Ukraine Is NOT Winning
Ukraine was never winning, is not winning, and will never be winning as plenty of evidence here show, as well as evidence in our "Russia is NOT losing" article
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Reading time: 100 minutes (109 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the this “Reality Checks” segment from the beginning? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article: The Real Beginning of the War in Ukraine.
The point of this article is to help you raise your awareness of the true reality in Ukraine, so that you base your decisions and actions on true facts rather than lies and wishful thinking. Lies will lead to World War III and truth will lead to peace.
We all have to face the reality that Ukraine can't possibly defeat Russia regardless of how much money and weapons NATO gives them because, as plenty evidence shows and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Col Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi admits[+], Russia has more of everything that matters in this type of war, such as artillery[+], tanks[+], rocket launchers[+], missiles[+], bombs[+], air defense systems[+], electronic warfare[+], aircraft[+], etc. but most importantly of manpower[+].
Numbers don't talk, they scream. If you wish, read the American Hudson Institute June 2024 report[+] “NATO Is Not Ready for War: Assessing the Military Balance between the Alliance and Russia”, which proves that even NATO as a whole is no match for Russia, let alone Ukraine with a very limited military aid from NATO. Even more important is Russian military superiority in terms of quality and intelligence, which we explain in another article on Military Power and Strategy[*].
As we already explained with evidence[*], Russia already won the economic war, info war, geopolitical war and achieved all its objectives1 and then some while all Ukraine is winning is the spelling war[+] (they were winning the info war but that is no longer the case). Knowing this (by looking at all the evidence in this article), it is immoral to show solidarity for Ukraine by supporting the war effort but we need to show solidarity by supporting the peace effort, which Russia wants from day 1[*]. It is immoral because people are dying and Ukraine is losing evermore land because we help them prolong this war based on wishful thinking. Read all about it here.
Who is winning the war in Ukraine depends on who is doing the talking. Because as far as the public is concerned, this war is a game of narratives.
“In Australia, we are told Ukraine already won. But they also tell us we are not a British colony.” :) – @lukei6255 on 18 August 2023[+]
Long gone are the days when the ‘Ukraine is winning’ narrative dominated the Western media. Most sources[+] now acknowledge the possibility or inevitability of a Ukraine defeat. It is already obvious that Ukraine is not winning but we advise everyone to read this segment anyway so as to find out that Ukraine was never winning at any point from the get-go, which means that we’ve been all lied to and therefore should stop trusting Kyiv and NATO sources.
Knowing this is important to realize how our leaders and media in the West have been lying to us all along and therefore to make sure we never fall for their tales again and to never vote for them again and never read those devious media outlets that proved to be nothing but a tool to deceive us in a “fake it till you make it” ploy.
Even more important it is to use that insight as an incentive to then reconsider all their other narratives that might as well be suspicious and should be scrutinized, especially given the history of their many other proven false narratives such as “unprovoked” Al-Qaeda 9/11 attacks[»][+]2, Iraq's WMD3 propaganda in 2003, countless false flag operations4[+][+][+], and all already debunked “Russia did it” narratives[*], as well as the lies about the source of coronavirus as well as safety and effectivity of covid-19 vaccines. All these lies discredit everything else they tell us. If they lied about all that, it is worth to consider whether they also lied about Russian “unprovoked invasion”[*] and alleged “evil Putin's imperialistic motives”[*], as well as about Ukraine “fighting for democracy and freedom”[*] and being a victim rather than the initial aggressor[*]. It would be also wise to reconsider all that they claim to be “Russian propaganda” such as the rise and rule of neo-Nazis in Ukraine[*].
We cover all these throughout this peace initiative series of articles and provide enough evidence and links to further evidence for everyone to rethink with own heads about all these important issues and then act accordingly. Too many common people are spreading disinformation on social media out of sheer ignorance, such as that “Ukraine is kicking Russian ass” and so encouraging the futile and devastating war effort whereby prolonging the unnecessary losses and suffering of the Ukrainian people. Too many common people are unaware that they are being used as a foolish cog in the Western propaganda machine so as to keep the war machine going and keep war profiteers profiting at the cost of Ukrainian people. If anyone with a beating heart knew the real situation and the real numbers of Ukrainian casualties, they wouldn't feel the same and would not act as Ukrainian trolls fueling the foul propaganda machine.
In November 2023, Wall Street Journal admitted[+][+] that “Western leaders haven’t leveled with their publics about the emboldened, pragmatic, progressive Russia” but they omitted to add that they, too, haven't done it, as they conspired with Western leaders to deliberately deceive the public. Borrowing their own words, both leaders and media as well as “experts” from academia “indulged all too often in magical thinking – betting on sanctions, a successful Ukrainian counter-offensive or the transfer of new types of weapons to force the Kremlin to come to the negotiating table. Or they have hoped to see Putin overthrown in a palace coup.” They also forget that it was not Kremlin but Kyiv that refused to come to the negotiating table, as Kyiv first backed off from a peace deal in April 2022 and then even banned peace talks by issuing a special decree[+][+], not to mention Western leaders such as Biden and Boris Johnson[+][+], who cancelled the March-April 2022 peace negotiations! This media outlet that takes no responsibility for not levelling with their public and blames Western leaders, continues to spread the obvious lies that “the Ukrainian army has reduced an entire decade of Russian military modernization to dust” whereby contradicting itself with stating in the very same article that “Russian defense factories are ramping up their output, and Soviet legacy factories are outperforming Western factories...”. And if Russian military was reduced to dust, then how come it can't be defeated as their title5[+] said? Whether this is putting lipstick on a pig or blatant lies, draw your own conclusions.
Kyiv and NATO propaganda is so deceitful that many people live in a delusion that Ukraine is not just winning the war but capable of destroying Russia. For instance, even in September 2024, when in that year alone Russians captured 119 Ukrainian cities and villages while Ukraine recaptured only 3 of them (overall by then, Russians captured 1.985 of them), some delusional Ukrainians believed[+] not only that Ukraine would win the war by recapturing all of former Ukrainian territories under Russian control (including Crimea) but that they would seize much of Russian territories:
We understand that Ukrainian and pro-Ukrainian military bloggers do what they can to please the warmongering NATO and Kyiv authorities and strengthen morale but it is pointless to pretend that Ukraine is winning an attritional war as the Russian forces are obviously advancing and Ukrainian forces retreating. Especially when more and more Ukrainian soldiers are becoming disillusioned and are saving their lives by surrendering.
Fake it till you make it is an aphorism that suggests that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person or a group can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they seek. This might be the drive behind all the propaganda narratives. However, while this might work to some extent, it can't change a downward trajectory, just slow it down. If faking it would really work, all people would be successful as anyone can fake it. Nevertheless, the ones with a low IQ did not figure that out and keep on sharing fake news, which only brings nothing good but more death and destruction.
There is no amount of repeating “Ukraine has recaptured 50% of the territory that Russia seized”[+][+][+][+][+][+][+], which can change the true reality on the battleground. This is supposed to prove Ukrainian capabilities to all the ignorant people, who fell for Kyiv and NATO propaganda that it was Ukrainians who won those territories in some battles, when in fact they only took it back because Russia withdrew from it due to change of strategy, as we will explain in the next article[*]. People who use their brains could see through it by doing some simple math. Last time Ukraine recaptured significant territory was in November 2022 after Russians withdrew from Kherson (which was a big surprise to everyone but they claimed a victory anyway), so if they have not managed to repeat those “victories”, this means there was something wrong with that math and narrative and it is very obvious that Ukrainian military is NOT capable of recapturing any territory for too long. Those few hamlets and potato fields they did recapture during their much-hyped 2023 counteroffensive were just due to a Russian tactic to lure them into the areas where they could encircle them from hills and shell them daily as their goal has been to demilitarize Ukraine (grind down the AFU6) rather than to hold some insignificant hamlets and potato fields at any cost (like Ukrainians are doing).
Without sugarcoating the truth, Putin and Russia have had the upper hand[+] from the very start, which was or should have been obvious to the authorities in the West but they have been lying to us so as to get us to further support the war effort instead of peace negotiations, so as to get us to further support investing in the military aid and so make the American, British, and German military industry rich.
➡ One of the most important facts (with evidence below) to know from the start is that Ukraine and NATO can't possibly win this war militarily against the military and nuclear superpower that is Russia. Ukrainians who believe otherwise are simply delusional and overly nationalistic to admit it, causing their folk to suffer in vain. Ukrainians are relying completely on military aid from NATO states and like beggars must continually beg for more but all that aid will never suffice to win, thus the best way to settle this conflict is to embrace this peace initiative.
The collective West should not continue to pump up Ukraine with weapons because the ongoing military aid will only prolong the fighting and bring more misery to ordinary Ukrainians, rather than end the war any time soon. By supporting Ukraine militarily, the West or NATO is adding fuel to the fire and is responsible for all the deaths, suffering, and destruction because if they weren’t, the war would be already over with the results much less horrible than what will come in the end. The grave damage the war has caused would pale in comparison with the outcome of a prolonged conflict.
Sorry, but we’re all out of sugarcoating. We have to call a spade a spade. Remember, true knowledge is power. Apart from not having access to the truth, facing the truth is the hardest thing to do for those who prefer to live in denial or illusion. But no peace deal can come out of a fantasy lookout. Russia insists on peace talks that are based on the existing reality on the battleground, historical facts, and its security concerns.
Truth is the first casualty of the war. During a war, governments and media of involved states always disseminate propaganda. But the task of scholarly studies[+][+][+] is not to rely on propaganda disseminated by the governments and often repeated by the media but on evidence, academic concepts, and theories to research wars in non-partisan ways. This peace initiative uses political science studies of all aspects of the war in Ukraine and empirical analysis of thousands of primary and secondary sources to provide provisions and their justifications for a peace settlement.
The truly moral course of action would be to end this war with negotiations rather than prolong the agony of the Ukrainian people in a conflict they can't win. The European people are also suffering in vain. Prolonging this unwinnable war is making the West lose more and more money and influence around the world. This domino effect may lead to a World War and even a nuclear war, which the West can't win.
There is truth in the saying that history repeats itself and we see it in many aspects of this war. There is a replay of Vietnam War[+] (1955-1975) theme with announcements of Ukrainian victory every week. This can mean only one thing. Oops.
The reality is that Ukraine has about as much chance of winning a war against Russia as Mexico would with militarily winning a war with the United States.[+]
Even if you give them all the weapons and ammunition they need, they do not have enough manpower to match Russia. NATO did not want to accept Ukraine to join the alliance, which means that they don't want to sacrifice their manpower for Ukraine.
Ukraine has lost territories (about one-fifth of Ukraine), hundreds of thousands of soldiers and officers, ports, billions of dollars a year from the lost grain exports, hundreds of billions of euros/dollars, plus energy infrastructure has been disrupted, millions of people have fled the country, indisposed conscripts are being sent to the trenches as cannon fodder, the economy has collapsed, the West is dissatisfied with the counteroffensive – the Ukrainian military failed to achieve its goals in all areas, but Kyiv and its NATO allies are still calling it “winning”! And we, the dummies, are meant to believe it.
From the start till now, the Western propaganda machine has been pushing the false narrative that Ukraine is winning (just one F-16 away from winning the whole war[+]), deliberately deceiving and blatantly lying to their audiences, which is why the Western public should boycott such media outlets and oust such authorities because their lies are only feeding the narrative of escalation rather than de-escalation causing many people to die every day. We already mentioned in the previous article[*] who they are and provided some evidence but in this context, we provide the evident lies of some of them regarding alleged Ukrainian winning.
To prove the deceit, we are deliberately citing the headlines after it was clear to everyone[+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+] other than dimwits[+] that Ukraine was failing as “the counteroffensive was not meeting the expectations of the military and political leaders in the West”[+] since Ukrainian military made no significant progress, failed to achieve its goals in all areas, hadn't even managed to reach the main line of Russian fortified defense[+] (a.k.a. Surovikin Defensive Line[+]), suffered colossal losses, and nearly a fifth (more than planned7) of Ukrainian territory remain in Russian hands:
🔵 “Ukraine is winning the war, and final victory over Russia is achievable."[+] – Globsec security forum, 2 September 2024 (“Of course Ukraine is winning the war” – Ben Hodges)
🔵 “I am confident that the war will soon conclude with the triumph of freedom over tyranny."[+] – Polish President Andrzej Duda, 24 August 2024
🔵 “I know we will win – and how"[+] – Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Col Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi, 24 July 2024
🔵 “Ukraine, not Russia, will win this war.”[»] – US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, 11 July 2024
🔵 “Ukraine can still win the war"[+] – Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee, 8 May 2024
🔵 “…it is not too late for Ukraine to prevail, because more support is on the way."[+][+] – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, 25 April 2024
🔵 “Ukraine is winning.”[»] – US Ambassador to the UK Jane Hartley, 25 March 2024
🔵 “There will be victory for Ukraine”[+] – EU President von der Leyen, 24 Feb 2024
🔵 “Ukraine is 730 days closer to victory”[+] – Zelensky, 24 February 2024
🔵 “Ukraine is winning.”[+] – former UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, 1 Oct 2023
🔵 “Ukraine is winning and Russia is losing”[»] – UK Chief of the Defence Staff, head of the British Armed Forces Tony Radakin and then-US General Mark Milley8, 10 September 2023
🔵 “Ukraine is winning the war with Russia”[+] – The Times, 12 August 2023
🔵 “Ukraine Is Winning The Artillery War”[+] – The Forbes, 11 July 2023
🔵 “Ukraine is winning”[+] – Politico (the author is PM of Ukraine), 21 June 2023
🔵 “Ukraine is winning a crucial part of the land war.”[+] – The Telegraph9, 8 Aug 2023
They are caught lying as the same publication contradicts itself:
“Ukraine’s counteroffensive is failing, with no easy fixes”[+] – The Telegraph, 21 July 2023
“Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat”[+] – The Telegraph, 18 July 2023
“Putin is close to victory. Europe should be terrified”[+] – The Telegraph in Dec. 2023
US Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville told Fox News that Ukraine CAN'T win the war because they are a 'junior high team playing a college team' – Daily Mail[+], Hill[+]
And when some spin doctors10 do not know how to spin the unfortunate fact that Ukraine is losing, they write nonsense like:
🔵 The Guardian reported in late November 2023 that a Yale professor and historian, Timothy Snyder, said[+] that continuing high levels of military aid could allow Ukraine to prevail! Is it appropriate for a professor of history to be presented as an “expert” on military matters? The answer is yes when they need a propagandist. We feel bad for the Yale students who pay enormous tuition fees to be taught by such “experts” who have no clue what they are talking about and who are obviously employed to disseminate a propaganda.
🔵 On 11 July 2023, at the time when Ukraine was failing horrifically in their counteroffensive, Forbes run an article[+] titled “Ukraine Is Winning the Artillery War – By Destroying Four Russian Howitzers for Every Howitzer It Loses” but they forgot to fact-check it as usual, just relying on what Ukrainian PR tells them, and to mention that artillery consists of more than howitzers! However, even more laughable is the fact that they base their big headline and Ukrainian victory on counted 32 wrecked howitzers and rocket-launchers on the Russian side, but only eight on the Ukrainian side! The fact that Ukraine loses less howitzers is because they are totally out of them as the West has not supplied them with any new ones in ages; and they do not use them as much because they run out of artillery shells! Newsweek run[+] the same type of propaganda piece (using Ukrainian unverified claims) even at the end of November 2023, with a usual "Russian artillery stockpiles are totally depleted." How many times have we heard such claims before! Yawn.
🔵 Newsweek’s celery hater and sangria enthusiast11 in August 2023: “Ukraine Is Beating Russia in the Drone War”[+] – never mind that this is not a drone war at all but an attrition war[+][+] or artillery war12[+] but they do not expect us to know that because, you know, we are all retards to them. What they are deliberately concealing with such deceitful articles is the fact that Russia is winning the artillery war, the tank war, the fighter jets war, the missiles war, the landmines war, etc. Here is a proof[»] that Russians are also winning the drone war, as well as the admission[+] from Ukraine’s “drone czar” (Ukraine’s head of the Unmanned Systems Forces), Vadym Sukharevsky, that Russian “drones outnumber Ukrainian ones six to one”.
Besides, the West needs to get their stories straight because they constantly contradict each other like, for example, just a couple of days later, another American outlet, The Wall Street Journal, ran an article[+] titled “Why US Drones Don’t Cut It for Ukraine” and Big News Network ran an article[+] titled “Ukrainian expert admits Russian drone superiority.” Ukraine might have been beating Russia in drone contest in 2022 but this is not the case any longer as Russians ramped up their drone production and innovation with Lancet and other drones proving to be superior to NATO drones, not to mention the superiority of Russian air defense and electronic warfare that manage either shoot down or jam most of Ukraine's drones, as well as Russians constantly bomb and destroy Ukrainian warehouses, including those storing drones. Russian 'Lancet' drone appears to be the most successful and effective weapon of all times with proven 87% score of successful hits on a battlefield – best than any other weapon in human history.
🔵 an associate editor and columnist for The Washington Post[+] “Ukraine might not be winning this war yet, but Russia is losing — and its leaders and people know it” – as usual from propagandists (he wrote 11 spy novels, including “Body of Lies”, which tell us hips about him), he provides no evidence for his claims such as for alleged Russian losing and where did he get that Russians supposedly know it. If Ukraine is not winning and Russia is losing, then who is winning? If Ukraine is not winning, they can't bring themselves to face the truth and admit that Russia is winning, so they suggest neither side is winning.[+]
In other words, those Harvard and Cambridge Universities graduates and a Yale professor treat their readers as morons expecting them to fall for such hogwash. Maybe The Guardian's, Newsweek's, and WaPo’s readers are idiots if they pay for this or just too busy to think with their own heads.
There are also all sorts of prominent figures that are constantly feeding the narrative that Ukraine is winning and so deceiving the war sponsors, West's taxpayers:
🔵 Ukraine – Victory Is Closer Than You Think[+] by Jan Kallberg, Senior Fellow with the Transatlantic Defense and Security program at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), on 23 August 2023
🔵 Retired US Air Force Colonel Cedric Leighton explains to CNN what could lead to a 'major victory' for Ukrainians[»] on 18 August 2023
🔵 Russia is losing in Ukraine[+] – Giorgi Kandelaki at the Atlantic Council (NATO's think thank) on 31 August 2023
However, even more Western authorities (voices of reason) disagree and claim otherwise – that Ukraine can't win – US Senator Tommy Tuberville[+], Hungarian PM Victor Orban[+], retired US Army Colonel and former Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of Defense Douglas Macgregor[+][+], former Lt. Col. in the US Army Daniel L. Davis[+][+][+], former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN Special Commission weapons inspector Scott Ritter[+], former US Marine and independent geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic[+][»], Czech General Sandor[+], former US Army Reserve lieutenant colonel and CIA intelligence officer Col. Anthony Shaffer[»], former analyst at the CIA Larry C. Johnson[+][+], former Central Intelligence Agency officer turned political activist Ray McGovern[»][+], US economist and former advisor to the Pentagon and CIA James Rickards[+], American political scientist and international relations scholar, Professor at the University of Chicago John Mearsheimer[»][+], US Ambassador Michael Gfoeller and David H. Rundell[+], and many more[+][+][+] voices of reason.
Or hear it straight from a Ukrainian soldier[»].
“There are no serious people left that believe Ukraine is winning this war or that they even have a chance unless, of course, they are on the military industrial complex payroll. Everyone else understands that it’s over, and all we are doing by continuing this nonsense and funding it indefinitely is perpetuating the death of the poor men sent to the front lines as cannon fodder to keep the money train flowing. Enough is enough!”[+] – Donald Trump Jr. on Dec 8, 2023
Pope Francis said[+] in March 2024 that Ukraine is facing a possible defeat and should have the courage to negotiate an end to the war with Russia and not be ashamed to sit at the same table to carry out peace talks "before things get worse. Zelensky dismissed[+] this Pope Francis's call, exposing himself not to have the courage and decency to save lives.
Disregarding the reality on the battlefronts, the Kyiv regime13 keeps on giving false hopes to the Ukrainian people using propaganda narratives and authorities such as:
🔵 “There Is a Path to Victory in Ukraine” – Foreign Affairs article by Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on 14 December 2023[+]
🔵 “Ukraine is preparing developments for next year that will force the Russians to leave Crimea forever.”[+][+] – Minister of Defense of Ukraine Umerov in December 2023. Remember, already in April 2023, Kyiv’s Main “intelligence”14 chief, Gen. Kyrylo Budanov and adviser of the Ukrainian President Zelensky Mikhail Podolyak said[»] that Ukraine will return Crimea in a few months. Zelensky's inner circle is either smoking crack or lying. Ukrainian psyop is second to none.
🔵 Victory Is Close[+] – Bohdan Danylyshyn, Head of Department, Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, on 28 August 2023
🔵 Ukraine 'Close To Victory'[»] – Andriy Yermak, head of the Ukrainian president’s office, on 24 August 2023
🔵 Russia's defeat[+] – Pavlo Klimkin, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (2014–2019), Co-founder of the Center for National Resilience and Development, on 24 August 2023
However, one can read between the lines of Zlensky's claims such as “Nobody believes in our victory like I do” on 30 October 2023, in an Time article[+] in which his aide points to Zelensky being delusional. In other words, what Zelensky was saying was “Nobody believes in our victory except me.”
This is all just lies propagated for fundraising. No one would back or bet on a losing horse, let alone donate money to notoriously corrupt Ukrainians but they keep on trying, calling[+] on ignorant and gullible foreigners to donate aid to “defeat Russian tyranny”, feeding them with lies that Ukrainian victory is around the corner.
They want us to believe that if only we, not Ukrainians, did five things, Russia could be defeated – what we need to do to defeat Russia is, according to Ukraine state-sponsored media[+], is, we kid you not: Buy Ukrainian-made products, stop buying Russian vodka, pour money into Ukrainian charities, financially support Ukrainian refugees, and spread Ukrainian propaganda!!! In other words, we all just need to keep on giving them money and so they will win and Russia will be defeated. They forgot to mention that the West has been doing it from day one and what do they have to show for??? We have already given them more than $233 billion[ꚛ][+] since 2022 and many more billions since 2014 but they want more and more. They never even said “thank you” to us, the Western taxpayers. They act as if we owe them something. They want us to believe that they are fighting for us because, you know, evil Putin is going to kill us all if we don't give all our money to Ukrainians.
While the Ukrainian government paints a rosy picture of the conflict with Russia at press conferences, senior officials admitted in private that the situation is grim, said[+][+] Paul Ronzheimer, deputy editor-in-chief at the German outlet BILD.
Also, in December 2023, two lawmakers in Kyiv, including Colonel Roman Kostenko, who commands a unit on the Kherson front but also serves as a member of parliament told The Times[+] that “a victory on the battlefield is extremely unlikely.” Another MP was skeptical that any weapons promised by the US and its allies could turn the tide.
To know the truth, we need to hear it from the first-hand sources such as Ukrainian and Russian soldiers. In thousands of videos available on video platforms without censorship, soldiers tell us how it is. Take this example[»] with English subtitles where a Ukrainian soldier tears his yellow-blue flag bracelet saying that Ukraine is f**king finished country and that the Ukrainian media fakes Ukrainian ‘success’.
Here is an eye-opening undeniable fact that begs a question: If during their counteroffensive, it took Ukrainians 3-4 months and 12+ brigades[+] (trained in NATO countries) to partially[+][+] recapture an insignificant small empty village Robotyne with a population of 480[+] before the war, despite the most advanced NATO military equipment (Leopard and Challenger tanks, Bradley IFVs, Stryker AFVs[ꚛ], etc.), how can then anyone expect Ukraine to win back any large chunks of territories, including Crimea with thousands of such villages and towns that are much more fortified???!!! And if in the battle of such a small village, Ukrainians lost over 20.000 of their best soldiers, then how many soldiers would they need to sacrifice to capture all the villages and towns on the way to Crimea and then in Crimea itself? Extrapolating from these numbers and pace, Ukraine would need at least 246 years and 200 million troops to retake Crimea, not even taking into account that these territories are much more fortified than Robotyne which had no fortified defense at all (mobile defense).
While they sensationalized the “liberation of Robotyne”, they totally downplayed the fact that Russia retook it some months later[+] after pummeling them for months on end in that trap.
Nevertheless, delusional or dishonest Kyiv authorities such as then-Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov keep on claiming[+] that Ukraine will return Crimea by military means. Like most ruling elites, the Kyiv ruling elite lives in their bubble, detached from reality, whose delusions makes us wonder if there is indeed some truth that the Kyiv authorities are "a gang of drug-addicts”.
Never mind the Kyiv narrative, in the West, after several months of highly anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed to meet their expectations (the Ukrainian military failed to achieve its goals in all areas), the ‘Ukraine is winning’ narrative has - in effect - died. However, the ‘Ukraine is not losing’ narrative may yet have some life left in it. Nevertheless, the pro-Ukraine narrative is collapsing more every day!
Since November 2023, the reality finally started to set in as the evidence on social media finally prevailed, therefore many of the Western media outlets could no longer keep up the appearances of Ukrainians winning and Russians losing the war, so they run these articles while still putting lipstick on a pig, sugarcoating the truth:
🟢 It’s Time to End Magical Thinking About Russia’s Defeat[+][+] – Wall Street Journal
🟢 Has Putin got the upper hand in Ukraine?[+] – The Guardian
🟢 Zelensky must be honest about the state of the war[+] – a Ukrainian journalist for British Spectator
After the 2023 counteroffensive catastrophically failed, in December 2023, the Financial Times reported[+] the need for Kyiv to accept a frozen conflict and declare victory. Faking a victory is what one former US official suggested: “We have to flip the narrative and say that Putin has failed.” They talked about a Korean-like armistice scenario in which Ukraine would be divided in two parts, one of which is already annexed by Russia and another where NATO would reign supreme, which is a delusional scenario that disregards the main Russian demand for Ukraine's neutrality. As usual, the Western losers make plans without considering at all what victorious Russia plans.
2024 is the year when even the strongest Ukrainian supporters could no longer keep up with fake news and hide the truth about Ukrainian defeats:
🟢 “Ukraine is heading for defeat”[+] – Politico, April 2024
🟢 “Ukraine on edge of defeat”[+] – Politico, April 2024
🟢 “The Ukraine war is lost, but Hollywood and DC don't know it”[+][+] – Fox News, April 2024
Despite all the foreign aid and mercenaries, Ukraine is running out of both soldiers and ammunition while Russia is not and as such it cannot win this war against Russia.
The disproportion in the capacity of both manpower and arms between NATO-funded Ukraine and Russia was known to Western experts and authorities from the start, nevertheless, they have been pushing Ukraine to fight against Russia because their goal was not Ukraine's victory but to weaken and contain Russia, disintegrate Russian Federation, as well as facilitate the conditions in Russia for a regime change, for Putin's downfall. To get poor and naïve Ukrainians to make all these sacrifices, they deceived them by giving them false hopes about the prospects of winning and the limitless amount of aid. This ploy was easy because they helped their puppet amateur win the election in Ukraine in 2019.
NATO officials didn't lie only to Ukraine but also to the American people and allies. On 26 April 2022, at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, US Defense Secretary and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin claimed[»][+] that the United States and the 40 nations participating in Austin’s consultative group believed that Ukraine could win the war with Russia. Apart from lying about the prospect of winning, what this “spin doctor” didn't say in his spinning of the narrative was that if only 40 nations believed that, this meant that the rest of the world – more than 150 other countries did not believe that but believed that Russia will win. The West15 defined victory as the Russians being defeated and withdrawing from all of the Ukrainian territories, including Crimea. How wrong, irrational, and delusional they were is evidenced by an ever-increasing number of leaders of those 40 nations stating the opposite later[»]. As a matter of fact, by now, almost no one believes that Ukraine will be able to take Crimea back while around 80% of the world believes that Crimea was never rightfully Ukraine anyway for the reasons we will explain in the article on Crimea[*].
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin kept on spinning that narrative ever since, lying even under oath to the US Senate in Washington on 28 March 2023, [»][»][+] to secure the necessary funding (the Department of Defense budget request for 2024), claiming “Ukraine having the upper hand” in the war based on the sole fact that Russia was using old tanks at the time (he was either ignorant or concealing the fact that Russia was using also new tanks and many other modern arms).
Even after catastrophically failed Ukrainian 2023 counteroffensive and massive Russian victories in 2024 (towns of Maryinka, Avdeevka and around 20 villages by then[+]), on 10 April 2024, at Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, when US Senator Tommy Tuberville questioned Sec. Lloyd Austin about Ukraine's possibility for victory, he said “yes”[»]. Whether he lied or is dumb, draw your own conclusion.
While the NATO states’ leaders and mainstream media are chanting in sync on and on “Ukraine is winning”, on the front lines, however, the mood has been dark from the beginning. So dark, it became joke material on the dark humor scene: Biden asks Zelensky, “Are we winning the war?” Zelensky answers, “We are doing good, we are in second place” :) To keep up the sinking morale[»], Ukrainian leaders and many Western journalists (funded by war profiteers) cover up[+] grim reality with triumphalist delusions[»] and unfounded cheery prognosis, telling the public only a small, positive part of the whole story. Saying Ukraine is winning is like saying Ukraine won the lottery while omitting to mention that it actually just got three numbers right and so won the smallest prize while Russia won the jackpot. This insincerity hinders incentive for peace negotiations. There can be no truce without facing reality and contextual historical knowledge as well as the legal perspective, which we provide here.
The Western propaganda machine has given life to a triumphalist narrative that Ukraine is defeating Russia and will keep scoring victories as long as the West keeps sending more ammunition and money to this most corrupt country in Europe with its fascist regime[*] conducting state-sponsored terrorism with neo-Nazi battalions against ethnic minorities for a decade now. But this wishful thinking and the need to keep recreating the illusion that Ukraine is holy, victim, and winning by hyping alleged bravery (mostly more like drug-induced recklessness) and limited achievements on the battlefield has forced Ukraine to keep sacrificing its forces in extremely bloody battles, like its counteroffensive in Kherson (10.000 KIA[+][+][+]) and defending Mariupol[+] (75.000 KIA[+]), Severodonetsk–Lysychansk (7.000 casualties[+]) Soledar (25.000 KIA[+]), Bakhmut/Artyomovsk (50-75.000 KIA[+][+]), and other ruined towns.
What’s the point of Ukrainians defending the ruins and flattened towns to the last Ukrainian? This is vicious trading of human flesh for square meters! This irrational, coldhearted, and brutal sacrificing of precious lives and getting cities destroyed rather than wisely retreating forces when necessary was captured by many commentaries with a Sun Tzu quote: “An evil man will burn down his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes” whereby referring to President Zelensky, of course, who is using his troops as cannon fodder, heedlessly disregarding the advice of his then-Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny[+][+], NATO military officials[+][+], including US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin[+], and Western military analysts (while unwisely following the advice of the commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces, Colonel General Syrskyi who was obsessed with Bakhmut). They saw no point in losing thousands of troops defending Bakhmut/Artyomovsk, urging Zelensky since the end of January to withdraw from Bakhmut, fearing the depletion of their own troops could impact Kyiv’s planned spring counteroffensive (the fear came true[+] as the spring offensive could not take place and was postponed to summer). However, for Kyiv, Bakhmut was more than a city. It was a symbol of Ukrainian defiance even though its strategic value was questionable[+]. In other words, the fall of Bakhmut would mean the fall of Ukrainian defiance. It turned out not to be true.
What does Zelensky know about commanding an Army?! Nevertheless, foolish Ukrainians put him in charge and gave him the highest authority even in war. Sometime after the Ukrainian army was defeated in what is now Artyomovsk (a.k.a. Bakhmut, from 2016-2023), it turned out that Zelensky and his supporters were catastrophically wrong about the alleged strategic importance of that town and about the horrific sacrifice they imposed to defend this unimportant area because nothing major happened on that front afterward to justify the cost of precious life. More than 50.000 Ukrainians died and many more were mutilated there in vain, all due to Zelensky's error of judgment. How he sleeps at night…
After the Ukrainian 2023 counteroffensive failed to achieve its goals, winning has been redefined as not losing[+][»]. This is, of course, a case of denial, as Ukraine is losing even if it is gaining a little here and there (potato fields and ruined villages). It is losing a lot of people, military equipment, more and more territories, support, allies…
Eventually, the Ukraine is Winning narrative suffered from an overdose of reality so had to be replaced with the ‘Ukraine Will Win One Day’ narrative. It is, in effect, a good old-fashioned narrative of hope.
Anyhow, the “Ukraine is winning” charade goes on and on. This “fake it till you make it” farce would not be so bad if it didn't cost lives. It is precisely this narrative that is killing people who would otherwise push for peace negotiations rather than be used as cannon fodder. The menace of this deception is evident in the fact that the intelligence and military experts knew very well ahead of time that the Ukrainian 2023 counteroffensive would fail due to the lack of air support (fighter jets), air defense, artillery shells, and skilled soldiers but they pushed Ukraine to go ahead with it anyway just because they only cared about killing and harming Russians, no matter the cost.
Despite reports[+] at the time quoting US intelligence forecasting that the upcoming Ukrainian counteroffensive would result only in “modest territorial gains,” and fall “well short” of Kyiv’s goals, many US lawmakers, experts, and pundits had been projecting a very different, deceiving picture in the public. Several senior US officials openly suggested that the Ukrainian operations would be a sure success and some in all seriousness claimed it would lead to an all-out victory, expelling the Russians out of occupied Ukraine and even Crimea.
“I expect major gains in the coming days and weeks,” said US Senator Lindsey Graham during a 28 May 2023 interview on Fox News. “I think they can expel Russia from Ukraine.” The Russians are “in for a rude awakening” he said[+] a couple of days later. “In the coming days, you’re going to see a pretty impressive display of power by the Ukrainians.” He turned out to be very wrong.
Indeed, Graham’s rosy assessments were just the tip of the overly optimistic grandstanding iceberg from that time. Here’s a brief – albeit not comprehensive –sample[+] of what we heard about the upcoming counteroffensive in the spring of 2023 from not just expert pundits, but also top US officials, despite their presumed knowledge of more sober US intelligence predictions:
🔵 Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: “I think Ukraine will have a very good chance of success.” [28/03/2023]
🔵 National security advisor Jake Sullivan: “We believe that the Ukrainians will meet with success in this counteroffensive.” [04/06/2023]
🔵 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: “I’m confident that when Ukraine decides to launch new operations to liberate more land, Ukraine will be successful.” [21/04/2023]
🔵 Former CIA Director, Gen. David Petraeus (ret.): "I personally think that this is going to be really quite successful... And [the Russians] are going to have to withdraw under pressure of this Ukrainian offensive, the most difficult possible tactical maneuver, and I don't think they're going to do well at that." [23/05/2023] “I think that this counteroffensive is going to be very impressive.” [03/06/2023]
🔵 Retired US Army Gen. Ben Hodges16 who used to serve as commanding general of US Army Europe: “I actually expect, however, that [the Ukrainians] will be quite successful.” [12/05/2023]
🔵 Historian Edward Luttwak: “If Kyiv and the West are looking for the most plausible path to victory, this is it.” [11/05/2023]
🔵 Atlantic Council non-resident fellow Richard Hooker: “As we are often told, no plan survives contact with the enemy. There will likely be the occasional tactical miscue or operational hiccup during the coming counteroffensive, but a careful assessment suggests the odds are heavily in favor of Ukraine.” [23/05/23]
🔵 Former Chief of the British General Staff, General Richard Dannatt: “[A]fter Kyiv's successful counteroffensive, Vladimir Putin ‘may be swept out of the Kremlin.’” [28/03/23]
🔵 Paul Massaro, senior policy adviser, the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: “Full Ukrainian victory is coming. Sooner than you think.” [12/06/23]
It’s hard to square these optimistic, borderline fanciful forecasts with what the intelligence services were saying[+] and leaking[+] at the time. If Ukrainian commanders only listened to them and to plenty of other experts offering realistic calculations[+][+] countless lives could be saved and many families would be spared from life-long suffering caused by the loss of their loved ones. But these unfounded optimistic predictions keep on piling up nevertheless, so as to garner further support both among the public and policymakers to pour more weapons and money into a protracted stalemate and eventual defeat.
Western mainstream media keeps one-sidedly reporting only the events in which Ukrainian forces inflict damage on Russian forces but no incidents at all when Ukrainians suffer horrific losses (like this horrendous incident[»] with the 47th brigade in June 2023) while downplaying Russian triumphs, which is deception and disinformation. If we ought to believe them and NATO authorities, Russians never won anything; they never won any battle because according to them, only Ukrainians are winning while Russians only invade or occupy territories – these are not depicted as victories or triumphs or successes but as seizures, invasions, occupations, assaults... But cunning rhetoric is the least of our concerns. The problem is, people are not being told the whole story. They say, withholding the truth is not lying, but is it so? How far are government officials and journalists allowed to go in their disinformation and bias before we can call them liars, sinners, crooks, and villains? How much and how long should we all tolerate them before we rise and shout “Enough is enough”?
No one denies that it is true that Russians suffer losses here and there every day, which is something that naturally happens in a war, but they are far fewer than those of Ukraine. Can there be a war in which a winning side loses nothing? Russia lost 14 million people (the whole of USSR lost 26 million) in WWII and still won! Of course, Russians are naturally, occasionally losing tanks and troops but to emphasize these instances as supposed evidence that Ukrainians are winning the war is sheer deliberate misleading of the world at large in an effort to use such deception techniques to gain further support for military rather than diplomatic measures only to harm Russia (deplete its military capabilities and economic resources).
The public in the West is constantly bombarded with the news of Ukrainian small triumphs while being deprived of information on Ukrainian huge losses. This is a deception that stimulates the public to support the war efforts and hinders it to rather seek peace. If the public knew how severe the losses on the Ukrainian side were, people would force their governments to end the war through diplomacy and stop prolonging the war by sending more weapons to Ukraine. Sending weapons to Ukraine contradicts all diplomatic peace efforts. It is an anti-peace pro-war signal.
The declared Ukrainian triumphs are all just propaganda to get more money and other aid from the US and other NATO members to line the pockets of both Ukrainian and American military elites that have embezzled a large portion of that “aid”. They keep saying they’re winning and we should keep sending checks and ammo. As many investigative journalists reported, including Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh[+][+], even the aid in the form of weapons was traded for cash on the black markets and some of it even ended up in Russian hands through the backdoors.
Not just the Ukrainian but also the American and Western public is being misled into backing an escalating military commitment on false pretenses that Ukraine is winning the war. When people are more confident Ukraine is winning, they are more likely to support the continued flow of military aid and even send US troops. False numbers and fake news have helped create a political climate opposed to diplomatic solution, in favor of a military solution. A stumbling Ukrainian defense, or a costly dragged-out war, could erode European solidarity, which is why Ukraine is lying to its Western allies, therefore they do not trust Ukrainian sources.
NATO states are not standing with Ukrainians, they are sacrificing them in this geopolitical proxy war[*][+]. Standing with Ukraine would mean peace negotiations. Instead, so-called solidarity is killing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens and lining the pockets of their leaders.
To judge reality from mainstream media, Ukraine is winning and each of its soldiers is worth 30 of Russia's, Russia is constantly losing, being bled to death, its defeats huge, its victories negligible, its armaments and ammunition nearly exhausted so its military fights mainly with shovels[+][+][+], takes chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix their military hardware[»][»], suffers massively greater casualties than Ukraine, and has been greatly weakened as a military power – all nothing but a hogwash, evident also by the military strength rankings from the US News & World Report[+][+][ꚛ] (the owner is Mortimer Zuckerman, a son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants[+], thus no Russian propaganda), which ranked Russia as No.1 military in the world just months after that!
And evident by the fact that in April 2024, the US put[»] to a vote at the UN Security Council a resolution calling Russians not to place nuclear weapons in space – they went from Russia is weak, crushed, and fights with shovels to nukes in space!
For instance, on 16 June 2023, despite the Russians successfully thwarting the Ukrainian failed summer 2023 counteroffensive (what was hyped to be the greatest military counteroffensive in the history of mankind), US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley said[»] that “Russian leadership is not coherent, their troops' morale is not high, many of them don't even know why are they there” – how would he know? Did he speak to them? Because, judging from all the videos circulating on the net as well as from the reality on the battlefronts, the truth was the opposite – Russian troops were very motivated, strong, and effective, and they surely knew why they were there[»][»] (to defend their family, Russian people, and territories, demilitarize, and denazify Ukraine). If Milley bothered to ask Ukrainian soldiers, he would also hear about their sinking morale[»][»][+][+][»][»][»][»][»], surrendering[+], being demoralized and angry at their immoral commanders. On 19 July 2023, Milley repeated[»] the same narrative about Russians being poorly trained and equipped, with low morale, etc. despite Russians defeating NATO-trained and equipped Ukrainians[+] – what does that then say about NATO and Ukrainians if they are being defeated by such an allegedly weak army?! We have to cut him some slack because Hollywood writers were on strike at the time.
On 26 June 2023, which was 3 weeks after the Ukrainian hyped counteroffensive started on 4 June, the Washington Post wrote[+] that “If Ukrainian forces are no more successful in the weeks ahead than they have been so far, Ukraine will not recapture all of its territory for 16 years.” If even a pro-Ukrainian NATO-states-sponsored media is writing something like that, then we can be sure it is much worse. And low and behold, on 29 June 2023, Pulitzer Prize-winning American independent investigative journalist Seymour Hersh informed[+][+] how many years it would take for Ukraine to regain control of the lost areas at the current pace of the Ukrainian offensive: 117 years. According to the journalist, in the first two weeks of the counterattack, the Armed Forces of Ukraine captured only 113 square kilometers of territory previously controlled by the Russian army. So much about the alleged Ukrainian winning! The Ukrainian military failed to achieve all its goals in all areas. Or, let's just call it as it is: Ukraine and NATO have been defeated by Russia.
Three months after[+] Ukrainian counteroffensive started on 4 June 2023, things did not get any better at all. Ukrainians themselves claimed[ꚛ] that they returned 249 km2 (96 mi2) in the counteroffensive (0.2% of the occupied territory, which was an inflated figure anyway as they counted still-contested gray areas as theirs) but they forgot to mention that they also lost almost 100 km2 on the Eastern front and some 66.000 troops and 7.600 pieces of heavy weaponry, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu[+][+]. If that ratio continues, it means that for the complete liberation of Ukraine, they would need 1.500 months (125 years) and sacrifice at least 6 million soldiers. This does not even take into account that Russian fortification and resistance would be much stronger nearing the Azov Sea, which would require from Ukraine much more time and soldiers. And this does not take into account that Russians also make gains and that overall, Ukraine loses more than it gains – for instance from 01.01.-01.10.2023, Russia had gained 331 square miles while Ukraine gained 143, a difference of 188, which amounts to Russia’s net gain[+].
However, what those keyboard generals and reporters fail to convey is what that says then about Ukrainian and NATO strength when despite all that alleged Russian weakness, they haven't managed to defeat or push Russians away and the war’s outcome is in Russian favor: Russians have taken most of the Ukrainian crown jewels – they have seized about one-fifth of Ukraine (over 100.000 square kilometers)[+] with at least $12,4 trillion[+][ꚛ] worth of former Ukraine's energy, metal, and mineral deposits that before the conflict, in 2013, used to generate $43,3 billion a year[+], they collect over $2 billion[+] in tax revenues from four new regions every year, they kept Crimea, gained a land bridge to Crimea, unblocked the water routes to Crimea (which is extremely important for agriculture – the main branch of the Crimean economy), rescued Donbas Russians from Ukrainian tyranny, eliminated most of the neo-Nazis, plus they prevented Ukraine from joining NATO, destroyed many US-funded biolabs[+»], crushed NATO's economies and depleted NATO's military stockpiles[+][+][+][+][+][+], not to mention other geopolitical gains (multipolarity, BRICS expansion, the world is siding with Russia and standing up against the Western powers, de-dollarization, NATO's division17[+], de-colonization of Russian allies in Africa and Middle East such as Niger and Palestine; after the "EU-Israel-Saudi Arabia-India" transportation corridor ended with Israeli-Palestinian war, with its "North-South" corridor, Russia nullified British and American military bases, which controlled the main routes of world trade and thus held the world economy hostage, and so Russian economy got a huge boost as well increasing its geopolitical power, etc.).
By the end of 2022, Russia seized 20% of Ukrainian land that contains 63% of Ukraine's coal deposits, 11% of its oil, 20% of its natural gas, 42% of its metals, and 33% of its rare earths, including key minerals. Russia seized 41 coal fields, 27 natural gas sites, 14 propane sites, 9 oil fields, and 6 iron ore deposits, as well as several sites for titanium, zirconium, strontium, lithium, uranium, and gold.
The economic worth of all the captured regions that Russia seized is more than $12,4 trillion[ꚛ], according to an analysis by the Canadian geopolitical risk firm SecDev for The Washington Post[+]. The natural resources in the occupied regions were earning Ukraine $43,3 billion a year before the war[+], (Donetsk $20,2 billion, Luhansk $6,8 billion, Zaporizhzhya $6,7 billion, Kherson $2,5 billion, Crimea $5,7 billion, and Sevastopol city $1,4 billion), which are now Ukrainian annual losses and Russian gains. Also, they collect over $2 billion[+] in tax revenues from four new regions every year. All that income (over $45 billion) is what Ukraine is losing each year since it lost these regions because it turned its back on Russia in 2014, violated the Minsk agreements[+][+] and other treaties with Russia[*], as well as rejected the peace deal in April 2022 (incl. keeping all pre-2022 borders).
If Ukraine continues to resist and Russia manages to capture also Kharkiv and Odesa, this would mean an additional $19 billion (with other regions, in total $62.3 billion a year) of yearly losses for Ukraine and gains for Russia.
The only story playing out in the Ukrainian war that’s relevant in the end is the continuing failure of the AFU18 to defeat the Russian army and push them away from Ukraine. The rest is noise. In order to find a war-ending solution based on truth or true reality, it is important not to succumb to noise and face reality.
Ukrainians and their allies keep pounding their chests, glorifying their achievements of resistance and holding parts of towns but they are not supposed to just hold or defend! Ukrainians are supposed to ‘liberate their land’ from the ‘invader’ – push Russians back or away from their country, which they have failed to do despite all the advanced weaponry, training, and other support getting from NATO.
More than 50 countries[+][+][+] provided military and other aid to Ukraine, so Russia is fighting against more than 50 countries, including the US superpower, with half fewer mobilized troops than Ukraine, and still winning (governing Crimea, Donbas19, and more, as well as preventing Ukraine from joining NATO, demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine) – what does that say about Ukrainian abilities?! Think about it.
NATO has almost a billion people[+] while Russia has just around 144 million people[+] to draw resources from – military budget, financial aid, equipment, trainers, generals, volunteers – all at Ukraine’s disposal, yet Ukraine failed to defeat or drive away Russia.
Ukraine dragged more than 50 countries into this war[+][+][+] while Russia did not do such a thing (although many African, Latin American, and Middle-Eastern countries offered[+][+]) because there is no need for it as it is able to single-handedly[+] achieve its objectives20. This has gained much respect for Russia from the world beyond NATO states. After the Ukrainians started shelling Russian territories, Russia could have invoked Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO[+]) charter but it didn't want nor need to drag its allies into this war. Similar to Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty (CST) establishes that aggression against one signatory would be perceived as aggression against all. The CSTO is an intergovernmental Eurasian military alliance formed in 1994 consisting of six post-Soviet states: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. Russia did not drag them or any other allies into this mess as it is a self-sufficient country. This was also confirmed such as by Leonid Kasinsky[+»] from the Ministry of Defense of Belarus: “The Russian Federation has never asked for help since the beginning of the military operation, nor has it requested the participation of the Republic of Belarus in the Northern Military District." The major general noted that unlike NATO, Russia does not drag its partners and allies into military affairs, "Such a powerful state is capable, without involving anyone, of solving urgent issues on its own.” Unlike Kazakhstan, for instance, who asked CSTO allies (incl. Russia) to help:
In January 2022, during the unrest in Kazakhstan[+] over fuel prices that was carried out by terrorists trained abroad (the West was behind the agitation) causing 257 deaths, President Tokayev invoked Article 4 of the CSTO pact, which commits members to assist each other in defending against “foreign interference.” It was the first time that Article 4 was cited by any CSTO member. Tokayev asked Russia for help in quashing the demonstrations amid concerns about the loyalty of some law enforcement units. Russia and several other members of the CSTO responded by sending troops.
Manpower Ratio
And Ukrainians mobilized much more troops than the Russians did – twice as many manpower on the battlefield, nevertheless, they could not defeat the Russians!
🇺🇦 According to Forbes[+], in July 2022, Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov said that more than a million Ukrainians in uniform provide the defense of the country – there were up to 700.000 Ukrainian people mobilized into the Armed Forces, plus up to 60.000 border guards[+], up to 90.000 National Guards[+] (including Neo-Nazi Azov brigade[+]), up to 120.000 National Police[+], and around 30.000[+] of the SBU (the Ukrainian Security Service[+]), plus about another 50.000 far-right Right Sector paramilitary[+][+], and 20.000 International Legioners[+] – total of 1.070.000 troops plus millions of armed civilians[+][+][»][»][»][+][»] in July 2022, which increased by the end of 2022 by another 100.000 or more to a total of more than 1,2 million troops by the end of 2022 (minus the casualties).
🇷🇺 At the same time, in July 2022, Russian Army (with Donbas military and Wagner PMC) had altogether just 145.00021 troops, plus 50.000 at the border, minus the casualties. By the end of 2022, Russia mobilized another 300.000[+], totaling at most 495.000 personnel22 but not all newly mobilized were sent to Ukraine in 2022 – only 87.000, which was altogether 232.000[+] troops by the end of 2022 (minus the casualties).
So, until July 2022, Ukraine mobilized more than 7 times23 as many fighters as Russia, and until the end of 2022 the ratio was 1,2 million against 232.000, yet they haven't managed to defeat the Russians, who seized 27% of Ukraine by July 2022!
🇺🇦 In February 2022, Ukraine had a standing army of 265.200, which by July 2022, grew to more than a million defense troops, according to then-Defense Minister Reznikov[+][+] while 🇷🇺 Russia was on the offense with only less than 145.000 troops inside Ukraine (plus 50.000 on the border), yet it defeated Ukrainians and seized around 27% of Ukraine at the time.
Russians came into Ukraine with less than 100.000 troops[+] (even though the West inflates the Russian numbers, they reported[+] that Russia had attacked with more than half of the 150.000-plus troops it had arrayed around Ukraine, which means more than 75.000 troops) plus around 40.000 former east Ukrainian Donbas militia[+], and less than 5.000 fighters[+] from the Wagner Group, nevertheless, despite being hugely outnumbered, Russians managed to seize Eastern and Southern Ukraine – what does that say about the quality of Ukrainian force? Especially, given that, commonly, the army that is on the offensive needs three times more troops than the one that is on the defensive. So, in July 2022, 145.000 Russian troops were up against 1.070.000 Ukrainian troops (minus the casualties), which is why they retreated from Kharkiv, and Kherson in 2022 as they were overstretched and hugely outnumbered. What’s more, the most Ukrainian troops had the advantage of being battle-hardened by their 8-year war against Donbas while most Russian soldiers (apart from a first few thousand Wagner soldiers, not the convicts; Donbas rebels were Ukrainians, not Russians) had not any combat experience at all, yet this advantage, too, didn't work much in their favor either (although, Russians did retreat from some areas).
Additionally, Ukraine has been further recruiting many new conscripts24 for its military units[+] as well as foreign units[+], legions[+], and mercenaries[+][+]. Besides one million guys who were on active duty by July 2022, since then, by the end of 2023, at least 0,5 million more were mobilized – Kyiv hides the number of mobilized conscripts, so if it is estimated that at least 1 person was mobilized per day per just 925 towns and villages (there are over 28.000 in non-occupied Ukraine), then this would amount to 0,5 million.
Kyiv provided no mobilization figures after July 2022, but according to press secretary[+] of former Ukrainian PM, in 2023, mobilization was 10.000[+] per month. Since it changed with time, it is safe to estimate that in 2022 the numbers were higher.
🇷🇺 After Sept. 2022, Russia mobilized[+][+] additional 300.000[+] troops but only 87.00025[+] of recently trained in military were sent to Ukraine’s frontlines while the rest were sent to a 5-6 months training. Also, Wagner PMC mobilized around 50.000 troops[+] by May 2023, mostly convicts on a 6-month contract. A couple of thousand Chechen Rosgvardia National Guard also joined. All in all, in the first year, the Russian Army with former Ukrainian Russians (LPR and DPR militia) and Wagner PMC has mobilized altogether around 540.000 soldiers26 (only half were actual combat forces and the other half were logistical support) but 220.000 of them were still in training in Russia in 2022.
In February 2023, Ukrainska Pravda reported[+] that Ukrainian officials estimated that Russian forces inside Ukraine have surpassed the 300.000 mark27. Typically, when looking at Russian troop strength numbers, only half are actual combat forces; the other half are logistical support[+] and also, not all are from Russia, as residents (ethnic Russians) from five annexed regions have also have fought against Kyiv regime.
🇺🇦 At the same time, Ukraine, on the other hand, had more than twice as many combat troops. In February 2023, before the 2023 counteroffensive, they must have had at least 800.00028 soldiers (in mid-December 2023, AFU had 600.000[+][+] troops – noncombat support and direct frontline combat troops; they lost nearly 160.000[+] in the counteroffensive and another 80.000 in four months before that, mainly in Bakhmut; they got new recruits to recover some of the losses), which was almost three times more troops than Russia, or five times more if we take into consideration that only half of the Russians were actual combat forces.
Despite having mobilized many times more troops, and despite all the NATO support for Kyiv, as well as despite natural logistical advantages any defender enjoys against an attacker, and the Ukrainians’ remarkable determination to fight, Ukraine has not been able to defeat Russia!!! Despite the military logic that an attacking force should outnumber the defender by at least 3-1, the Russian intervention force was able to seize by 2023 some 20% of Ukrainian territory and regularly inflict from 5-1 to 10-1 kill ratio on Kyiv regime forces, and that is according to Ukrainian battlefield commanders reported in the Western MSM[+].
By December 2023, due to huge Ukrainian losses and Russian recruitment, the manpower parity seemed to be reached with both sides allegedly having about the same number of troops. In mid-December 2023, Zelensky revealed the size[+][+] of Ukrainian forces fighting against Russia was nearly 600.000 soldiers29[+], and Putin said[+] then (and a month later[+]) that there were 617.000 troops involved in Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, out of which 244.000[+][+] are combat forces who were mobilized (among 300.000) in September 2022. However, a month later, Zelensky said[+] that Kyiv's military had 880.000 active military personnel and together with the logistics personnel a million-strong army30[+] – significantly more than the 617.000 Russian military.
🇷🇺 By the end of 2023, Russians reported to have mobilized or recruited altogether less than 855.000 troops (300.00031[+][+] in September 2022, 45.000 Wagner troops by May 2023, 510.000 volunteers[+] in 2023). They haven't officially reported how many died or left the army since the start of SMO32, nor how many were still in training in Russia. Russians also haven't officially reported how many they started out their SMO with in February 2022 but Politico reported[+][+] 145.000 (including Donbas and Wagner fighters; plus more than 50.000 of Russians didn't enter Ukraine but remained on the border). With 855.000 newly recruited troops, this would mean that Russians recruited around 1.050.000 troops by the end of 2023 but not all were sent into Ukraine because many were kept as border defense and most of those recruited in 2023 were in training and in reserves in Russia. In December 2023 (and a month later[+]), Putin said[+] that there were 617.000 troops involved in the SMO in Ukraine and Russia's new regions spread along the almost 2.000-km-long frontline then. In December 2023, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said[+] that over 650.000 servicemen acquired combat experience. Ukrainians hide their figures since July 2022[+] but it is estimated that they have mobilized double as many or over 1,5 million33[+] troops. In June 2024, Putin claimed[+] Russia had almost 700.000 soldiers fighting in Ukraine. In other words, all data shows that Ukraine has quantitative superiority as it uses more soldiers than Russia, yet with all the NATO support, they have been unable to defeat Russia in any battle and push Russians away. This clearly shows the qualitative superiority of Russian military.
In June 2024, Russian President Putin said [] that Ukrainians are mobilizing 30.000 people a month, which was also claimed on 30 July 2024 by the New York Times[+]: “Three military experts with knowledge of the figures said that Kyiv had been drafting up to 30,000 people a month since May, when a new conscription law took effect.”
While Ukrainian nationalists are pretentiously pounding their chest, people using brains know that Ukraine is nothing without the support from other countries! Like Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov said[+], they are 80% dependent on their NATO partners. Ukraine lost its independence and sovereignty to the US and EU in 2014 and even before, so it is curious why are Ukrainians so proud of themselves and scream “Slava Ukraini” (Glory to Ukraine)[»] all the time when there is nothing glorious about Ukraine and dependence on foreign handouts, nothing glorious about its endemic corruption, poverty, enormous losses, etc. Also, what has Ukraine or any Ukrainian living in Ukraine ever done that is glorious or useful to humankind? Nothing. They can tell their tales about how they are fighting for Europe to the marines as no one else is buying it.
On 28 March 2023, in the US Senate hearing[»][»][+] on the Department of Defense budget request for 2024 in Washington, Senator Wicker asked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to explain his claim about “Ukraine having the upper hand” in the war because the prospect of Ukraine's winning it was a factor in Senate's decision whether and how much to continue to fund the war. Austin justified it by saying that “Ukrainians have inflicted significant casualties on the Russians and they have depleted their inventory of armored vehicles in a way that no one would have ever imagined. And so now we see Russia reaching for T-54 and T-55 tanks because of the level of damage that the Ukrainians have inflicted on them.” Senator Wicker wanted some clarification: “…reaching for those tanks demonstrates what to you, sir?” Secretary Austin answered: “It demonstrates that their capability is waning.”
Long story short, US top brass based their evaluation of Russian capability and Ukraine’s chances of winning on the fact that Russia was using old tanks (among other equipment)! How insane is that?! Haven't they seen all the other modern weapons that Russia had been using as well? Don't they know that different tanks are meant for different tasks and that T-55 tanks are great for urban fights and have anti-nuclear radiation defense? And haven't they learned in Military Academy at West Point nothing about Russian Military Doctrine[+], including deception tactics of Maskirovka[+] or the Art of War (by Sun Tzu)? Don't they know that all warfare is based on deception? “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” Or General Austin knows it but was just deceiving the Senators to get more money from them? If you are dismissing that idea of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin lying or deceiving under an oath, we would grant him the benefit of the doubt but in that case, draw your own conclusion whether this US general-turned Defense-Secretary is then just so dumb or is the Russian Armed Forces Chief (and First Deputy Minister of Defence) general Gerasimov genius as he obviously outsmarted or fooled Austin, evident by the battlefield results as those “outdated” Russian tanks are clearly outperforming those of NATO.
Besides, how useful those T-55 tanks are as anti-sniper tools in urban warfare and radioactive environments, is explained in another article on military equipment[*]. In his role as the Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin requested money from the Senate and got it based on that narrow-minded assumption. This is how “smart” the US military and political leaders are. Going by his twisted logic, why didn't he then also announce that Russians have the upper hand when Ukrainians were using Leopard 134[+] vintage tanks (1960s) at the time when Russians were using modern T-90 tanks?! They are so desperate that some Leopards had to be taken out of Danish museum collections[+]! If tanks are the right measure of who has the upper hand in this war, are we still living by the last century standards?
Also, while they are belittling “Soviet era” old T-55 tanks designed in mid-1950s, they omit to mention that the most advanced American Abrams tanks were also built in “Soviet era” – 50 years ago, in the mid-1970s[+] and have such a poor performance that they ended their production the for the U.S. Army in 1995, though production for exports continued until 2000.
For instance, the US deployed 140 of them in the war in Iraq where they saw action from mid-2014 and by the end of 2014, only 40 were left[+] – 100 of them were destroyed in very short time and not even by an army but by ISIL guerilla fighters who didn't even have any own tanks or heavy weaponry to fight (but they captured some from Iraqis) and used only improvised explosive devices[+]. Perhaps it is precisely this poor performance the reason why in all the 20 years of the war in Afghanistan (2001–2021), the US used only 14 M1A1 Abrams tanks[+]! And in Ukraine, Abrams tanks proved to be so bad or unsuitable that they had been either destroyed or withdrawn in April 2024[+][+]!
So, going by his logic, to turn this around and use his own words, we all should then conclude that “Russia is having the upper hand” since Ukraine was reaching for old “Soviet era” Leopard and Abrams tanks because of the level of damage that the Russians have inflicted on them! When the time came to request additional funds for Ukraine from the US Senate, why didn't Austin use then that same type of argument? Because it is all about fooling the Senate and the House of Representatives to get the funding.
It is never about telling the truth, which is why none of us should not rely on their testimonies and claims – in other words, Ukraine never had the upper hand and was never winning. The lies were constructed only for all of us to keep on supporting the war effort rather than negotiate a peace deal.
With such a low intelligence level, how did Austin get his post and four stars is anyone's guess but it is safe to say that this is clear evidence of cronyism at play. Employment based on nepotism is harmful to the state and society, as well as dangerous to the rest of the world in some cases (like with the NATO military). The ability or willingness to obey, conform, and comply with the ruling class as the main criterion for running public affairs and foreign policies results in ineffective management, waste of public money, and a decrease in the trust of all citizens in the institutions but also in millions of people getting killed, maimed, injured, and banished. Corrupt cronies like Generals Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley as well as Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the US, plagiarist[+] gynecologist-turned-president of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen[+] (nickname: von der Lying[+][+][+], a member of the board of trustees[+] of WEF35) and “gardener”[»] Josep Borrell36 (EU foreign policy chief, Bilderberg Group[+] member) in the EU, robot-like Olaf Scholz (“the Scholzomat”[+]) and dilettante Annalena Baerbock in Germany, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, and many other globalists have all displayed huge incompetence in dealing with Russia, double standards, as well as dishonesty to the public, which brought us to the brink of WWIII and nuclear war, which, in fact, may even be the hidden agenda of their puppet masters, as part of depopulation and “The Great Reset”[+] Master Plan, masterminded by The Club of Rome[»][+] think thank for power-brokers Jesuits (a.k.a. Illuminati, Freemasons, etc.) who run secret societies and other covert organizations (such as The Knights of Malta and intelligence agencies37). We will explain more about that in a separate article[*].
Going back to ignorance, insincerity, hypocrisy, corruption or greed, warmongering, and fearmongering (Russophobia) of Western officials and policymakers (who are appointed by backroom boys through the well-coordinated mechanisms of behind-the-curtain kingmaker, the Jesuit black pope), many members of the public both in the West and around the world condemn them as sinister but we should all give them the benefit of the doubt (presumption of innocence) as they might be mere victims of mind control, totally brainwashed through elite societies and a self-perpetuating system of indoctrination operated by Jesuit-run education facilities, scholarships, and programs. They all probably mean well but are not aware of being cogs in an ominous machine that is cleverly constructed to perpetuate itself to secure the interests and vision of the Jesuits, who are globalists seeking to control the whole world imposing their standards, norms, values, criteria, morals, beliefs, ideas, and such. Russians, Chinese, Middle Easterners, and some Hindus are having none of it (above all, they reject white supremacy and neoliberal values), which is why there is a major conflict between the Western and Eastern powers. Russia is the only white nation that refused to acknowledge and embrace the Jesuit vision and world order. Actually, all bona fide Slavs who haven't sold their soul to foreign clans or are not beguiled by the razzle-dazzle of the Western impostors also reject the wolf in sheep's clothing.
So, if we are to believe those put on stage with a microphone, such as unelected EU President Ursula von der Leyen[»] (nickname: von der Lying[+][+][+]) and British representative to the UN James Kariuki[»], who allege that “the Russian economy, the industry is in tatters”[+] so that, according to their dubious intelligence, “Russian military is taking chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix their military hardware”. As usual, they never substantiates their claims with any evidence but it's evidently[+][+][+][+][+] not true, as Russians have vastly superior firepower and troops[+] than NATO-backed Ukraine. Both economically[ꚛ][+][ꚛ][+] and militarily, Russia does pretty well and growing while it is the EU that is, in fact, in tatters (in recession[+]) due to her terrible leadership, which she somehow omitted to mention. Are people in their positions not held accountable for their lies? If indeed, what's the punishment? The indictment, impeachment? Obviously, the EU Courts are not prosecuting executive liars but they and their followers are surely reaping what they sowed as the EU deteriorates.
With all the Western mainstream media constantly reporting on Russian incompetence, ineffectiveness, antiquated weaponry, lack of ammunition, their soldiers' sinking morale[»], and inferior generals, then one has to ask this: Why is then Russia propagated as a major threat to European countries??? This is why many European countries support Ukraine so fiercely because fearmongering NATO leaders have been telling them that they are the next target on the Russian evil agenda. And this is why European countries have been joining NATO. But if Russia is so weak and its military is so low-grade, why are they all fearing a Russian invasion?
In reality, the Russian army is bigger and stronger now than it was before the conflict, which is to say, ironically, Ukrainians and NATO states have made Russia stronger, rather than weaker, especially on the global stage. Their military industrial base raised to the occasion and not only ramped up the production so that the ratio of losses and additions is positive but they ramped up their innovations[+][+][+] in that field, far outdoing the NATO innovations. So, NATO outnumbers Russia but Russia outsmarts NATO. Despite all the NATO efforts, it has not managed to weaken Russia (drain its military resources), let alone disintegrate Russian Federation or impair Putin. This assessment is affirmed even by US General and senior US military commander in Europe (and a member of the Bilderberg Group[+]) Christopher Cavoli when under oath was forced to tell the truth to the US Congress[»][»][+] in April 2023. "Much of the Russian military has not been affected negatively by this conflict." The general also said: “Russia's army is bigger today than it was at the beginning of the conflict”[»][+].
The true reality was revealed also in January 2023 by President Zelensky’s former adviser and spokesperson Oleksiy Arestovych, dubbed as “nation’s psychotherapist”, one of the most prominent faces of the war and as “insider” as one gets. Following his resignation38 in January 2023, Arestovych stated[+][+][+] publicly that, in his view, Ukraine was unlikely to win the war and acknowledged that as a government official, he had purposely misrepresented the real state of the war as going in Ukraine’s favor. He also openly said[+][+] that “the national idea of Ukraine, one of the central ideas is to lie as much as possible to ourselves and to others because if we tell the truth, everything will collapse…” as well as “Ukrainian authorities despise its people” whom he then called stupid, brainless, controllable, poor in spirit…[+][+][+] Arestovych also suggested that the very existence of the Ukrainian state was in real jeopardy and he realized Russians were right[+][+][+].
“We need to understand, that we could disappear. It could be that there will be no Ukraine left. The world would cry for 3 days, and then carry on with their business.” — Arestovych[»]
He is just one of many who were willing to take off their pink glasses and call a spade a spade, therefore it is time for all of us to do the same and face reality.
Speaking of him, after resigning, it is curious why he didn't join the military to defend his country if he cared so much for Ukraine’s territorial integrity?! Since resigning, he has been just a blogger rather than holding any important job, so he should have been recruited or joined voluntarily, especially given that he is a graduate of the Odesa Military Academy! If military graduates should not be mobilized, then why should men without any military background be forced to fight? He could at least be there at the front lines to give moral or psychological support to demoralized troops. Clearly, the Kyiv regime was and still is full of people who do not practice what they preach.
Such grim assessments of reality have spread a palpable, if mostly unspoken, pessimism from the front lines to the corridors of power in Kyiv, the capital. As a battalion commander in the 46th Air Assault Brigade, who was being identified only by his call sign, Kupol, said[+] how hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers simply abandon their positions and how he struggles to lead a unit composed entirely of inexperienced troops and with acute shortage of artillery shells. Many more anonymous Ukrainian officers, concealing names for security reasons, fearing retaliation, demotion[+][+][+], and defamation, speak of inexperienced soldiers having panic attacks, running away from their positions, and other hurdles that incapacitate the Ukrainian army to be victorious.
This isn’t to say the situation is rosy on the other side. Reports suggest Russia is also experiencing all of these problems in its war effort but not nearly as much as Ukraine.
The reality we are talking about and base our peace initiative on is also somewhat outlined in recent reports by the renowned RAND Corporation[+] (American global policy think tank and research institute that conducts military research, among others) which concluded their analysis that it would not be in the US interest to conduct a prolonged war, Ukraine's ability to defeat Russia was diminishing, Ukraine lacks the military capability to retake Crimea from Russia[+], and that an absolute Ukrainian victory is unlikely.
Also, leaked classified documents from the Pentagon[+] in April 2023 indicated that the US administration was pessimistic about Ukraine’s ability to defeat Russia, which means that they lied to Senate[+] and the public, for which they should be held accountable. These documents emphasize weaknesses in Ukraine’s military, such as a shortage of weaponry and depleted air defenses – thus, there is no way Ukraine can defeat Russia.
The same view of reality is also shared by many trustworthy, nonpartisan, independent American political analysts, military experts, intelligence officers, and army veterans such as judge Andrew P. Napolitano[»] (a former US professor of law, Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst, and judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey who has published nine books on the US Constitution), Scott Ritter[+][+][+][+][+][+][+] (former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN Special Commission weapons inspector), Col. Doug Macgregor[+][+][+] (retired US Army colonel and former Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of Defense), Col. Anthony Shaffer[+][+] (former US Army Reserve lieutenant colonel and CIA intelligence officer, whistleblower of Bush administration), Larry C. Johnson[+][+] (former analyst at the CIA, a bona fide Son of American Revolutionaries), Ray McGovern[+][+] (former Central Intelligence Agency officer turned political activist, appeared on CNN, BBC, Aljazeera, RT, CCTV and many other TV & radio programs and documentaries), Chris Hedges[»][+][+][+] (Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, a New York Times best-selling author), James Rickards[»] (Economist & Former Advisor To The Pentagon and CIA), John Mearsheimer[»][»][+] (American political scientist and international relations scholar, Professor at the University of Chicago), Brian Berletic[+][+] ( former US Marine and independent geopolitical analyst), and many more brave prominent world experts (voices of reason).
All those genuine patriots and pacificists, who are being attacked by mainstream power structure as being Kremlin propagandists without having any evidence whatsoever to support that allegation or any justification for their alleged affiliation with the Russian government. are acting in defense of Western constitutional democracy, morality, ethics, values, and principles against a firmly embedded parasitic ruling elite of many NATO states (the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, and Norway) when they keep on revealing the reality and truth about Ukraine losing and Russia winning this war. As history unfolds before our eyes, they are urging the public to choose to be on the right side of it.
But, like NATO authorities, Ukrainian people don't like pacifists. They consider pacifists or anti-war activists to be spies or trolls working for Putin. For some reason, they believe that only war can solve political or economic problems, although war only aggravates these issues. However, sooner or later, pacifism is destined to become the mindset of the majority. Unfortunately, this will come at a very high price.
In late August 2023, when it was already evident that the Ukrainian counteroffensive was failing horrifically, warmonger German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (“the Scholzomat”[+]) called all peace advocates (who criticized the West’s effort to pump Kyiv with weapons) “fallen angels from hell”[+]! Right, warmonger or war advocates like him are NOT the ones who are “fallen angels from hell”; instead peace advocates are, or so Olaf and his likes wants us, the dummies, to believe. With such an attitude prevailing among Western ruling classes, there can be no peace negotiation unless there is a paradigm shift, which we propose.
Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk is no military or geopolitical expert but has access to the most brilliant minds on the planet, who use their own brains (rather than listen to propaganda) to investigate it properly and successfully counteract illusions. His assessment on 10 July 2023[+] was that “Russia outnumbers Ukraine ~4:1, so would win a war of attrition even if casualties were equal.”
Musk also launched a Twitter poll for Ukraine-Russia Peace[+] in October 2022, asking whether “the will of the people” should decide if seized regions remain part of Ukraine or become part of Russia. More than 2,4 million Twitter users voted and 59.3% agreed. Zelensky posted[+] a sarcastic response, clearly not in favor of the will of the people while the Kremlin praised Musk for his peace proposal[+] but warned that Russia will not backtrack on its move to annex the four regions where the will of the people was already carried out.
“It’s very positive that such a person as Elon Musk is trying to look for a peaceful settlement,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. But, “as for the referendums, people have voiced their opinion and there could be nothing else.”
Reality Revealed in Slip of the Tongue
Sometimes reality is revealed even when the revealer doesn't mean or intends it, as the truth has always a way of coming out, a.k.a. Freudian slip, such as in the cases:
➡ US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller unwillingly stated[»][»] not just once but twice in July 2023: “The war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine”.
➡ Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau mistakenly said[»][»] in February 2024 that “Russia must win this war.” And in June 2024 that “We’ll continue to make sure that Ukraine is held to account.”[»]
➡ Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson accidentally hailed[»][+»] Putin instead of Zelensky, thanking the “inspirational leadership of Vladimir Putin”.
➡ on Ukrainian TV, a presenter said[»] “Vladimir Putin is the President of Ukraine.” He corrected himself but is this a prediction?
➡ US President Joe Biden said[»]: “We shouldn’t have gone into Ukraine”
➡ US Representative Nancy Pelosi[»]: “The sanctions give them (the Russians) the money to pay for this war.” Indeed.
➡ The funniest instance is perhaps this Zelensky's glorious welcome in New York in September 2023 with a billboard near Times Square misspelling ‘Glory to Urine’![»] Was this a deep fake? Fake or not, anyone could run such an ad any time but the point is the resemblance of two words. Ukraine is not urine, of course, but the symbolism is not far off in terms how Zelensky was pissed[+][+][+] at that time (he was not allowed to speak in the US Congress, the auditorium during his speech at the UN was practically empty thus they embarrassingly doctored the footage of it[+][+], and overall, he received little attention and no aid, and Polish President canceled a meeting with him[+]), not to mention that this original slogan was used[+] by the pissing or stinking Ukrainian Nazi henchmen and mass murderers in WWII, the Bandera followers.
➡ And similar gaffes are countless examples[+][+][»][+][+][+][+][ꚛ][+] of virtue signaling by even prominent figures and the Pentagon showing the Ukrainian flag upside down, which is actually a true state of Ukraine. This would not be so bad if Ukrainian soldiers[+][ꚛ][ꚛ] and people[ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ] were not doing it, too!!!
➡ In February 2024, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz let it slip[+][+] that British and French military personnel have been sent to Ukraine as part of highly classified missions to aid Ukrainian forces in operating their missiles against Russian targets, which was also confirmed by a leaked call between German commanders[»].
➡ In February 2024, an audio recording leaked[+][»] in which high-ranking German Bundeswehr officers were discussing long-range missile strikes on Russia’s territory, including on the Crimean Bridge[»], which also proved that Germany is a direct participant in this war and exposed the deceptive rhetoric about Germany’s non-involvement in the conflict. Imagine if an audio leaked with Russian generals plotting to strike German territory at that time! Would that be acceptable? But somehow, in a showcase of double standards, the Western public was not outraged by this leaked truth.
➡ In March 2024, Singapore’s Defense Minister, Ng Eng Hen, revealed by accident confidential information or truth given to him by US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin (as argument to sell them more F35s) about the US using the F-35s to locate and identify surface to air missile sites of Russian units in Ukraine and this information was shared with NATO countries[»] which exposed the US being involved directly in Ukraine war, something the US government has been denying all the time. It may be that like most salesmen, Lockheed Martin sales department also lied just to sell them more F-35s but in a way, underlying truth about the US involvement, one way or another, has been coming out. The US is not hiding that it’s collecting intel through its satellites and unmanned air assets, and sharing it with the Ukrainian military, and in 2023, Russians published a video of a drone harassed by Russian fighters over the Black Sea but using actual pilots, as required to fly a F-35 fighter jets, qualifies as "active fighters" or "active combat personnel”.
➡ A member of Kyiv regime quasi-admitted on Ukrainian TV[»] in a Freudian slip: “We stole $1 billion … ehhhm sorry, invested into fortification.”
The point is, in their less guarded moments, even the most dishonest individuals are capable of some unintentional honesty. Another point is, such slip ups never happened to Russian or pro-Russian officials, which is also telling.
Ukrainian army can't defeat the Russian army
The reality is that Ukraine cannot militarily defeat its former Russian ethnic minority and Russia because of the two main technical and statistical factors39: hypersonic & nuclear weapons (as well as glide bombs) and sheer numbers – a vast disproportion of economic and military capabilities[+][+] despite Ukrainian international financial and military aid and the use of innovative military technologies. And Russia has more allies than Ukraine – most of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America hate Americans for what they have done to their lands (more on US regime change operations around the world is in an article[*] in the segment on the US Role in the war) and praise Russian audacity to stand up to what they perceive as American hegemonic devious imperialism. The global population is roughly 8 billion people, and more than 6 billion live in countries that have been neutral in the Ukraine proxy war[*][+]. 87%40[+][+][ꚛ] of the world (163 countries) has not joined the sanctions against Russia and even more of them refuse to give military aid to Ukraine. More than 87% of the world condemns American and European imperialism. While Russia may be shunned by the West, it is hailed by most of the rest. Even though the majority of countries in the UN General Assembly vote condemned Russia for invasion and annexing regions of Ukraine[+], those that didn't, represent half of the global population.
Ukraine is acutely dependent on Western supplies, whereas Russia is not dependent on anyone to supply them with any aid. As a dependent, Ukraine is in dire straits.
As even NATO experts are saying[+], Russia's numerical superiority will at some point simply overwhelm Ukraine's capacity to continue the war. Taking military math into account, in military jargon, the Ukrainian burn rate on the battlefields is much higher than the replenishing rate[+], thus the losses on the Ukrainian side will be unsustainable for much longer (until November 2023). Some experts are saying that the casualty rate (burn rate) of Ukraine is 8-10 times higher than that of Russia while on the other hand, the Russian replenishing rate is much higher (Russia has more than 3 million military personnel), which tells us a great deal about the Ukrainian incapacity to keep up for too long or win this war, especially if they irrationally engage in mass suicide missions like the one in Artyomovsk (called Bakhmut for 7 years from 2016-2023). In May 2023, NATO has given six months to Ukraine to do or die by November[+][+]. “Whatever is achieved by the end of this year will be the baseline for negotiation”, Czech President Petr Pavel, former NATO army general, announced on the first day of the NATO summit meetings in Vilnius. There is no more than a six-month window of opportunity because of the unsustainability of Ukrainian losses, both in manpower and weapons, but also because of the decline in support. Pavel said that after that, “we will see another decline of willingness to massively support Ukraine with more weapons.” Ukrainian TV presenter Dimitry Gordon confirmed it.[»]
There is another terrible likelihood for Ukraine, which is that Ukraine's defense will be undermined by a reduction in Western military and financial support, resulting from a decline in European unity, economy, and capacity, or a revision in US policy. With less aid, Ukraine's ability to defend itself will eventually be significantly reduced resulting in Ukraine being overpowered. This warning came in February 2023 from an American global policy think tank and research institute RAND[+]. Now, it is already a reality, as evidently, Western aid has drastically decreased[+] in worth. If Ukraine was not able to take advantage of the massive aid in the first year, it will surely not be able to do it with much less aid in the following year(s). On top of that, while Ukrainian allies’ military spending for Ukraine is decreasing[+] and no innovative arms have been provided or invented, Russian military spending and innovation are increasing – so, one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to see the odds against Ukraine. Anyone deprived of logical reasoning has no right to lead a country, especially when lives are at stake and the country is losing more and more territories.
History tells us that it is possible for a smaller army to defeat a much larger one or win against the odds but this happens only when defiant virtues-driven locals resist foreign invaders thanks to the power of fighting for freedom. But here the locals of seized territories are not Ukrainian but mostly Russian freedom fighters (in the occupied regions, the locals or natives are mostly Russian folks) who requested Russia to intervene to protect them.
Ukrainians are fighting for territorial integrity while pro-Russian former Ukrainians and their ally Russia are fighting for freedom from the Ukrainian oppressive and repressive regime, for human rights, denazification, and demilitarization across their borders that threaten their national security.
Also, this is an existential war for Russia as their hostile adversary NATO poses an existential threat by expanding and setting up military bases near their borders, which is why for Russians from Russia this is not just defending their folk in Ukraine but also their own country and pressuring NATO to back off from the neutral buffer zone that Ukraine is supposed to be (as NATO leaders promised in 1990[+pg.6]).
Military Spending
While we are on the topic of David vs. Goliath, in this conflict, David would be Russia because it is much smaller in terms of the number of mobilized manpower, allies, and military spending. Russia is single-handedly[+] fighting a NATO-backed Ukrainian army that was not only double in size[*] on the battlefield (until Russians downsized it; Ukraine mobilized twice as much manpower as Russia did) but has been provided with advanced weaponry from 30 countries[+], including the military superpower US. Russia is fighting against much larger NATO[*][+] and winning anyway.
NATO members spent more than $150 billion[+] ($71 billion in military aid, plus humanitarian and financial aid) in this war in the first year alone, plus, Ukraine's own military expenditure in 2022 was $44 billion[+][+] that made it 🇺🇦 $115 billion in combined military spending, whereby Russia spent 🇷🇺 $46.1 billion[+] (out of $82-86 billion in overall military spending[+][+][+] – $36.9 billion was for police and security services in Russia).
From February 2022 – December 2023, 24 countries plus EU institutions donated altogether $100 billion in military aid[+] (although more than 50 countries pledged to provide military aid, only 24 of them actually delivered on their promise in the end). Plus, Ukraine's own military expenditure in 2022-2023 was around $90 billion, which makes it around 🇺🇦 $190 billion combined. In 2023, Russia’s defense spending on a war budget was €63 billion[+] ($69,5 billion), so with 2022 it was altogether 🇷🇺 €115,6 billion.
Russia planned[+] to spend around $107 billion on its military in 2024, which is almost twice as much than in 2023, so we can expect twice as much action from their side in 2024. Ukraine's defense expenditures for 2024 amount to around $45,6 billion plus whatever they managed to get from NATO. The US gave $61 billion for Ukraine war, which the US Congress was reluctant to approve. German government planned to double the military aid to Kyiv in 2024 to €8 billion[+][+], which is together $114,6 billion. On top of it, the EU, UK, and Canada are expected to chip in at least another $10 billion. It is worth mentioning that NATO military aid is often overpriced, so the actual value is lower, which means that in 2024, there might be parity in military spending of both sides.
The US spending on defence accounts for approximately 40% of global defence spending. Russia accounts for 3.5%, yet Russia is No.1 military in the world, according to military strength rankings US News & World Report[+] (the owner is Mortimer Zuckerman, a son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants[+], thus no Russian propaganda) and the World of Statistics[+][ꚛ]!
To be fair, let's point out that the cost of military equipment is incomparable because not only production in Russia is much cheaper but also because Ukrainian and NATO allies are greedy and opportunistic taking advantage of the high demand to spike up the prices. British media[+] calculated that they need a trillion dollars (£800 billion) to beat Putin in Ukraine because arms prices are soaring, so the cost of some weapons has risen fivefold since 2022.
Russians compare it to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962[+] when American deployments of missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of similar ballistic missiles in Cuba – just as the US panicked having nuclear missiles off the Florida coast just minutes away from Washington, so was Moscow’s reaction being faced with the prospect of having NATO’s offensive strike missiles in Ukraine and other countries across their borders. No one called JFK paranoid about the threat of Russian missiles in Cuba whereas Putin, on the other hand, is ridiculed for being threatened by the American navy and missiles in Crimea – draw your own conclusions about that.
Another reason why the Ukrainian army can't defeat the Russian one is their lower level of consciousness41[+]. A level of consciousness determines success, as the scientifically proven Consciousness Theorem[+] postulates it. A team with collectively higher level of consciousness[+] always wins. The Ukrainian level of consciousness is determined by averaging all modes of consciousness throughout the day of all Ukrainian people involved in this war. Most Ukrainians are mostly driven by hate, blame, animosity, rivalry, resentment (towards Russians and others), and other low, destructive modes of consciousness such as victimhood, corruption, atheism, and conceitedness (e.g., assuming moral superiority over Russians) which cause deteriorating cognitive ability as well as bring many adversities and misfortunes to them, and cause losses and conflicts, including this war.
Plus, all the lies the Kyiv regime tells[*] detrimentally affect the consciousness level of the whole nation and so the success level. It is safe to say that the loser will be the one who lies more because lying is a mortal sin and because, naturally, losers have a greater need for lies (no need to lie when one is winning). By lowering rather than raising their consciousness[+] to destructive rather than constructive modes of consciousness[+] (flaws vs. virtues), they will fail rather than succeed at any endeavor, according to the scientifically proven Consciousness Theorem[+].
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which is the primary cause of everything that happens to us; when raised, it is a constructive force that creates everything in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions. It is a primordial cause and fundamental force or source of creation. Human consciousness expresses itself in a variety of modes throughout each day (as presented on an arbitrary scale of consciousness[+]), constructive and destructive ones (virtues and flaws), and the approximate average of the values of all these modes each person or a collective or a nation engages in throughout each day, amounts to what we call a level of consciousness. Consciousness Theorem[+], the level of collective consciousness determines the level of collective achievement. In other words, the higher the consciousness level of a nation, the higher its ability to achieve its goals, including peace.
To avoid any misunderstanding, let us be clear that all people possess the same volume of virtues but in different contexts or circumstances, they use more or less of them. Both Ukrainians and Russians are equally virtuous and flawed; no nation is better than the other. There is a difference in using certain virtues and flaws[+] in diverse contexts, which then causes them to have a higher or lower overall level of consciousness and success in those contexts. People who harness the power of virtues (not ethics but constructive modes of consciousness) thrive. And people who resort to the flaws (destructive modes of consciousness, including lying) fail in the end.
In the previous article[*], we already explained how with the help of Western media, Ukrainians try to brand themselves as ”the world's bravest people”, which we debunked and also gave a case for it being mostly drug-induced recklessness than bravery. In this context, it is important to reaffirm that bravery is a virtue only when it is based on sane military logic rather than drug use, psychosis, insanity, madness, irrationality, stupidity, delusion, hatred, or any other ego-driven destructive rather than constructive modes of consciousness. Bravery without intelligence is recklessness, which is a flaw rather than a virtue. Recklessness, as with any other flaw, leads to failure. Case in point – Bakhmut/Artyomovsk. Other dark sides of unattended or mindless bravery are audacity, insolence, overconfidence, presumptuousness, and other such low modes of consciousness that are destructive rather than constructive, causing failures rather than successes.
Another virtue among Ukrainians that has been taken too far and so turned into not just a flaw but a fatal mistake is tenacity. Ukrainians are hailed in the West for their tenacious resistance but whenever it is not coupled with intelligence or wisdom or some other relevant virtues, then it turns into inflexibility, rigidity, stubbornness, and other similar destructive modes of consciousness that lead to failure.
What's more, rather than cultivating the virtues of modesty and humility, Ukrainians (especially the ultranationalists) tend to think too highly of themselves, despite being the most corrupt and the poorest nation in the West, as well as not contributing to the world in any significant way other than agriculturally. Most nations think highly of themselves, and why not if they intellectually, culturally, technologically, creatively, or artistically add value to the world, but if not – if their haughtiness or pride is baseless or overdone, it is pure arrogance – this is another low mode of consciousness that brings adversities and misfortune. Why Ukrainians assume moral superiority over Russians is anyone's guess, when they were the ones starting shooting civilians in Donbas and burning them alive in Odessa in the spring of 2014.
Evidence of Ukraine’s arrogance – Ukrainian high officials constantly insult leaders of other countries who do not provide aid to Ukraine, assuming moral and intellectual superiority over them. There are too many such examples such as these:
🔵 Zelensky arrogant statement[+][+] not worthy of a honorable statesman (but dishonorable one) in January 2024 – he didn't want to meet with the Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang at the WEF in Davos or in Bern because they are not on the same level and that he doesn't bother to speak to anyone who is not on his level (president), but he does[+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+].
🔵 Zelensky arrogant statement[+][+] not worthy of a honorable statesman (but dishonorable one) in April 2024 regarding Trump's plans for ending the war: “…it is very primitive” – is this how high officials and diplomats should talk? He didn't even hear Trump’s proposal but already publicly called it primitive. Hm, keep your primitive remarks to yourself.
🔵 Ukrainian chief propagandist and the advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak, has arrogantly assumed moral superiority over the Catholic Pope Francis on many occasions, talked down[+][+][+][+] on him saying he was "an instrument of Russian propaganda" and his words are perceived as "destructive for contemporary humanism" and are seen as "unconditionally encouraging aggressive imperialism”, and implied[+] that Pope is corrupt and bribed by Russia.
🔵 Podolyak is known for many arrogant public statements, from insulting[+][»] the intelligence of China, India, and Turkey, and attacking[+] Elon Musk to lashing out[+] at the International Olympic Committee and hypocritically justifying[+] the killing of Russian civilians.
🔵 Former secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Aleksey Danilov arrogantly insulted[+] senior Chinese diplomat Li Hui.
🔵 In August 2023, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba arrogantly told[+] critics of counter-offensive among Ukrainian allies to “shut up”. It is always nice to see the adults in the room :). Imagine if Putin or Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov used such undiplomatic language, the West would surely slam them.
🔵 In September 2023, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba arrogantly told[»] German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock to stop wasting time with prolonging to supply Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles: “You [German authorities] will do it anyway, it’s just a matter of time, and I don’t understand why we are wasting time.” You will do it anyway? Seriously? He went on saying that they are not asking but telling them.
🔵 In March 2024, Ukrainian Foreign Minister, the “master” of diplomacy, Dmytro Kuleba arrogantly demanded[+] from sugar daddy Biden “Give us the damn Patriots!” In April 2024, he stopped being a diplomat and asking altogether and began demanding[+]! He warned that any further requests by any country to the United States for additional military aid would be considered an attack on Ukraine. What nerve! Has he no shame? What's next, anyone daring to ask the US for monetary aid is enemy of Ukraine?
Moreover, there is a whole range of other destructive modes of consciousness that lead Ukrainians to failure, such as hatred. Russians are not hatred-driven like Ukrainians (especially the ultranationalists) are. They don't hate Ukrainians, and if some do, certainly not as much as Ukrainians (and their NATO allies) hate them. They surely didn't start SMO[+] because of hatred, unlike Ukrainians who out of hate started killing Russian ethnic minorities in 2014.
Also, Russians do not play a blame game or “poor us, help us” game playing a victim nor do the Russian authorities talk foul language as Ukrainian President Zelensky and his Kyiv and Washington playmates trash Putin and Russians all the time, using all sorts of profanity that is inappropriate for self-respecting diplomates. It all degrades them, their collective level of consciousness and success. Victims will always be victims rather than victors, as long as they keep on playing the victim or blame game.
If Russians had been driven by lower modes of consciousness than what drives Ukrainians and their allies, then they would naturally lose but this is clearly not the case because they achieved their objectives18 and seized the territories that are responsible for almost 80% of Ukrainian GDP (as if they seized 80% of Ukraine).
If Russians were driven by evilness and greed, for instance, as some assume, these would be more destructive (or less constructive) modes of consciousness[+] than the hatred and victim mentality that drives average Ukrainians and their regime (including their NATO allies), which would then give Russians less winning power and more power to Ukrainians and NATO. As presented on an arbitrary scale of consciousness[+], hatred, anger, and vengefulness are valued at 150 log while greed is at 125 and evilness is even lower (more destructive), which means that greed and evilness have less constructive and more destructive power. Since Russians are obviously winning or stronger (Ukrainians haven't achieved their objectives while Russians have), this indicates that they are not evil and not driven by destructive greed but by some more constructive mode of consciousness than Ukrainians and their NATO allies.
So, when we compare the actions and rhetoric of Ukrainians (including their NATO allies) with those of Russians, it is clear that the collective level of consciousness[+] of Russians is higher and therefore they are sure to win this war, just as Consciousness Theorem[+] postulates it and the universal laws regulate it.
For Ukrainians and their NATO allies to win this war, they would need to make a major collective leap of consciousness which is impossible to do in the current political and societal climate, so there is a need for a major trigger event or for such a shift to occur. The only way to end the violence is to raise consciousness[+].
Another factor why the Ukrainian army can't defeat the Russian army is (besides nuclear weapons) Russian weapon supremacy in artillery, ammunition, guided bombs, glide bombs[+], air defense (such as S-400 Triumf air defense launchers), long-range missile systems (such as Iskander-M, Yars mobile ground-based missiles, etc.), including invincible hypersonic missiles[+] – the most advanced weapon that is capable of overcoming NATO’s missile-defense systems and reaching their targets undetected. Ukraine lacks the assets to intercept the hypersonic missiles, which can destroy any heavily fortified target (even underground bunkers or tunnels) but so far Russians only used them sparingly on just a few occasions[+] without causing many casualties because they were meant only to cause damage to infrastructure, warn and retaliate for attacks on Russian soil (e.g., a cross-border raids by Ukrainian saboteurs who attacked Russian villages in the Bryansk and Belgorod regions, drone attacks on Moscow and Crimea).
Of course, we know that the phrase “Ukraine is winning” is far too embedded in the indoctrinated Western and Ukrainian minds to be easily discarded. As many people look at this war only superficially and judge it from the filtered misrepresentations from Ukrainian and the NATO states-sponsored media, such people are not going to easily accept that Ukraine is not winning this war, especially knowing that Ukraine has already recaptured large chunks of territories previously occupied by the Russians. Therefore, we provide now here the behind-the-scenes look at what really happened in those specific regions from which Russians deliberately withdrew (they were not defeated there).
Other than a look at the military maps, one of the clues that Ukraine is not winning and that the expected Ukrainian winning is not going according to plan is the fact that the West has been giving “game changer” wonder weapons to Ukraine in stages as it was losing it all and growing needier of help whilst it was being beaten on the battlefronts. The fact that the West did not give Ukraine all these alleged “wonder weapons” such as HIMARS, JDAM precision-guided bombs, Western tanks, Patriot air defense systems, long-range missiles, and F-16 fighter jets from the beginning but gradually[+], suggests that they believed Ukraine wouldn't need them, as it was supposedly defeating Russia anyway, but the fact that they then kept changing their mind by giving even weapons that they initially said they would never give to Ukraine (such as long-range missiles and F-16 fighter jets), clearly reveals that Ukraine needs all that because it is evidently not going according to plan and to win, Ukraine needs more than expected equipment. If Ukraine was winning, it wouldn’t be losing so much equipment and it wouldn’t need all these extras.
Having said all that, if not militarily and economically, Ukraine might be winning in public relations but only in the West. They scored enough PR victories to give the illusion that they are winning. But the irony is that all or most of those PR triumphs have given more advantage to Russia than to Ukraine.
For instance, when in July 2023 Ukraine managed to press Turkish President Erdoğan to betray Putin and break his promise to Russia[+] by releasing five notorious neo-Nazi POWs42 from custody (that were captured by Russia during the battle of Mariupol and by Russian mercy were allowed to be placed under house arrest in Turkey), Ukraine and their Westen masters were celebrating this event as a victory[+]. However, everyone else in the world saw that not just as a hollow victory but also as a testament that Ukraine can only win something by violating an agreement (that they made with Russia and Turkey in May 2022 whereby it was agreed that these POWs were supposed to be held captive until the end of the war) and that Kyiv regime is not to be trusted as they don't hold their agreements. Many countries will then think twice before making any agreements with that regime, which will surely backlash on Kyiv. Apart from losing credibility, another disadvantageous point for Ukraine was gaining a bad reputation across the globe (save for the West) by hailing those neo-Nazis as ‘heroes’, giving them a hero’s welcome. Moreover, calling them ‘heroes’ although they were losers who lost the battle of Mariuopol and never achieved anything worthy of praise, only tells the world of the lack of true heroes in Ukraine.
Another advantage for Russia is that they would then be able to liquidate those neo-Nazis on the battlefield as, in the Russian view, house arrest was not punishment enough for all the crimes they have done since 2014. Also, Russia got their additional justification to deprive backstabber Erdoğan of the grain deal extension. All in all, Russia lost nothing through it.
Rewriting History
In closing this topic, we would like to throw in yet another argument to the whole pile, which has to do with Ukraine and NATO rewriting history in their attempt to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Commemorating the historic pro-EU protests in Kyiv from a decade ago, Zelensky described[+] the demonstrations on Maidan square as the "first victory" of the war with Russia: “And then, in fact, the first victory in today's war took place.” While he was cleverly and desperately alluding to an imminent “second victory”, he was rewriting history again43 as 2014 Maidan revolution had nothing to do with Russia"! Besides, toppling a democratically elected government followed with an immense decline can't be called a “victory” by anyone with an above average IQ. Were any Russians there? Was he saying, the only way to beat Russia is when they are not even present? Isn't that how cowards claim victory? What's next? Claiming his birthday as “another victory because he could not be killed?” :)
An example of rewriting history was also designating 2014 Maidan revolution as a pro-Europe and anti-Russian revolution but majority of the protesters were out on the streets not because they wanted to join the EU or decouple from Russia at all but for other reasons. EU and US-funded protesters hijacked the protests on the Kyiv's Maidan square and started to call it Euromaidan protests even though the protesters were mainly protesting against police brutality, repressions, and corruption. As the KIIS poll proves, at that time in October 2013[+] (and even later in September 2015[+] and September 2016[+]) only 41% minority wanted to joining to European Union. And the president at that time, Yanukovych, also wanted it but he was negotiating the best deal for Ukraine. Even Putin has had nothing against it till this day and also offered to help Ukraine to fill the criteria for it.
According to a survey of Maidan participants conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology on 7-8 December 2013[+], among reasons, which made people come out to the Maidan, three the most widespread were: the brutal beating of demonstrators at the Maidan on 30 November (70%), Viktor Yanukovych refusal to sign the Association Agreement with the EU (53,5%) and desire to change life in Ukraine (50%). There was also a desire to change authorities in Ukraine by 39%. Opposition’s appeals were an impetus for 5% of protesters. While defining three of the most important demands respondents choose the following: release of arrested participants of the Maidan, stop of repressions (58%), the resignation of the government (51%), resignation of Viktor Yanukovych, and conduction of pre-term presidential elections (49.5%). The signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union was a very important demand only for 43,7%. So, where is Russia in all that? How brave of you to beat the absentees!
Another example of rewriting history is dethroning historical heroes by demolishing all Soviet era monuments[+][+][+][+][ꚛ] that were commemorating the Soviet victory over the Nazi Germany, as well as monuments of great writers such as Pushkin[»]. All of a sudden, all those acclaimed historical figures are represented as wrongdoers. This would not be that bad if they would not have replaced them with monuments of WWII Nazi villains who have been condemned by the whole world except for Ukraine.
Rewriting history is something the Kyiv regime is very good at – just look how now Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] and schoolchildren[»] glorify convicted murderer, fascist Nazi collaborator Bandera44[+] and his Nazi OUN and UPA units. They consider them WW2 heroes, raised hundreds[+] monuments in their honor, and survived members got veteran status[+], despite objections from all over Europe; but then again, they are not the only ones in Europe and elsewhere who take a fancy at changing history; usually for perverse reasons.
Another example of rewriting history was to claim Russian artists as Ukrainian.
On request of Ukrainian activists, since 2023, some NATO countries’ art museums (US Metropolitan Museum of Art, Finland’s largest Art Museum) rewrote history by listing Russian artists as Ukrainian:
Ilya Repin[+][ꚛ][ꚛ] (1844- 1930, born in the Russian Empire, in Chuhuiv with ethnic Russians, nationality: Russian[+][+], he never declared himself as Ukrainian)
Arkhip Kuindzhi[+][ꚛ][ꚛ] (1841–1910, born in the Russian Empire, in Mariupol with ethnic Russians but spent his youth in the Russian city of Taganrog and was descended from Greeks, not Ukrainians; he never declared himself as Ukrainian)
Ivan Aivazovsky[+][ꚛ] (1817–1900, born in the Russian Empire in Crimea with ethnic Russians, nationality: Russian, Armenian – born into an Armenian family, not Ukrainian; he never declared himself to be Ukrainian; after many complaints, museum changed his nationality from Ukrainian to Armenian – "Armenian, born in the Russian Empire (now Ukraine)") despite the fact there was no region or state called “Ukraine” at the time[ꚛ][ꚛ] – the geographic term for that region was Little Russia, there was no Ukrainian nation at the time (Ukrainians as a nation exist only since 1930, so they couldn’t possibly be Ukrainians)
Their nationality was Russian, they spoke Russian language, they didn't know Ukrainian language, they studied and worked in Russia, and painted paintings mostly on Russian themes but just because Ukraine decided to appropriate them and rewrite history, Western museums went along, thereby losing credibility.
The birthplace alone is irrelevant in identifying someone's nationality. Rudyard Kipling was born and lived in India: does it qualify him as an Indian poet? Seneca was born in Spain, but he didn't become Spanish because of that. According to Wikipedia[+], nationality is the status of belonging to a particular nation, defined as a group of people organized in one country, under one legal jurisdiction, or as a group of people who are united on the basis of culture. So, nationality is not tied to a birthplace town but to a state, citizenship, and ethnicity. "Nationality" is defined as the status of belonging to a particular nation rather than a state; it is NOT defined as the status of belonging to a birthplace. All states change borders throughout history, but people's nationality does not change although citizenship changes. "Nationality" is often used to refer to an ethnic group – a group of people who share a common ethnic identity, language, culture, lineage, history, and so forth, rather than a common birthplace, and artists in question certainly identified themselves as ethnic Russians (rather than Ukrainians), spoke Russian language (rather than Ukrainian), shared and portrayed in their artworks Russian culture (rather than Ukrainian), and so forth.
Also, very important, no one has the right to change someone's nationality without that person's approval and just to serve some agenda. If those people declared themselves to be Russians, who gives the right to any Ukrainians to change their nationality??? In European law, nationality is the status or relationship that gives the nation the right to protect a person from other nations, so what is Ukrainian agenda suddenly now to claim any Russian citizens as their own? It is certainly not to protect them from anyone but to serve the selfish interest of Ukraine. Since Ukraine has no world-class artists to claim as their own, they try to steal Russian nationals to claim them as their own, which actually says a lot about them and about how much they value some Russians. By law, the only way a person may change nationality is by them applying for it, therefore since they are dead and did not submit an application, their nationality can't be changed and should not arbitrarily be changed by whoever choses to do so. Also, by law, Ukraine prohibits their nationals to have multiple nationalities and since those artists are already Russians and never disowned their nationality, it is illegal to claim them as Ukrainians.
There were 2.4 million[+][+] Ukrainians[+] in the Habsburg Austrian Empire (eastern Galicia, including Lviv, consisted 95% of the peasantry with the remainder, about 2.000, being priestly families, including Stepan Bandera[+]) but none in the Russian Empire, and they were much poorer and less developed[+] than Russian-ruled parts of present-day Ukraine (where serfdom was abolished in 1861, tsar Alexander expanded accessibility to higher education and industrialization). Also, the fact that those artists learned art and worked as artists, it is absolutely no thanks to Ukraine or Ukrainians but solely to Russia – Russian academies, their Russian art teachers, Russian galleries, Russian buyers and art collectors, etc. It is rather pathetic how Ukrainians try to claim people and things as their own, although Ukraine has never contributed to any of them.
Also, the spelling or transliteration has been changed from Russian to Ukrainian – Illia Repin (Ilia Efimovich Repin) and Arkhyp Kuindzhi (Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi). The officials in NATO countries did that based on the mere fact that they were born in towns that used to be always Russian but were in the USSR administered to Ukraine and as such upon USSR breakup in 1991 came under a newly formed state of Ukraine, but since 2022 rejoined Russia by will of the people. Stealing Russian heritage and rewriting Russian history is a shameful act, which only NATO countries did while no other country in the world made such changes.
Also, in some NATO countries, some artworks have been renamed from Russian to Ukrainian, totally disregarding how the artists titled their own artworks and the fact that at that time, there were no “Ukrainian” people, as the people of that region were called Rus or Rusyns or Little Russians (Malorossy)[+]. The Little Russian identity[+] was a cultural, political, and ethnic self-identification of a population of Ukraine who aligned themselves as one of the constituent parts of the triune Russian nationality[+] – Great Russia, Little Russia, and White Russia (Belarus) bringing all East Slavs under one fold. The terms originated in 1292 from the Byzantines[+] who used them to distinguish between the jurisdictions. Later, in 1764, there was also New Russia (Novorossiya)[+] during the era of the Russian Empire (1764-1917) for an administrative area that would later become the southern part of Ukraine[ꚛ].
In November 2016, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles updated an old item on its website[+] to note that Degas’s dancers were Ukrainian, not Russian. As the museum states, Degas himself titled this series of works with name “Russian Dancers”. No one prevented him from naming it “Ukrainian Dancers” if that is who they were as it was common and allowed to use the names of regions as art titles but in fact, at his time, there was no region called “Ukraine” and no people calling themselves “Ukrainians”.
In April 2022, London’s National Gallery changed[+] the name of a Edgar Degas (1834–1917) painting in the series from “Russian Dancers” to “Ukrainian Dancers” despite the fact that there were no people calling themselves “Ukrainians” at that time (Degas created these drawings 1897-99[+]) and disrespectful of the fact that Degas himself named[+] it “Russian Dancers”. They performed in France at the end of 19th century as part of folk dance groups. They have no evidence whatsoever that Degas actually painted Ukrainian and not Russian dancers but there is plenty evidence that Degas could not have met or painted any Ukrainian dancers in France as no one was called “Ukrainian" then. Russian Empire had variety of regions with different names but none called “Ukraine”, so he could have not made a mistake by wrongly naming the dancers. If they were from any region that is called Ukraine nowadays, then they would have presented themselves as either Novorossian or Malorossian dancers.
In February 2023, the Metropolitan Museum also changed[+][+] the name of the painting by the French impressionist Edgar Degas (1834–1917) “Women In Russian Costumes” (as it was initially identified in a MET journal entry in 1899) to "Dancers in Ukrainian Dress"45[ꚛ].
In March 2023, the Stadelijkk Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which has one of the most complete collections of works by abstract artist Kazimir Malevich, reclassified[+] him as Ukrainian.
In May 2023, in the National Museum of Stockholm, another work from the series was changed[+] to “Three Dancers in Ukrainian Dress”.
In February 2024, Finland’s largest Art Museum, the Athenaeum, changed[+] the nationality of the artist Ilya Repin from Russian to Ukrainian following a campaign from Ukrainians.
Ilya Repin[+][ꚛ]46 (1844-1930) was born in the Russian Empire. Until 2023, all encyclopedias stated that he was born in Moscow region but then someone produced that his father and grandfather were born in Chuhuiv, which is now part of Ukraine since 1922, some 50 km from Russian border. To Ukrainian fanatics, this undoubtedly means that he must have been born there, too, as if sons always get born in the same town as their fathers. Never mind that that town was built[+] upon the orders of Russia's first Tsar Ivan the Terrible, was populated mainly with ethnic Russians, that his nationality was Russian[+][+], and that he declared himself as Russian and never ever as Ukrainian, because all that matters that his father was born in what is now Ukraine. Really? How about his autobiography and correspondence revealing that he regarded himself as Russian, such as his letter to his student Vera Veriovkina, where Repin called himself '…me, as truly Russian', and his letter to Helena Antokolskaya: “I think this is a disease of us, Russian artists, jaded by literature”? Not important? And what about him using[+] a derogatory Russian term for Ukrainians – Khokhols[+]? Finland’s largest art museum, the Athenaeum
Likewise, paintings “Evening” by artist Arkhip Kuindzhi[+][ꚛ] (1841–1910, born in the Russian Empire, in Mariupol with ethnic Russians and spent his youth in the Russian city of Taganrog; he was descended from Greeks), were renamed as “Evening in Ukraine”[+] and “Ukrainian Night”[+] although at that time (1878 and 1876), there was no place called “Ukraine” and the titles given by the artist should be respected. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) changed the nationality of Mariupol-born artist Arkhip Kuindzhi from Russian to Ukrainian in its descriptions.
The fact that all these changes were made only after the war in Ukraine started but never before and only in some NATO countries and nowhere else, clearly indicates that this is just part of NATO's pathetic anti-Russian propaganda and historical revisionism to suit NATO agenda but has no foundation in reality. Since the beginning of Russia's military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, Western countries have imposed comprehensive sanctions against Moscow, including in culture. Since February 2022, Russia has faced problems[+] retrieving its art works from overseas exhibitions, and many Western countries have canceled shows by Russian performers, removed Russian literature from educational syllabuses and demolished monuments dedicated to prominent Russian individuals.
Also, according to Ukrainian and NATO logic, if we are to determine a nationality of people by where their birthplace officially belongs to nowadays, then Ukrainian national hero Bandera should be classified as Polish.
To be fair rather than hypocrites with double standards, if we are to determine a nationality of people by where their birthplace officially belongs to nowadays, then after Serbia invaded Croatia, Nikola Tesla[+] (1856–1943) should have also been listed everywhere as a Croatian inventor, since he was born and grew up in the village of Smiljan that is on the territory of present day Croatia. At his time, it was a region of the vassal kingdom of Croatia, which was part of the Austrian Empire, so his citizenship was Austrian. However, American Wikipedia claims[+] that he was neither Croatian nor Austrian but a Serbian-American inventor, based on the fact that his parents were ethnic Serbs practicing Eastern Orthodox faith and that he acquired US citizenship in 1891 as he lived and worked in the US. Tesla's own words on the subject, back in 1936[+]: “I am equally proud of my Serb origin and my Croat homeland. Long live all Yugoslavs.” Tesla never had Serbian citizenship, and he only actually spent 31 hours in Serbia in his entire life, a solitary visit in 1892. Like Serbia, Croatia was not an independent country at the time of his birth, rather part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Tesla’s citizenship was Austrian, before he got an American citizenship later in life. Since they did not change listing Nikola Tesla as a Croatian inventor anywhere but in Croatia (but only vaguely[+][+]), this, too, indicates that the whole business of rewriting history is nothing but a fraud.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Reality Checks” segment debunking NATO & Kyiv propaganda. When you are ready, proceed to the next article: Russia Is NOT Losing
Russian SMO objectives: prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, liberate ethnic Russians and facilitate them to freely speak Russian language (which Kyiv regime banned from 30 spheres of life), keep Crimea (as well as secure water and electricity supply for it along with a land-bridge to it), demilitarize not just Ukraine but also NATO (depleted its stockpiles[+][+][+][+][+][+]), denazify Ukraine.
On top of it all, Russia has even taken most of the Ukrainian crown jewels – seized one-fifth of Ukraine[+] (over 100.000 square kilometers) that historically belonged to Russia with all its natural resources. Apart from a military victory, Russia also won on all other levels, including on economic[+][+][ꚛ][+] and geopolitical levels (87%[+] of the world sides with Russia, BRICS expansion, multipolarity, de-dollarization, NATO's division[+]). They also destroyed many US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, thwarted child & organ trafficking, crushed NATO's economies, inspired and empowered their allies in Africa and Middle east to decolonize themselves from NATO and Israel.
Russia gained at least $12,4 trillion[+] worth of former Ukraine's energy, metal, and mineral deposits that before the conflict, in 2013, used to generate $43,3 billion a year[+], not to mention all the agricultural profitable land, companies, factories, and industrial zones, as well as around 8 million of new tax-payers (Russians collect over $2 billion[+] in tax revenues from four new regions every year) and labor power that will multiply with time.
WMD = weapon of mass destruction
AFU = The Armed Forces of Ukraine
more than planned — as we all know, Russia planned to liberate just Donbas but due to weak Ukrainian resistance, they managed to seize additional two regions where many ethnic Russians live and which historically belonged to Russia for centuries
US General Mark Milley[+] — until he retired on 30 September 2023, Milley was the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the US President. General Charles Q. Brown Jr. took over the position after him
The Telegraph is a national British daily newspaper with hostility towards Vladimir Putin
spin doctors[+] = public relations people who try to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of immoral people
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Kyiv’s Main “intelligence”[+] chief — we put intelligence in quotation marks because Budanov and this institution are parading as military intelligence when in fact they are terrorists unlawfully eliminating civilians incl. journalists whom they deem as Russian collaborators, also in Russia
although none of Retired US Army Gen. Ben Hodges’ predictions about the war in Ukraine ever came true, for some peculiar reason, the Western press calls him an "expert" and keeps calling him to give "expert"opinion. Don't they have anyone with a better reputation to spread propaganda?
NATO's division[+] — Hungary and Slovakia refuse NATO's orders to supply Ukraine with weapons and funds, the US attacked Germany's infrastructure (Nord Stream), the US shoots down Turkish drones over Syria...
AFU = Armed Forces of Ukraine
Donbas[+] is a coal mining region that was part of eastern Ukraine from 1922-2022 (now part of Russia) consisting of two Republics - Donetsk and Luhansk - where most residents have been Russians for centuries. In 2022, after Bolsheviks defeated the Ukrainian nationalists, Lenin gave that part of former Russian Empire with mostly ethnic Russian residents to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine under condition that it remains part of the Soviet Union and under Moscow governance (Kyiv administration) but in 1991, Ukraine violated that agreement by breaking off from the Soviet Union and from Moscow, and since 2014, Ukrainians had been demolishing all Lenin's monuments, therefore they have no rights to claim the territories he conditionally granted them. Since Ukrainians hate Lenin and Stalin so much that they demonize them, then in the Russian view[+], it is only fair to give back all the land[ꚛ] that Lenin and Stalin allocated to Soviet Ukraine, without even asking the locals’ permission (the majority were Russians in Donbas).
Russian SMO objectives: prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, liberate ethnic Russians and facilitate them to freely speak Russian language (which Kyiv regime banned from 30 spheres of life), keep Crimea (as well as secure water and electricity supply for it along with a land-bridge to it), demilitarize not just Ukraine but also NATO (depleted its stockpiles[+][+][+][+][+][+]), denazify Ukraine.
On top of it all, Russia has even taken most of the Ukrainian crown jewels – seized one-fifth of Ukraine[+] (over 100.000 square kilometers) that historically belonged to Russia with all its natural resources. Apart from a military victory, Russia also won on all other levels, including on economic[+][+][ꚛ][+] and geopolitical levels (87%[+] of the world sides with Russia, BRICS expansion, multipolarity, de-dollarization, NATO's division[+]). They also destroyed many US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, thwarted child & organ trafficking, crushed NATO's economies, inspired and empowered their allies in Africa and Middle east to decolonize themselves from NATO and Israel.
Russia gained at least $12,4 trillion[+] worth of former Ukraine's energy, metal, and mineral deposits that before the conflict, in 2013, used to generate $43,3 billion a year[+], not to mention all the agricultural profitable land, companies, factories, and industrial zones, as well as around 8 million of new tax-payers (Russians collect over $2 billion[+] in tax revenues from four new regions every year) and labor power that will multiply with time.
145.000[+] troops — Russians and Politico claimed they launched the SMO with less than 100.000 troops from Russian military plus 40.000 Ukrainian Donbas rebels and 5.000 Wagner troops, which was 145.000 troops. Additional 50.000 troops were on the defense across the borders.
495.000 personnel = 150.000 that were amassed at the border before the SMO + 5.000 Wagner troops + 40.000 Donbas fighters + 300.000 (or actually just 120.000) mobilized in September 2022
Ukraine mobilized more than 7 times as many fighters as Russia then — 145.000 (plus 50.000 across the borders) Russian troops were up against 1.070.000 Ukrainian troops in July 2022 (minus the casualties)
87.000 — here's evidence[+] that in September 2022, Russia mobilized 300.000 troops but only 87.000 of recently trained were sent to Ukraine’s frontlines while the rest were sent to a 5-6 months training in Russia and joined the army in Ukraine after February 2023
540.000 soldiers = 150.000 that were amassed at the border before the SMO + 300.000 mobilized in September 2022 + 50.000 Wagner troops + 40.000 Donbas fighters
it's not clear if they meant Russian forces from Russia or also from Ukraine (ethnic Russians from five annexed regions who have also fought against Kyiv regime)
Russian MoD reported around 100.000 Ukrainian KIA in 2023 counteroffensive (June to Dec) and with at least as many wounded and KIA Feb-June (min 60.000 KIA) – it would mean that, minus new recruits, Ukraine had more than 800.000 soldiers in February 2023
600.000 soldiers[+] — the same month, as seen on this link, Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, said that the total strength of the Ukrainian defense forces was about 1,1 million people. This means 500.000 of them are logistics
a million-strong army – as seen here[+], in Dec 2023, this was confirmed by Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, who said that the total strength of the Ukrainian defense forces was about 1,1 million people.
here's evidence[+] that in September 2022, Russia mobilized 300.000 troops but only 87.000 of recently trained were sent to Ukraine’s frontlines while the rest were sent to a 5-6 months training in Russia and joined the army in Ukraine after February 2023
SMO = Special Military Operation
over 1,5 million[+] troops — over 1 million by July 2022 + min. 0,5 million more since then – Kyiv hides the number of mobilized conscripts, so it is estimated that at least 1 person was mobilized per day per just 925 towns and villages (over 28.000 in non-occupied Ukraine)
Leopard 1[+] vintage tanks (1960s) — Even the T-55 is superior than the Leopard 1 in armor protection and is a smaller target – it is a very compact tank but Leopard 1 has better mobility, ergonomics and firepower.
WEF[+] = World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab is a billionaire club of far-left, globalist oligarchs with huge influence on world governments and UN; meets once a year in Swiss Davos. Agenda: the Great Reset, NWO, one world government, depopulation, CBDC...
Josep Borrell — EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President
intelligence agencies — NSA, CIA, MI6, MI5, FSB, Scotland Yard, Mossad, and ASIO (Australian)
Oleksiy Arestovych resigned after causing public outrage by openly stating the probable truth that an anti-ship missile that killed at least 45 people in the city of Dnipro[+] had been shot down by Ukrainian air defense – he said that the air defense had shot down the missile and that was why it fell on the building which may be true because why would Russians use an anti-ship missile to hit a civilian target, what do they have to gain from using expensive ($1 million), scarce missiles to hit civilians when they could have better use it to hit a military or other strategically important target; there is no other instance[+] when Russians used this type of missiles to hit residential buildings but there is one time[+] when Ukrainian army was using it for military purposes. Also, Russia's defense ministry usually officially admits responsibility for such attacks[+] but for this one, the Russian press secretary stated that the building had probably collapsed because of a Ukrainian air defense counterattack.
besides other factors that we covered in the segment on "Indicators Of Who Will Win This War" such as universal laws, historical blueprint, Consciousness Theorem
87% — Out of 195 countries in the world, 165 countries refused to provide any military aid to Ukraine and 163 countries refused to place sanctions on Russia despite NATO's coercion
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which when raised, is a constructive force that creates everything in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions.
POWs = prisoners of war
examples of rewriting history with evidence are plenty and some are featured by the end of this article, plus these:
as this video[»] shows, now Ukrainian schoolbooks and schoolchildren glorify convicted murderer, fascist Nazi collaborator Bandera and his Nazi OUN and UPA units (they consider them WW2 heroes and have veteran status)
rewriting history — in February 2024, on request of Ukrainian activists, Finland’s largest Art Museum rewrote history[+] by all of a sudden listing Ilya Repin as Ukrainian.
Stepan Bandera was an anti-Semite, anti-Soviet Nazi collaborator, convicted murderer, responsible for the ethnic cleansing of minorities such as the genocide of more than 100.000 of Poles, Soviets, and Jews during World War II