White Supremacy Issue
Putin became a Champion of the Global Majority for standing up to Western white supremacy
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Reading time: 27 minutes
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness1 [+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. If you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it.
While most common people believe this is a war between Russia and Ukraine and many others know by now that this is a NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine (using poor and corrupt Ukrainians as cannon-fodder or pawns in NATO’s geopolitical chess game orchestrated to weaken and contain Russia), bright people came to realize that it is much more than that – a battle between the West and the Rest. One can frame it in many ways, such as the war between the Western neocons & neolibs and the conservative world, or between the globalists and anti-globalists, or between white people and the people of color represented by Russia.
War in Ukraine is part of a larger plan for NATO to maintain and Russia to undermine the current world order in which the Western minority dominates or rules the rest of the world by means of military incursions, economic sanctions, and violent regime changes installing US-puppets as leaders across the globe to exploit world’s natural resources and push the overpriced US exports onto the world with hype and intimidation.
On 16 March 2022, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, said “This is not about Ukraine at all but the world order. The unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past … A multi-polar world is being born.”
18 December 2023, Lavrov[+]: “We are well aware of the fact (as we made it clear many years ago) that all of this is not about Ukraine but about containing Russia. Kiev was used as a tool to pose permanent military threats to the Russian Federation and to eradicate our influence to the extent of destroying Russian traditions, language, culture, and even ethnic Russians physically. The Zelensky regime officials proudly confessed this.”
In other words, Putin’s Russia is not allowing the US any longer to play the world’s policeman and a bully – a message that resonates in countries that have long been unwillingly subjected to American power. Europeans, Canadians and Japanese are willingly Americanized and subjected to American power as well as Australians to British power but the rest of the world has had enough of exploitation and subjugation to Western rules and values.
As British media outlet Spectator[+] admits, Moscow’s diplomatic mission to build ties with countries beyond the Wests and hone a narrative over the past decade has paid dividends. Vladimir Putin is quite deliberately cultivating an alliance of nations who feel victims of western imperialism, and putting Russia at its head. “The West wants to see Russia as a colony. They don’t want equal cooperation, they want to rob us”, Putin said in September 2022. Most of the world can relate to that as they also feel as prey and perceive the West as predators. Putin’s message goes down equally well in large parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. They have not accepted the western framing of the conflict in Ukraine. In fact there are very few takers for it in the Global South.
The idea that it’s America and its allies who are the sources of global disruption and instability holds sway. The setbacks in Afghanistan and the idea that the Ukrainian war happened because of NATO’s expansion have fueled a narrative, and even sympathy, for the idea that Putin is simply standing up to the West. While NATO propagandists claim that Putin is a master of whipping up anti-American sentiment, they omit to mention who is the master of whipping up anti-Russian sentiment and Russophobia. Putin didn't need to whip it up; it was there all along. When the 9/11 attack on the US happened, most of the world rejoiced, even the allies.
On the day of the 9/11 attack, one of us was coincidently in one of the planes flying from France to Huston and had to turn back to Paris half way through and upon arrival all the passengers were offered a meal. Surprisingly or even shockingly, ALL people, all Europeans, at a huge table in a Paris restaurant, where the airline put us, were saying that the US deserved it. Just saying.
The point is, Putin is not the one whipping up anti-American sentiment; Americans are doing it themselves. If the West is condemning him for military intervention in Ukraine, he is surely allowed to make references to western military interventions in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria but explain that to Western imbeciles[+] who slam Putin for bringing that up.
Russia neatly taps into western guilt at its colonial past and neocolonial present while pitching itself as the leading voice for the global majority. And why not? It is a fact that no one denies: the global majority see Putin and Russians as their leaders or even saviors as they inspired them to stand up to Western powers and kick them out (e.g. Palestinians and many Africans) – as they do, they wave Russian flags.
At the same time, the Russian President appeals to the world’s social conservatives. Putin stroke a cord with the conservative world that is fed up with the Westerners shoveling their ultraliberal values down their throats, especially the LGBTQQIP2SAA agenda. They rejoiced when finally seeing a world leader who is saying what they all have been secretly thinking, and standing up for conservative family values.
Pan-Arabist news TV channel Almayadeen wrote an article[+] “Putin: A Champion of the Global South” – the publication noted that:
From a Global South perspective, the true achievement lies in Putin's defiance of NATO. It lies in challenging the forces that for years have kept the masses in a state of social, ideological, and historical paralysis. Where the West sees aggression and destabilization, the South sees retribution. The fact is that Russia was deceived by the West over the Minsk agreements[+][+].
If one finds it peculiar that the Ukraine war garners very little to no support in the South, the case is far from mere coincidence. The extensive legacy of the West spanning hundreds of years serves as a testament to the destructive nature of its foreign policy. In the Global South, where the collective memory of millions who perished under the weight of imperialism and military aggression remains vivid and lucid, the realities at play are crystal clear.
The Ukraine war is not merely a war for the preservation of Russia's national security but also a war for the thousands of mothers who gave birth to malformed babies due to contamination from NATO's use of depleted uranium ammunition in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Serbia, a type of shell which has been shown to increase cancer rates and other forms of disease in targeted countries. It is a war for those thousands of people who succumbed to their illnesses as a result of sanctions that prevented the entry of crucial medical aid. It is also a war for the comrades in Iran, Indonesia, and several countries across Latin America and Africa who died resisting injustice and oppression at the hands of imperialist stooges.
Though it may be the case that Ukraine emerged victorious in the propaganda game, that victory is primarily recognized in the West. Russia, on the other hand, is emerging not only as a victor in the military conflict but also as a trailblazer in shaping a new world order.
Moscow's defiance of Western elements, particularly the economic sanctions and the military aid to Ukraine, has not only set an example for other nations to follow but also eroded the legitimacy of the West's ideological supremacy. Russian economic resilience has effectively demonstrated that sanctions can be mitigated and that capital control measures, along with a basket-based currency, can be far more effective than the neoliberal charlatans preached by the West.
The Ukraine war marks a pivotal moment in history as it signals the transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar world order. The gradual formation of an alternative financial market by the BRICS organization further compounds these developments. Nothing can better convey the end of US-EU financial hegemony than the sense of panic surrounding the use of Russia's frozen assets.
…All in all, Putin has done a remarkable job at defending his country's interests and national security. Not only have his contributions solidified his leadership within Russia, but they have also inspired the Global South towards new horizons. With that in mind, history has begun to shift in the right direction.
Many people of color (the Global Majority2) perceive Russia as the only white superpower that has never oppressed, invaded, or colonized them[+], which is highly appreciated by them. Also, Russia has been the only white folk that came to the rescue whenever white supremacists, imperialists, or neocolonialists attempted to dominate them and topple defiant regimes that were opposing white supremacy[+], American imperialism or hegemony[+], NATO expansionism[ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][+], unipolar world order[+], Western socio-political system and ultraliberal, democratic, globalist, and capitalistic values, exploitation of their natural resources, Western attempt at changing their culture and traditional values, and subordinating or even enslaving[+][+] them. Russia has supported Africans, Middle Easterners, Asians, and Latin Americans whenever Americans and other Western white supremacists invaded them. For instance, just recently, Russian Wagner soldiers helped some African nations kick the French colonialists and American imperialists out of their countries. Also, Russians helped the Syrian government to thwart Western regime change attempt in Syria.
That is why white supremacists hate Russians, declared jihad[»] on Russia and do everything in their power to destroy them in any possible way, especially their culture, economy, and military power. By contrast, that is why people of color, which are Global Majority, see Russia as their savior and Putin[+] as their hero. Russia is the only nation among the white people that is actively proposing multipolar world order as opposed to American and European white supremacy[+] and hegemony. Russia is also the only nation among the white superpowers that is not moralizing, lecturing, threatening, and forcing its values on other nations to the point of condemnation as the collective West is doing by aggressively imposing its ultraliberal, democratic, and capitalistic values onto other nations with traditional and religious values (to the detriment of traditional and conservative principles, including Judeo-Christian and Muslim values), such as fake democracy, same-sex marriages, exalting homosexuality and the LGBTQ+ community, advocating hedonism, narcissism, permissiveness, promiscuity[+], perversity[»][»], adultery, and non-traditional sexual relations to minors; changing family values and exalting patchwork families; endorsing gambling, usury, greed, gluttony, materialism, idolizing money and material values; demanding a revision of norms of morality and ethics shared by all world religions, etc.
Russia has positioned itself as the champion of traditional values, both domestically and internationally, but it is not forcing its values upon anyone, including the intolerant West (it does not tolerate or respect the traditional values of other cultures). Russia is united with the Islamic world, India, China, etc. by their commitment to the cultural and civilizational diversity of the peoples of the planet (fiercely resisting cultural homogenization[+]) and their right to determine their own paths of political, social, and economic development.[+]
Much of the world sees the West as Sodom und Gomorra, which needs to be prevented to spread like a cancer. It is one thing to stand for love but quite another to parade naked[»][ꚛ][ꚛ] on the streets, engage in sexual immorality[»][»], and oppress[»] us. Since homosexuality is prohibited by God (as written[+] in the Bible) and is also equated with indecency, depravity, perversion, and promiscuity, as seen during gay parades, then Russians and their Patriarch Kirill have every right to object and fight against the West and its depraved values, whether we like it or not. There need to be boundaries, just as God told us we can love one another but not to have sex with anyone, such as with animals (bestiality[+]), minors (pedophilia[+]), someone other than your spouse (adultery[+]), the same sex/gender (homosexuality[+]), immediate family members and first cousins (incest[+]). As per Holy Bible, God condemns sexual immorality[+], which is not3 just adultery but all that and calls all such acts as abomination.
Modern Russia has never imposed its values on the West or anyone else but is opposed to the West imposing its depraved values onto them and the rest of the world and vilifying anyone who do not embrace their twisted values. Russia’s view on cultural homogenization[+] – Western pressure on all nations to embrace Western decadent ultraliberal values, including wokeness, is the best captured in President Putin’s speech at the meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi in October 2023[+]:
Like with environmental issues: “The loss of biodiversity is one of the most dangerous consequences of disrupting the environmental balance. Is it not equally important to maintain cultural, social, political and civilizational diversity? At the same time, the smoothing out and erasure of all and any differences is essentially what the modern West is all about… it is the decaying creative potential of the West and a desire to restrain and block the free development of other civilizations… By imposing their values, consumption habits and standardization on others, our opponents are trying to expand markets for their products. The goal on this track is, ultimately, very primitive. It is notable that the West proclaims the universal value of its culture and worldview.”
He quoted genius Alex Solzhenitsyn[+] from 1978 to perfectly describe the West:
“The blindness of superiority continues in spite of all and upholds the belief that vast regions everywhere on our planet should develop and mature to the level of present-day Western systems. There is the belief that all those other worlds are being only temporarily prevented by wicked governments or by heavy crises or by their own barbarity and incomprehension from taking the way of Western pluralistic democracy and adopting the Western way of life; countries are judged on their progress in this direction. However, this is a conception that developed out of Western incomprehension of the essence of other worlds, out of the mistake of measuring them all with a Western yardstick. The real picture of our planet’s development is quite different. The Western world has lost its civil courage…[+]”
In that speech[+], Putin warned the elite ‘globalist terrorists’ like Klaus Schwab, who are “holding humanity to ransom”, that their New World Order has failed and that their ‘days are numbered’. He emphasized the tectonic and irreversible shifts taking place in the global order. Seventeen years ago, at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, Putin told Western leaders that the natural type of international system is multipolarity, clearly showing that Russia would oppose the creation of a New World Order based on the unilateral international liberal rules-based-order[»] aggressively pushed by the globalist elite and their liberal politicians in Western democracies.
Standardization, financial and technological monopoly, the erasure of all differences is what underlies the Western model of globalization, which is neocolonial in nature. Their goal is clear – to maintain the unconditional dominance of the West in the global economy and politics. However, their tyranny is about to be over.
The Western ‘rules-based liberal international order’ is receding while a new multipolar world, in which traditional cultures retain their heritage within their own borders, is rising like a phoenix. More and more oppressed minorities are getting their way, starting from Kosovo independence[+] in 2008, continuing with Crimea in 2014 and Donbas in 2022, as well as African nations like Niger liberating themselves from French colonialists in 2023, and escalating with Palestinian liberation after seven decades of terror.
The advocates of American primacy within the Western mainstream media and the US foreign policy establishment rely on prevailing ideological trends of the time to justify interventionism abroad. Assuming moral superiority on the basis of economic superiority, the new ‘woke’ face of American hegemony is designed to project the US as international moral police rather than a conventional great power – and the result is neo-imperialism. This new schema (heralding progress and virtue signaling) is useful for the maintenance of the existing system of power. The rise of a ‘woke’ activist-driven, social justice-oriented politics – particularly among the members of academia, media, and the professional managerial class – has provided the latest ideological justification for interventionism, and it has become readily adopted by the patronizing US foreign policy establishment, with no regard for the heritage and aspirations of other civilizations that are unwilling to adopt the Western way of life. But with Western decline, after an economic crash, when people are cold and hungry and desperate, all the woke militants will be asked how they plan to reweave the social fabric that they so gleefully unraveled in the name of progress.
This is what people around the world see when they look at America, and the West: collapse of fundamental moral standards. They see the West desperately trying to hang onto their lost hegemony by resorting to economic and trade wars, sanctions, unscrupulous boycotts and so-called color revolutions[+], and orchestrating and carrying out all sorts of violent coups for regime changes. They see the West running social experiments and demonizing the rest of the world that is not willing to join in. They see a male flibbertigibbet masquerading as a woman on TikTok hysterically commanding that no state should have the right to keep children from cross-sex hormones and bodily mutilation for the sake of becoming trans. They see a Western civilization that has experiments with rapidly dismantling family and sexual norms.
“The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless against certain individuals. It is time, in the West, to defend not so much human rights as human obligations. Destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space. Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as, for example, the misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people, motion pictures full of pornography, crime, and horror. It is considered to be part of freedom and theoretically counterbalanced by the young people’s right not to look or not to accept. Life organized legalistically has thus shown its inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil. There is no moral responsibility for deformation or disproportion.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn[+][+][+], The Exhausted West[+]
Western globalist elite demands signaling of loyalty to ‘progressive’ universalism with the trending state-sanctioned ideology and slogans, which further fuels the push towards interventionism all over the globe. But the majority of the conservative world is not having any of it. The West is not capable of unilaterally governing the whole of humanity and Putin[+] with the rest of the world wants to build a symphony of human civilization. The hegemonic posture and US moral imperialism are at odds with a sober and realistic appraisal of US interests on the world stage, as they create untenable, maximalist, and West-centered goals that clash with most other cultures. This patronizing, liberal Atlanticist tendency to push moralism and social engineering globally has created immense backlash in foreign, especially non-Western, societies that now identify the West as a whole with ultraliberal values – thus motivating new forms of anti-Westernism and fueling the East-West dichotomy.
The problem is that the West4 is imposing its ultraliberal, so-called democratic, and capitalistic values onto the rest of the world and even condemning publicly those who do not share their values and fiercely resist cultural homogenization[+].
Like widely condemning Qatar and boycotting[+][+] its 2022 World Cup[+], Russia during the 2014 Olympic games in Sochi[+], and all others who do not share the same values regarding fostering the LGBTQ+ community (which the globalists further only because it fits into their depopulation agenda as LGBTQ+ people are unlikely to produce offspring). What’s next, condemning the Vatican because the pope refused to twerk when asked?! Just like the Vatican[+], Qatar, Russia, and many other nations oppose same-sex marriage (but not civil unions) and promiscuity (perceived as prevalent by the LGBTQs), and if they do, that is their right. Who gives the NATO states the right to deny other states their rights and impose anything on anyone? Article 16 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code prohibits the use of words and objects to transmit a message that is not appropriate for a sports event. Though good-intentional, wearing 'One Love' LGBTQ Rights armband was political messaging and as such was disrespectful of FIFA rules[+].
Our righteousness and wisdom should be leveraged in service of LGBTQ+ dignity, beyond ideologies and political partisanship. The biased, bigoted Western media outlets keep on publishing the narcissistic stunts of fame-driven celebrities who are showily and pretentiously “standing with the LGBTQ+ community” mostly just to gain extra publicity and voters[ꚛ] but also to further globalists’ depopulation agenda. However, this is a blatant and dangerous political disservice to local people as those foreign posers publicly victimize the locals, and depict them as hopeless and helpless people, in need of foreign saviors, hijacking the voices of the local LGBTQ+ community, while demonizing the local regimes and acting more as foreign agents than anything else, pushing the confrontational agenda of their governments, sponsors, and fans. Local LGBTQs never gave them consent to speak for them[+] and complained that Westerners made things worse for them[+]. While demanding respect for LGBTQs, through their disrespectful anti-government activities, the Westerners themselves have shown no respect for local people, culture, and laws – giving vent to double standards. The aftermath shows[+] that the whole condemnation campaign has proven to be ineffective and counterproductive (it backfired and sparked a backlash against gays, a rise in anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments, a culture war, and resistance to the import of foreign values), causing more harm than good, proving that this is surely not the way to help LGBTQs. Western displays of solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities may be well-intentioned, but they are not constructive. As the disregarded adage proves true, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Condemnation never really works.
The point is, if we do not agree with the majority of people from other nations, we should not impose our views and values on them. Don’t reduce people to the stereotypes you think are true. Don't humiliate a country’s leaders, institutions, traditions, and cultures. Respect (if you want to be respected). Do not judge (if you don't want to be judged). Do not throw stones when you live in a glass house. Be kind. “If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose to be kind.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
White supremacy is an ideology among the white people of NATO countries, which is so ingrained in the culture that most white people are not even aware of consenting to it. Although framing it otherwise, they justify it by claiming how “all inventions were created by white people”, falsely assuming that people of color never invent anything of value.
White people are led to believe that most great inventions can each be attributed to a single white man as opposed to recognizing that the patent system is a way to colonize intellectual property. More specifically, we are dealing with the issue of white men supremacy, not women, as white women invent and create things too but until recently were pushed aside as their husbands or some other male family member got all the credit for it.
Likewise, unsung heroes and sheroes among the people of color are left behind while their white men colleagues took the advantage of the white privilege and the patent law controlled by the white people. More often than not white people have appropriated the inventions and creations of the people of color. So, the way history is taught in Western schools, it leaves you with the impression that Europeans invented everything, which is ridiculous but so many truly believe this and therefore assume that white people are a superior race. 20th century science was a team game with both white and people of color mutually contributing and inventing staff. White people might have secured the patent rights but that does not mean they alone invented them. People need to understand that's how the game is played – the patent system (copyright, trademark, patent, etc.) is a way for privileged white people to colonize intellectual property of underprivileged people and make money or fame off it.
· The 13 virtues that Ben Franklin claims to have developed were actually taken from indigenous people.
· Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry originated[+] from the Mesopotamian states of Sumer, Akkad and Assyria in 3000 BC, followed closely by Ancient Egypt.
· Bathing – Americans want you to believe that in 1883, an American white man by the name of John Michael Kohler invented the world's first bathtub. As if no one bathed before he discovered it. The earliest discovered plumbing systems date back to nearly 6000 years ago in India. Bathing in Ancient China can be traced back to Shang Dynasty 3000 years ago (1600–1046 BCE). 2300 year old lavish imperial bathrooms with exquisite tiles and a sewage system can be seen in Xi'an[+]. 3000 years ago, the first ‘ancestral’ pedestal tub was unearthed on the island of Crete. From the years of 500 BC through until AD 455, the Roman Empire was renowned for thermal baths. The Muslims invented then the steam bath or hammam, also known as a Moorish or Turkish bath. Roman baths predate the Moors baths but they got it from the Greeks who got it from the Persians. When the Roman Empire collapsed and the era’s descended into the Dark Medieval Ages, sanitation virtually disappeared in Europe. Bathing was quickly replaced by the use of perfume, and waste was actually thrown out onto the streets or emptied directly into the rivers, which then also served as the locals drinking water supply. Pretty vile, isn't it?! It was people of color who re-taught Europeans hygiene, not to sleep with animals, not to drink stagnant water and saved them from being wiped out by plague. The white people were pulled out Dark Ages by the people of color, the Moors from northern Africa, who ruled Spain for 800 years (paved and illuminated the streets with lamps, hundreds of years before there was a paved street in Paris or a street lamp in London, built first public libraries and sumptuous palaces in Europe, introduced paper to Europe and Arabic numerals, which replaced the clumsy Roman system). The hammam was brought into Spain with the Moorish invasion in the seventh century. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman Turks introduced it to the Balkans and Hungary.
· Black people created the first car. In America, Henry Ford paid for the blueprint from the Patterson and Sons[+] who made first car in on 23 September 1915 (they also created the first bus and pickup trucks in the 1920s). Mercedes-Benz was founded in 1926 but Karl Benz patented the world's first automobile, a three-wheeled vehicle in January 1886[+].
· White people like to brag how they invented cell phones but we wouldn’t have cell phones without a black guy Henry Sampson’s gamma electric cell technology, which was initially made for nuclear reactors and later used to create the cell phone[+]. Although Henry Sampson had nothing to do with cell phones (not the inventor of the cell phone), his technology made it possible. Furthermore, the particular microphone used in cell phones was co-invented by a black inventor James Edward West. The digital network was also created and developed by non-whites – 1G was created in Japan and then a black electrical engineer, Jesse E Russell co-created (with a team) a 2G network, 3G was launched in Japan, 4G in Norway, and 5G in South Korea. And 30% of all cell phones are manufactured in China. Not to mention that all that mineral material to make technology devices, including cell phones, comes from Congo and other parts of Africa. A black woman, Gladys Mae West, helped develop technology that contributed to the creation of GPS. But if you would go by Wikipedia or any other Western encyclopedia, you would think that we have to thank just white people in the West for cell phones.
Global majority, on the other hand, recognizes that collective humanity has the ingenuity and creativity of one another to thank whereas the West lives in the delusion that the rest of the world has white people to thank and it is this narcissistic ignorance that causes many white people to do embarrassing things like assuming superiority and making racist comments. And while that could be written off as a comedic and senile non sequitur, we recognize it as a desperate attempt to center themselves in a conversation that has nothing to with them. The irony is that those white people like to say that they should not be held accountable for the misdeeds (slavery, colonialism, atrocities…) of their ancestors, yet they want to be associated with the greatness of the things that they think their ancestors invented.
So no doubt, some wealthy Europeans picked up on the ideas of people of color and carried them along. Hence, the cell phone or what have you. Often, someone started something somewhere, then someone else ran with it! We all have each other to thank, for that. One hand washes the other. However, it is not fair that only white folks get all the credit and then the public at large assumes they are superior because of it.
The main thing white people created is racism but we don’t want to take credit for it.
White people are always talking about minorities while in denial about their minority status! Global majority are people of color. Just because white people are the most aggressive, greediest race that colonized, oppressed, suppressed, repressed, exploited, and patronized other races, it doesn't make us superior or mighty, let alone noble or admirable but awful, dictatorial, imperial, and often tyrannical. Frankly, we, the white people need to redeem ourselves for our crimes against the people of color.
Even Christianity has a Middle Eastern background although it developed in Europe. Here's an example[»] how Putin exposed the white supremacy agenda by revealing that Jesus was not white but a person of color, as verified by the earliest[+] depiction of him known to mankind, which has been kept in a vault in Russia until Putin handed it to the Main Cathedral of Russia’s Armed Forces[+] in Moscow region. Rare Russian icons[ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ] dating back to 14th century and earlier challenge traditional European depictions of religious figures, which is why it sparked a controversy and heated debates.
The West has westernized and whitewashed their depictions of Jesus, Maria, and other natives of the Levant region, of what is present day Palestine, who were in fact brown-skinned and not white, as also some other old paintings show[ꚛ][+].
A Polish monastery also houses an icon “Black Madonna of Częstochowa”[ꚛ][+], which dates back to c.850 - c.1050. Black Madonna is declared[+] as Queen and Protector of Poland as that icon of black Madonna holding little Jesus is said to have miraculously saved the monastery of Jasna Góra from a Swedish invasion in 1655.
Black Madonna[+] statues or paintings of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus, where both figures are depicted with dark skin, are common (about 400–500 exist) in Western Christendom (in both Catholic and Orthodox countries) but no one has bothered to question or explain properly their skin color – none of the scholars admitted they were people of color and instead dismissed it to aging hues turning dark, which makes no sense when other colors of clothes and background are bright.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness1 and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. If you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do.
When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: BEWARE OF PROPAGANDA
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which when raised, is a constructive force that creates everything good in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions. Consciousness Theorem[+] verifies that the degree of one’s well-being = the degree of one’s consciousness (The Level of Success = The Level of Consciousness). We raise[+] our consciousness with virtues (constructive modes of consciousness), which is also known as virtufication[+], as taught by virtuology[+] and presented on the scale[+] of consciousness. Significant leap of consciousness is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. People with higher level of consciousness are restored to their original image or likeness of God and can do (heal, manifest, teach…) everything as Christ and other ascended masters did.
the "Global majority" or "people of color" (POC) is according to Wikipedia[+]: a collective term for people of Indigenous, African, Asian, or Latin American descent, who constitute approximately 85 percent of the global population.
on this link[+] is one of the Bible verses distinguishing the two proving that sexual morality is more than just adultery: "for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."
West = the US, EU, UK, and Canada - Anglo-Saxons; NATO states