that interest"
➡ US Senator Brakey told[+][+] how the US changed the regime in Ukraine in 2014
➡ US Congressman Thomas Massie said[»], “in 2014, we helped to overthrow their elected government”
➡ Harvard Law School alumni, American professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and human rights lawyer Francis Boyle said in an interview in March 2022[+]: “…then came the 2014 coup d’état that was paid for and sponsored and organized by the United States against the democratically elected government in Ukraine…”
➡ American journalist, author, and former lawyer Glenn Greenwald and American radio host and author Scott Horton revealed in this video[»] all about the US Role in Ukrainian coup in 2014. Horton also wrote a book titled “Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine”[+]
➡ Legendary Australian investigative journalist John Pilger5[+][+] wrote in an article in February 2014[+] “What is certain is that Barack Obama’s rapacious coup in Ukraine has ignited a civil war and Vladimir Putin is being lured into a trap.” And in May 2014, he wrote in another Guardian article[+]: “Having masterminded the coup in February against the democratically elected government in Kiev, Washington's planned seizure of Russia's historic, legitimate warm-water naval base in Crimea failed. The Russians defended themselves… Like the ruins of Iraq and Afghanistan, Ukraine has been turned into a CIA theme park – run personally by CIA director John Brennan in Kiev, with dozens of "special units" from the CIA and FBI setting up a "security structure" that oversees savage attacks on those who opposed the February coup.” And in another article a year later in February 2015[+]: “This reached its apogee in 2014 when the Obama administration splashed out $5 billion on a coup against the elected government… These fascists are now integrated into the Kiev coup government… It was Nuland who masterminded the coup in Kiev.”
A deep dive article on the CIA’s role in Ukraine[+]
Ukraine: The Instrument of the CIA for 75 Years[+]
Truman created the CIA in 1947, a monster he believed had gotten out of hand, and regretted it[+]: "I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.”
➡ American investigative journalist Robert Parry[+] published an article in July 2015 titled “The Mess That Nuland Made” [+] on how then-Assistant US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s “regime change” in early 2014 without considering the likely chaos and consequences. He accused her of “plotting the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych while convincing the ever-gullible US mainstream media that the coup wasn’t really a coup but a victory for democracy.”
➡ 3-Oscar-winner filmmaker Oliver Stone made two documentaries "Ukraine on Fire"[»] and "Revealing Ukraine"[»] about it and here in an interview confirmed[»]: the United States organized a coup in Ukraine, which caused an armed conflict
➡ According to the New York Times[+][+], "The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution” in Ukraine. They whitewash the US orchestrating it as a means of “flowering of democracy” but anyone with brains know that revolutions are not democratic and that The US embracing ousting a democratically elected president by undemocratic revolution is scandalous. Imagine if Russia did that to the US, if they also “embrace the revolution” in the US where a mob tries to oust a government by force like on January 6? Would that be Russia's help in “flowering of democracy”?
➡ American encyclopedia Conservapedia has a page on Maidan coup[+] describing it as “a violent US-backed anti-democratic color revolution which brought the neo-fascist Maidan regime to power in Ukraine… that implemented a full-scale policy of ethnic cleansing and began artillery shelling of civilian residential neighborhoods to drive ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers out of the former Ukrainian territories.” It also lists evidence.
➡ On 23 June 2011, according to WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange and his article “Google Is Not What It Seems”[+] (posted on 27 October 2014), Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt and the US State Department's Jared Cohen, met together with Assange during Assange’s involuntary house-arrest by the UK regime inside Ecuador’s Embassy in London, and they managed to fool him into providing crucial information about how the internet could be used in order to help stir Ukrainians to overthrow their President. Assange, at that time, had no idea at all, that he was actually telling this to coup-plotters, instead of to democracy champions.
➡ In December 2014, George Friedman, the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, said of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014 was a US-organized coup d'état[+]: “The United States was interested in forming a pro-Western government in Ukraine. They saw that Russia was on the rise and sought to prevent it from consolidating its position in the post-Soviet space. The success of pro-Western forces in Ukraine would make it possible to contain Russia. Russia calls the events of the beginning of the year a US-organized coup d'état. And it really was the most overt coup d'état in history.”
Physical and Circumstantial Pieces of Evidence:
➡ US government officials such as US Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy, US Congressman Devin Nunes, Assistant US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, and US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt came to Kyiv and give moral and material support to protesters in Kyiv. Why would all these busy politicians bother to come all the way across the Atlantic to support the protesters and their neo-Nazi leaders rather than the democratically-elected government if not to help in or even orchestrate yet another regime change[+]?! They never came to France, Germany, or other European countries during mass protests with massive police brutality.
US senators addressed[ꚛ][ꚛ] the crowds on EuroMaidan rally on 15 December 2013, alongside neo-Nazis like Tyahnybok[+][ꚛ], expressing American support for their cause. Is this appropriate? Would it be appropriate if Ukrainian or Russian senators and other governmental officials came to Washington to support anti-government protesters? Think about it.
If they were so concerned about the wellbeing of protesters after alleged police brutality, why haven't they done the same for the protesters from the Russian ethnic minority when they were being not just beaten but tortured, killed, and even burned alive[+][»] by the government armed forces and fascist militants for years, which was documented by Human Rights Watch[»][»][+] (no Russian propaganda)?! Chew on it.
Or, why didn't any US high officials come to Paris to support the anti-government and anti-pension reform protesters[+] when French riot police were brutally hitting them[»]? Or why didn't any US high officials come to Italy to support the protesters when riot police were brutally beating them [»]? Or why didn't any US high officials come to Barcelona to support the protesters when riot police were brutally beating them[»]? Obviously, their excuse was just a charade.
Also, when the Nigerian President Tinubu (Western puppet, who was elected a couple of months earlier despite an extremely low turnout – 26%, and just 37% of votes[+]) was forcefully overthrown in July 2023 following a military coup[+] and subsequential mass uprising (people waving Russian flags[»][»][»][»][»] as they were inspired by Russia standing up to the Western meddling and exploitation), the US supported and called for[+] the restoration of Niger's "constitutional order". Well, why didn't the US do the same in Ukraine in 2013 when the Ukrainian mob and paramilitary ditched the constitution and democratically-elected government? Why didn't the US protect Ukraine's President then?!
All these examples show the hypocrisy of the US government and how they base their foreign policy on self-interest rather than justice or democracy.
Evidently, American justifications about standing against the regime that uses force against its own people were just a cover for the US's real agenda – a regime change[+]. Why were Ukrainian pro-West protesters more important to the US than the Ukrainian pro-Russian, French and Italian protesters? Because in Ukraine, the US wanted a regime change. And what right do US government officials have to meddle in foreign domestic affairs anyway?
The US officials violated the UN Resolution 2131 of 21 December 1965[+], which regulates the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of a state to protect its independence and its sovereignty. The US officials illegally interfered in the internal affairs of Ukraine and should be brought to justice.
The coup attacks were not just sudden but very well planned ahead and coordinated by CIA[+] operatives who masterminded many so-called color revolutions[+]. The campaign was clearly an American creation, with a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in Western branding and mass marketing, using subtle patterns, similarities, and symbolism, as well as the sacrificial lamb plot – all employed there just like in Libya, Georgia, Moldova, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Venezuela, which reveals that the protesters from all those different countries had the same mastermind. The particular use of social media and field techniques of fighting and catchy sing-alongs were identical and revealed that they were trained and prepared for it all rather than acting spontaneously.
Many US organizations were prepping the pro-West, anti-Russian opposition to defy the government and fight for Western values. "TechCamp" held in the US Embassy in Kyiv, and CIA training paramilitaries of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi militias Right Sector secretly in Poland (as reported by the Polish NIE magazine[+]) were teaching them in the months ahead of the protests all about the techniques used during protests. And, for an obvious reason, at that time, US delegations with representatives and congressmen were frequently visiting Kyiv and supporting protesters rather than the government, intensifying the conflict rather than stopping it – a clear “divide and rule” ploy. Having the backing of the US surely encouraged the protesters to keep on protesting ever more intensely.
➡ A leaked phone conversation[+][+][»] between US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt and US Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland that took place on 27 January 2014 exposed them discussing who they will instate as "their man" as head of government and clearly revealing how the US was not just meddling in Ukraine's domestic affairs but dictating it.
As the bugged phone call reveals, Nuland and Pyatt were hand-picking neo-Nazi[»][ꚛ][+] Russophobe Arseniy Yatsenyuk to be the new head of government. Imagine if Russians were caught doing that – would there be a major uproar about Russian meddling in Ukrainian election? Then why no uproar about American meddling? Double standards or what? This conversation proves that the protests were not meant to just protest but to change the regime – to topple the democratically elected government and instate the guys whom the US chose.
That this was not fake or just some innocent conversation on wishful thinking, it is proven by the fact that a month later, none other but their chosen guy was appointed as the unelected head of government after the revolution – zealously anti-Russian, far-right, neo-Nazi[»][ꚛ] politician Arseny Yatsenyuk, who used the Nazi word 'subhumans'[ꚛ][+] referring to residents of the south-east of Ukraine (with ethnic Russians) and promised to wipe them out in official comments on the webpage of the Ukrainian Embassy in the US.
Why are Ukrainians not upset that Americans selected their government? If Russians did that, would that be also okey?
➡ Joe Biden, who was Vice President at that time, revealed in his memoirs US meddling in Ukraine[+] during the time of the Maidan revolution. Biden bluntly demanded that former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych resign back in 2014. In his book titled "Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship And Purpose," which was published in November 2017, Biden revealed that he repeatedly called the then-Ukrainian president, telling him what he should or should not do. And after the president was ousted by force, Biden claimed he went as far as to direct almost each step of the new Ukrainian authorities. He also admitted that he "had been on phone with either Poroshenko or... Yatsenyuk, or both, almost every week" for months. Such meddling of US officials is utterly outrageous. Imagine if Russian Vice President admits meddling in Ukraine in such a manner!
➡ leaked Vitali Klitschko e-mails[+][+] give evidence of his treason for being funded and directed from the West to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine with an illegal coup.
➡ an article published in the Polish NIE investigative-journalism magazine[+] on 14 April 2014, reported that during the spring of 2013 (just months before the protests started that overthrew Yanukovych's government), America’s CIA was training paramilitaries of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi militias Right Sector secretly in Poland, approved by Poland’s Government. What was the CIA secretly training them for in Poland? And why in Poland rather than Ukraine? Right Sector militias are the guys who run the protests and the revolution. There was nothing else Right Sector paramilitaries were engaged in, so, logically they were trained for the coup. What else? Since the CIA trained them, it could only serve the purpose of undemocratically changing the regime that suits the US.
➡ at the same time, in March 2014, the “TechCamp” project started inside the US Embassy “preparing specialists for information warfare discrediting state institutions using modern media, potential revolutionaries for organizing protests and the toppling of the State. The project is currently overseen and under the responsibility of the US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt” said a Ukrainian deputy Oleg Tsarov[+] talking in parliament in November 2013, as seen in this video[»]. He also said that “American instructors explained how social networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion as well as to activate protest potential to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine.”
➡ Former national security advisor to Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981 and top foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski[+] wrote in The Grand Chessboard, a book viewed by many as a blueprint for US world domination, that Ukraine (along with Azerbaijan, South Korea, Turkey, and Iran) plays the role of a critically important geopolitical pivot whose importance is derived from its sensitive location. He revealed why the US has been hyper-concerned about having Ukraine in its sphere of influence, which is why the US needed to instate a puppet regime there. As he wrote “it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America”, this explains why the US and many of its media outlets have feverishly demonized Vladimir Putin and Russia.
➡ Another piece of evidence is the fact that before the regime change, the government was not playing by the US and the EU rules, whereas afterward, the new corrupt regime has been dancing to the West’s tune like crazy. Before one could say “fool's bargain” Ukrainian parliamentarians were flaunting their booby prizes – fancy suits, Rolexes, and sports cars despite their salary being about $280 at the time (raise your brow if this seems shady), only to end up being charged for corruption at a later point. As if it was not disgraceful enough to turn most parliamentarians into lapdogs, NATO chiefs even turned the new President into a beggar[»], constantly begging them for handouts. It is pitiful to see that. Besides, aren't Ukrainians smart enough to understand that a nation can't sustain a war by crowdfunding forever?
➡ Also, the fact that after the Maidan Revolution, Americans were controlling much of the Ukrainian government suggests that the US was behind the regime change.
An American citizen[+] became the Ukrainian finance minister
US Vice President Joe Biden became the virtual viceroy in Ukraine. Videos have emerged of Biden giving instructions to the Ukrainian president at the time, Petro Poroshenko. By his own admission[»], as also confirmed by then-US Secretary of State John Kerry[»], in 2016, Joe Biden forced the Ukrainian government to fire its prosecutor general Viktor Shokin[+], who refused to close the investigation of his son's employer Burisma Holdings[+][+] (Ukraine’s largest private gas producer owned[+] by Jewish oligarch Kolomoysky, who was Zelensky’s boss and his main presidential campaign sponsor, CEO Mykola Zlochevsky gave Hunter Biden a lucrative board membership) for money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption. Joe Biden was threatening to otherwise withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees; thus, Ukrainian President Poroshenko obeyed him. The question is how is it possible that a leader of a foreign nation has the right to remove another country’s prosecutor? One of many other instances of Joe Biden's interference in Ukrainian politics is the Firtash case (US extradition request, 2014)[+]. Evidently, Americans had a significant influence on Ukrainian domestic affairs, which is a clear violation of UN Resolution 2131[+], which regulates the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of a state to protect its independence and its sovereignty. US Vice President Biden illegally interfered in the internal affairs of Ukraine and should be brought to justice.
in May 2015, a new US-employee governor was appointed in the Odesa region – none other than the former two-time President of Georgia (2004-2007, 2008-2013), a highly controversial figure, Mikheil Saakashvili[+], whom Georgians ousted on criminal charges so in 2013, he fled to the US where he was then employed at the New International Leadership Institute in Washington and worked for an NYC law firm. As Odesa governor, he received a gross annual salary of $198.000 from Washington[+][+] and a monthly salary of 5.644 hryvnias (about $267) from Ukraine. In other words, he became the US puppet as Ukraine's new US puppet regime appointed him as the governor of Odesa, even though he was not from Ukraine (the day before, he was granted Ukrainian citizenship for that purpose but stripped of it in 2017; in 2016 he was stripped of Georgian citizenship). He resigned as Odesa governor in November 2016 and fled back to the US in 2017 and was also touring Europe trying to consolidate power in Ukraine but to no avail as he was banned from entering Ukraine. Since 2021, he is currently serving a prison sentence in Georgia for abuse of power.
➡ Further evidence of a US puppet regime is a whole range of anti-Russian laws and regulations as well as decommunization laws that Ukrainians themselves never came up with before, clearly indicating the Russian enemies, NATO states (the US and the EU), were behind it. With all these anti-Russian measures and prosecutions, abductions, and murders of pro-Russian parliamentarians, politicians, activists, and journalists, it is clear that the right nationalists had support from the US propaganda machine employed by the US government. Ukrainians and Russians lived in peace until the US came in with their efficient “divide and rule” ploy. Putin had a witty response[»][+] to that in an April 2024 parody: “You want decommunization? Very well, this suits us just fine. But why stop halfway? We are ready to show what real decommunizations would mean for Ukraine… We help your decommunization by destroying communist-built power stations.”[»][»][+]
➡ In December 2016, Court of Moscow ruled that Ukraine's 2014 'Euromaidan' was US-backed coup[+]
➡ The Orange Revolution in 2004
On top of the list with the evidence of the US orchestrating a coup in Kyiv in 2014, let us just point out that this was not the first time they did it in Ukraine, as they did it also in 2004 in what was then called “Orange Revolution”, as The Guardian reported on it: US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev (November 2004)[+]. Like Maidan revolution, the Orange revolution was a successful regime change operation but soon afterwards it failed, as through democratic elections, Yanukovych was elected first as Prime Minister and then as a President, which is why they had to repeat it.
Circumstantial evidence that the US instated a puppet regime in Ukraine in 2014 is the fact that the very same scenario happened a decade earlier when the US helped their pawn Viktor Yushchenko get elected by stealing the Ukrainian presidency through orchestrating another revolution – the Orange Revolution[+][+] by empowering and funneling money (about $34 million[+]) into pro-Western NGOs, opposition movements, youth groups, and civil society actors to support Yushenko's candidacy and spread propaganda, leaflets, and subversive rumors (rather than proof or facts; the allegations of the observers from NATO states could be easily be bought by the US, thus they don't qualify as proof, just like the US-funded faked exit polls that were much easier to rig than ballots and indeed they were6) about the then-elected pro-Russian candidate Yanukovych winning due to the alleged electoral fraud (which turned out to be defamation as no charges for election fraud were raised and falsity of claims was proven with him winning the next two internationally approved, OSCE-certified elections – parliamentary in 2006 and presidential in 2010) and by giving the masses an additional reason to revolt and start a revolution – poisoning a presidential candidate.
In September 2004, Yushchenko was poisoned with the use of the non-lethal toxin Agent Orange[+], and the revolution that started in November was called the Orange Revolution as he was a central figure in it and adopted orange as the signifying color of his election campaign. Everyone was quick to blame the opposition candidate Yanukovych and Russia for his poisoning but, if we use logic, it is very unlikely for several reasons:
First of all, Yanukovych was not a fool – it would be dumb of him to order such a crime as logically he would be blamed for it and so lose voters and the election.
It is common sense that no one could ever win an election by being blamed for poisoning a rival and that neither Yanukovych nor Russia could benefit from it as people would not vote for him just because the other candidate was poisoned – thus, this seems more of a false flag operation7[+], the kind that the US Department of Defense and CIA are known for to provoke protests – despite being top-secret, some[+] were revealed while many others[+] still not.
Logically, in politics, the main beneficiary is often the culprit. The US was the main beneficiary of the regime change (installing its puppet regime) because the corrupt Yushchenko government accepted American bribes to serve American interests (cheaply selling off national natural resources, expanding markets for US products, biolabs[+][»][+][»][+][+»][»]…) and applied to join NATO as the plan was then to permit Americans to set up naval bases in Crimea and Odesa to take control of the Black Sea region away from the Russian fleet. The plan failed, though, as Russians outsmarted them by taking Crimea.
Moreover, Agent Orange[+] is a chemical herbicide and defoliant produced in the United States (Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Medvedko confirmed that the poison found in Yushchenko's blood was manufactured in either Russia, the United States, or Great Britain) that was used by the US military as part of its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War when they poisoned three million Vietnamese with it. Russians never used it to poison anyone, while Americans were proven[+] to do it.
If Yanukovych or his allies wanted to poison Yushchenko to remove him from the presidential race, why didn't they then do it; why didn't it work? Think about it. What would be the point of poisoning Yushchenko if that didn't either kill him or incapacitate him? It seems, someone else slightly poisoned him only to frame it on Yanukovych and let Yushchenko continue with his campaign.
From experiences with other attempts at regime changes[+] around the world, the US officials knew that mere allegations of electoral fraud wouldn't suffice to mobilize the masses to protest and demand the third round of voting, which is why the masterminds of the whole regime change effort had to come up with something that would additionally galvanize the public to revolt – what better than stage the poisoning as false flag op[+]?!
Also, despite vigorously trying to prove that he was poisoned by either Yanukovych or Russia, for obvious reasons, they could never find a single proof. At the peak of the Orange Revolution protests, Yushchenko announced he would soon have proof that his opponents had attempted to assassinate him. The proof, however, never materialized. But the insinuations worked. The masses naively believed his innuendoes and he got his votes to get elected.
If Ukrainians find it appropriate to accuse anyone based on mere speculations and conspiracy theories, then by the same token, they should find it appropriate to accuse the CIA, as well. But, why was there no investigation of the CIA? Because the new Yushchenko regime had very close ties with the US. In their naivety, most likely, neither Yushchenko nor his inner circle could have ever imagined that the “friends” from the US would resort to such extreme measures
If the focus of the investigation had been elsewhere, the culprit would probably have been found till now, unless it was an undercover CIA operative for which a major coverup would take place. The mysterious ending suggests a coverup. But Yushchenko could never imagine that his backers could be behind it as if he never heard of Judas Iscariot. Just as it is not fair to suggest the US is the culprit based on speculations, the same applies to blaming the Russians.
Speculations aside, looking at who had the most or any gain from it all, clearly, Yanukovych and Russia drew no benefit from this crime, thus it is unlikely they were behind it. Logically, people would never vote for Yanukovych just because the other candidate was poisoned and no one ever won or could ever win an election by poisoning a rival, so whoever accuses Yanukovych or Russia of trying to do that, is either dumb, naïve, a hater, or guilty. All this supports the theory of American involvement in the poisoning and spreading of rumors about alleged electoral fraud in a bid to provoke protests and rage against the pro-Russian candidate who was otherwise sure to win the election.
Unsurprisingly, pro-West Yushchenko won the presidency then, through a repeat runoff election during which the pro-Russian candidate Yanukovych (who had the most votes in the first two voting rounds) was propagated as an election fraudster and poisoner and so, with a large portion of the gullible public turning against him, he had no chance of winning the third round (although, with all the allegations and bad press against him, the results were still tight: 52% vs. 45% of the vote). Checkmate.
And with their man as a head of state, the US enticed Ukraine to apply to join NATO, something Ukraine never wanted before and that was against a couple of treaties they had with Russia. The United States was the main beneficiary of the regime change (from pro-Russian to pro-NATO) because the puppet government would join NATO and give the Americans the green light to set up naval bases in Odesa and Crimea enabling them to take control of the Black Sea region and so expand political, military, and economic opportunities. But this plan failed, so they masterminded a new revolution in 2014 but Russia outsmarted them by seizing Crimea. With such a slap in its face, the US had to do something about it – weaponize Ukraine to take Crimea back, engineer the world condemnation of Russia, and provoke a war. But that's another story.
Applying to join NATO is yet another sign that Yushchenko was the US's pawn and his administration a US puppet regime. And the Zelensky regime is no different.
Zelensky even accidentally admitted that both Orange and Maidan revolutions were coups rather than revolutions when in November 2023, he said[+] Russia was planning a coup to overthrow him describing a plan known internally as “Maidan 3,” which shows that Kyiv has admitted that the first two Maidans8 (Orange and Maidan “revolutions”) were also coups (but funded by the West), otherwise the Kyiv officials would not call it “Maidan 3” in the press.
Ukrainian nationalists have been complaining about their government being “the Russian puppet regime” but for some reason, they are not bothered with the US puppet regime they helped to install in 2005 and 2014 and that reigns to this day, nor were they against a Georgian criminal governing their precious Odesa region. If they serve the US interests, then they are not true nationalists but American or Western puppets. It is understandable if they want to cut off from Russian influence to exercise their right to full self-determination, but if they instead choose another even more invasive “puppet master” (dictating new laws, reforms, trade, etc.), then this has nothing to do with patriotism and nationalism but submissiveness, inferiority, and weakness.
The attempt to lever Kyiv into the Western camp by ousting the elected President and Prime Minister made conflict with Russia certain. Provoking Russia was not a smart move for the EU but it has been a profitable one for the US.
Regime changes[+] rarely work out, though, as the intervening states expect. Leaders installed via regime change generally don’t act as puppets for long. Once in power, the new leaders find that acting at their foreign backers’ behest brings significant domestic opposition. They, therefore, tend to moderate their policies or turn against the foreign backer completely at some point.
Even if the US would deny masterminding the alleged coup in Ukraine, what the US did was the classical “divide and rule” tactic as well as the “Trojan horse”[+] tactic, and like the Trojans, Ukrainians fell for the trick and are facing the consequences to this day. Reuters gave evidence[+] (a leaked audio clip[+]) that the Ukrainian opposition was being manipulated by Washington and used as US puppets. Ukrainians have been sneakily invaded and exploited by the US and the EU and they don't even know it (compared to the years before signing the EU trade deal in 2014, since then the Ukrainian economy worsened because Ukrainian exports[+] and GDP[+] decreased, and Ukraine's trade deficit[+] increased with much more imports than exports until COVID-19 restrictions when imports dropped much more than exports). No one can blame the US (and the EU) because they have been only doing what is in the best interest of their nation but everyone blames and shames Russia and the Russians just because they are opposing the Western intrusions in their orbit and are not so sly.
This is not to justify the Russian “invasion” at all but to point to the Western powers’9 concealed “invasion” [*] and the proxy war[+][*] so that Ukrainians don't naively subjugate themselves to foreign interests of any kind, especially when it causes them a trade deficit (as we will explain in a bit) and robs them of their Slavic identity.
➡ On the issue of Western invasion, the US, with its top record of invasions[+], is in no position to point a finger at Russia or any other countries, let alone condemn, preach against it, or feign to be a peacemaker.
Economists believe that the US economy is heavily dependent on the war industry. The US needs wars[+] – including its proxy war in Ukraine – to sustain its economy, which is why it does nothing to prevent or stop them but to instigate them. It is not for nothing that the US maintains nearly 900 foreign military bases[+] in more than 70 countries and territories around the world (in addition to America’s 749 domestic US military bases[+]).
While American politicians and the public condemn Russians as war criminals, butchers[+], and such, let's not overlook the colossal hypocrisy of these accusations seeing that the US regime has been arming[+] Israel to commit genocide in Gaza, has killed 20-30 million people[+] (plus millions of dead US soldiers) since WWII, invaded[+] and executed hostile incursions into other countries' territories more than 200 times[+] (according to the US Congressional Research Service report[+], 469 foreign military interventions[+][»] – not all were hostile) in 84 countries with the catastrophic toll of many millions dead, wounded, and displaced!
Therefore, for the US to complain about Russia’s military operation in Ukraine as a “violation of international law” is, at best, “the pot calling the kettle black” or “adulterers casting stones” where Americans are projecting while accusing Russians of the very wrongs that they themselves are guilty of to the nth degree.
“The US is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.”[+] – Martin Luther King
“The US is the most war-like nation in the history of the world.”[+] – Jimmy Carter
Russia is almost 2.000 years old, and the US is not even 300. Yet Americans run around the globe rattling their sabres and pretending they are the greatest the world has ever imagined, like little schoolboys bullying others on the playground. There are many submissive states that are intimidated by American bullies and bow to them, like Ukraine and the EU states, even though those bullying predators, while faking* their greatness, destroy their countries thanks to their corrupt leaders who take bribes from those who call themselves “elites”.
* A mere look at the US streets[»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»] and ghettos[»][»] is exposing how fake their “greatness” is, especially comparing it to, say, Russian[»][»][»][»][»] or Chinese cities’ streets[»][»][»][»][»] (obviously, all cities have bad parts but in the US is horrific). The US streets are filled with homeless[»][»][»][»], junkies, retards, and such but even worse are daily scenes of urban thefts[»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»], casual killings[»][»][»][»][»][»], and other crimes[»][»], as well as social decay[»][»][»][»][»][»][ꚛ][ꚛ][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][+], where pedophilia is not a crime but an identity[»] and a mere sexual orientation[»][»], which all makes democracy seem undesirable and exposes the American “civil society” and their fake prosperity to which Ukrainians foolishly aspire. For anyone who has succumbed to American or Western propaganda about Russia being poor and backward, just have a look at these videos[»][»] to realize how beautiful Russia is and how your government and its institutions and media have been lying to you.
Yes, the Putin regime has its flaws but what about the United States, with its sham wars in Iraq[+] (2003–2011), Afghanistan[+] (2001–2021), Libya[+][+][+][+] (2011, 2014-2020), Syria[+][+][+] (2011-present), and elsewhere[ꚛ], its overmighty security state, and alarming, offensive Presidents such as George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Obama, and Joe Biden who all invaded other countries and are responsible for killings of millions? Bless their hostile hearts. Putin[+] attacked Ukraine but haven’t all or most American presidents invaded other countries too? How is Putin any worse? If the world condemns one, then it ought to condemn all of them. Where do we draw the line in terms of killing civilians?
Scapegoating just one of the presidents, allows others to go on with their misdeeds. Scapegoating is an ancient, corrupted tactic whereby whenever something goes wrong there's always someone other than oneself to blame – as if the US didn’t provoke this war, blame it all on “dictator” Putin this time. This bogeyman fallacy is a classic propaganda technique, taking advantage of an emergent or deliberately-created crisis and its associated public shock, panic, and chaos in order to impose an argument, action, or solution (US intervention) that would be clearly unacceptable otherwise or if carefully considered.
Only from 2018 to 2020, the United States government undertook military operations (labeled “counterterrorism”) activities in 85 countries[+]. Since 2001, US post-9/11 wars caused 4.5 million deaths and displaced 38-60 million people, a US Brown University study shows[»]. And for some curious reason, the world (apart from some Muslims) is not vilifying any of the American presidents but only the Russian President Putin. The US created a world of endless wars pursuing military solutions over diplomatic ones while calling each of their wars a "just war" or "war on terror" whereas Russian military operations and Muslim “holy war” are deemed as unjust by Americans and their allies – feel free to draw your own conclusions.
“There is no occasion in which a war can be considered just” – Pope Francis[+]
According to historians[+], since its independence in 1776 until 2018, the US has militarily intervened more than 223 times – in other words, they use their military force every single year although the US soil was invaded only a couple of times, the last time in World War II, hence all these invasions can’t be justified with threats to their national security. Experts have considered the US practically impossible to invade because of its geographic location, difficult regional features, large geographical size, population size, major industries, and reliable and fast supply lines, which further proves how unjustified American military interventions are and how America's ruling elite have locked the United States in a self-perpetuating system of permanent war for no other reason than war profiteering[+] under the veil of alleged “national security and defense” and in “defense of democracy”. There are only three countries in the world that America hasn't invaded or that have never had a US military presence: Andorra, Bhutan, and Liechtenstein. The US military operations have become more expansive in scope and perpetual in time. And they always get away with it, as oddly (due to 'American exceptionalism'[+] and the US persecution of whistleblowers revealing their criminality despite Whistleblower protection laws[+]), they have never been convicted for their war crimes[+]. The most elemental face of war is not death but control by domination and surveillance.
And with the main source of information, the internet (in particular Google, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, CNN, etc., including web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, as well as Android, iOS, MacOS Linux, and Windows Operating Systems settings, plus antivirus and cybersecurity[+] such as McAfee, Norton, and PC Matic), being owned by American companies, no doubt they configure, filter and twist everything to serve American interests and block major media channels from American adversaries such as Russia. Wikileaks’ Julian Assange noted in his article “Google Is Not What It Seems”[+] in October 2014: “Jared Cohen could be wryly named Google’s ‘director of regime change.’”
How much information about Russia do you get directly from Russian sources? Do you have any idea about Russian living standards and culture other than what foreigners (state media) talk about them? Why is it all blocked? We are all constantly bombarded with American and British anti-Russian propaganda, manipulations, disinformation, misrepresentations, and distortion of facts that it is hard for common people to know the real truth. There is only so much portraying Russians as villains (in movies and news) one can resist before subjugating to it and adopting it as true. Russia is used as yet another bogey to continue military spending to support the American arms industry, one of the largest sources of employment for Americans.
While on the subject of warmongering American propaganda, let's not forget that many whistleblowers, from Edward Snowden[+] to WikiLeaks[+] sources, have exposed US secrets about state criminality, wrongdoings, unlawful surveillance[+], diplomatic scandals, and spy affairs. Julian Assange’s unveiling of US war crimes[+] comes at a time when the United States is expanding its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, sold to the public under the pretense that US intervention is necessary to prevent Russian atrocities and save poor Ukrainians from a madman.
‘Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.’ – Julian Assange, WikiLeaks
"In war, truth is the first casualty." – Aeschylus, Greek dramatist (525 BC - 456 BC)
"All warfare is based on deception." – Sun Tzu (544-496 BC), “The Art of War”
2024 US Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, explained it nicely[»]:
“We have internalized and institutionalized a reflex of violence as the response for any and all crisis. Everything becomes a war. War on drugs, the war on terror, war on cancer, war on climate change. This way of thinking predisposes us to wage endless wars abroad. Wars and coups and bombs and drones and regime change operations[+] and support for paramilitaries and juntas and dictators. None of this has made us safer. And none of this has burnished our leadership or our moral authority. More importantly, we need to ask ourselves, is this who we really are? Is this what we want to be? Is this what American founders envisioned?”
Why is the United States always fighting or proxying a war somewhere? Could it be also because war is profitable? You bet. For the US, war is a business, a very lucrative one. The US earns around $10 billion each year just in arms exports[+]. In 2022, the US sales of military weapons to European governments shot up to nearly $51.9 billion[+]. Direct commercial sales ― from contractors to governments ― also grew, reaching $153.7 billion, up from $103.4 billion in 2021[+]. Putin is making America rich again. The largest American export deal is related to arms – Trump struck an arms deal worth over $300 billion with Saudi Arabia. So, the question is: who is going to buy American arms and pay for millions of Americans who are on active duty, in the reserves, and work in companies that supply the military and the CIA if there is peace in the world?
Let's close with an American joke (with projecting), shall we?
Vladimir Putin called a press conference to discuss his meeting with Joe Biden. Biden commented after talking to Putin: “The good news, is that Mr. Putin told me that he wants peace.”
After everyone cheered and clapped in relief, he added the bad news: “A piece of Ukraine, a piece of Syria, a piece of Asia, a piece of Africa …”
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Peacemaking Mediation” segment. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: America Is Not a Peacemaker
Russophobic Geoffrey Pyatt was the US ambassador in Ukraine from 2013-2016 and then in Greece till 2022, whose main appointment was to destroy the relationship of both countries with Russia
another source to read the video's transcript in case the other links become disfunctional - click here[+]
American political consultant Dick Morris admitted to a clandestine meeting with Yushchenko's team, at which he advised them that a big exit poll might help to bring protesters out into the streets...local pollsters were Western-funded... Click here[+] for evidence
false flag operation = an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party
a reference to the central square in Kyiv called Maidan that was the focal point of uprisings in 2004/2005 and 2013/2014 - both were funded and orchestrated by the US and EU