Not An “Unprovoked” Invasion
All the evidence you need to know that both Ukraine and NATO have provoked Russia ("poked the bear") for years
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Reading time: 25 minutes (or 30 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the Intro to this “Beware of Propaganda” segment? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article.
As part of the whole segment on propaganda, let's expose the Western authorities’ favorite word unprovoked as a blatant lie. They use this narrative every time they (e.g. 9/11 attack) or their proxies (such as Ukraine and Israel), get attacked so as to justify their aggression and garner support.
NATO's and Ukrainian allegation that Russia conducted an unprovoked “invasion” can be easily debunked by several pieces of evidence to the contrary. Let's start with the first word “unprovoked” and then debunk the “invasion” narrative in the next article[*] of this whole “Beware of Propaganda” segment.
Let's just start by saying that there is no such thing as an unprovoked war or invasion. Anyone who is telling you otherwise is lying to you and trying to deceive you for some sinister reason, which is why you should be very cautious of them rather than give them your full trust in supporting their policies. In the history of humankind, there has never been a case of a nation attacking a friendly nation. Historians, the genuine historians (not the ones paid to do the propaganda) will tell you that before every military attack, there were some events that provoked it. It's no different in both cases of Ukrainians starting the military attacks in April 2014[»] against ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine and Russians launching its special military operation in February 2022. Both were provoked and both reactions to provocations should have been wiser. But to be fair, if Ukrainians are not blamed for attacking and killing the anti-government protesters in 2014-2021, then Russia shouldn't be blamed for attacking and killing their killers and terrorizers. We are not judging here what is right or wrong but about what is true or lie in the context of claiming that this was an “unprovoked invasion” (keep reading to get all the evidence), which is very important to clarify if most people base their support for Ukraine on this basic false premise due to disinformation andmisrepresentation of the whole conflict.
The reason why there is less support for Ukraine is not just fatigue (as Ukrainians like to blame it) but because people are finding out more and more facts about how Ukrainians brought it onto themselves by not just provoking Russians but by killing them for many years. A significant decrease in solidarity for Ukraine is easier to blame on fatigue rather than on the public leap of consciousness whereby a critical mass of awareness is reached. That and the fact that Ukraine and NATO have weaponized our solidarity rather than use it for peace negotiation.
The fact that there is less and less solidarity for Ukraine comes down to the fact that people are waking up to the reality of what Ukrainians and their NATO backers are all about and finding out about Kyiv regime1 killing 14.000[+][+][+] (injuring 54.000, and forcing 2,6 million to flee their homes) ethnic Russians before Putin sent his troops in 2022. In January 2024, Elon Musk said[»] it best:
"We need to stop this principle that the nominally weaker party is always right. This is simply not true. If you are oppressed or a weaker party, it doesn't mean you are right. Because if some of those weaker groups want to annihilate you, that doesn’t make them good. We have to get rid of the rule that if you are weaker, you are automatically good. That obviously makes no sense… If that smaller group wants to kill you, they are bad. I’m a big believer in moral absolutism, not moral relativism. There is good and bad in the absolute and you judge any group or individual against absolute moral standards, not whether they’re the so-called oppressed or oppressor – just on absolute moral terms: ‘Are they doing good things? Do they want to murder innocent people?’ That’s bad. It doesn’t matter who they are.”
"Just because you're considered to be part of an oppressed group doesn't mean you can't be wrong, and it doesn't mean you can't be an asshole." – Bill Burr
Elon and Bill hit the nail on the head. If only people could have a couple ounces of common sense, then most of our problems in this world would be solved by acknowledging that oftentimes, the "underdog" is the underdog for a reason. Whether it is karma, or kaffarah[+], or sowing & reaping, or anything like that, it applies not only in good times but bad times as well. Why do people automatically assume that the underdog in any fight is always the hero or morally superior? Being weaker does not automatically mean you are in the right. The idea of “weaker must be good” is based in intersectionality, a moral framework that is quite immoral. Low level of consciousness makes you weak and immoral.
Let's be clear on this: just because Ukraine is weaker, it doesn't mean it is good or right. Ukraine is much smaller and weaker (economically, politically, culturally, technologically, industrially…) than Russia, a quintessential underdog, which is why most people with caregiving spirit instinctively turned on their protective impulse to take Ukraine under their wing, which is a honorable thing to do but there is nuance. The idea that the underdog in a fight has to be supported while it fights whatever rival, is something that spreads wide rather quickly. So, Zionists-owned mainstream media with its Hollywood scriptwriters turned the war in Ukraine into a classic underdog tale, one that Zionists love to propagate in regards to the war in Ukraine but not to the war in Israel. Zionist movie producers make their fortune off of the David vs Goliath-type2 of tales portraying an underdog winning against the top dog, prevailing against seemingly insurmountable odds, because people predictably fall for it. Losers tend to feel for other losers, projecting what they’d like to be done to them. So, the idea of fighting for the underdog became prevalent in culture and politics, which pretty much tends to the victim mentality. “Support me, I am the underdog, protect me as I go on to win the game and fame.”
However, in their ignorance or unawareness and naivete, most of the extremely propagandized Western public didn't realize that this “game” is not Ukraine vs Russia but Ukraine and NATO vs Russia, which makes actually Russia David in the David vs Goliath analogy. But, never mind that because Russia never plays the victim card. While Ukraine and its allies are playing the blame-game, avoiding accountability, manipulating pity, seeking sympathy, and abusing our solidarity while engaging in moral relativism and diversionary tactic, Russia is busy achieving all their objectives3.
Like Elon Musk said[»], if we are to judge any group or individual, we should do it against absolute moral standards, not whether they are oppressed or oppressor. We need to find out if they are doing good or bad things, do they murder innocent people, torture, and terrorize civilians – that's bad, no matter who they are. The fact is that Kyiv regime has slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians and forced millions to flee their homes (ethnic cleansing) BEFORE Russia launched its special military operation to end that humanitarian crisis.
The irony is that by abusing that underdog narrative in regards to Ukraine, the West got a major backlash by becoming the victim of the same narrative in regards to Palestine. What goes up must come down. There is no coincidence that the war in Israel happened when it happened. So, now a new underdog narrative emerged but one that would ruin the Zionists. When Palestinians turned out to be a clear underdog in its fight against a several decades-long struggle against the NATO-backed Israeli occupiers and oppressors, the whole world turned against Israelis and their backers. This is their undoing.
Excessive, frenetic, and creepy use[+][+][+] of the word “unprovoked” in most statements about alleged invasion raises suspicion of its possible hidden purpose to conceal the truth that it was indeed provoked. Such a frequent and oppressive repetition of a word is a known manipulative persuasion technique usually used in propaganda to convince the public of something that might otherwise be taken conversely. When someone uses a persuasion technique, it can only mean it is used to sell a lie or cover up the truth. Propagandists repeating the phrase "unprovoked invasion" are making use of a cognitive bias in their audiences known as the illusory truth effect[+], which causes people to mistake hearing something over and over again for hearing something that is true. To avoid any possibility of the public considering that NATO or Ukraine provoked this war, most likely the crisis management staff ordered all the representatives to repeat as many times as possible the word “unprovoked” in the context of Russia's alleged invasion so that it imprints in the minds of the public to such extent that they don't doubt it. This didactic tactic is called “inculcation”. Propaganda and inculcation are semantically related – inculcation is propaganda (technique). For more insight, refer to a Cambridge University theoretical study[+] of the power of inculcation and propaganda in shaping human behavior and beliefs.
The Western press upholds themselves as impartial arbiters of truth, purporting to be superior to the state media propagandists of nations like Russia and China, and claiming a legitimacy that ordinary people using social media don’t have. And yet here they are uncritically parroting the talking points of the US government and taking sides against Russia. The Western media claim to report the facts but the way they’ve fallen in line behind the “unprovoked” narrative reveals that their actual job is to frame world events in a way that serves the information interests of their government. This would be bad enough if that narrative was just a biased framing of a contentious issue and not the bald-faced lie that it actually is. It’s just a well-documented[+][+] fact that the US and its allies provoked[+] this war in a whole host of ways[+], from NATO expansion[ꚛ][ꚛ] to meddling in the Maidan uprisings and backing regime change in Kyiv to playing along with aggressions against Donbas separatists and siding with far-right extremists in the civil war to pouring weapons into Ukraine.
Noam Chomsky argued[»] that the reason we keep hearing the Western press using the word “unprovoked” in reference to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is because it absolutely was provoked. “It’s a very interesting phrase; it was never used before. You look back, you look at Iraq, which was totally unprovoked, nobody ever called it ‘the unprovoked invasion of Iraq’.”[»]
The reason the mass media have been bleating the word “unprovoked” in unison concerning this war is because the mass media are propaganda instruments[+] of the US empire. Their repetition of this war propaganda slogan exploits a glitch in human cognition known as the illusory truth effect[+], which makes it difficult for our minds to tell the difference between the experience of hearing something many times and the experience of hearing something that’s true. Just repeatedly inserting the word “unprovoked” into Ukraine war commentary across the board causes people to assume it must have been launched without provocation because the illusory truth effect can circumvent reason and logic to insert a narrative into the collective consciousness of our civilization. The fact that all mass media outlets began doing this in unison, against all journalistic rules and ethics, shows just how united the mass media are in service of the US empire. When the need to push a narrative is particularly urgent, the facade of journalistic impartiality and independence drops away, and we see the true face of the most sophisticated propaganda machine that has ever existed.[+][+]
Both NATO and Ukraine have provoked Russian SMO4[+] by crossing red lines[+] over the years, which left Russia with no other option but to use military force, which was not intended to start a war but to drive Ukraine to a serious negotiation (as opposed to them previously tricking Russia with bogus Minsk agreements[+][+]).
The evidence that Russians have tried everything possible to resolve the conflict diplomatically but Ukraine and NATO leaders disregarded all their proposals with even provoking Russia even more, leaving Russians with no other options, was confirmed by many independent political analysts, such as this exchange[»][+] between Ray McGovern (former Central Intelligence Agency officer turned prominent political activist) and John Mearsheimer (American political scientist and international relations scholar, Professor at the University of Chicago).
A smoking gun (that has been concealed) proving that the US was considering a strategy to defeat Russia in Ukraine was delivered in:
➡ 2019 report[+][+] of the Rand Corporation5 entitled ‘Overextending and Unbalancing Russia’, elaborated evil tactics for the destabilization of Russia such as “providing lethal aid to Ukraine so as to exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability.” As geopolitical scientist Manlio Dinucci explains[+][+], this war was mapped out in 2019, three years before Russia's intervention, as evidenced by the Pentagon-funded think-tank Rand Corporation’s plan presented to the House of Representatives on 5 September 2019.
➡ an article[+] by Aaron Wess Mitchell, an American foreign policy expert and former diplomat who was the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, now serving as Vice Chairman of the Center for European Policy Analysis, as Senior Advisor at the Office of Strategic Stability and Security at the United States Institute of Peace, and as co-chair of NATO's high-level Reflection Group (a commission of senior experts tasked with providing recommendations to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg for decision-making of the Alliance). Knowing about the American strategy to defeat Russia in Ukraine long before Russia launched its preemptive SMO, there can be no talk of “unprovoked invasion”. Unfortunately, common people are not aware of it, which is why they are the perfect patsies for being manipulated into such narratives.
In due course, we will lay bare more evidence about Ukrainian and NATO provocations[*][*], to further corroborate that it was indeed provoked so, in this context, we will only focus on making the point of this claim being just an attempt to deceive the public to gain support from it.
The List of Ukrainian Provocations
Apart from NATO's hostile expansion to Russian borders (and breaking promises not to do it), and NATO states arming Ukraine since 2014 to kill the Russians, here is a list of Ukrainian vile provocations:
➡ April 2014-2022 – Kyiv launched a so-called “anti-terrorism operation”[+][»] with Ukrainian National Guard packed with neo-Nazis killing and tyrannizing Russian ethnic minorities for eight long years – by the time Russia launched its SMO, they had killed around 14.000[+][+][+] ethnic Russians, injuring around 54.000 of them, tortured and tyrannized many more, forced 2,6 million people to flee their homes, and introduced fascist laws oppressing ethnic minorities such as restricting or banning pro-Russian political parties6, Russian language in 30 spheres of life7, Russian culture[+], Russian TV channels[+] and radio stations[+], films[+], books[+], newspapers[+], social media[+], songs[+], plays and concerts[+], arts[+], 200 cultural figures[+][+] (actors, film directors, singers, ballet dancers, writers, etc.), even Russian medicines[+], as well as stopped paying pensions[+] to them, and many other human rights violations. With a major humanitarian crisis in Donbas8 (much bigger one than in Kosovo, where without UN approval, NATO forces intervened by bombing Serbia and then UN approved Kosovo independence) where victims were ethnic Russians and Kyiv regime with its neo-Nazi battalions were the invaders or aggressors, Russia had every right to defend its people, more right than NATO had to defend Kosovo and Ukrainian people.
➡ Ukraine violated the Minsk agreements[+][+] made in 2014 and 2015 – then-President Poroshenko[+][+], and co-signatories then-German Chancellor Merkel[+] and then-French President Hollande[»][»][+][»] admitted they never intended to implement the agreements but did it to fool Putin so as to buy time to arm Ukraine to fight the Russians. Despite those ceasefire agreements, they shelled civilians almost daily for 8 years. Also Zelensky admitted[+] that he sabotaged Minsk peace deal with Russia and here[»] is he recorded ridiculing the Minsk Accords in 2019 in Paris. After Putin realized how 8-years-long diplomacy did not work as Kyiv continually violated all agreements and treaties[*], he felt he had no other choice to end the Donbas war and humanitarian crisis there by the show of force in 24 February 2024 to force Kyiv to implement the agreements. It almost worked, as Kyiv agreed to all terms in March 2022 (thus, Russia started withdrawing troops from the north of Ukraine), were not for NATO officials who sabotaged the deal in early-April 2022 pressuring Kyiv to continue the war and promising full support as long as it takes.
➡ 8 June 2017, Ukrainian parliament passed a law (bill No. 6470) making integration with NATO a foreign policy priority[+], despite the fact that the majority of the public did not support it as polls showed that only 40% people were for it at that time[+][+][+]. Thereby they violated their own 1991 Declaration of Independence[+] with the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine[+][+] and all treaties[*] with Russia in all of which they promised to remain neutral while Russia promised to honor Ukraine's territorial integrity – as soon as Ukraine violated it (started at the 2008 NATO summit), Russians were no longer obliged to keep their end of the bargain.
➡ 7 February 2019, Kyiv changed[+][+] the Constitution switching from neutrality to stating Ukraine's strategic objective to join NATO[+]. At that time, Ukrainian President was Poroshenko; Zelensky came to power couple months later in May.
➡ on 24 March 2021, Ukraine’s President Zelensky issued a decree[+] for the recapture of the Crimea[+] – he signed National Security and Defense Council Decree no. 117/2021[+] (sealing the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of 11 March 2021) to pursue strategies to prepare and implement measures to ensure the de-occupation and reintegration of the Crimea peninsula, including military measures[+][+] and began deploying his forces to the south of the country.
➡ in April 2021, Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, said[+][+] that President Zelensky’s administration will seek nuclear weapons if not accepted in NATO which Zelensky confirmed[+][+] on 19 February 2022 at Munich Security Conference. What did they need nuclear weapons for? To use it against Russia!
➡ on 23 August 2021, further disregarding the will of people of Crimea and their right to self-determination, at a (initiated by Zelensky) summit of the Crimea Platform for the “deoccupation of Crimea” in Kyiv (attended by delegations from 46 countries)[ꚛ], Zelensky pledged[+][+] to return Russia-annexed Crimea and subsequently gathered troops for an offensive. Russia has responded to Ukraine’s threats and provocations by amassing 122.000[+] troops near Ukraine's border since November 2021. By early December 2021, the NATO-backed Armed Forces of Ukraine amassed 125.000 troops[+][+] not at the borders with Russia to defend from an alleged Russian threat but at the borders of Donbas with the obvious intent to increase the attacks on the ethnic Russians there, which they then started mid-February, according to OSCE Special Monitoring Mission[+][+]. Only then Russia launched its SMO on 24 February to defend the millions of ethnic Russians living in Ukraine.
➡ 20 September-1 October 2021 – Ukraine held military drills with US and NATO troops[+]
➡ before Russian military intervention, on 1 February 2022, Ukraine formed[+] the Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) as the new branch of the Armed Forces serving as a military reserve force to “deoccupy” Crimea and Donbas. Of course, Russia would not allow Ukraine’s plan to attack Crimea nor let ethnic Russians to be killed and terrorized in both Crimea and Donbas.
➡ in February 2022 (before Russian SMO[+]), OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine reported[+] a massive spike[+] in Ukrainians shelling Russian ethnic minorities in Donbas, thus on 13 February 2022, OSCE had to withdraw from Donbas due to deteriorating security conditions as Ukraine was violating Minsk accords[+][+].
➡ 18-20 Feb 2022 at Munich Security Conference Zelensky announced9[+][+] reacquiring nuclear weapons (against Russia) and US Vice President encouraged him to join NATO by praising his desire to do so[+]. Zelensky (in his ignorance, he treats it as it is a treaty although it is just a memorandum and nonbinding[+] at that) claimed that Budapest Memorandum[+][+] (on nuclear disarmament of Ukraine) is no longer valid hinting at Ukraine reacquiring nuclear weapons just as Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, said[+] in April 2021. This was the final straw for Russians on top of all other provocations.
A couple days later Russia acknowledged the two Donbas republics’ declarations of independence and then acting on the request[+][+][+][+][+] by their authorities, Putin sent troops to liberate Donbas, deblockade10 Crimea, demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. The Western mainstream media only reported (somewhat hysterically) about the Russian buildup of armed forces across its borders but omitted to mention that Ukrainians did it first and pledged military measures to retake Crimea.
So, NATO expansion, arming Ukraine and deploying its troops on Russia's borders, Kyiv issuing a decree to retake Crimea, the massive buildup of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a massive spike in Ukrainians shooting the Russians, and the withdrawal of Western OSCE officials caused serious concern for Russia as it all suggested an imminent massive attack by AFU11, which is why Russia felt the need to counteract by providing military support to their folk in Donbas with launching their SMO12[+].
Now, if any of it does not count as “provocation” in your book, then get more concrete evidence throughout this peace initiative as we disclose them in different articles[*][*].
The squirrel in this video[»] reminds us of Kyiv regime, first they killed policemen and protesters at Maidan and thousands of ethnic Russians in Donbas for many years since 2014 and now play a victim of "unprovoked invasion" and pretend to be innocent.
If you can watch just one video from this peace initiative, then let it be this one below[»][»] showing how SMO was indeed provoked, why Russians had to intervene, with evidence of Ukraine being the primary aggressor since previous President Poroshenko (2014-2019), thus Russians had to defend their terrorized folk.
To contest NATO’s allegation that Russia conducted an unprovoked “invasion”, we ask NATO and Ukraine's leaders to answer this question: why did NATO provide billions in military aid and training to a non-NATO member Ukraine between 2014-2021? The answer is: to beat Russia. To retake Crimea from Russia even though Crimean people didn't want that and want to remain a part of Russia. Anyone with brain cells may conclude that such hostile actions would provoke a consequent response and that the “invasion” was provoked.
Some of many other proofs that Americans were militarizing and prepping Ukraine to fight Russia are:
· between 2014–2021, NATO states provided Ukraine with training and military equipment worth more than $35 billion[+][+][+] – what for if not to kill Russians?!
· the statement[»] of then-UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace at a news conference during the NATO summit in Vilnius on 12 July 2023 confirming the above investment about the UK and some other NATO states building up Ukraine's military capabilities before the start of the Russian SMO in February 2022: "Also, before this invasion, Britain with Sweden, Canada, the United States were investing in Ukraine and building their capabilities". What for? For Ukraine to join NATO – which was a clear provocation against Russia as it clearly opposed that threat to Russian security, killing Russian ethnic minorities in Donbas, and for plans to go on an offensive to retake Crimea.
· a video[»] showing lifelong Russophobes US Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Amy Klobuchar giving a warmongering pep talk to soldiers in Ukraine in 2016, preparing for a proxy war[*][+] with Russia. Militarizing Ukraine to kill Russians is certainly a provocation. Lindsey Graham said "Your fight is our fight."
· US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor[+] said: “The Armed Forces of Ukraine were preparing for a war with Russia, not for the defense of their own country”.
A massive buildup and activity of NATO forces inside Ukraine were crossing Russia's red line[+], just as the US would feel the same if Russia did the same in Cuba or Venezuela. Wonder how Americans would feel if Russians had trained and militarized the Cubans to fight Americans! CIA leaker David Ignatius told the Washington Post in December 2021[+] that the US was supporting an anti-Russian military insurgency in Ukraine. Another set of proof is admissions from former Ukrainian President Poroshenko[+][+], former German Chancellor (2005-2021) Angela Merkel[+], and former French President (2012-2017) Francois Hollande[»][»][+][»] that they double-crossed Putin[»] with the Minsk Accords[+] to buy time to arm Ukraine to fight Russia. Also Zelensky admitted[+] that he sabotaged Minsk peace deal with Russia and here[»] is he recorded ridiculing the Minsk Accords in 2019 in Paris.
In light of all the threatening activity on its border, on 17 December 2021, President Putin presented two treaties to be signed, one with the US[+] and the other with NATO[+], the essence of which is that the West13 pledges not to threaten Russia's borders by offering membership to Ukraine or by arming and placing missiles in Ukraine. Putin stated, "You are on our doorstep. We cannot back down." Putin promised a response if the NATO powers did not stop their offensive actions. NATO General Secretary (and a member of the Bilderberg Group[+]) Stoltenberg rejected them out of hand. This was a major provocation!
So, when Russia reacted to numerous covert provocations from Ukraine and NATO[*][*] with a military attack or SMO, the full-scale blame game and demonization of Russia could be easily corroborated. Russia has been blamed not just for the alleged “unprovoked invasion” but for everything else possible[*].
One might wonder why NATO states wanted to vilify Russia and provoke a war in Ukraine. We will explain the complex set of reasons throughout this peace initiative but among all other reasons, they wanted to take Crimea from Russia[+] because for their globalist world domination (white supremacy) agenda, the Western powers needed it to contain Russia and take control of the Black Sea region, which was a gateway into taking control of the Middle East and the whole of Eurasia. So, instead of Ukrainians invading Crimea or Russian territory, in order to be able to engineer a world condemnation of Russia for the “invasion of Ukraine”, they provoked Russia to invade first by militarizing Ukraine and amassing NATO-backed Ukrainian troops near Russian borders and constantly killing and terrorizing Russian ethnic minorities in Eastern Ukraine, as well as openly propagating to cross the red line[»] – accept Ukraine to join NATO, to name just a few provocations (more coming up[*][*]).
For decades, NATO states have been very keen on occupying the naval base in Crimea to reign the Black Sea region, as well as on weakening their rival Russia, thus they did everything to provoke Russia to attack Ukraine so as to have a valid justification to demonize it and facilitate the conditions to kick Russia out of its rightful place in Crimea.
Another great reason for provoking a war with Russia in Ukraine, which is related to taking control of the Black Sea region, is money, of course. Political conflicts and wars are always about money and prestige with war profiteers warmongering their followers just to get richer. Russia has been the only one standing in the way of Western plans to exploit the poor, corrupt, and unassuming Ukrainian folk, which is why the West also hates Russia.
The US has been profiting from selling overpriced weapons to both Ukraine and their NATO states backers. We cover the topic of war profiteering in another article[*], which includes multiple sectors such as weapon manufacturers, private security contracting, logistics, reconstruction, oil companies, food processing and commodity-trading companies.
Besides profiting from exploitation of Ukrainian natural resources (agricultural, minerals, shale gas, etc.), due to the country's high poverty and corruption rate, Ukraine became the top provider of dangerous and highly-profitable biolabs[+][»][+][»] (which are so dangerous that they are banned in the US and elsewhere in the West), as well as the top supplier[*] of babies, brides, prostitutes, and human organs for the Western black market, each of them being a multi-billion industry.
oAll that said, even though NATO authorities had their mentioned self-serving reasons to provoke Russia to start a war in Ukraine, there are other forces behind them, the forces that use all those globalists (Jesuits’ recruits[*]) running most of the Western governments and policymaking institutions. Who is really behind the war in Ukraine and how all roads lead to Rome (Jesuits HQ) is explained in a separate article[*].
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Beware of Propaganda” segment so far covering Intro, Zelensky’s Lies, “Putin's lies”, Mainstream Media Lies, Writings On The Wall, NATO Cognitive Warfare, Resistance To the Truth, and Crash Course in Reading Between The Li(n)es of Propaganda.
When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this “Beware of Propaganda” series: Not An Invasion
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
The story of David and Goliath was originally told in the Bible. "David and Goliath"[+] revolves around the age-old story of David's improbable victory over the giant Goliath. This narrative serves as a metaphor for underdogs prevailing against seemingly insurmountable odds. An underdog is someone who is conventionally expected to lose. Conversely, the individual anticipated to emerge victorious is deemed the top dog. David's journey to defeating Goliath encapsulates the essence of the underdog narrative. At the outset, no one, including King Saul and the Israelites, placed their faith in David's ability to overcome the giant. It was a scenario where the outsider challenged the insider – a classic underdog tale. The giant, Goliath, taunted, criticized, and threatened David, but it did not deter him from stepping up to the challenge. David's refusal to engage Goliath in close combat, where the odds were stacked against him, exemplifies the underdog mentality. Instead of succumbing to Goliath's expectations, David chose an unconventional approach, leveraging his unique skills as a shepherd. This act of defiance and innovation proved pivotal in his triumph. This refusal to adhere to the expected norms and his willingness to embrace his distinctive strengths defined David's victory.
preventing Ukraine from joining NATO, liberating ethnic Russians in all annexed regions, keeping Crimea and landbridge to it, demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine
Special Military Operation
the Rand Corporation[+] is a highly influential elite national security think tank funded directly by the Pentagon, the U.S. Army and Air Force, national security agencies (CIA and others), agencies in other countries, and powerful NGOs.
Since 2014 Maidan revolution, when a new US-propped anti-Russian regime came to power by force, 23 political parties have been banned in Ukraine, which clearly shows that there is no democracy there. In 2014-2015, Party of Regions and 3 communist parties[+] (the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Communist Party of Ukraine's Workers and Peasants, and the Reformed Communist Party of Ukraine) were effectively banned. Party of Regions[+] won the previous parliamentary election[+], so it was the most popular party at that time but the new Kyiv regime prevented it from running in new snap 2014 election by destroying it. The Communist Party (KPU) had been an important force in Ukrainian politics, polling 13 percent in the 2012 parliamentary elections[+]. Since March 2022, Zelensky regime banned 19 more political parties[+]!
Kyiv regime banned the use of Russian language in 30 spheres of public life – public administration, electoral process, referendums, courts, schools/education, science, theatres and other culture, media, economic and social life, health and care institutions, and activities of political parties; Ukrainian language became mandatory for civil servants, soldiers, doctors, and teachers – all of which is violation of human rights as well as the Article 12 of the Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership Treaty with Russia[+ENpg.33].
The restrictive policies started since 2014 and culminated in 2019 with the language law that prohibits employees of restaurants, cafes, bars, shops, banks, hospitals and other similar institutions from talking to visitors in Russian language[+], the citizen can no longer contact or send letters to the officials and authorities of higher levels in Russian language; identity documents can no longer be issued in Russian language...
In a country in which 30%[+] of people – 14,3 million people declared Russian as their native language in the last national census; 8,3 million[+] of them identified as ethnic Russians, if your native language is Russian and you don’t speak Ukrainian, would you protest the regime that passes such laws? And if you protest it but you are called a “terrorist” because you protest it and government sends the National Guard packed with neo-Nazis to kill or terrorize you and all your family, friends, and neighbors, would you like to separate from that regime, or not?
Although 30%[+] of Ukrainians declared Russian as their native language in the last national census, even more or most of them – 50% of Ukrainian social media users posted in Russian language (46% in Ukrainian and 4% in English), as data collected[+] on Instagram showed in January 2022.
Donbas[+] is a coal mining region that was part of eastern Ukraine from 1922-2022 (now part of Russia) consisting of two Republics - Donetsk and Luhansk - where most residents have been Russians for centuries. In 2022, after Bolsheviks defeated the Ukrainian nationalists, Lenin gave that part of former Russian Empire with mostly ethnic Russian residents to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine under condition that it remains part of the Soviet Union and under Moscow governance (Kyiv administration) but in 1991, Ukraine violated that agreement by breaking off from the Soviet Union and from Moscow, and since 2014, Ukrainians had been demolishing all Lenin's monuments, therefore they have no rights to claim the territories he conditionally granted them. Since Ukrainians hate Lenin and Stalin so much that they demonize them, then in the Russian view[+], it is only fair to give back all the land[ꚛ] that Lenin and Stalin allocated to Soviet Ukraine, without even asking the locals’ permission (the majority were Russians in Donbas).
Zelensky announced[+][+] reacquiring nuclear weapons (against Russia) — Zelensky said that he had instructed the Foreign Ministry to call a summit conference of the Budapest Memorandum’s signatories to talk about its return to the possession of nuclear weapons. He said that if NATO does not let Ukraine join the alliance, he considered the Budapest memorandum[+] (Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons[+]) void, which meant that Ukraine was no longer obliged to be nuclear-free. In other words, Zelensky bullied or blackmailed NATO officials: either give us security assurances by letting us join or we will reacquire nuclear weapons. This was a direct threat to Russia because the only enemy of Zelensky regime was Russia.
deblockade[+] Crimea — since 2014, Kyiv blocked the supply of water, electricity and goods to Crimean peninsula
AFU — Armed Forces of Ukraine