Denazification – Russophobia
A hatred against any nation is Nazism. Just like anti-Semitism, Russophobia is Nazism. If anti-Semitism is a crime, anti-Russism is a crime, too. Say NO to hate speech!
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Reading time: revealing 24 minutes (or 26 with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the CONTENTS. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. With this article we continue the “Meeting the Demands for Ending the War” segment with a focus on Why Should Ukraine Denazify.
Russian officials believe that Russophobic nationalists seized power in Ukraine since 2014 and therefore demand from Ukraine to remove Russophobes from governmental offices and eradicate Russophobia[+].
This is a fair demand because a hatred against any nation is Nazism. Russophobia ≃ anti-Semitism = Nazism. If anti-Semitism is a crime, why is anti-Russism not a crime? Double standards or what?
While no Russian official has any right or authority to dictate the composition of the Ukrainian government, it must be noted that they have every right to demand the denazification of a regime on their border. 14 million Russians or 27 million Soviets died defeating the last Nazi regime in Europe, thus they have every right to prevent it from happening again. Did anyone really think they were going to allow a second Nazi regime directly on their border?
Since 2014, Ukraine subjected control to a foreign country from another continent with severe limitations of its sovereignty and policies, whereby the US officials have been dictating the configuration of their government. Imagine if Putin or any other Russian high official were caught in meddling in Ukrainian government like the US:
➡ in a leaked phone conversation[+][+][»] on 27 January 2014, amidst Euromaidan protests and just days before the Maidan revolution, US Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt1 are heard hand-picking neo-Nazi[»][ꚛ][+] Russophobe Arseniy Yatsenyuk to be the new head of government. This conversation proves that the protests were not meant to just protest but to change the regime
➡ By his own admission[»] and that of then-US Secretary of State John Kerry[»], in 2016, Joe Biden forced the Ukrainian government to fire its prosecutor general Viktor Shokin[+], who refused to close the investigation of his son's employer Burisma Holdings[+][+] for money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption. Joe Biden was threatening to otherwise withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees; thus, Ukrainian President Poroshenko obeyed him. The question is how is it possible that a leader of a foreign nation has the right to remove another country’s prosecutor? Imagine if Putin did that, what media lynch would ensue! Turns out, Putin is better than Biden as he never did anything like that.
So, if Ukrainian government is issuing laws and policies that are violating international laws, such as those that infringe on the human rights of ethnic minorities in Ukraine, including Russian ethnic minority, then Russia has every right to demand such regime to be held accountable and removed. If anti-Semitism is considered illegal, then surely anti-Russism is illegal too. Both offenses are known to be conducted by radical nationalists otherwise known as Nazis during the WWII or neo-Nazis today.
Therefore, if Ukraine's government consists indeed of Russophobes, something must be done about that, considering that it is home to a Russian ethnic minority that counted for 17.3% of its population before the war, which is not a small number. In the 2001 Ukrainian census, 8.334.100 Ukrainians were identified as ethnic Russians. That was before Crimea was annexed to Russia, so not counting Crimea, it would mean that some 6 million Russians were living in the whole of Ukraine before the Ukrainian revolution that triggered the civil war.
Russians are the largest ethnic minority in Ukraine and as such have their rights. If the Ukrainian government is Russophobic and is in any way discriminating against the Russian ethnic minority, then the Russian ethnic minority has every right to file a lawsuit at the UN's International Court of Justice (the principal judicial organ of the United Nations) but have they done it? We haven't been able to find any records of that in our research so we presume the answer is no. They should have, instead of trying to resolve this issue violently. In civilized societies, we try to resolve all our issues diplomatically or through courts rather than aggressively.
Putin accused “nationalists who have seized power of unleashing persecution, a real terror campaign against those who opposed their anti-constitutional actions. Politicians, journalists, and public activists were harassed and publicly humiliated”. He referred to the unconstitutional overthrow of the Ukrainian government by the pro-EU, anti-Russian opposition leaders and their followers. He is right about the persecution, harassment, and humiliation which took place against pro-government advocates but what he is probably not right about is the term “nationalists”. The right term would be “fifth columnist” or “EU collaborators”.
Nationalists are, per definition, those who love and defend their country, advocates of the national independence of or a strong national government, as well as those with a devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation including promoting the interests of one country over those of others.
However, since 2014 and before, Ukrainians have not been defending their country but the EU as they forcefully pursued signing an agreement with the EU; they were not advocating national independence but national dependence on the EU, as well as not showing devotion to the interests or culture of Ukraine but of the EU, including promoting the interests of the EU rather than of Ukraine!!! Ukrainians were seeking to subjugate themselves to the rules and regulations of the EU, which is not nationalistic but anti-nationalistic, in fact. They were and still are serving the interests of the EU, not of Ukraine. The Slavic culture of Ukraine is quite different from the culture of the western, non-Slavic folk, therefore, by adapting the EU policies and directives, in large part, Ukrainians abandoned their roots, their ancestral traditions. Nothing nationalistic about that. Quite the opposite.
And, it is very important to highlight the hypocrisy of both Ukraine and their Western allies in that Putin has been fiercely condemned for repressing his opponents, but what about the Ukrainian new government since 2014??? Pro-Russian politicians, journalists, and public activists have been persecuted, killed, publicly harassed, and humiliated but no one from the West2 ever condemned Ukraine and its leaders for these crimes! If we are genuinely interested in reaching a peace deal, we all need to be honest and fair, rather than use double standards. Why is it ok for Ukrainians to repress their pro-Russian opposition but it is not ok for Russians to repress their pro-Wes or pro-EU opposition? Can anyone answer that? Once again, we appeal to using the virtues of fairness and equality along with moral law.
Putin compares Russophobia[+] to antisemitism, so it is safe to conclude that the demand for denazification comes from that sentiment. Following the remarks of Russia’s Foreign Minister, Nazism does not necessarily imply antisemitism, but can instead reflect so-called “Russophobia.” In other words, following Kremlin logic, all people with an anti-Russian sentiment[ꚛ] (circa 85% of the USA, UK, and EU population) are like neo-Nazis. Any perceived enemy of Russia that aims to destroy Russia and Russian culture is usually portrayed as a fascist or Nazi force. They might have a point because if antisemitism is deemed unacceptable, then antirussism should be also – logically, hatred toward Russians or any other nation is no less inhumane as hatred toward Jews.
Putin is right that there is Russophobia[+] but it is important to investigate where it comes from. Russophobia has never been stronger, but the question is whether it is all due to his politics and actions, or because the Western disinformation campaign coupled with fearmongering tactics.
Some prominent Western sources claim that there was no term Russophobia used before Putin started to use it as a tactic to mobilize his compatriots for the war in Ukraine but it is not made clear how could any such tactic of using Russophobia be effective, which is why this theory seems ridiculous. Has there ever been any wars or invasions in the history of mankind on such a tactic? They fear us, ergo let's attack them – what a wonderful mobilization tactic, or so the West wants us to believe.
There have been some anti-Russian sentiments[+] before but there was no actual phobia. The strong dislike towards Russia and all things Russian, especially the political system, worsened considerably during President Putin's rule (2000–2008, 2012–present) when the West started their regime change campaign and Putin didn't want to obey them or subordinate Russia to the American hegemony.
Unlike his predecessor Yeltsin and other politicians of the time, Putin and his team could not be bribed. The US and some of its NATO allies have been bribing or grafting[+][+][+] corrupt foreign policy makers for decades all across the globe to make them serve the US interests such as sell natural resources at minimum price, open markets for US products, promote American liberal values, host US military bases and deploy US troops, etc. All those who refused to take bribes or obey, like Putin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Libya's President Gaddafi, Iraq's President Saddam Hussein, Cuba's leader Fidel Castro, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei, Turkish President Recep Erdoğan, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and countless others have been declared “dictators” and some even killed for it[»][+] (as exposed by Wikileaks’ Hillary Clinton's emails[+][+][+][+]) by NATO leaders and their mouthpieces in mass media.
Most of those uncorrupt were replaced one way or another through the US agency but all attempts at US-funded regime change (in 2011-2013[+], 2017/2018[+], 2019[+], 2021[+]) in Russia failed. The US wanted him out and engaged in all sorts of propaganda campaigns in an effort to change the regime – smear campaigns, character assassinations, fearmongering among Russia's neighbors in Eastern Europe, disinformation campaigns, bribing and empowering corrupt opposition leaders like Navalny[+][+][»][»][+][»][ꚛ][+][+][»], etc. It all culminated in 2014 when Russia took Crimea due to anti-Russian criminal actions from the US-puppet Kyiv regime3, which then served as a major fearmongering tool for the West threatening Russian neighbors that they could be the next victim of Russian occupation. They, of course, concealed the reasons why Russia took Crimea, which we revealed in the previous segment on Crimea[*].
From 2013 to 2014, the negative attitude towards Russia in Europe[+] rose from 54% to 75%, and from 43% to 72% in the United States. In June 2022 it rose again to 85% in the USA, 87% in Poland, 79% in Portugal, and 77% in Sweden. The image of Russia in the West has probably never been worse in its whole history and that is all due to President Putin. He has done nothing to decrease Russophobia but did much to increase it. As a matter of fact, there is Putinophobia more than Russophobia. Obviously, as a Russian leader and politician, he failed to find a way to make the West like Russia and the Russians but he succeeded in making the rest of the world admire him and Russia for their stamina and strength to stand up to the mighty, evil American Empire and the whole of NATO. Russophilia has been achieved across the globe by leading the country in an honorable way, winning the NATO war in Ukraine, and by circumventing the Western censorship and ban of Russian fine culture by offering it to the world through movies, music, literature, visual arts, cuisine, fashion, etc. through such means as the Gateway to Russia[+].
A brief history lesson on Russophobia[+]: the actual term "Russophobia" was invented by the Russians for the Russians (liberals) – it was first used in 1867 to label many pro-Western Russian liberals who developed a negative attitude towards their own country. This labeling was meant to rebuke any anti-Russian sentiment and preserve Slavic identity and avoid cultural assimilation with the Western civilization (seen as evil).
In 1917, Russophobia in Western Europe, Central Asia, and North America substantially increased due to Russians being associated with Communism and being anti-democratic. But there was no phobia against any other communist countries.
During the civil war era (1917–1922) the Bolsheviks employed nationalism and xenophobia as weapons to delegitimize the opposition, which naturally backfired on them as Russophobia.
In 1981 an antisemitic, antisocialist, and extremist nationalistic Russian mathematician and author blamed Jews for Russophobia and the vast conspiracy against Russia and all mankind, seeking the destruction of Russia through the adoption of Western-style democracy. It is safe to conclude that his Jewish-phobia (antisemitism) may have contributed to a perceived Russophobia. Since people with phobias tend to see others as phobic too, like in this case anti-Semites tend to perceive others as having Russophobia.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the following efforts of Russia to reunite all the republics under its rule, many former Soviet republics have grown Russophobia due to the perceived Russification measures while disregarding the Americanization scheme[»].
Since 2014, there has been a rapid growth of charges of Russophobia in the Russian official discourse. Use of the term on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website rose dramatically during the period between 2014 and 2018, which is natural given the raise of the Kyiv regime’s and NATO’s hostilities and antagonism towards Russia.
Western propagandists describe the present use of the term Russophobia by the Russian government as a political strategy that implies that NATO countries are afraid of Russia, having a phobia of Russia. The "Russophobic" narrative is alleged to be a tactic used by Vladimir Putin to emphasize the belief among the compatriots that Russia faces an existential threat from the Western powers and must take drastic measures to ensure domestic stability including support for the ongoing war in Ukraine. This narrative was made more convincing when the West imposed hostile sanctions on Russia and supported Ukraine with weapons to kill the Russians. Russophobic actions of NATO countries is utilized by Kremlin as a tool for shaping the national identity of Russia's citizens, of mobilizing them in the face of real threats.
Using allegations of "Russophobia" is also presented in the West as a form of propaganda to counter criticism of government policy from the Russian opposition parties. The term "Russophobia" has become a political sticker slapped onto all who demonize Russian authorities and act based on fear or phobia of Russia. This is in line with the original use of the term for Russian liberals who opposed the conservative authorities of the time (around 1867). Neoliberals of today are all fearing Russia because its strength is based on conservative values.
If the allegations of Russophobia are not a form of Russian propaganda or political strategy but are really meant to put an end to hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Russians, then this is in line with counter-measures against Nazis in the WWII when the Allies, mostly the US and the UK attacked Germany by indiscriminately bombing its cities, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians (in this war Russia did not do that and only 3 civilians per day died as a consequence of Russian shelling and missile attacks, according to Wikipedia Timelines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine[+][+]4). Ukrainian “Russophobes” also invaded Russia and tried to occupy Russian territory, so they are rightfully seen as a threat.
It was Ukrainian “Russophobes” who started the killing in April 2014[»], killing almost 14.000[+][+][+] ethnic Russians by the time Russia launched its SMO in 2022. There is nothing more precious in the world than human lives, more precious than national pride because all human beings are God's creatures. What God created, man shall not destroy. In Bible's Revelation 11:18[+], God says He will destroy those who destroy His creation on Earth, by thunder, earthquake, and a severe hailstorm. One could say that Ukraine is going through that because it was killing thousands of Russians since 2014.
For those who believe in the immortality of the soul, whereby shunning the significance of human flesh by killing others, valuing metaphysical over physical qualities, there is no better engagement than fighting for the upholding of righteousness. However, righteousness must be fought by righteous means rather than by sin (killing, raping, destroying, etc.); it must be fought with the power of mind rather than arms. It was Ukraine (the new illegitimate, self-appointed revolutionary regime) that took to arms in April 2014[»] to counter anti-government protesters in Donbas, rather than try to solve the issue through diplomacy and politics. Those whose mental powers are weak resort to firearms. In other words, people who fight for justice with firearms make evident the weakness of their mental powers and their disbelief in divine justice.
Also, the concept of “upholding righteousness” must be thoroughly revised by those who decide to take up arms against other fellow human beings because righteousness and its opposite are often misjudged. People are easily deceived into believing something when their source of information or perception is partial or one-sided. They take some statements at face value and automatically believe them.
Ukrainian Russophobes were wrong about discriminating against and killing the Russian ethnic minorities after ethnic Russian Crimea and Donbas residents chose to separate from them and rejoin Russia. Ethnic Russian Crimea and Donbas residents were right to seek independence under such dire circumstances.
Russia's intentions to end hostility toward the Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine by diplomatic means for eight long years were met by increased hostility by Kyiv authorities and their NATO allies. After eight years of trying to resolve the conflict, Russia had no other choice to achieve that goal than to use force to coerce Kyiv to implement the Minsk agreements. They launched their SMO in February 2014 for that purpose, and not to occupy Ukraine as NATO and Kyiv propaganda put it.
Since Kyiv and NATO authorities overstepped the boundaries and crossed red lines[+] against Russia, it was clear they underestimated Russia and did not fear Russia. So, it was time for Russia to play up to Russophobia, so as to make them stop. Logically, Russophobia has increased by it but it did not work – Ukraine showed no fear and have fought against Russia relentlessly. NATO did show fear of Russia by not accepting Ukraine into its alliance, by not officially (only secretly) sending its troops into Ukraine, and by not providing Ukraine with weapons such as enough long range missiles, F-16s, etc.
Russophobia is a negative thing, like Judeophobia or antisemitism, or any other such phobias[+] against any ethnic or religious group – nothing good comes out of it. Russia is no stranger to phobia itself – Russian state-sponsored homophobia[+], xenophobia[+], racism[+], and all other phobias Russians have, including against West and NATO – thus, it is naturally reaping what it sows. Still, Russia never discriminated against ethnic Ukrainians living in Russia, was never persecuting and killing them based on their ethnicity, like Ukrainians have been doing towards ethnic Russians since 2014. This is very, very important to take into consideration when judging and assuming moral superiority of Ukraine.
Before this war, Russophobia was quite small in comparison to phobias against some other Islamophobia, Americanophobia, Europhobia, etc. The world is full of phobic people and phobia is a human disease that must be eradicated. It cannot be eradicated by military operations, which only trigger and intensify them. Russia did not launch its SMO because of Russophobia or Ukrainophobia5; it was Ukraine that launched its military operation in April 2014[»] because of Russophobia.
Russian officials have tried to appeal to US officials and journalists to cease "demonizing" Russian people, criticizing the propagation of stereotypes about Russians, Russian culture, and Russian national proclivities but these appeals were not met. With NATO's historical hostility towards Russia, promoting Russophobia has been part of gaining allies. Russophobia could be turned into Russophilia only after people start using their own heads and consider when has Russia ever attacked any friendly nation?
A variety of popular cultural clichés and negative stereotypes about Russians exist, notably in the Western world. A “Russian villain”[+] is a common theme in many American and British movies, such as James Bond movies, spy movies, Indiana Jones, Rocky, Rambo, etc. This is embedded in the viewers’ psyche.
The best way to end Russophobia would be to end the Americanization campaigns[»], especially in former Soviet republics and allow Russian cultural assets instead of censoring Russian culture. All Europeans should ask themselves when was the last time they saw a Russian movie, documentary, news, shows, music on their TV or Russian books and other goods in their stores, and compare it to the amount of American ones. Would it be more natural that in Europe, we should have more access to Russian than American culture since Russia is in Europe and the US is not? If Europeans had access to Russian culture, goods and services, it would make them admire Russians and even turn into Russophiles6. Even if American movies and music are better than Russian ones7[+], there are certainly some worth of appreciating. Russia produces also arts, literature, dances, artifacts, technologies, innovations, norms, and values that other people would like if they had access to it – then, they would automatically like Russians too. One way to catch up on Russian culture is the Gateway to Russia[+].
Sadly, there is nothing that Russia is allowed to bring to the European marketplace other than raw materials. Unlike the West, Russia is not all about branding and world domination, has no globalist agenda, and Russian companies are not obsessing to come up with world-class consumer goods.
Also, renowned Russians and Russian organizations, who have done something great for humankind or something impressive for humanity, are being cancelled or vilified in the West, but if the public would be allowed to know about them, then they would be fond of Russia, too. We are led to believe that in the world’s largest country, none of the present-day Russians living in Russia have done anything to earn admiration or respect of the world at large – just consider how nonsensical that it is and how much your authorities deprived you of knowing and benefiting from Russia.
We are also led to believe that in the world’s largest country, oddly, there are even no holiday places or festivals worthy to visit. All Russians are known for in the West is vodka, mafia, dubious oligarchs, cheating doping athletes, and ill-famed president Putin. Considering that Russia is the largest country in the world and has 144 million people, this is rather strange, suggesting something wrong with it or with perception of it, especially because in the old days Russia had so many remarkable figures, especially on the cultural scene and among the thinkers and creators. Why the modern-day Russian thinkers and creators are not known in the West?
For Russophobia to end, the West needs to end the blockade of Russian cultural assets and to allow Russian thinkers, creators, and innovators to shine their light onto it.
The only Russians that are given publicity in the West and made famous there are those who are distancing themselves from Putin, not approving of his politics. But this may be due to the fact that they live in the West (and made famous there due to Western branding mechanisms) and are therefore pro-Western, as well as Western agents like Navalny[+][+][»][»][+][»][ꚛ][+][+][»]. One of them is Google co-founder, Sergey Brin, a Russian Jewish immigrant, who emigrated to the USA at the age of five, so his success cannot be accredited to Russia in any way, although his Russian genes and karma should not be disregarded.
Since the 80s, the only Russians who were given Nobel prize (in the field of Physics, and three for peace) are those who condemned Putin's politics. To gain any recognition in the West, the prerequisite for Russians is to be traitors or anti-Putin.
Mikhail Gorbachev, who died recently, on 30 August 2022, won the Nobel Prize for Peace 1990 for his role in ending the Cold War and the reunification of Germany. Gorbachev was a vocal critic of Russian president Putin and Russia's government. He was also critical of US politics. In 2016, Mikhail Gorbachev said that "Politicians who think that problems and disputes can be solved by using military force—even as a last resort—should be rejected by society, they should clear the political stage."[+]
Dmitry Muratov is since the 80s the second Russian Nobel Peace Prize laureate for his joint effort to safeguard freedom of expression. Like all the other internationally respected Russians, he has scrutinized the Putin administration. As editor-in-chief of the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, he is prized for reporting on sensitive topics such as governmental corruption, human rights violations, electoral fraud, police violence, and other misuse of power – all of which prevail in the West even more.
The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize winner is the Russian international human rights organization Memorial – jointly awarded for their efforts in "documenting war crimes, human rights abuses, and the abuse of power" which is related to the current war in Ukraine.
That said, every country has opposition, so this is not saying much. The US has much more prominent people who oppose the current regime than Russia and many of them are Putin sympathizers. We have never seen any Russian Biden sympathizers, which is then telling about Putin being more regarded abroad than Biden.
All in all, even many Russians are Russophobes or Putinophobes. Why is there Russophobia in the first place? Russians did nothing wrong?
The world is full of Russophiles or Putinophiles, more than any other countries or heads of state because they appreciate him for standing up to the NATO neo-colonialists and aggressors. To turn Westerners into Russophiles or Putinophiles, the Russian government needs to offer something more to them than just raw materials.
This is also urgent for the Russian economy as the world is gradually advancing from eco-unfriendly fossil fuels to renewable and zero-emission energy sources. Cleaner sources of energy (wind and solar) are gaining ground each year and nuclear power plants are being (re)built. With Oliver Stone's “Nuclear Now”[+][+] documentary and McKinsey’s report[+] on nuclear power from March 2023, there will be a greater tendency for states to embrace nuclear power and ditch fossil fuels. Climate change has forced us to take a new look at the ways in which we generate energy as a global community. Long regarded as dangerous in popular culture, nuclear power is in fact hundreds of times safer than fossil fuels and accidents are extremely rare. In the long run, a combination of demand reduction, increased efficiencies, renewables, nuclear power, LNG, and other pipelines will greatly reduce Europe's need for Russian gas. The European Union published plans to end its reliance on Russian oil, natural gas, and coal by 2027. Its days as Russia's most important customer are over. Exports of oil and gas were Russia's primary economic interaction with the West. Russia will continue to shift its exports from Europe to markets in China and India, which might suffice but in terms of countering Russophobia in the West, something must be done, which goes beyond the supply of natural resources. Besides, the whole world is modernizing its energy supply. What will become of Russia when the world's technological advances reach the point of not needing Russian oil, petroleum, gas, and coal? What will Russia export then to sustain its positive trade balance? Wheat, iron, nickel, fertilizers, and gold will not cover the huge gap of more than 60% that fuels earn through exports.
Still, Russia remains the world's largest exporter of wheat and forestry products, and a source of strategic resources such as nickel, cobalt, and platinum.
Russia’s economy is working on being self-sufficient but it is still highly dependent on exports of commodities with revenues from sales of crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas accounting for about half of Russia’s federal budget.
What Russia needs is to develop world-class products and services that no Russophobes could undermine.
To comply with the Russian demand of denazification by putting an end to Russophobia, as neutral and objective peace activists, we are advising:
✅ Ukrainian government officials and the general public to eradicate every trace of Russophobia and to change laws that discriminate against any ethnic minority. This can be done by putting breaks on Americanization[»] and by allowing Russian cultural assets enter Ukraine, as explained above. America has hijacked all Ukraine’s institutions that serve its interests in its proxy war against Russia, therefore, Ukraine has to take back all these institutions and allow rich Russian culture to blossom there as it is more natural for Eastern Slavs to embrace fellow Eastern Slavic culture rather than foreign Anglo-Saxon one.
✅ Ukrainian government needs to change its language[+][+] and education laws[+] that violate the rights of ethnic minorities in accordance with international laws, norms and declarations.
✅ International law institutions should hold Ukraine accountable for all expressions of Russophobia and for all violations of the human rights of ethnic minorities
For some reason, Ukrainian nationalists have been complaining about Russification of Ukraine[+] but oddly not about the Americanization of Ukraine[»], which indicates how they are US-puppets and corrupt. US-puppet Yushchenko’s victory through the US-funded Orange revolution in 2005 has boosted[+] the Americanization of Ukraine. Russification is an issue for all Ukrainian nationalists, who have no problem with Americanization because the US funds them. Since Russians did not bribe the corrupt nationalists, no wonder there is an anti-Russian sentiment there.
So, in order to eradicate Russophobia and other anti-Russian sentiments, Ukrainians need to liberate themselves from the American yoke that is driving that through an age-old “divide and rule” ploy.
Americans have been conducting psyops across all Europe to turn not just Ukrainians but all Europeans against Russia as American ruling classes rightfully see Russia, along with China, as a threat to their world domination. The US has bribed many European politicians and prompted Russophobic US-puppets to become heads of state. Americanization of the whole of EU and UK is evermore evident in how invasive their cultural assets, as well as products and services are across the whole of Europe where American products and celebrities are more glorified than European ones, which is very odd, especially considering how trashy American culture is.
While Ukrainians are eager to point out anything that is wrong with Russia, they should take a good look at what is wrong with them. For that, here's a reminder of Jesus words[+] in his Sermon on the Mount[+] in the Bible (Matthew 7:1-5[+]):
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
As well as the sowing-and-reaping principle in Matthew 7:2[+]: “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
There have been wrongdoings on both sides. It takes two to tango. The nation on a higher level of consciousness is always the nation that takes the lead in the reconciliation process. Let's see the proof of the pudding.
This article is part of Denazification series:
Countering the Counter-Arguments:
Genocide Allegation
Linguistic Genocide
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this segment on Why Should Ukraine Denazify of the “Meeting the Demands for Ending the War” series: “Genocide Allegation”
Geoffrey Pyatt is a Russophobic US ambassador in Ukraine from 2013-2016 and then in Greece till 2022, whose main appointment was to destroy the relationship of both countries with Russia
West = the US, EU, UK, and Canada - Anglo-Saxons; NATO states
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
we only counted daily reports from June until November 2023, which is 6 months, and took that sum of 613 and divided it with 183 days, which is 3,3 but if we deduct all disputed killings, the total is 488 people killed in 183 days
there is not even such a thing as Ukrainophobia as no one fears poor Ukraine; what ethnic Russian Ukrainians opposed was forced Ukrainization, whereby Kyiv forced them to use Ukrainian language and glorify Ukrainian WWII heroes who were Nazi collaborators and mass killers
Russophiles = people who are fond of Russia or Russian culture
The Russian movie industry is notoriously bad and corrupt as well as unappealing to foreigners.