Denazification – Banderites
Bandera followers are neo-Nazis and to end the war, Russia demands denazification in form of removal of all Banderites from power and punishment for their crimes
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Reading time: revealing 34 minutes (or 35 with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. With this article we continue the “Meeting the Demands for Ending the War” segment with a focus on Why Should Ukraine Denazify.
Banderites (Bandera1 followers) = neo-Nazis
Neo-Nazi Banderites are Bandera followers or Bandera fans. Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera[+] was an anti-Semite leader with Nazi ideology collaborating with Nazi Germany in executing ethnic cleansing and genocide of Jews and other perceived subhumans including Slavs, Gypsies, gays, etc. He founded and headed a political party OUN-B and its military wing UPA. His followers and troops were called Banderites. In modern Ukraine, there are millions of fans or followers of Bandera, who is considered a national hero since 2014 when Ukrainian nationalists came to power backed by the West.
With the help of Nazis, Banderites stormed Lviv in 1941 and idiotically proclaimed a non-democratic, fascist, anti-Semitic, anti-Soviet government on the radio as they foolishly assumed that Germans (who occupied the territory, taking it from the Soviets) would go along with it. But Adolf Hitler would have none of it and in a matter of weeks, all the leaders were either killed or arrested, including Bandera. It seems that those Ukrainian peasants were very ignorant of Nazi Generalplan Ost[+] (Nazi Germany's blueprint for the genocide, extermination and large-scale ethnic cleansing of Slavs, Eastern European Jews and other indigenous peoples of Eastern Europe), which was quite clear about Ukrainians to be treated as a race of slaves. Nevertheless, Ukrainian nationalists, including Banderites kept collaborating with the Nazis to the end of the war, doing the dirty work for the Nazis, like massacring civilians.
Present-day followers of Bandera justify following the Nazi collaborator in WWII, mass murderer, total loser Bandera (who had the fascist ideology) by the mere fact that he was fighting for "independent" Ukraine but they must be retarded if they think that independence means being dependent on the Nazis! Because Banderites of 1940s utterly depended on the Nazis when they fought for independence while collaborating with Nazis.
Since the self-declared Bandera-followers follow no other but Bandera (not Zelensky or anyone else), they are telling us in a way that there is no other independence-seeking decent person to follow. It seems all historical fighters for independence must have been even worse than him, so what does that say about the whole idea of Ukrainian “independence” and those who fought for it?! Also, they are totally dependent on Western handouts and support and seek to join the EU and NATO (follow their rules and depend on them) but want us to believe that they are “independent” and “sovereign”. Who are they trying to fool – the retards?
Russia objects to the rise of neo-Nazi parties and particularly the Banderites (followers of radical far-right leader Bandera[+]) in Ukraine who glorify and honor the founder of the totalitarian “Ukrainian State” (in 1941, lasted only for a month under Nazi protectorate) who was an anti-Semite Nazi collaborator, a convicted murderer, responsible for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of minorities such as the genocide of Poles and Jews during World War II. Bandera was assassinated by the KGB in 1959 and then canonized as a nationalist martyr by far-right sympathizers in the Ukrainian diaspora, who have maintained his cult over the subsequent decades to this day.
Not only Russia but most of the world and until recently all of the world condemns Banderites, evident by plenty of documents and books. Here is a list of top books[+] about the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists during WWII by a French Catholic priest, a German-Polish historian, a Canadian historian, Polish authors, etc.
In his essay, On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians[+], in July 2021, Putin placed blame for the crisis in eastern Ukraine (Donbas war[+][+][+]) on foreign plots and anti-Russian conspiracies as well as the Ukrainian government being driven by neo-Nazi Banderites – followers of Bandera[+], who was a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, the far-right leader of the radical, militant wing of Ukrainian Nationalists working with Nazi Germany, propagating fascist ideology and plotting to declare a fascist, totalitarian, anti-democratic Ukraine under Nazi Germany rule. As many Ukrainians idolize and hail Bandera as a role model hero, even though he held antisemitic views, was a loser, fascist, and Nazi collaborator, and ordered the massacres of between 70.000-100.000 Gypsies, Polish, Jewish, Russian, and all other not-enough-Ukrainian civilians, Putin may have a point about “neo-Nazis seizing power in Ukraine”.
If you wish, read these CIA reports[+][+] revealing Bandera to be Hitler's secret agent.
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, book “1984”
Here are just couple of many pieces of video evidence of Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] and schoolchildren being taught at schools[»] to glorify convicted murderer, fascist Nazi collaborator Bandera[+] and his Nazi OUN and UPA units (they consider them WW2 heroes, raised hundreds[+] monuments in their honor, and survived members got veteran status[+], despite objections from all over Europe; but then again, they are not the only ones in Europe and elsewhere who take a fancy at changing history; usually for perverse reasons). Under the rule of ultranationalist Bandera followers (Banderites’ grandchildren), the Kyiv regime2 has been rewriting history disregarding all the historical documents of Bandera and his flowers (Banderites) being not just war criminals but epitome of evil as they massacred masses of innocent Polish, Jewish, Roma, and Soviet civilians during WWII. And Banderites’ descendants, modern day Banderites, keep on doing it since 2014 with the support and funding from the West!
Israel's Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky published[»] a video exposing female IDF soldiers singing Chervona Kalyna, the song of the Bandera's OUN.
In 2010, the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, posthumously awarded Bandera with the title of “Hero of Ukraine” but the EU[+], Israel, Poland, Russia, and many other countries criticized the decision, which was then officially annulled but he remains de facto their hero[+]. European Parliament resolution[+] of 25 February 2010 deplored the decision by the President.
However, the Bandera cult grew with the Kyiv regime installing 40 monuments[+][+] of him and dedicating not one but 5 museums[+] to him, renaming as many as 94 streets[+][+], 2 avenues[+], 5 lanes[+], and bridges after him, issuing postage stamps[ꚛ] with his portrait, and he was named an honorary citizen of many western Ukrainian cities. An independent American Jewish Forward journalist Lev Golinkin started an inventory of all monuments to all criminals (not just Bandera) involved in Nazi crimes all over the world and has compiled an amazing list of Nazi collaborator monuments in Ukraine[+]. According to him, almost all of them were installed after the 2014 coup, which proves that there was a major regime change that year when evidently neo-Nazis and fascists took control of Ukraine's government with backing from the Western powers. No wonder Ukraine got the nickname Banderistan.
To all who object, Banderistan's narrative goes something like this: Just because they swore allegiance to Hitler doesn't mean they're Nazis. We shouldn't rush to judgment. Tells you all you need to know.
According to new historiography, as long as you fought or did some damage to the Russians at some point in time, you're a hero. According to this logic, that makes Osama bin Laden a hero[+], too, as he fought Russians in Afghanistan war (1979-1989).
Further whitewashing narrative attempting to clear the horrific image of Banderites tells how they collaborated with Nazi only to get support to fight against the Soviets so as to gain independence. But, in their imbecility they can't grasp that they were dependent on Nazis to get their independence, which meant they were not independent at all. In their shallow-mindedness they also do not stop to think and consider that Nazis never wanted to give them independence and killed or jailed most Banderites including Bandera after they declared independence! Nevertheless, they still glorify Nazis by sporting Nazi insignia and salute[ꚛ][+][»][»][»][»].
Those peasants who welcomed the Germans as liberators and saw Nazis as the lesser evil – what does that say about their intellectual capabilities? As soon as Banderites declared independence, Hitler got most of them killed and thrown into Nazi concentration camps (worse than Soviet gulags), including Bandera himself (whom they spared only to use him to give orders to his UPA gang to do the dirty work for them). On the other hand, take the example of Poland, stuck in between two great enemies, Germany and the Soviet Union. There are no Polish national heroes that joined Waffen SS or collaborated with the Nazi Germans in any capacity whatsoever – and the reason for that is simple: There was a third path – organized national resistance. No one in the right mind in Poland back then would deem Germans as liberators and bearers of civilized order – quite the contrary. But Ukrainians were not in the right mind, just as they are not now with all of their hatred, victim mentality, blame, fear, despair, sadness, misery, grief, anxiousness, worry, criticalness, anger, resentment, bitterness, rage, aggressiveness, rivalry, ruthlessness, arrogance, delusions, irrationality, and other such destructive modes of consciousness, which allow no peace and harmonious relationship with neighbors.
While the high-ranking3 Ukrainian Bandera followers who idolize Bandera claim[+][»] “there is no evidence that Bandera troops murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews”, it is like denying Hitler's crimes because there is no evidence that Hitler with his own hands murdered anyone, and they turn a blind eye to the evidence that there is indeed evidence that Bandera ordered his people to destroy Russians, Poles, Hungarians, and Jews, such as a leaflet[+] that his OUN party members distributed as the Nazi Wehrmacht seized the Soviet (Ukrainian now, Russian 1795-1921, Polish 1921-1939, Soviet 1939-1991) city Lvov in 1941, which stated:
“People, you must know this: Muscovites, Poles, Hungarians and Jews, these are your enemies. Destroy them, you must know that. Your leadership, your leader, Stepan Bandera.”
Also, the SS archives in Berlin contained a report from Ukraine that quoted a slogan being used by OUN activists during the summer of 1941. “Long live Ukraine without Jews” and “Jews to the gallows”.
Also, those who nowadays idolize Bandera fail to answer this question: if UPA fighters of the OUN party did not kill the Jews, whom were they killing as they collaborated with the Nazis? Just Soviets? If so, this was just as crime as killing Jews!
According to their history books and encyclopedias, all Jews are clear on the fact that Bandera followers massacred Jews, and all Poles are clear on the fact that Bandera followers massacred Polish civilians in Volhynia. So, the “Russian propaganda” narrative is idiotic.
Is a man who committed murder, but was never caught, not a murderer?
The only reason Bandera and his gang (just like Croatian Ustasha Ante Pavelic and many others) were not tried and convicted during Nuremberg trials after the WWII is because at those trials, they prosecuted only Germans. None of the Axis leaders and Nazi collaborators were prosecuted there. Not a single person who wasn't a German citizen in 1939 was on trial at Nuremberg. It was policy at Nuremberg to let the Allies prosecute their own war criminals. Bandera was a Soviet citizen, whether he liked it or not, and most of his crimes were committed on Soviet territory, so he was left to the Soviet Union, who took care of it by assassinating him because Americans did not want to extradite him. As evident from declassified CIA and MI6 files[+][+], Bandera and his gang were not prosecuted let alone convicted because Americans and the British stroke secret deals[*] with them and many other Nazi collaborators and recruited them to fight the Soviets as they shared the same enemy, the communists. They were useful idiots in the Cold War against the Soviet Union.
Just as Bandera routinely cloaked his murderous antisemitism under the facade of his struggle against Soviet communism, so are present-day Banderites cloaking their murderous antisemitism under the facade of their struggle against Russian aggression. But Russians did not start the aggression; Ukrainians did. Crimea was seized without a single bullet being shot, and the next month, in April 2014[»], new unelected revolutionary Kyiv regime launched a military operation against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.
During the 2014 Euromaidan Revolution, the image of the notorious Bandera was a symbol of anti-government resistance. In January 2014, Bandera's 105th birthday was celebrated by a torchlight procession[»] of 15.000 people in the center of Kyiv and this became a tradition ever since. The Lviv Oblast Council declared the year 2019 to be the year of Stepan Bandera for some reason, the year when Zelensky came to power. Even in 2010[+], third Lviv residents considered themselves to be followers of Bandera.
Each year, despite the West's criticism, the Ukrainian parliament commemorates[+] his birthday (e.g., tweeting[+][+][+] it by then-commander-in-chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces, far-right[+][+][+][+][+] General Zaluzhny in 2023), clearly honoring a Nazi, right under West’s noses. In 2021, lawmakers asked[+] Zelensky to return the ‘Hero of Ukraine’ title to Bandera. If the international outrage were not so strong, he would have already done it.
Therefore, based on that fact and all the evidence of Nazis' glorification, it must be admitted that the Kyiv authorities ever since 2014 are all neo-Nazis.
The previous Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (2014–2019) is also a Bandera follower, that is, neo-Nazi. He never hid that fact but here is just some evidence:
➡ Poroshenko adheres to ideology that is the same as or akin to Nazi ideology. He believes Ukrainian race or folk is superior to Russian and like WWII Nazis who were against Jews and Slavs, so is Poroshenko, like all Nazi and neo-Nazi Bandera followers, assuming superiority and hostility towards Russians openly ever since 2014. Just like Bandera, who had openly stated[+] that both Jews and Poles had no place in a sovereign Ukrainian state, Poroshenko openly stated that ethnic Russians had no place in a sovereign Ukrainian state and, moreover, that there is no place for nationalities in Ukraine[+]. As a scientific Brill and OSCE study[+] (by political and policy analyst and human rights advocate, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities) reports, he pursued a policy of ‘nationalizing’ (Ukrainizing) minorities. He pushed the narrative that the political support to minority languages and improving the status of the state language are mutually exclusive and irreconcilable aims, thereby justifying his violations of human linguistic rights with his anti-ethnic minorities laws and reforms. Needless to say, by disregarding inclusivity and human linguistic rights, with such a polarized minority agenda forcing a single shared language, this ultranationalist president divided rather than united the country. Just as Nazis attempted to cultivate what they viewed as a "purified and homogeneous Aryan population," this is exactly what Poroshenko and later Zelensky regime attempted to do with their anti-ethnic minorities laws (2019 language laws and 2017 education law, including banning Russian language in 30 spheres of public life4 in a country in which 30%[+] of people – 14,3 million people declared Russian as their native language in the last national census; 8,3 million[+] of them identified as ethnic Russians – 17.3% of the population of Ukraine) – to Ukrainize or cultivate purified and homogeneous Ukrainian population, which involved ethnic cleansing and extermination of the most powerful ethno-linguistic minority – ethnic Russians whom they called “terrorists” and shelled them and discriminated against them for 8 years before Putin sent his troops in 2022 to rescue them. According to Wikipedia[+], Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial (including ethnic) supremacy, to attack racial and ethnic minorities, and in some cases to create a fascist state. This is exactly what hatred-driven Kyiv regime became since Poroshenko and Zelensky came to power assuming supremacy over ethnic Russians and attacking them while glorifying Nazi Bandera.
➡ Poroshenko used[+] the commemoration of Bandera and his OUN/UPA to try and pit ethnic Ukrainians against the Russian-speaking minority and its political parties.
➡ Poroshenko government’s support of a pro-fascist agenda is evident[+] in many street renamings replacing the former names with those of the Ukrainian Nazis Bandera and Shukhevich; erecting a monument to the Nazi collaborator Teliga in Babi Yar, the site of the mass execution of Kyiv Jews in 1941-1943; and, of course, the frequent torchlight processions[»] by followers of Bandera.
➡ On 23 October 2014, then-President Poroshenko said[+]: "…Odesa is even called 'Banderovo'. And there is no greater compliment for Odesa for me!"
➡ On 23 October 2014, Poroshenko gave a notoriously bombastic neo-Nazi Hitler-like speech[»][»][»] in which he declared Nazi-like apartheid policies threatening to oppress and discriminate against children and civilians of ethnic Russians in Donbas (worse than Hitler did with the Jews): "We will have a job – they won't. We will have pensions – they won't. We will have the support of people – children and pensioners – but they won't. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, and they will sit in their basements. Because they don't know how to do anything! That's how, that's how we will win this war." He was referring to the Civil War in Donbas 2014-2022[+][+][+] that he conducted with his anti-Russian policies and sending neo-Nazi battalions to Donbas to kill and terrorize ethnic Russian civilians who protested his anti-Russian policies. This “beacon of democracy” clearly didn't know that first, second, and third duty of democracy is freedom for all.
➡ In May 2015, in favor of all things Bandera, Poroshenko signed a law[+][+] making it a crime to “publicly exhibit a disrespectful attitude” toward the OUN or UPA which collaborated with the Nazis in WWII, and in December 2018, he gave those original Banderites (1.201 people) a full recognition and the status of veterans[+][+].
➡ In March 2022, Poroshenko gave[+] two civilian pickup trucks labeled "Bandera-Mobiles" (with decals of Bandera's face on the hoods), in honor of Stepan Bandera, to the Territorial Defense Battalion of Kyiv.
Furthermore, in 2020, the Ukrainian government allocated a lot of money for Banderites’ projects, including the "Cyborg Igor Branovitsky Charity Run", "Young Banderite Course", "Banderstadt Festival of Ukrainian Spirit", etc. As the Ukrainian outlet noted[+] in 2020, those projects were due to receive 8 million hryvnia ($266.416) which was almost half of all the funds allocated by the Ukrainian government for children's and youth organizations. The ministry's 2020 list also included the project "Unconquered" - named in honor of Yaroslav Robert Melnik, a regional leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) of the Carpathian region and a "major political educator" of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)[+]. Both OUN and UPA are infamous for collaborating with Nazi Germany and conducting the ethnic cleansing of Jews, Russians, Roma, and Poles in the Nazi-occupied territories of Ukraine during WWII.
Whenever you see red and black flags, whether on cemeteries[»][ꚛ], marches[ꚛ][»][»], social media, with soldiers[ꚛ][ꚛ], or anywhere else, know that you are looking at neo-Nazi Bandera followers, as this is a ("Blood and Soil") Banderites’ UPA flag[+] (same colors as Nazi Germany Blood Flag[+]). Many individuals discard the Ukrainian yellow and blue flag for a red and black one[ꚛ], which is very telling. Seeing them on graves[»][ꚛ], it is also telling Russians that their denazification is going according to plan.
In early 2019, Ukraine passed a law that awarded veteran status with all its benefits and aid to Banderites – former OUN and UPA members who fought during WWII on the side of Nazi Germany. Also, Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] glorify convicted murderer Bandera and his Nazi OUN and UPA units and hundreds[+] monuments were raised in their honor and hundreds streets[+][+] renamed after them. If those are not clear indications that the Kyiv regime glorifies past and present Nazis, then read on because we provide plenty of other evidence. Let's see how far are you willing to go in turning a blind eye to the rise of neo-Nazis in Ukraine just because they are killing the Russians, whom the West perceives as being evil rather than those neo-Nazis.
Just as Ukrainian hero Bandera and his followers preferred to be under Nazi Germany's rule rather than Soviet rule, history repeats itself with modern-day Ukrainians preferring to be ruled by the EU (where Germany calls all the shots) and/or the US rather than by Russians. There is nothing to be proud about fighting and dying to have another puppet master, which is exactly what Ukrainians are doing these days.
It is curious why of all their historical figures, Ukrainians chose none other than a criminal Nazi to represent their identity. Haven’t they anyone decent to represent them? All this glorification and heroization of an anti-Semite Nazi collaborator by Ukrainian authorities suggest indeed that "neo-Nazis seized power in Ukraine".
As part of the de-Nazification of Ukraine, to defend pluralist democracy, ethnic minorities, and human rights, as well as the UN resolution on “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism…”[+], we propose to rename everything that is named after anti-Semite Nazi collaborator Bandera, remove his monuments, and all people and parties who idolize him be regarded as neo-Nazis and as such be removed from any government offices and counteracted[+] with measures[+] according to the international law.
What's more, in November 2014, the Interior Ministry formally incorporated the notorious neo-Nazi paramilitary Azov Battalion[+][+] into the Ukrainian military – the National Guard of Ukraine, thus legalizing them, which is another clear sign that neo-Nazis seized power in Ukraine (legitimizing it made it quickly grow into a Regiment and then expanded into a Brigade, branching later into two brigades and a regiment – 12th and 3rd brigades and Kraken regiment). Ukraine is the only nation in the whole world to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces. This clearly shows the government’s support for neo-Nazis. The worst is that since then, they provide heavy weapons[+][+][+] for those neo-Nazis. Here are some evidence of Azov being neo-Nazi:
➡ As Wikipedia reports on Azov’s Neo-Nazism[+], there is no doubt about its Nazi character, so legalizing them is a clear sign that neo-Nazis seized power in Ukraine.
➡ A 2016 report[+] by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHA) has accused the Azov[+] regiment of being neo-Nazi and violating international humanitarian law.[+]
➡ The U.N.[+] and Human Rights Watch[+] have accused Azov, as well as other[+] Kyiv battalions, of a litany of human rights abuses[+].
➡ Azov’s disposition has been confirmed by multiple Western outlets: The New York Times[+] called the battalion “openly neo-Nazi,” while USA Today[+], The Daily Beast[+], The Telegraph, and Haaretz documented Azov’s members’ proclivity for swastikas, Nazi salutes[ꚛ][+][»][»][»][»][»][ꚛ], various Nazi symbols[»], and Hitler's photo[ꚛ].
Individual fighters, such as an Azov sergeant have also admitted[+] being neo-Nazis and that almost half of their comrades are fellow Nazis. In an interview with The Guardian[+], an Azov soldier denied that the Holocaust had ever happened. In Feb. 2019, the Nation Magazine published a detailed think piece[+]: “Neo-Nazis and the Far Right are on the March in Ukraine,” elaborating Ukraine’s far-right militant groups’ xenophobic and white supremacist political ideology.
➡ In October 2019, 40 members of the US Congress signed a letter[+] unsuccessfully calling for the US State Department to designate Azov as a “foreign terrorist organization” (FTO). Sloppiness and stretching the truth to make their point[+] in the letter backlashed and only helped the far-right. In response to the growing global threat of white nationalist terror (in the wake of the attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, and similar ones in El Paso, Texas, and Halle, Germany, among others), House Democrats, including New York Rep. Max Rose, who chairs the counterterrorism subcommittee, were calling[+] on the US State Department to add three international far-right groups, including Azov, to its list of “Foreign Terror Organizations” to give federal prosecutors more tools to go after radicals suspected of conspiring with those organizations before an attack happens. Ukraine’s interior minister, Arsen Avakov – considered the de facto patron of the Azov movement – defended[+] Azov then, including 39 Ukrainian MPs[+], mostly MPs from Zelensky’s party and Deputy Foreign Minister Vasyl Bodnar[+], which is another evidence how Ukrainian lawmakers or government support[+] neo-Nazis.
➡ In 2022, Canada’s directorate of NATO policy said[+] that Ukraine’s notorious Azov Regiment continued to be far-right “fanatics” despite their integration into the country’s national guard
➡ As part of Ukraine’s National Guard, the Azov Brigade is known for welcoming domestic and foreign fighters with openly ultranationalist and neo-Nazi views as well as for using Nazi insignias such as the Wolfsangel5[ꚛ][ꚛ] (wolf’s hook that was also used by two Nazi SS units), which is its official symbol.
The Anti-Defamation League lists the Wolfsangel as a hate symbol. Even though the Western allies tried to rebrand them and push them to tone down their insignia showing off, Azov soldiers photograph themselves often displaying emblems and tattoos associated with Nazism[»], as well as march and train wearing uniforms[»][»] bearing icons of the Third Reich. Here is a look at a captured tablet[»] of an Azov soldier with tons of photos of him and his pals featuring Nazi insignia including Nazi flags with Swastika
➡ A video[»] of “Azov Battalion Mariupol Headquarters Walkthrough” after it was captured by Russians in the spring of 2022 showing all kinds of Nazi insignia[ꚛ] in Ukrainian Azov HQ, published by US Marine Corps veteran and former police officer turned investigative reporter John Mark Dougan.
➡ Pictures[ꚛ] found on the tablet of a young member of the Azov Batallion (who succumbed to Ukrainian ultranationalism and as a result boarded the express train to meet Bandera) prove that Azov fighters are real neo-Nazis.
➡ A twitter/X thread[+] featuring many videos and photos from Azov fighters exposing their atrocities such as crucifying and burning people, shooting unarmed protesters, and rape, as well as exposing them using Nazi insignia such as swastikas and conducting satanic rituals.
➡ Azov’s first commander Biletsky[+][+], a lawmaker in Ukraine’s parliament is known for holding racist and white supremacist views. Allegedly, he pledged[+][+][+] to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”. He notoriously described his Azov Battalion: "we have fun killing."[»] He left Azov to become a politician, which he left, too, and then became a leader of Ukraine’s 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, which is the iteration of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. He is a felon[+] and a racist white nationalist militant who described Jews as “our enemy” and whose college thesis[+] was a defense of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), a group of paramilitary Nazi collaborators founded by Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists that carried out ethnic cleansings of more than 100.000 Jews and Poles.
➡ Azov movement has been systematically co-opting American right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis to advance the Azov’s agenda[+].
➡ In 2019, 40 US House of Representatives members signed an appeal[+][+] to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanding that the Azov Regiment be added to the Foreign Terrorist Organisation list because they’re direct purveyors of anti-Semitic ideologies, openly invite neo-Nazis into its ranks, and embrace neo-Nazi symbols[+][+].
➡ Further proof of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion being evil and committing evil atrocities across Ukraine is this video[»] showing them executing hideous torture and killing of a civilian “collaborator” in 2015.
➡ The Azov regiment is notorious for attacking and displacing residents in eastern Ukraine, looting civilian property, as well as raping and torturing detainees in Donbas, according to a 2016 UN report[+] by the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHA).
➡ More evidence revealed by a Ukrainian journalist in this video[»][»]
From one Azov battalion, there are now two brigades: the 12th in the National Guard and the 3rd in AFU. Another Azov unit, Kraken, acts under the direct supervision of Ukrainian Military Intelligence run by Budanov. Ukrainian Western allies tried to rebrand[+] the Azov brigade but it didn't stick as they continue to use the Wolfsangel logo and keep showing or exposing who they really are. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.
The Western media filled with NATO propagandists is whitewashing[+] the neofascists of Azov Battalion justifying their crimes including torture and for its aggressive recruitment of the extremists and white supremacists from around the globe. Though Azov remains a fringe movement in Ukraine, it is a larger-than-life brand among many extremists. It has openly welcomed Westerners into its ranks via white supremacist sites[+]. Neo-Nazi chat groups and channels in various languages have echoed Azov’s calls.[+]
Also, in Dec. 2021, Zelensky awarded[+] neo-Nazi militia Right Sector[+] commander Kotsyubaylo the “Hero of Ukraine” commendation. Academic and media sources have described some of Right Sector's constituent groups[+] as neo-fascist paramilitary with neo-Nazi elements.
Moreover, Kyiv municipal government signed an agreement with a Nazi terror gang C14 which carried out a pogrom against a Roma camp[+], just like Nazis were doing.
Since 2014 pro-Nazi and neo-Nazi groups like Svoboda, Right Sector, and the Azov have been extremely active in Ukraine and continue to be active fighters in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Even though Kyiv’s supporters in Europe and North America have weaponized[+] the neo-Nazi militants and maintained a complicit permissiveness of all these commemorations of an anti-Semite Nazi collaborator in Ukraine, the Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine and Russia, on the other hand, are rightfully making demands to put an end to all that.
As part of the de-Nazification of Ukraine, to defend pluralist democracy, ethnic minorities, and human rights, we propose to the Ukrainian government to remove neo-Nazis from the National Guard and all government offices and counteract[+] with measures[+] according to international law.
Here are some more evidence supporting the case against Bandera followers:
➡ UN chief called[+] for urgent action against neo-Nazis in January 2021.
➡ Kyiv's Moskovskiy Avenue[+] was renamed after Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera in 2016, which indicates that neo-Nazis seized power in Kyiv.
➡ Also, a staircase in a shopping mall on that Avenue was decorated with a giant swastika in 2019[+] – how could Kyiv's regime allow that?
➡ On 1 January 2022, Jewish media, The Times Of Israel, reported[+] that “Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists march in honor of Nazi collaborator – Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles.”
➡ Peace Street in Lviv was renamed[+][+][+][+] to the Nachtigall Battalion[+], which participated directly in the Holocaust and the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. There is also a Ukrainian Nachtigall Battalion on German TV[ꚛ] currently fighting in Ukraine with weapons provided by Germany – Nazi history repeats itself under our very eyes! There are streets in Lviv named after Nazis, like the one[+] in honor of Kubiyovych[+], one of the founders of the Waffen-SS Galizien, the Ukraine branch of the Nazi military force. Also in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Kyiv city council was going to name a street after him[+], too, in April 2023 but Israeli ambassador to Ukraine prevented[+] it.
➡ People getting married wearing Nazi uniforms[ꚛ] and being allowed to do so by the Ukrainian authorities speaks volumes.
➡ Politicians who raise their arm in a Nazi salute[ꚛ] are influencing Ukrainian politics.
➡ Ukrainian then-Prime Minister Honcharuk took the stage at the neo-Nazi concert[ꚛ] in 2019. And Minister for Veterans Affairs not only attended the concert featuring several antisemitic metal bands but also promoted the concert on FB.
➡ Only days before full-scale war with Russia erupted, Yevhen Karas of the neo-Nazi C14 delivered a stem-winding public address in Kyiv[ꚛ] highlighting the influence the neo-Nazis like him had over Ukrainian politics.
There are neo-Nazis everywhere in the world but in Ukraine, they have been constantly appointed to high governmental and municipal positions gaining authority status, and are allowed to act out their extremist ideology. Around the world, neo-Nazis are banned and persecuted while in Ukraine not and, in fact, are praised.
Repeated feats by authorities to memorialize Ukrainian nationalist leaders who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II say enough about the government's orientation. In any other civilized country, such acts would be banned and prosecuted but not in Ukraine. It is dubious why Ukraine's neighbors, including the EU, are not doing anything about it other than rebranding[+] them. Russia is the only country in the region that is taking on the neo-Nazis and commanding denazification, which is why they hate Russia.
The persecution of violent neo-Nazis has decreased although the number of their followers has increased, which also suggests that they gained power in government. Assaults on (Russian) ethnic minorities have been praised and state-sponsored since 2014, so they do not get registered as such and fatalities get attributed to other types of crimes. With Western help (who take advantage of them being anti-Russian, disregarding the fact that they are also anti-Semite, anti-Roma, and anti-all other ethnic minorities, LGBT people, feminists, and civil rights activists), they also rebranded[+] themselves, so they don't identify themselves as skinheads nor do they openly display Nazi or fascist insignia, thus they are able to fool the law and continue their aggression and oppression. As a Human Rights Protection Group reported in 2018[+], the violent attacks by radical groups have been increasing and even Wikipedia reports[+] that they have not been prosecuted by the Ukrainian authorities, although the perpetrators even claimed them on social media.
By comparison, in Russia, there is a continuous crackdown on any such groups and individuals who all get persecuted. Unlike Ukraine, Russia doesn't tolerate neo-Nazis.
Desecration of Holocaust memorials with Nazi symbols[+], Nazi salutes at football games[»][»][+] or elsewhere[»][+][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][+][»][»][»][»][»][ꚛ] and threats against Jewish leaders are just some of the antisemitic incidents that have been taking place across Ukraine.
In 2019, a Bellingcat investigation revealed[+] that Ukrainian notorious far-right extremist groups and their affiliates – including two organizations led by extremists being on trial for a 2015 murder, which were explicitly described in a March 2019 US State Department human rights practices report[+] as “nationalist hate groups,” and as “extremist” in a 2018 Freedom House report[+] on far-right extremism in Ukraine – received massive state funds to carry out “national-patriotic education” (NPE), allowing these groups to grow and recruit new members.
In other words, the Ukrainian government funds far-right extremist groups and so provides these groups with an additional source of legitimacy and adds more fuel to their public efforts to recruit hate-driven youth into their ranks.
Under the pretext of a comprehensive state policy aimed to “shape high patriotic consciousness” in youth, direct affiliates of organizations described as “nationalist hate groups” by the US State Department are the recipients of state funding despite many clashes[»][+][+][+] of these nationalist hate groups with Ukrainian law enforcement and despite previous reports in international[+] and domestic[+] media that called attention to the practice in 2018 and despite far-right, even neo-Nazi elements made visible during school events[+]. Given the notorious aggressive, anti-Russian, and hate-driven character of those radicals, it is extremely curious by what criteria the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine chose to appoint such individuals to educate the youth – we gave you the data and you can make your own conclusions about the value of the Ukrainian state that does that.
Even earlier, in 2008, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group issued an open letter[+] complaining about the open neo-Nazi activities of one skinheads’ group, called Patriot of Ukraine, warning about neo-Nazi ideology and ultra-rightwing ideas spreading.
Most neo-Nazi music festivals are closely guarded secrets but not the ones in Ukraine, suggesting the Kyiv regime welcomes it and Kyiv seems to be the capital of the neo-Nazi scene. What's more, the Ukrainian Prime Minister and other Ministers attend[+] and promote neo-Nazi concerts. The annual Asgardsrei festival in Kyiv[+][+] is shockingly open about staging far-right bands with anti-Semitic, violent lyrics, yet the local government and mainstream media seem prepared to give it a pass. Taking place over two days in Kyiv’s Bingo Club (a venue that can hold up to 1.600 fans), this neo-Nazi spectacle features more than a dozen bands from Europe and beyond. Their lyrics feature everything from unabashed anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial to praise of Nazi figures, including Hitler himself, and open calls for violence. The nastiest fringes of the far right meet at Asgardsrei, with Nazi salutes and flags of neo-Nazi terrorist movements flying freely. But it’s about more than just the music; it is an international networking event that provides a golden opportunity for Europe’s extreme right and far-right music subcultures to grow and become stronger. It is also about fighting – the night before the concert, there is a mixed martial arts “full-blown fight night” taking place at Kyiv’s old opera house – the Kyiv municipality hosting an event of a far-right group in a state-owned venue, go figure!
Asgardsrei is the only far-right music festival that doesn’t take place far away on a meadow of a small village or in a remote industrial area. Instead, it is publicly recognizable and full of self-confidence, staged in a popular venue in one of Europe’s biggest cities. The fact that such an event can take place at the beginning of the 21st century in the heart of Europe, in the heart of a European capital, without any problems or restrictions, is at least as scandalous as the West's support of a regime that allows it. And the world sits back and does nothing. Not Russia.
Further proof that Putin may be right about "neo-Nazis seizing power in Ukraine" is the fact that Ukraine has opposed[+] the UN resolution on “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance”.
The draft resolution was submitted by the Russian Federation in 2012. Each year, this resolution is endorsed by a large majority. It was adopted on December 16, 2021[+], by a vote of 130 in favor and 2 against (United States and Ukraine) with 49 abstentions (mainly the EU, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada)[ꚛ]. In 2024, the resolution was supported by 116 countries, 54 were against, and 11 abstained.[+]
By the end of 2022, all the NATO countries, except Turkey (which abstained) reversed their vote to being against the resolution with an explanation[+] that comes down to standing against it being used by Russia as a pretext to justify its war.
But NATO states have never really committed to combating the glorification of Nazism anyway (they never voted in favor of the resolution as they always abstained or were against it[+]), given that they never pressured Ukraine to ban glorifying renowned Nazi Bandera and neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, as well as removing all monuments of Bandera.
Many non-Russians, especially from NATO states hold grudges against Russian ancestors (rather than, say, German or Italian) and seem to have forgotten who made the greatest contribution in destroying monstrous, evil Nazis in WWII and sacrificed more than 14 million[+] lives (26,6 million Soviets[+][+][+]) to liberate the peoples of Europe and beyond – the very same nation that is singlehandedly fighting neo-Nazis in Ukraine today, Russia. And those who support American hegemony or white supremacy seem to forget what the Nazis’ insane claims of global dominance led to.
The experience of solidarity and partnership during the years of fighting a common threat in the 1940s is our invaluable heritage and a secure foothold now when the unstoppable movement is gaining momentum towards a more just multipolar world, a world based on the principles of trust and indivisible security, of equal opportunities for the genuine and free development of all nations and peoples.
Over a million Soviet soldiers sacrificed their lives for peace and freedom from fascism in Europe: 600.000 citizens of the USSR died liberating Poland from fascism; 380.000 gave their lives liberating Czechia and Hungary, over 100.000 in Germany, etc. Russians eradicated fascism in 1945 and will crush the hideous Bandera neo-Nazism in due time. Europeans can continue to be ungrateful to their disadvantage.
Soviets saved humankind from Nazism through great courage and immense sacrifice but since 2014 the ungrateful US-puppet Kyiv regime ruthlessly and cold-bloodedly destroyed memorials and monuments to great Soviet soldiers from WWII, and in its place created a real cult of the Nazis and their proxies erecting monuments to honor the evil Nazi collaborators, while erasing and demonizing the memory of true heroes. Since 2015, the Kyiv regime even banned the use of any Soviet-era symbols, monuments, and (street) names with the radical, politically toxic legislation on “decommunization”[+][+] aimed to erase Soviet history and the remnants of Ukraine’s Soviet legacy[+]. Zelensky withdrew from the agreement on the protection of monuments to the communist heroes of the Great Patriotic War who waged war against the Nazis. By demolishing their monuments, this disrespectful jester dishonors the memory of heroic ancestors while exalting the memory of the Nazi collaborators who ordered massacres of masses of civilians and were known as anti-Semites, fascists, and losers seeking to install a totalitarian regime.
Putin had a witty response[»][+] to that in an April 2024 parody: “You want decommunization? Very well, this suits us just fine. But why stop halfway? We are ready to show what real decommunizations would mean for Ukraine… We help your decommunization by destroying communist-built power stations.”[»][»][+] Russia was not attacking the energy infrastructure in Ukraine. It was merely assisting it in speeding up the process of destruction of Ukraine's Soviet heritage in its constant struggle to get rid of its communist past and step into the new era of free and democratic Ukraine.
The Ukrainian General Scientific-Expert Board, the parliament’s law review body found that the laws violate the Ukrainian constitution on at least four counts[+], not to mention the huge costs (billions of dollars) of renaming everything, which was inappropriate in the sinking economy during the civil war in Donbas (2014-2022)[+].
Furthermore, in February 2023, a bill was submitted to the Ukrainian parliament to abolish 9 May as a public holiday altogether. Such profanation of the achievement and sacrifices of the victorious generation is also a crime and an outright revanchism on the part of those who were during those eight years preparing to fight Russia bringing together neo-Nazi scum from around the world for this. They have become hostage to the coup d’état and the resulting criminal regime of its Western masters, collateral damage in the implementation of their cruel and self-serving plans. Boundless ambition, arrogance, and impunity inevitably lead to tragedies. This is the reason for the catastrophe the Ukrainian people are going through. Because a nation that forgets its past has no future!
Russians, on the other hand, cherish in their hearts the sacred memory of overthrowers of Nazis bowing their heads in the cherished memory of those defenders who lost their lives during the WWII war. They commemorate ancestors’ sacrifices and achievements (the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Red Army in World War II) notably on Victory Day (on May 9) with a military parade on Moscow's Red Square, The Immortal Regiment[+] mass processions carrying pictures of relatives and/or family members who served during the Second World War, gatherings at monuments, and other events. Unlike Ukrainians, Russians give credit to members of the Resistance who bravely fought Nazism and Fascism as well as the troops of the allied armies of the United States, Great Britain, China, and other countries. Russians are faithful to their ancestors’ legacy and have a deep and clear awareness of what it means to be up to the mark of their military, labor, and moral achievements.
This article is part of Denazification series:
Countering the Counter-Arguments:
Genocide Allegation
Linguistic Genocide
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this segment on Why Should Ukraine Denazify of the “Meeting the Demands for Ending the War” series: “Russophobia”
Stepan Bandera[+][+] was an Ukrainian nationalist, an anti-Semite, anti-Soviet Nazi collaborator, convicted murderer, responsible for the ethnic cleansing of minorities such as the genocide of more than 100.000 of Poles, Soviets, and Jews during World War II as he was a leader of OUN-B and UPA who massacred countless civilians while collaborating with Nazis
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,...
public administration, electoral process, referendums, courts, schools/education, science, theatres and other culture, media, economic and social life, health and care institutions, activities of political parties, and many more
Wolfsangel is a Nazi symbol that was widely used by various Nazi military formations, including several SS divisions that committed massacres during World War II
Thank you very much for this essay on the Bandeira cult and the role of Nazism in Ukraine. Below is my contribution to the topic.
In no other country in Europe do neo-Nazis play such an important role as in Ukraine
In 2014 there were 5 ultranationalist ministers in the government
In the same year, Kiev Mayor Klitschko poses in a photo with well-known neo-Nazis
The Ukrainian involved in the SS crimes against the Jews Flaghas been revered as a martyr and folk hero since his murder by the Russian secret service in 1954. In Ukraine, monuments are erected in his honor.
Neo-Nazi marches take place in Kyiv every year. They wave flags with the Wolfsangel emblem, which members of the Waffen-SS wore on their uniforms.
Ultranationalists and neo-Nazis are integrated into state institutions and security apparatuses.
By integrating the notorious Azov Regiment into the National Guard, the Ukrainian government probably wanted to refute the historical accusation of the Azovists' Nazi orientation. However, it was and remains a gathering place for ultranationalists and neo-Nazis. That's why the organization continues to use this Wolsangel Emblem
Selenskyjfailed in his attempt to rein in the neo-Nazis and ended up collaborating with them.
Orest Vaskul, former member of the SS Galicia Division, will receive a state funeral in St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral in Kyiv in 2021. He is responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens
Ukrainian government spends millions on monuments and roads honoring Nazi collaborators and neo-fascists. We also pay for this with our tax money when we pump billions into a corrupt Nazi state.
Ukrainian government spends millions on monuments and roads honoring Nazi collaborators and neo-fascists
keep writing articles