The Americanized EU – Ameropa
Is Brussels run from Washington? The EU is so Americanized that American values became European values and the EU ditched the Christian values
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Reading time: 28 minutes (29 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. With this article we continue “Peacemaking Mediation” segment in this peace initiative, discussing the US Role, the UN Role and the EU Role.
After we covered the EU Impotence in this war and peace in Ukraine, we remain on the topic of the EU in this article to shine a light on the controversial issue of European subjugation to the US — Americanization of Europe. Anyone living in Europe is very well aware of it as we are constantly bombarded with American news, shows, music, movies and its trash culture while English is official in many companies.
If you ask us, we’d prefer to be rather Russified than Americanized because Russian culture is more sophisticated, refined, classy, and suave. Forget about all the Westernized liberal Russians who’ve got no class or style (like Navalnys or London-based oligarchs or rappers); we mean the real conservative Russian celebrities. There are good and bad sides to both but overall, American culture is more trash than Russian is. However, we get it that American culture has a greater mass appeal, so it is and will always be more appealing to the masses while Russian culture is more appealing to the intellectuals and Christians. No wonder peasants from Ukraine prefer American trash and woke[+] culture, especially now under the rule of Jews (Zelensky & Yermak, Blackrock…) and Americans[»].
For instance, in the opera houses there are more operas and ballets from Russia than from the US (if any at all) and the artists there come more from Russia than the US. Reality shows, on the other hand, are all dominated by Americans. European culture with its Christian values has been totally suppressed by overbearing ultraliberal American values and their junk products.
“Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.” —Anaïs Nin
True Russians (like most of the true Slavs) are generally introverts while Americans are extroverts. Unlike Americans and Americanized Russians living abroad, true Russians do not have a need to show off, which is why superficial people who do not bother to look deeper into Russian mentality and culture can’t possibly see true value of Russia.
It is curious why the EU keeps caving in to the interests of the US, complying with its demands, and agreeing with it on all major issues even though the US keeps harming the EU. It is very suspicious and points to the possibility that the US has the EU under its thumb for some reason. Many prominent European politicians claim that America uses Europe as a pawn[+] and that Europe should not be America's vassal[+] but the question is why is it so?
The most logical and obvious answer is: the US has installed the US-puppet regimes all over the EU by supporting and covertly bribing or funding (through NGOs and other agencies) the campaigns of the obedient politicians and parties who serve American interests. This is self-evident in the prevalence of American culture and companies in the EU states, where American celebrities, CEOs, media, and companies are more prevalent than European ones. And not to forget that the EU is littered with American military bases, which either intimidate the Europeans or give illusion of the US protection.
The process of Americanization of Europe went smoothly in the EU, largely due to the systems put in place in the EU foundations and the loss of national sovereignties after adopting a single currency. American “rules-based order”[»] and American Antichristian culture & values together with its products & services infiltrated and dominate all levels of European societies. So-called Western or European values[+] that no one really knows what they are, despite them being constantly promoted as nothingbut a concept, are no longer Christian values but Antichristian.
Apart from all the values that are universal rather than “Western”, such as human dignity, freedom (of movement, individual freedoms such as respect for private life, freedom of thought, religion, assembly, expression and information), democracy (representative democracy, the right to stand as a candidate and to vote), equality (equal rights for all citizens before the law, equality between women and men, equal pay for equal work), rule of law (treaties, law and justice are upheld by an independent judiciary), and human rights, Western values are liberal, which means the West rebuffs conservative values, such as Christian values. What most social media commentators in the West understand under Western values is a perverted version of these values.
For instance, the value of freedom is perverted to mean the freedom to walk naked and have sex in public, as well as freedom to parade as a gay while the true meaning of freedom is no longer valid. So, in the West, there is no freedom to love unconditionally. If you love Russians, no matter what, you are immediately cancelled in the Western infamous cancel culture. There is no freedom of thought as we are not free to think positively about the enemies of the Western ruling elites. Freedom fighters are killed or classified as “terrorists” when they do not serve Western interests (like anti-Maidan protesters, Crimea and Donbas separatists) but declared “heroes” when they do (like Euromaidan protesters, Kosovo separatists, Georgia protesters), exposing double standards and perversion of freedom.
The same applies to human rights and dignity, as for some odd reason Crimea and Donbas people do not have the same rights like Kosovo people, according to Western hypocritical values.
The rule of law or the so-called Western “rules-based order[»]” in self-anointed “civilized world” is upheld by an dependent corrupt judiciary masquerading as independent. Who makes those rules? Washington. What are those rules? No one knows because they are ever-changing and imply double standards, which means that the same rules do not apply to the Western rulers, which is infamously known as American exceptionalism[+], applying the US mantra[»] “rules for thee and not for me”[+][+] “or my allies” such as Ukraine and Israel[»]. White supremacy or Western neocolonization of Ukraine and much of the world is hidden behind a patronizing play of words and other petty semantics like disguising plutocracy as democracy and dependence as independence, re-labeling genocide or murdering innocent civilians as ”the right to self-defense”[+], or making threats or racketeering as a security, legalizing corruption and bribery by calling it lobbying, or censorship as pre-bunking[»], cronyism or nepotism as inclusion & diversity, and so on, including rampant influence peddling and embezzlements, all of which fools only dummies, whom there are unfortunately too many.
Just one example to seal this point is the reaction of hypocritical Western politicians[+][+][+][»][»] who praised the ICC when they issued arrest for Putin but when it did for Netanyahu, then they condemned[+][+] it, threatened[+][+][»][»][»][»] the ICC prosecutor, and some told[+][+] they would not oblige to the law despite being obliged to arrest him under a warrant from the Hague court and the public opinion[»], citing Israel’s right to defend itself as if bombing children and killing more of them than soldiers is defence!
Also, equality is a joke in the West as there is no equal rights for rich and poor before the law, no equality between women and men, especially no equal pay for equal work!
And the topic of the illusion of democracy we already covered in the previous article[*].
Wherever this process was challenged in Eastern Europe because the top state officials would not be indoctrinated or bribed into submission (like they were bribed in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia before October 2023, Baltic states, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and Georgia), the US backed the opposition and orchestrated regime change operations[+][+] through indirectly funding campaigns of selected presidential candidates or coups or CIA-staged[+] color revolutions[+] or wars, mostly under the banner of “fighting for democracy” or “against corruption” or any other hot button issues (“divide and rule” ploy), which were intended to either install a US-puppet government or destabilize the region to make it weak and susceptible to Western (read: American or Anglo-Saxon) values and products.
Here are some of US-funded regime change operations:
➡ Snow Revolution and other protests in Russia in 2011-2013[+], 2017/2018[+], 2019[+], 2021[+] – ❌unsuccessful attempts at regime change mostly run by corrupt US puppets or liberal “foreign agents”[+][»][»][+][»][ꚛ] (funded by the West) such as Alexei Navalny[+]
➡ wars in former Yugoslavia 1991–2001[+] – NATO helped the breakup
regime change in Serbia in 2000 – US-funded overthrow of President Slobodan Milošević and replacing him with strong anti-communist Vojislav Koštunica with the help of a youth movement, Radio B92, and NGOs; 67 casualties
❌attempted regime change in Serbia in 2023[+][+] – President Aleksandar Vučić claimed that the riot after he won the election (allegations of “vote theft”) was an attempted “color revolution” sponsored by the West who wanted him removed from office over his cordial relations with Russia and refusal to abandon Serbia’s claim to Kosovo
➡ Rose Revolution[+] in Georgia in 2003 – US-funded overthrow of President Eduard Shevardnadze and replacing him with US-puppet Soros-funded Mikhail Saakashvili.
in March 2023[+] Georgians rallied against “foreign agent” legislation that triggered violent clashes between police and protesters, which Moscow and the Georgian State Security Service (GSSS) accused[+][+][+][+] foreign countries of fomenting mass protests as an unsuccessful coup attempt ❌
➡ Tulip Revolution[+] in Kyrgyzstan in 2005 – US-funded[+][+][+] overthrow of President Askar Akayev and replacing him with Kurmanbek Bakiyev1[+]
➡ Orange Revolution[*][+] in Ukraine in 2004/2005 – US-backed discarding the results of the 2004 presidential election with Viktor Yanukovych as the winner to manipulate the public perception and force a new election enabling US-puppet Viktor Yushchenko to win
Maidan Revolution[+] in Ukraine in 2013/2014 – US-funded overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Azarov, replacing them with US puppets President Turchynov and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk; almost 2.000 casualties. They tried to brand it as Revolution of Dignity but it got no traction.
➡ Jeans Revolution[+] in Belarus plus in 2005[+], 2006, 2011[+], 2017[+], and 2020/2021[+][+][+] – ❌five unsuccessful attempts to contest the results of the Belarusian presidential election and the victory of President Alexander Lukashenko
➡ Grape Revolution[+] in Moldova in 2005 and 2009[+] – ❌unsuccessful attempts of violent pro-Western protesters to contest the results of the Moldovan parliamentary election and the victory of the Communist Party. In August 2009, the Alliance for European Integration[+] created a governing coalition that pushed the pro-Russian Communist and Socialist Parties into opposition by 2021 when an anti-Russian, pro-West party won but then its government collapsed in February 2023 and the PM had to resign.
➡ A coup in Turkey in 2016[+] – ❌an unsuccessful attempt, a two-day US-funded coup by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces to overthrow Turkish President Recep Erdoğan, who accused[+] the West of being behind the coup and funding the coup plotters. Also in 2023 presidential election, Western-backed candidate lost while Russia backed Erdoğan who was then re-elected. The US also backed the previous coups in 1960, 1971, 1980, 1998[+], as well as Istanbul Gezi Park rallies in 2013.
➡ Protests in Romania in 2017-2019[+] – US and EU-backed[+] overthrow of conservative Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and his government twice; 2012–2015 unrest in Romania[+]
➡ Velvet Revolution[+] in Armenia in 2018 – US-funded overthrow of Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan and replacing him with US-puppet Nikol Pashinyan; previous protests[+][+][+]
➡ Pressures in Venezuela in 2019[+] and 2023[+] – ❌an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro[+]; the US tried to use sanctions and to install its puppets as a president – Juan Guaido in 2019 and Edmundo Gonzalez in 2024. The US does not like that Maduro keeps the oil nationalized (which means that Americans can’t plunder it), so it labelled him a dictator even though he won democratic elections[+] in 2013, 2018, and 2024. To see how ridiculous this is, just compare it with Zelensky, who banned elections and sold his country to American companies like Blackrock, yet they call him a democrat, not a dictator.
➡ Protests in Bulgaria in 2013[+][+] and 2020/2021[+] – US[+][+] and EU[+][+]-backed overthrow of conservative Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and his government twice
➡ Protests in Kazakhstan in January 2022[+] – ❌an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow President Tokayev that was carried out by terrorists trained abroad (the West was behind the agitation) who caused 257 deaths. President Tokayev invoked Article 4 of the CSTO pact
➡ Protests in Hungary in 2006[+], 2011[+], 2014[+], 2018[+] – ❌unsuccessful attempts to overthrow Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány in 2006, and then conservative nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who has been in power since 2010. He has had to face also smaller protests every year: April 2017[+], Jan 2019[+], July[+] and September[+] 2020, July 2021[+], October 2022[+], May 2023[+], and 2024[»]
Notable mentions of previous US-backed regime changes only in Europe: the Czechoslovak Velvet Revolution[+] (1989) and the Portuguese Carnation Revolution[+] (1974).
One thing that has to be emphasized is that the states of the EU and UK are just vassals (satellite states) of the Washington government. The EU is an American project to control Europe as a whole rather than having to individually control each state. On a larger scale, the EU is a globalist project of NWO2 with the intent to create global governance – one world's government with the Western powers as rulers of the world. The goal is to create conditions in which nations abandon their sovereignty under the pretext of economic advantages and military alliance as is the case with European nations willingly submitting to the rules and laws of foreign leaders rather than their own. When a country loses its own currency, this ends its sovereignty and independence[+].
If we take just Germany, once the strongest economy in the EU, the clear proof that it is forced to follow American rules is the fact that it cut trade with China due to American conflict with China over Taiwan, and so severed its already ruined economy (due to cutting trade with Russia over American proxy war against Russia in Ukraine) sinking even deeper into recession. German industry suffered a heavy blow when it lost cheap Russian gas and oil but when German car manufacturers lost both the Russian and German markets, this totally ruined Germany. By cutting trade with both Russia and China, Germany became totally dependent on the US.
How long will Germany play ball with the US in this losing game, it depends on German folk. Germany is notorious for not being an agile country, so it takes time for it to change things, but let's hope it's not going to be too late before people rise and put a stop to both Ukraine's agony and German misery.
The European ruling classes (Anglo-Saxon3 elites – German, French, and British capitalists and imperialists bourgeoisie) agreed to make a transfer (limited) of national sovereignty to start embryonic structures to create a supranational European state with a single currency. Ever since Germany lost WWII in 1945, Germany has been under American political, military, economic, and media control. Why do you think there are over 35.000[+] American troops stationed all over Germany for decades? Up until recently, there were over 72.000[+] American troops there. And this is not counting the countless CIA operatives. What purpose do they all serve there? Has anyone ever threatened Germany? Of course, not. Americans are not there to defend Germany. They are there to prevent Germany from becoming Russia's ally again[+], which would threaten American hegemony in the world, hence “divide and rule” ploy. Without its vassal states, the US would not be able to keep up its dominance in the world and bully or bombard countries into submission.
Germany plays a crucial role in American efforts to control and subdue Europe. The US Consulate in Frankfurt has been the hub for US cyber espionage in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, according to some of the thousands of purported Central Intelligence Agency documents released by WikiLeaks[+].
Also, a whistleblower Edward Snowden disclosed the US's illegal surveillance program and revealed how US intelligence agencies and their allies around the world were spying on senior officials of foreign governments, tapping their phone calls and e-mails, according to WikiLeaks[+]. WikiLeaks said the NSA targeted 125 phone numbers of top German officials for long-term surveillance, including then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel[+]. “No comment” was the official reaction from the German government. Although Germany did complain yet it also maintained the Americans were their friends, thus nothing changed in the relations for the worse, as a complete breakdown of trust between the two countries would be expected. The White House appeared to play down the significance of it and accuse the moaning German officials of feigning naivety over the affair that is supposedly customary among all superpowers and proposed resolving those differences in private secure channels.
However, it may be possible that through that surveillance the US gathered some ominous intelligence against Germany and other EU members that could severely damage their reputation and reveal some crimes. Some of the released intercepts detailed communications from Merkel in 2009 regarding the international financial crisis and the eurozone crisis in 2011.
Having the access to the secrets of European leaders, it is very likely that the US uses it as leverage to keep those compromised leaders in line with the American or globalists agenda. Possible blackmail is not out of the question, knowing that the US has been using blackmail tactics against many national leaders to coerce them to comply with US demands.
Blowing Up The Nord Stream Gas Pipelines
Another major incident that should have destroyed the American-German friendship, but as good vassals, Germans bowed their heads, is the revelation[+][»][+][+] of Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh as well as Freddie Ponton disclosure[+] that on the orders of President Joe Biden, US Navy divers (with the help of the Norwegian Navy and state) blew up the undersea Nord Stream gas pipelines on 26 September 2022 causing four leaks. Obviously, the essential component of all secret missions is total deniability. But the Internet can’t keep the secrets and the plan to “stop” the Nord Stream has been repeated[»][»][»] too many times by the US politicians that it is obvious to anyone who uses brain that the indeed “stopped” it in the end.
In the damage control process, the CIA[+][+][+][+] and German investigators[+][+] blamed Ukrainian operatives[+][+]4[+], who reported directly to then-Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, which is also a possibility but should be even worse for Germans given how much aid Germany has given to Ukrainian terrorist state, how much Germany has suffered because of Ukraine (recession, de-industrialization, massive homelessness rise[+], etc.), and given how in winter 2022/2023 high energy prices in Europe claimed 68.000 lives as reported by The Economist[+]5 (as a pro-war media, one can be sure they understated the number), which is more fatalities than Ukraine itself had during the same winter in war! In other words, the sanctions and destruction of Nord Stream pipelines have killed more people than Russia did by then!
The 1.224-kilometer-long $20 billion pipelines are a civilian facility and were built by Russia's state-controlled Gazprom to deliver cheap Russian gas to Germany bypassing the transit fees through Ukraine, which would also have damaged the Ukrainian economy that earned billions in transit revenue ($1,2 billion a year[+] and even during war[+]) as well as the US economy which wanted to sell expensive gas to Europe and earn hundreds of billions per year (which it does now since the sanctions and damaged pipelines). The pipelines belonged partially to Germany, which means that exploding them was a terrorist act of either the US and Norway, or Ukraine on their ally Germany, not just on Russia. This was the largest act of terrorism against an object of European infrastructure in decades and de facto an act of war by Washington or Kyiv against its NATO partners but for some dubious reason, it was swept under a carpet and Germans did nothing about it other than further kissing up to their American and Ukrainian “friends”. With such friends, Germans no longer need enemies. The fact that either Ukrainian or the US government blew up the Nord Stream pipelines should be declared as one of the most enormous acts of terrorism in history, on par with the 9/11 attacks in the US but for some reason, it has been all hushed up, whereas the 9/11 terrorist act in the US has triggered a global war on terror with 900.000 unjustified (no legal court rulings) deaths of alleged “terrorists” and many more tortured, imprisoned and tyrannized by the US.
If the allegation about the US blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines turns out to be confirmed by official investigations, this should trigger a global war on US terror, so no wonder the US is doing everything to cover it up[+][+] and accusing Ukraine of it. It is hard to do it, though, since there is plenty of evidence of Americans making threats:
➡ on 7 February 2022, Biden himself let the cat out of the bag by pledging “to bring an end to the Nord Stream pipelines”[+»][»],
➡ just like Victoria Nuland[»][»] in January 2022 clearly stated that there would be no more Nord Stream if Russia invaded Ukraine
➡ on 7 December 2021, after a video call with Putin, Biden's national security advisor, Jake Sullivan threatened[+] with the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine.
➡ US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr[»]: "We blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. We deindustrialized Germany."
➡ another circumstantial evidence: 60 seconds after the Nord Stream pipeline blew up, then-British Prime Minister Elizabeth Truss send an iPhone message to US Secretary of State Blinken saying “It’s done” before anybody else knew (her iCloud was hacked).
➡ another circumstantial evidence: on 27 September 2022, hours after the 2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, then-Member of the European Parliament for Poland, former Polish Defense Minister, now Polish Foreign Minister, Sikorski posted on Twitter "Thank you, USA"[+] over a picture of exploded Nord Stream gas pipelines! Someone of his stature does not post such things without knowing what he is doing. Two days later, after major backlash for revealing the culprit of the terrorist attack, he deleted the tweet. He didn't even attempt to lie that his account was hacked, as usual.
➡ in June 2021, President Zelensky said[+] Biden offered him "direct signals" that the US was prepared to block the pipeline and that he is positive that Biden could stop the pipeline. Zelensky openly urged President Biden to block the Nord Stream pipeline that Ukraine saw as a dire national security threat because it allowed Russia and Germany to circumvent Kyiv for gas supply. Zelensky was hysterically pointing out how the pipeline is a weapon against Ukraine because Western Europe would no longer be dependent on Ukraine to allow the flow of cheap Russian gas to them. Only, he didn't explain it like that, of course. He and the White House called the pipeline "a Kremlin geopolitical project that threatens European energy security." They left it to us to figure out how on Earth are cheap Russian gas and its free flow without Ukrainian interference a threat to European energy security because those overlords expect us to blindly believe everything they say as if their claims are a gospel.
And there is plenty of evidence of US motives “to bring an end to the Nord Stream pipelines”. It is obvious that with the attack, the US aimed to make Europe more dependent on American natural gas imports and to bring it more under US control. Evidently, the US has a vested interest and huge gain from the sabotage, thus following the breadcrumbs and the detailed revelation of an unidentified source as reported by a renowned Pulitzer Prize journalist, it is very clear the US did it, or at least funded or supported someone to do it, like Ukraine.
However, German authorities are acting weird about the whole thing. Shockingly, when Biden announced bringing an end to the Nord Stream, robot-like German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (“the Scholzomat”[+]) responded then that Germany is united with the US in this, and upon disclosure, the vast majority of parliamentarians[+] only tried to discredit the journalist Seymour Hersh, instead of pushing for an investigation. Character assassination, denial, and concealment – these were the reactions of the German media, politicians, and judiciary to these revelations. This speaks volumes about the intentions of the German ruling elites and their control over mainstream media. Journalistic and parliamentary inquiries have been shot down. Left Party parliamentarian Sahra Wagenknecht, who inquired about it, got this answer: “Further information cannot be provided – not even in classified form – for reasons of state welfare.” State welfare? Why is disclosing the truth about who conducted the terrorist attack on Germany a concern for state welfare? In other words, the German government knew that the US had carried out the attack but denied it for political or state welfare reasons. Because antagonizing the US poses jeopardy to Germany. Germany could never win a conflict or war with the US; it is too weak.
The German government’s refusal to get to the bottom of the terrorist attacks on the German-Russian Nord Stream pipelines is proof of Germany’s vassalage to the US.
Whether it is just a coverup or the true result of an investigation, German officials claim that Ukraine did it[+][+][+][+][+][+]. The examining magistrates at the German Federal Court of Justice in the investigation used legal language to point out that the operation was aimed at "inflicting lasting damage to the functionality of the state and its facilities. In this sense, this is an attack on the internal security of the state."
But if they truly believed Ukraine conducted a terrorist attack on a German gas pipeline, would they further support Ukraine with new billions[+] in aid despite the collapse of the German economy and Germany falling into recession[+][+]? Unlikely. The impact of the war in Ukraine is pushing not only the German economy but German people to the brink and even death[+] as Ukraine is not willing to conduct peace negotiations with Russia. Moreover, if Germany truly believed Ukraine conducted a terrorist attack on a German gas pipeline, why didn't they get General Valery Zaluzhny arrested, and extradited? What was the point of a costly 9-month-long multinational investigation if not to punish the terrorist who ordered that terrorist attack? Polish intelligence service dismisses[+] this idea.
On top of all that and perhaps the greatest indicator of treachery is the fact that Germany did not invoke Article 5 of the NATO charter which pledges allies to treat an attack on one as an attack on all. According to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, an attack on the critical infrastructure of a NATO member state can trigger the mutual defense clause. According to American and German authorities, Ukraine has allegedly attacked the Nord Stream pipelines, and NATO states are obliged to defend Germany and make Ukraine pay for it. What are they waiting for? If it was a Russian commando, would it be considered an act of war? If it was Ukraine, why didn't that put an end to Germany's ongoing support for the country? And what about the Americans? If Washington provided assistance for the attack, why didn't that spell the end of the 75-year trans-Atlantic partnership? Russians have never done such a thing to Germans since WWII, nevertheless, Germans consider Russia as a threat and Ukraine and the US as allies – where is the logic in that?
As that was not odd enough, just days after announcing that Ukraine blew up German gas pipelines on 6 June[+][+], many reports came that contradict that narrative, such as:
On 14 June 2023, Germans declared[+] that, nevertheless, not Ukraine but Russia poses “the greatest threat to peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic area”! Go figure! When did Russia attack or destroy anything or anyone in the Euro-Atlantic area to be called not just a threat but the greatest threat to peace? Why was there no word about Ukrainian terrorism in the Euro-Atlantic area and how that threatens peace?
On 14 June 2023, BBC6 highly honored[+] rather than condemned “a national hero” Zaluzhny singing many praises to him such as "When Zaluzhny walks into an unlit room, he doesn't switch on the light, he switches off the darkness." Is that how journalists should portray someone who committed the crime of destroying ally's energy infrastructure?
For all of us who can read between the lines, all this incongruity indicates that NATO authorities and the German ruling class don't believe that Ukrainians did it but are serving it to the public to put that topic to rest, shield the US, and safeguard NATO.
If the German public knew or believed that despite their huge support, Ukrainians blew up their source of cheap gas, they would not support them (as much) anymore. Since public support is mostly only moral these days, this scenario is much less damaging than if they knew that the US did it because then the German public would turn on the Americans and the whole NATO would crumble and with it the support for Ukraine, which would end the war with Russia coming out as a winner. Blaming Ukrainians might seem the lesser of two evils, especially by highlighting that President Zelensky knew nothing about it, which, in their minds, justifies further support for Zelensky. What kind of President does not supervise his Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief is anyone’s guess. And what kind of President does not persecute the terrorist who conducted a terrorist attack on an ally's infrastructure?
Obviously, the German ruling elite doesn't want NATO to crumble over this incident. Imagine how wicked the German Chancellor and his inner circle must be to know their either ally (the US) or their protege (Ukraine) has engaged in sabotage to cause their folk to suffer and industries to collapse (even after the war sanction will be lifted someday), nonetheless, they continue to stand by them rather than by their folk! And for what? Everyone knows Russians will win anyway.
Who knows, maybe Germany needs time to cut all ties with the US instead of doing it abruptly, so with all the other discords and infighting among NATO states, the question remains, how long will NATO stand, as it is being defeated by Russia anyway.
When speculating why, despite all that, is Germany holding on to the partnership with the US rather than with Russia, let us not undermine the Anglo-Saxon bond and the fact that Germans are the largest ethnic group in the US[+]. America used to be mostly British colony but then around 1876[»], Germans took over in terms of ethnic groups numbers. This may be one of the reasons that Germany feels a need to keep strong ties with the US, not to endanger their diaspora or to align with it. Around 43 million Americans identify themselves as German-Americans. Yet, Americans and Germans don't share the same values and have many opposing views as the Pew Research Center[+] points out. Still, Anglo-Saxon connection is too strong to be severed just like that or in an instant and American ruling elites are taking advantage of it. Germans and Russians had a great bond[+][+][+] too, especially Russia and Prussia during Romanovs’ rule in Russian Empire when almost all Russian monarchs took a German bride[+] and one of them was Catherine the Great, who got to even reign over Russia.
Let us remember that before Hitler took power, Germans and Russians were allies for centuries. So much so that most Russian emperors took German brides and also hired German generals and other officials. After World Wars I and II the US used any means to divide them and so rule Europe. In 1945, the US became the ruler of the world.
It is time for Germany to reconsider everything the US has done and whether Russia would have been a better partner than the US. After all, Europeans should stand by each other rather than allow the US or anyone else outside Europe to divide them and rule them. The UK[+] and Norway are the biggest US allies in Europe, so much so that some consider them the 51st state of America[+], so no wonder they are not in the EU. But there are also other EU states[+] that are extremely submissive to the US authorities and as such dubbed as the 51st state of America, such as Ukraine[+], Poland[+], Italy[+], and Denmark[+]. As long as many Europeans stand more to Americans than to other Europeans (such as Russia, Serbia, Hungary, Turkey, etc.), there will be no peace on the European continent as the military United States will always try to divide and rule Europe – that is their nature as they seek to preserve hegemony or world domination.
Despite the warmongering statements of a handful of US puppets in the German government (German Chancellor Scholz, German Foreign Minister Baerbock, German Defense Minister Pistorius), there are many signs that Germany is pulling away from the US influence. The same is evident with the EU as a whole.
For instance, after Germany officially entered recession[+] due to sanctions it imposed on Russia (cut itself off from cheap Russian gas) and all the aid it gave to Ukraine, in June 2023, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner declared[+] that Germany could not afford to pay more money into the EU budget or to Ukraine.
Also, despite their warmongering leaders being extremely ready to provide Ukraine with all the weapons it needs, and despite all the pressure from Ukrainian leaders, Germany has been reluctant to supply Ukraine with more of the already promised Leopard 2 tanks as well as Taurus[+][+] long-range missiles.
Due to the policies of the US-puppet ruling elite of the EU and the UK, American and European economies are so intertwined that it would be almost impossible for them to turn their back on each other, no matter what. They are each other's most vital allies as they have both engaged in concealed “white supremacy”[*] around the world throughout history through colonization, invasions, and cultural offensives.
However, it seems that they are not on equal footing and that America is not Europe's pawn but the other way around. The key word here is “seems”. In fact, it is the other way around, which is covered up. Many Europeans are major shareholders and owners of American enterprises (military-industrial complex, banks, etc.) and so part of the ruling class, the Deep State (shadow government), and those who instated the ruling class, the kingmakers are also Europeans (Anglo-Saxons with Rome's Jesuits as strings-pullers). Who are Americans anyway other than mostly ethnic Europeans?! Obviously, it is not Native Americans nor ethnic Africans or Asians who run America but Europeans, who are in charge of the whole of North America. But more on that in our next article “Behind-The-Scenes Powerbrokers”.
So, although the EU is Americanized, America is also Euroized, so to speak, and the question of who influences whom more may be chicken or the egg7 type of question.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Peacemaking Mediation” segment. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: Behind-The-Scenes Powerbrokers
Kurmanbek Bakiyev’s five year rule was such that no less than 7 Prime Ministers changed during his time in office, and he was finally ousted in 2010 through a revolution (Russia under Medvedev influenced it through media and by imposing duties on energy exports to it)
Anglo-Saxons[+] are originally pagan Germanic people who migrated from northern Europe and settled first in England and then also in the US (British royal family the Windsors are Germans). The largest ethnic group in the US are Germans. Anglo-Saxons are another tribe or folk than the Slavs. Ukrainians are Eastern Slavs but Zelensky is a Jew, not a Slav.
They pin it on Chervinsky who is already in prison for an unauthorized attempt to recruit Russian pilots, which led to a Russian strike on a Ukrainian airfield. Click here[+] for more on that
The Economistis a Jewish Rothschild-owned British magazine; one of Ukraine’s strongest supporters in the media, as a magazine representing the British financial interests which profit from every global conflict
Many British people say BBC stands for "British Brainwashing Corporation" as it is known to distort the truth and shape the attitude of people rather than just plainly report the news, as they are supposed to
The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as the question, "which came first: the chicken or the egg?" The dilemma stems from the observation that all chickens hatch from eggs and all chicken eggs are laid by chickens. "Chicken-and-egg" is a metaphoric adjective describing situations where it is not clear which of two events should be considered the cause and which should be considered the effect, to express a scenario of infinite regress, or to express the difficulty of sequencing actions where each seems to depend on others being done first.