Fallacy of Democracy vs. Autocracy Narrative
Our warmongering Western leaders working on behalf of war-profiteers are lying to us that Ukraine is fighting for democracy so as to get the public support for war effort
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Reading time: 66 minutes (77 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the this “Reality Checks” segment from the beginning? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article: The Real Beginning of the War in Ukraine
Calling Ukraine a democracy is like calling NATO a defensive alliance. 😉
In this article we expose the fake narrative of NATO and Kyiv propagandists
The war in Ukraine is often propagated as an epic battle between “democracy” and “autocracy”.
There is a villain in this story: an autocrat who rules with an iron hand, who bans all opposition political parties and jails his political opponents; a despotic ruler who shuts down all opposition media and news outlets, while maintaining a monopoly on what the public sees and hears; a paranoid man who surrounds himself with cronies and is backed by powerful, criminal oligarchs; a vain man who wants the whole world to pay attention to him and do as told.
We are talking about Volodymyr Zelensky, of course.
Before you dismiss it as “Russian propaganda” have a look at all the evidence here.
Perhaps, it may suffice to many to just provide this video[»] evidence from an American fiercest ally of Kyiv, US Senator Lindsey Graham, who openly and shamelessly admitted that for them "This war's about money. The richest country in all of Europe for rare earth minerals is Ukraine, two to seven trillion dollars’ worth[ꚛ]. Ukraine is ready to do a deal with us, not the Russians, so it is in our interest that Russia does not take over.” Has he no shame? The audacity to stand for the war for profit!
So, clearly, the war in Ukraine is not about democracy or freedom or human rights or any of that staff that are used as false excuses in order to make dumb Ukrainians die for the nasty Western ruling elites getting those minerals and getting rich.
As Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a New York Times best-selling author, Chris Hedges wrote in an article[+], the warmongers' playbook that is used to lure the West into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine, is always the same:
✅ Freedom and democracy are threatened by an evil dictator who must be vanquished.
✅ Human rights must be protected.
✅ The fate of Europe and NATO, along with a “rules-based international order” [»] is at stake.
✅ Victory is assured.
Let us check the reality of these claims one by one but most importantly the reality on the battlefield, as it affects the foundation of peace arrangements.
The US-puppet Kyiv regime1 and its masters are trying to sell this war as a fight for freedom and democracy not just in Ukraine but the whole of Europe and beyond, which cannot be further from the truth knowing that since Ukraine came out of the Russian sphere of influence into total dependence on the West in 2014, Ukraine lost its independence and freedom and became an electoral autocracy rather than democracy, as we will provide evidence here. There are still people who are buying into this narrative about Ukraine fighting for freedom and democracy to protect Western civilization, thus we offer them here to take a bite of the reality sandwich.
Some[+] are calling Ukraine an open air prison because the Kyiv regime increased its border guard strength by 15.000 to 75.000[+]. In most countries border guards are meant to keep illegals out but in Ukraine they are employed to keep people in! Instead of using those 15.000 men to fight the Russians, they use them to fight the Ukrainians – how insane is that?! Also, in May 2024, they mined[»] the border with Romania so that their own people don't run away but they did not mine the border with Russia in Kharkiv against the Russian offensive. Here is evidence[»] of the first Ukrainian anti-war fugitives killed by the mines of their own criminal government that rather kills them than let them flee the country. Here is another evidence[+][»] of a guy resisting mobilization being beaten to death by criminal military recruiters who rather kill them than let them be. Kyiv is a regime, not a government. Where is Maidan 3? They protested against Kyiv corruption but not against Kyiv genocide?
Fallacy of the West's Concern for Freedom of Ukraine
Before we get into exposing all the evidence of autocracy and lack of democracy in Ukraine, allow us to expose the fallacy of the West's concern for freedom of Ukraine. We are about to expose the violations of human right to freedom by Kyiv regime but first we need to debunk fake Western support of freedom as there is no freedom in their own countries. The point is, since they are not caring for freedom at home, then their alleged support in fighting for freedom in Ukraine is a hoax. Here is some random evidence to expose Western fake care for freedom and lack of freedom:
➡ The self-anointed “the Land of the Free”, the US has world’s highest incarceration rate[+] because people with minor offenses such as drug possession are denied freedom for lengthy periods. President Barack Obama stated[+] that the US had 5 percent of the world's population but 25 percent of the world's prisoners. Prisons are turned into forced labor camps[+][+][+][+] (like Soviet gulags[+]). Unlike Russia, the US intelligence services created secret prisons in allied states where they not just imprison but conduct horrendous tortures of detainees – in Abu Ghraib in Iraq, at Guantánamo naval base in Cuba, Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, and secret detention camps in Eastern Europe. During Occupy movement, the Obama administration arrested over 7.775 people[+] and Biden administration charged more than 1.000 people[+] for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot[+] but when Putin administration arrested and charged much fewer[+][+][+][+] protesters, he was condemned as evil dictator. The United States has many political prisoners, too – here[+] is a list. Joe Biden has put hundreds of his political opponents in jail[»]. The Biden administration sent[»] an 82-year veteran to prison for life for the crime of repeating ‘Russian misinformation.’
➡ The self-anointed “the Land of the Free”, the US has the most laws and regulations than any country in the world! In the US, you can’t even remodel your own kitchen without a permit, your government regulates what food you are allowed and not allowed to eat while they allow GMO foods, fake foods with all sorts of additives, chemicals and what have you. A farmer is not allowed to sell his fresh food or give you an apple from his tree without an FDA approval. Your government even decides how hot your shower is allowed to be; it's absurd. No one there has a freedom not to follow all these ridiculous rules. There is no country in the world as restrictive, as oppressive, as aggressive, as misogynistic and as opposed to human liberty as the US but most of foolish and brainwashed Westerners fall for American slogans of them being “the free world”.
When the Western hegemons and their mouthpieces talk about freedom, they mostly mean the freedom to sin. All the debauchery that the US and Western governments allow is a freedom to be uncivilized, primitive, and hedonistic while condemning the rest of the world for not allowing that. We are talking about allowing people to be promiscuous, walk naked in public, pervert men using women's toilets and locker rooms just because they have freedom to claim they are women, women being induced to look and behave like prostitutes and porn-stars, schooling children to freely change gender even without parental consent, etc. Butt-naked cowboys and rednecks are telling the Muslim people that their clothing is out of fashion.
➡ Freedom of speech is no longer the same – in the US they are starting to be persecuted not even for what they said but for what they listened to: The US Department of Justice ordered Google to publish the names, addresses, phone numbers of all YouTube viewers from January 2023. They also ask for information about those who watched the streams, where, as they indicate, information necessary for their police investigations could be voiced. It's unconstitutional, it's terrible, and it happens every day. These YouTube warrants are scary, allowing police to target people simply because of the content they consume[»].
And here is an outrageous admission[»] from Hillary Clinton how the ruling classes that she is part of want total control by censoring content on social media!
There is countless evidence of the fallacy of freedom of speech in the US and the West but let us just mention one here how the United States sets an example for “democratic” treatment of members of the press who film something they don’t like: detentions of journalists[»] who dared to film protests of students and teachers in the US universities over Gaza issue, plus detention of professors[»][»] and beating up[»][»][»][ꚛ][»][»] and detaining[»] the protesters there. In just couple of days, 50 university professors and 2.400 students had been arrested in anti-Israel protests in America. While the border with Mexico was wide open, universities were then guarded with snipers – why do they need snipers for protesting students at a US university?[ꚛ][ꚛ]. That’s not just bizarre but highly revealing the fallacy of US democracy.
The same thing in Germany[»][»][»][»][»][»][»], Spain[»][»], Portugal[»], Poland[»][»], Italy[»], France[»], Holland[»], Iceland[»], etc. Many or all journalists in Europe who do not fall in line but contradict the official narrative or to engage in the whole propaganda have been either arrested or detained, intimidated, dehumanized, or humiliated by the ruling European regimes. Just in the UK, they did it to Julian Assange, Craig Murray, Kit Klarenberg, David Miranda, Vanessa Beeley, Richard Medhurst[+] (read here[+] about his arrest from him)…
Imagine if this was in Russia, how they would demonize Putin but no word of criticism about Biden, Scholz, Sanchez, Duda, Meloni, Macron, Starmer… In the light of evident hypocrisy and fake democracy, no wonder the world is against them and siding with anyone who is against the West, like Russia. Julian Assange’s dad thanked[+] Putin for supporting his son, so what does that say about Putin allegedly being against the freedom of speech?
➡ In the UK, even deliberately calling someone by the wrong gender pronouns may land you in jail for two years[+]. In France, people are arrested for claiming Macron's wife is a transgender[+]! In Germany, under a 2024 legislation[+][+][+], anyone who attempts to expose an individual’s past gender identity can be fined up to €10.000 ($10,630). In other words, you are not allowed to tell the truth about anyone's gender! How is that free speech? You are free to change your gender every year on legal documents without undergoing surgery or hormone therapy but you are not free to say that someone did that – yes, that makes sense… to mentally challenged German legislators. The legislation on ‘self-determination’ in gender was backed by 374 MPs, mostly from the ruling ‘traffic-light’ coalition. In other words, LGBTQ+ have the right to ‘self-determination’ but ethnic majorities in regions such as Crimea and Donbas in Ukraine do not – again, that makes total sense… to 374 mentally challenged German legislators. Because double standards is part of the Western rules-based order.
Misgendering is valid reason to jail people in the West but when Russians imprison fraudsters, extremists, traitors, and foreign agents[+][»][»][+][»][ꚛ][+][+][+][»] like Navalny[+] or blasphemous hooligans[+] like Pussy Riot[+][+][+][+], this is condemned as evil. This goes to show that Western rules-based-order[»] is duplicitous and illegitimate. Here is the evidence[»] that British Prime Minister Sunak said he would deport anyone who protests, as typical for fake democracy! Adapting the US mantra[»] “rules for thee and not for me”[+][+].
Evidence that there is no free speech or free expression in the US or the West is the police brutality against those who oppose the government that supports a genocide and ethnic cleansing. Police brutality in the US[+] is one of the worst in the world[+][+] and it is increasing, getting worse. In 2023, US police killed 1.352[+][+] people and injured or beaten up many more but only one police officer got convicted[+] in 2023 (five in 2022). In Russia, they do not tolerate police brutality as they do in the West, so in 2022, 463[+] police personnel were convicted but they have much less cases of police killings.
Compare Western and Russian police brutality[»]. Here are just some of the instances of police brutality (including against women) during pro-Palestine protests in Germany[»][»][»][»][»][»], Spain[»][»], Poland[»][»], Italy[»][»], Paris[»], Amsterdam[»]. Now find, if you can, any such police brutality in Russia. Good luck with that. Conclusion: Russian police is much less brutal than American and European.
“Freedom of speech has disappeared in Europe… The continent has lost its soul.” – former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl[+]
➡ In the US, there is no freedom of speech – e.g., as vice president candidate, chair of the Democratic Governors Association, Tim Walz claimed[»] that citizens have NO right to free speech if the ruling elite, a.k.a. government, decides what one is seeing is “misinformation.” When the ruling elites silence the opposition, how is this democracy?!
➡ In the UK, there is no freedom of speech – e.g., back in 2018, 400 people were arrested in Russia for saying something bad on social media. The same year, in twice as small (67 vs 144 million people) United Kingdom over 3.300 people were indicted, prosecuted and arrested for saying something bad on social media.[»]
➡ In the EU, there is no freedom of expression. Pro-Russian and pro-Palestinian activists get arrested[»] and fined.[»] If Russia arrests protesters it's evil but if France and Germany arrest and beat protesters, it's fine. Western democracy = double standards. Media freedom in the EU is terrible[+] and journalists are unable[+] to fulfil their mission as a watchdog. Journalists are being surveilled, abused, and intimidated to limit their reporting to establishment's narrative or agenda, as well as exposed to political interference and corruption. European “Media Freedom Act” and “Digital Services Act”[+] with content moderation rules restrict public's access to a plurality of trustworthy and independent reporting by censoring or banning what the elites or certain lobbies deem as “disinformation”, “illegal online content”, and "harmful content". Some freedom of expression violations here[+][+][+].
Watching Russian news media is forbidden in the “democratic”, “free” EU and anyone violating these EU sanctions faces criminal charges such as a German guy and his Ukrainian wife who were found guilty of broadcasting sanctioned channels such as "Rossiya 1" and "RT", among others. The District Court has also issued an asset seizure order for approximately 120.000€ ($134.000)[+][+]. Outrageous!
➡ In Germany, opposition supporters, even kids, are persecuted — e.g., in February 2024, 16-year-old schoolgirl was caught by police for expressing fondness for an opposition political party – she shared a video on the TikTok platform of the Smurfs in which it is explained that the Smurfs are blue, just like Germany – a reference to opposition party AfD (which is, worryingly for ruling elites, raising in popularity). Her school principal reported[+] her to the police and police summoned her from her school class, humiliated her in front of her classmates, interrogated her and asked her to refrain from making such posts on social networks in the future. As you can see, there's a clearly “freedom of speech” or “freedom of expression” in Germany.
➡ No freedom of movement in the US if one opposes the governing party’s narrative. In early June 2024, without any court order and explanation why, acting on the whims of the ruling elites, the US State Department pulled off the airplane and seized the passport[+][+] of former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who has been very vocal about lies and deceptions of the US government, in particular about Russia, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. He committed no crime but was not allowed to leave the country. No Western media reported that because apparently to them this is normal, not worthy of reporting. This is normal only in fascist states.
➡ The US has world’s most notorious mass surveillance program both globally and domestically, which, obviously, infringes on freedom of everyone. Communists were amateurs in comparison to Americans or Westerners[»]. This was first revealed by ex-CIA and ex-NSA analyst Edward Snowden. After 9/11, in the name of national security, the US increased mass surveillance through the Patriot Act whereby the government spies on ordinary Americans having the authority to monitor phone and email communications, collect bank and credit reporting records, and track the activity of innocent Americans on the Internet. While most Americans think it was created to catch terrorists, the US government actually spies on regular citizens to keep them under control, manipulate, and oppress them. The US government conducts mass surveillance also of foreign phone and internet users. Therefore, the US government threatens both an individual’s freedom to express themselves, and their right to privacy (maintain a private life and private communications). State intrusion into private, family or home affairs – prevent people from exercising their freedom.
There is much evidence that surveillance in Europe is almost as bad, such as an incident[+] when a common British 18-year old citizen made a joking comment2 on Snapchat on his way from Gatwick airport to the Spanish island of Menorca in July 2022. His message was immediately picked up by the UK security services who flagged it to Spanish authorities while the easyJet plane was still in the air. Two Spanish F-18 fighter jets were sent to flank the aircraft in a matter of minutes. Appearing in court, he said the message was "a joke in a private group setting. It was just sent to my friends I was travelling with on the day". In other words, they surveil all our messages on a scale the “evil” communists never did. Not sure about the Russian surveillance but never heard of such incidents in Russia, which would certainly make all the headlines in the Western mass media, which is prone and very eager to condemn and ridicule Russian authorities.
➡ Russia is much more economically free than the US since US external debt to GDP ratio is much worse than Russia’s ratio – US 123 %[+] vs Russia 14%[+][+][+]. Even Ukraine has it better than the US (81%); the EU – 84%[+]. Those who are in huge debt are not free. The US has the highest foreign debt in the world and, despite its large economy, compared to the GDP, it owes other countries more than it earns. When it comes to freedom of debt, Kuwait is the leader of free world (with the lowest debt to GDP ratio[+]).
Many scandals in the UK expose it as being worse than Russia, such as refusing banking services to political opponents, such as Nigel Farage, based on his views[+], which the bank has "seen as xenophobic and pandering to racists".
➡ No real freedom of meaningful choice – the notorious “fight for democracy” under which banner NATO countries have been killing and injuring millions of civilians across the globe contradicts their claims about fighting for freedom and diversity. Why don't they let other countries in the world to freely choose their system, be it communism, autocracy, monarchy, or whatever, and instead back the rebels to establish so-called democracy by force? Why don't they let diversity in the world and force others to have democracy and capitalism? The answer is: because otherwise they can't bribe, exploit, and plunder local natural resources. In the US, there is only one system to choose from (plutocracy disguised as democracy) but there are 23 flavors of bagels to give you the illusion of freedom of choice.
Fallacy of the West’s Concern for Democracy in Ukraine
We are about to expose the fake democracy in Ukraine but first we need to expose the fake Western support of democracy as there is no true democracy in their own countries. The point is, since the Western leaders are not caring for democracy at home, then their alleged support in fighting for it in Ukraine is a hoax. Here is some random evidence to expose Western fake care for democracy and lack of democracy:
➡ What kind of fake democracy this is in the US when a presidential candidate was not even elected but selected by the ruling classes?! Kamala Harris was not chosen democratically. US Democrats are out there alleging they want to 'save democracy' with a candidate who sidestepped democracy to get the nomination. On CNN, Mr Wonderful claimed[»] that Kamala was not chosen democratically – “This is not important to voters”
➡ Hillary Clinton asked for a foreign interference into the 2024 presidential election – is this how democracy works? In July 2024, in a prank call with what she thought was former Ukrainian Poroshenko, Hillary asked[»] Poroshenko to attack Trump to prevent him to get elected.
➡ As incredible as it may seem, 2020 US presidential election was rigged[+][+][+][+][+], as more than 40%[+] of Americans believe(d) that, which led to major attempts to overturn it, including the famous January 6 mob attack on the Capitol[+].
➡ All the “witch-hunting” measures the Democrats have undertaken to prevent their opponent Donald Trump to run as President is anti-democratic and like we have not seen anywhere else, including Russia. They tried to impeach him to disqualify him from ever holding public office again, they issued several indictments[+] against him, they charged him with many sexual misconducts[+] and paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels (to stop the false and extortionist accusations during his 2016 presidential campaign), in several states, they brand “Trump dictatorship”[+][+], call him all kinds of names such as insurrectionist, conducting a perpetual character assassination in mass media, they tried[+][+] to block Donald Trump from the primary ballot to disqualify him from becoming president by invoking a provision of the US Constitution – Section 3 of the 14th Amendment3…
➡ The US is a dictatorship because US Supreme Court ruled that everything the President tells people to do is a lawful act, to include killing his political opponents[+][+].
➡ The EU Presidents, such as President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen since 2019, do not get elected by the public. People of the EU are never given a chance to vote to choose a President who is making most decisions, including about the war in Ukraine on behalf of the EU people! Who gives her the right to decide what most Europeans want? Certainly not the public as it is supposed to be in a democracy.
➡ “The right to a different opinion has ceased to exist in the EU”[»1:29] – the Prime Minister of Slovakia (part of the EU) Fico in June 2024 after surviving an assassination attempt.
➡ The EU threatened[+] to sabotage Hungary’s economy if Budapest blocks fresh aid to Ukraine in the next voting – is this democracy to blackmail[+] a country into voting a certain way? Brussels has outlined a strategy to explicitly target Hungary’s economic weaknesses, imperil its currency and drive a collapse in investor confidence in a bid to hurt “jobs and growth” if Budapest refuses to lift its veto against the aid to Kyiv.
➡ The EU fined[+] Hungary for defending its borders against illegal immigrants, which Prime Minister Orban condemned[+] as “outrageous and unacceptable”. Hungary had to pay 200 million euros plus 1 million euros daily for not allowing and detaining illegal immigrants. In a clear Brussels overreach, this ruling proves how the EU states do not have sovereignty and freedom even to defend their own borders from illegal immigrants. If democracy means a tyranny of majority and foreigners determining a state’s security policies, then this is a twisted version of democracy.
➡ The EU threatened the Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze not to adopt the law on transparency of foreign funding of NGO's in Georgia – here is evidence[+][+][+][+] of European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Várhelyi threatening or intimidating Georgian PM warning him he could have the same fate as Slovakia's PM Fico who was shot in an assassination attempt just days before! WOW…the democratic process in the EU is truly inspiring! Democracy mafia style!
And EU Vice-President and Foreign Affairs Chief Josep Borrell tweeted[+] to Georgia: the “transparency of foreign influence” law is not in line with EU norms & values… We urge Leaders to refrain from adopting legislation that can compromise Georgia’s EU path. What gives the EU the right to meddle in Georgia's laws and sovereignty (Georgia is not part of the EU)?! Imagine if Putin did that!
And the US also threatened[+] with visa restrictions for Georgia's lawmakers responsible for "undermining democracy in Georgia" – when lawmakers of the governing Georgian Dream party want transparency about foreign governments funding of NGOs in their country is considered "undermining democracy" – this is all we need to know of Western pseudo-democracy. In response to US bully, ruling party official said[+] that country's “independence not for sale for any visa” – well done!
Also, if the transparency law (a.k.a. law on foreign agents) in Georgia was opposed and labeled “Russian law” by the Western officials[+][+][+][+] and mainstream media, then this is an indication that Russians promote transparency while the West opposes it, which revealed that Russia is more democratic than the West. This was re-affirmed by Georgians protesters waving the EU flags protesting for less transparency to ensure EU values (hello, Georgia is in Asia4) effectively shouting “We do not want our NGO funding to be transparent!”[+] EU values for all to know!
Illusion of Democracy
We are about to expose the fake democracy in Ukraine but first we need to expose the Illusion Of Democracy for which the West supposedly supports the war instead of diplomacy in Ukraine.
The US ruling classes support the war instead of diplomacy in Ukraine under their usual “fighting for democracy” banner but the illusion of democracy there is evident in the fact that the rich make all the rules as in plutocracy5 or oligarchy. Since all the mainstream media is controlled by the rich ruling classes, they easily create and maintain this illusion.
There is plenty evidence of the illusion of democracy in the US, so at random, we just feature the official statement[»] of former US president himself, Donald Trump, who pointed out the weirdness of how Kamala Harris, who got no votes at all, got to become a presidential candidate”!
European countries are run by leaders whom most people do not support as evidenced by their low approval ratings[+][+] and the fact that most of them came to power through their party forming a coalition[+], or exposing the former ruling party as being horrible[+], or through a scheme6 rather than by gaining a support of the majority of people, so can anyone explain what is then the meaning of democracy if leaders with minority support run so-called democratic states? Democracy is supposed to be a government in which a majority rules but that is not the case in present-day so-called Western democratic countries that wage wars in the name of democracy. Democracy is not “the majority rule” anymore but increasingly defined and orchestrated by the western ruling elites and their institutions.
🇷🇺 Russia holds elections
The West: "Russia is a dictatorship"
🇺🇦 Ukraine doesn’t hold elections
The West: "Ukraine is a democracy"
🇬🇪 Georgia negates the election results
The West: "Georgia is protesting for a democracy"
🇷🇴 Romania cancels the election
The West: "Romania is defending democracy"
Furthermore, do you really need anymore convincing about the ruling classes making every effort to lure masses into their fake version of democracy when the prominent mainstream media, make absurd claims such as:
· “Elections Are Bad for Democracy”[+] – The New York Times. They took away our right to freedom of speech and now they even want to take away people’s right to cast votes to elect their representatives.
· “Yes, there is such a thing as too much democracy”[+] and “America suffers from too much democracy”[+] – The Washington Post
Just imagine if Putin or other Russian authorities made claims like that! They would use it to prove that he is a dictator but when Americans say things like that, we are all supposed to just take it and agree with it – insane! Can you believe that there are actually people in the West who buy these papers and actually pay to read this anti-democracy propaganda and still think that American-style democracy is better than Russian one?
The illusion of democracy in the EU for which the EU allegedly supports the war instead of diplomacy in Ukraine is most evident in the fact that the EU president is never elected by the public but chosen by the elites. So, the plagiarist[+] gynecologist-turned-president Ursula von der Leyen[+] (on the board of trustees[+] of WEF7) is NOT democratically elected EU President – people of the EU are never given a chance to vote to choose a President who has been making most decisions about the war in Ukraine on behalf of the EU people!!!
Who gave her the right to spend our taxpayers' money to buy weapons to get both Russians and Ukrainians as well as many other European fighters killed??? WEF8. Von der Leyen is a German gynecologist-turned-politician who has been serving as the 13th president of the European Commission since 2019 (for a five-year term) but we, the people, never gave her any rights to represent or lead us, especially not in matters of life and death.
In the US, people have at least the right to elect a President but people in the EU do not have that right! Is this democracy?! NO. Believe it or not, most people in Europe didn't even know her name before 2022 when von der Leyen started to appear in the mass media speaking in the name of the EU people who never knew her let alone elected her. Due to her many lies9, fraud such as plagiarism[+], and speaking in the name of Europeans who never gave her that right, she got a nickname: von der Lying[+][+].
We’d like to know on what merit did she deserve to become President – what has this previously anonymous gynecologist ever done of value to be appointed to the highest office in the EU not once but for the second term?! Germans disapprove of her and were against her becoming the President for many reasons[+], which came down to her corruption and incompetence in her previous positions such as the Defense Minister.
She was a total failure in her prior post as a German Defense Minister (was the worst or the weakest minister[+] and left the Bundeswehr in a catastrophic condition), therefore a part of the German government coalition opposed her nomination, which is why the German Chancellor Angela Merkel abstained during the council's vote on the proposal[+] – it was very embarrassing for von der Leyen but she got selected anyway. Wonder how. Hint: she was on board of WEF.
There is no other explanation why von der Leyen became the EU President but, like Jose Manuel Barroso[+] before her, through WEF[+] endorsement. WEF with its numerous affiliates is a major sponsor of the EU institutions, which is why it controls the EU to a great extent.
German founder of WEF, Jesuit-educated[+][+], Klaus Schwab has helped to instate many of his puppets (graduates of the WEF “Young Global Leaders” program) as heads of state and other institutions, including Trudeau[+] and Freeland[+] in Canada, Sarkozy[+] and Macron[+] in France, BoJo[+], Truss and Sunak[+] in the UK, Rutte[+][+] in the Netherlands, Sanna Marin[+][+] in Finland, Ardern[»] in New Zealand, Lula da Silva[+] in Brazil, Queen Rania of Jordan[+], former Chancellor Angela Merkel[+] and Annalena Baerbock[+][+] in Germany, Laurence D. Fink[+] - BlackRock Chairman and CEO, Kristalina Georgieva – IMF Director, Christine Lagarde[+] – President of European Central Bank, Sadhguru[+], etc.[+][+]. Schwab's organization has infiltrated in many governments and the UN[+]10 to execute “The Great Reset”[+][+] as part of its globalist, liberal or NWO11 agenda, but the merger of corporate and government power is known as fascism. With all the sophisticated tools to manipulate the public opinion and rig elections, as well as the value of campaign funding or sponsors, there are no elections; only selections.
So, this formerly unknown-to-the-EU-people WEF stooge has been calling most or all the shots regarding a crisis that might end in a nuclear cataclysm due to the policies she has been pushing and all “in the name of democracy” that she herself, as undemocratically appointed chief, never exercised to come to power! Whatever policies von der Leyen has been enacting is not the will of the EU people! How is then the EU a democracy?! EU is a pseudo-democracy, that is what it is.
With more than 68.000 people freezing to death[+] due to sanctions in winter 2022/2023, massive homelessness rise[+], and enormous decline in living standards, it is clear that Brussels does not have the best interest of the peoples of Europe at heart. EU people constantly protest on the streets and on social media against supplying Ukraine with weapons and sanctions[+][+][+][»][»][»], and in general against Ukraine[ꚛ], with the growing Rebellion for Peace and German Manifesto for Peace[+] being one of the most signed petitions[+] on Change.org calling on the German Chancellor to stop the arms deliveries, a ceasefire, and for peace negotiations. People should have a say in spending billions of taxpayers' money on weapons for Ukraine that kill people and get quickly destroyed by Russia but no one asks them and ignore and suppress their protests – is this democracy?
Ursula von der Leyen had the nerve to declare[»] that “the war in Ukraine is about autocracy against democracy” although she herself was never democratically elected to become a President! Moreover, Ukraine's democracy is a travesty – the mere fact that (under the US and EU patronage) for many years even before the war, Ukraine has been the most corrupt[+] and the poorest country in Europe[+][+] that issued laws against ethnic minorities, it could indicate to intelligent people that there is something wrong with that country and its government that has no democracy.
Not an irrelevant fact is that ever since the first EU President took office in 1958, there was never a Slav or Eastern European President of the EU[+] (Slavs or Eastern Europeans started to join the EU since 2004, save for Greece that joined in 1981), which says a lot, too. The only Slavs and Eastern Europeans who get a say in EU policies are corrupt politicians, bribed to serve the interests of the Anglo-Saxons12.
According to leading Western analysts of global democracy[+][+], only 8% of the world’s population lives in a full, functioning democracy. More than half of the EU[ꚛ] doesn't have a functioning democracy. So, the EU's alleged fight for democracy is the same smoke mirror that the US uses for decades to fight wars and kill people around the world all under the banner of the so-called “fight for democracy” – what democracy? There is no democracy in the EU when we cannot even choose a President!
We do not know of any polls on the perception of democracy being done in the EU, but in the US, who serves as a role model for democracy, only about one in 10 American adults can give democracy in the US a high rating, according to a poll[+] from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research published in July 2023. Would you buy a product if only a tenth of people approve of it, and most do not? Overall, about half the US says democracy is not working well at all in the US.
A mere look at the streets[»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»] and ghettos[»][»] of America is exposing how fake or faulty their “liberal democracy” is, especially comparing it to, say, Russian[»][»][»][»][»] or Chinese cities’ streets[»][»][»][»][»] (obviously, all cities have bad parts but in the US is horrific), one would say conservative autocracy does better for its people. The US streets are filled with homeless[»][»][»][»], junkies, retards, and such but even worse are daily scenes of urban thefts[»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»], casual killings[»][»][»][»][»][»], and other crimes[»][»], as well as social decay[»][»][»][»][»][»][ꚛ][ꚛ][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][+], where pedophilia is not a crime but an identity[»] and a mere sexual orientation[»][»], child porn is no longer crime[ꚛ], which all makes democracy seem undesirable and exposes the American “civil society” and their fake prosperity to which Ukrainians foolishly aspire. For anyone who has succumbed to American or Western propaganda about “autocratic” Russia being poor and backward, just have a look at these videos[»][»] to realize how beautiful Russia is and how your government and its institutions and media have been lying to you.
Because it is important, we repeat the paragraph from our article on the Core Concepts[*] that also exposes the illusion of democracy:
What do those, who believe they are dying or suffering for democracy, really have from it? A chance to vote for a person in 4-6 years, who turns out to be different than expected and does not keep his/her promises. The elected president gets richer, more power and fame but what do voters really get from it? Have voters ever gotten a better life because they got a chance to vote?
In American-style democracy, with a two-party system, a majority rules, a.k.a. the tyranny of the majority[+], so many people lose elections and so are harmed by democracy because the governing opposition party or coalition does not serve their interests. Is it worth dying for such system? Not for the minorities.
In European-style democracy, it is even worse because in European states, there are multiple parties, so in the end the one that gets a majority of seats or votes in the parliament represents only a minority of people. This means that a minority gets to decide how a majority of people should live — how is this a fair democracy???
For instance, 2024 United Kingdom general election[+] – the super low voter turnout of just 60%. 34% vote share with a 60% turnout is hardly a ringing endorsement from the majority in the country. Lowest voter turnout since 1945! Essentially a 40% vote for "none of the above". Most interesting or rather shocking is the fact that the party that won with less than 34% of the votes won 63% of the seats in the parliament[v] – British democracy for you! Labour party got 9,7 million votes while Conservatives got 6,8 million votes but Labour got 411 seats while Conservatives got just 121 seats. And Reform party got 4,1 million votes but got only 5 seats. Liberal Democrats got less votes than Reform but got much more seats – with 3,5 million votes, it got 72 seats in the parliament! Another important point is that UK has 48,2 million registered voters and out of that only 9,7 million of them voted for Labour party, which is just 20% of British voters but they run the country anyway – do you see how illusory democracy in the UK is? It is not that majority of people get to decide who should run the government but the FPTP[+] system decides it
Another example is 2024 French legislative election[+] – with a 67% turnout, Marine Le Pen's party National Rally with allies got the most votes – 10,6 million in the 1st round and 10,1 million in the 2nd round but the New Popular Front (the left coalition including the communists) with just 7 million votes came on top with the most seats in the parliament – how is this fair? Macron’s party got only 6,7 million votes but came second place. So, out of 27,3 million voters or 43,3 million registered voters, the new ruling party NPF was supported by only 7 million voters, which is 16% – that means that 16% people decide what other 84% people should obey. Is this a type of democracy worth dying for?
Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. That's all it is. Russia is no less a democracy than Ukraine. Only, in Russia, most of natural resources are nationalized, owned by the people rather than oligarchs or private companies, which is good for the whole state because this way no foreigner can directly or indirectly plunder their country's natural resources and assets.
This is why the West “fights for democracy” in the world – so that they can go and bribe corrupt politicians into exploiting their resources – why else a country should care if another country is democratic or communist?! But they can't do that in Russia because the system, laws, and values are different and Russians don't allow foreign interference, foreign domination, and neocolonialism. Autocracy is also like that because it is a state or society governed by one person with absolute power, who is so rich and powerful that foreign predators can't bribe him into robbing the country's resources.
Here is plenty of evidence[»][»][+][+][+] of the illusion of democracy with Western “democrats” interfering in democratic processes across the globe by orchestrating and funding so-called protests or revolutions (but in fact violent riots) in their regime change operations.
So, in communism and autocracy, the state's natural resources do not get taken away like it happened in Ukraine where Zelensky sold off most of Ukrainian natural resources and agricultural land to Western predators after introducing a Land Reform in 2019. It is much better to be ruled by a good autocrat than a bunch of greedy, lying politicians a puppet like Zelensky. So, why do Ukrainians and foreign mercenaries believe that democracy is a worthy cause to die or suffer for? Because they are mentally challenged and so brainwashed by their unelected “democratic” leaders that they can't think clearly.
The EU President Ursula von der Leyen was not elected, British Prime Minister Sunak was not elected, the US President Biden was allegedly not elected either if we are to believe that the US 2020 election was rigged, and many who are officially “elected”, including Zelensky, are only those whom Western sponsors backed to run such a campaign that gets to manipulate the electorate the most. The election process in so-called democracy is all about who has the most money to invest in the best running campaign. Because, we don't really know the people we vote for in a democratic election. We only know their image, which is crafted by expensive specialists and promoted with expensive ad campaigns and disinformation operations.
The best thinkers or philosophers in the history of mankind, Socrates and Plato, among many others, advised against democracy! Socrates is considered to be one of the wisest people ever lived. If you haven’t already, watch here[»] “Why Socrates Hated Democracy”. Plato was another ancient Greek philosopher who is considered a top thinker, so watch here[»] “Why Plato Loathed Democracy – Why Democracy Doesn't Work: 4 Lessons from Plato's Republic”, or here[»] “Why Socrates & Plato hated democracy?”, or the “Criticism of democracy” on Wikipedia[+]. Be wise rather than stupid enough to fight or die or suffer for something wise people caution against.
Evidence That Ukraine Is No Democracy but Autocracy
Ukraine is no democracy but autocracy, according to renowned Western sources[+][+][+][+][+][+]. It is an impoverished, corrupt, one-party state with extensive censorship[+], where opposition newspapers and political parties have been shut down[+]. How is this a democracy?
"In reality, Ukraine already is a dictatorship" – arrested Ukrainian Parliament deputy Alexander Dubinsky[»]
When a US-backed government seized power in Kyiv following the Euromaidan regime change operation of 2013-14, Ukraine’s government embarked on a nationwide purge of political elements deemed pro-Russian or insufficiently nationalistic[+]. How is this a democracy? How can they blame Putin for doing the same on a much smaller scale?!
Zelensky has framed[+] his country’s war against Russia as a battle for democracy itself but his definition of democracy is utterly twisted. While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has outlawed his opposition, ordered his rivals’ arrest[+], indicted anyone who opposes him as a traitor (such as MPs Yevhen Shevchenko[+], Viktor Medvedchuk[+]…), and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents across the country[+]. Whoever opposed Zelensky or some of his policies was immediately fired[*] or arrested and charged either for treason or corruption. Any opponent to the Kyiv regime is declared a traitor or Russian collaborator, hunted down[+] and arrested[+].
First, he passed or reinforced laws, banning a language[+][+][+], then a Church[+], then media outlets and opposition parties[+], then even elections[+]. Then, he passed laws[+] with severe restrictions on Russian books and music. Then, he passed laws[+][+][+] prohibiting his citizens to leave the country escaping his dictatorship, violating their human rights[+]. Then, he passed a law[+] that Ukraine doesn't have to pay its foreign debts. Zelensky just makes laws as he pleases like a true dictator.
Ukraine has always had more pro-Russian than pro-Western citizens, as polls[+][+][+] and voting for pro-Russian president and party[+] have shown (before the Maidan revolution in 2014 when they banned all pro-Russian parties), therefore there are a lot of people who are against the anti-Russian Kyiv regime. Zelensky administration has authorized a campaign of kidnapping, torture, and assassination of local Ukrainian lawmakers accused of allegedly collaborating with Russia. In the first two months of Russian SMO, eleven mayors and many other Ukrainian officials were killed[+] by Ukrainian state agents as their only crime was engaging in de-escalation talks with Russia.
Zelensky has further exploited the atmosphere of war to outlaw an array of opposition parties and order the arrest of his leading rivals[+]. His authoritarian decrees have triggered the disappearance, torture, and even murder of an array of human rights activists, communist and leftist organizers, journalists, and government officials accused of “pro-Russian” sympathies. While Zelensky spouts clichés about the defense of democracy before worshipful Western audiences, he is using the war as a theater for enacting a blood-drenched purge of political rivals, dissidents, and critics.
On the battlefield, the Ukrainian military has engaged in a series of atrocities against captured Russian troops[+][+][»] and proudly exhibited its sadistic acts on social media[»][»][»][»][+]. Here too, the perpetrators of human rights abuses have received approval from the upper echelons of Ukrainian leadership. Ukrainian soldiers’ use of the cellphones of dead Russian soldiers to mock and hector their relatives appears to be a common practice. In fact, the Ukrainian government has begun using notoriously invasive facial recognition technology[+] from Clearview AI[+], a US tech company, to identify Russian casualties and taunt their relatives on social media.
“The war is being used to kidnap, imprison and even kill opposition members who express themselves critical of the government,” a left-wing activist beaten and persecuted by Ukraine’s security services commented[+] in April 2022. “We must all fear for our freedom and our lives.”
On Ukrainian TV, a Ukrainian deputy from the Servant of the People Oleg Dunda declared[»][»] that “There should be no freedom of speech during war.” Truly democratic values, for sure. Imagine if Putin or a Russian deputy would say that! All Western mass media would run it as a headline and a proof that Russia is a dictatorship, but when Kyiv does that, such claims are buried, of course, which is evidence how much the West really cares for free speech and democratic values.
Ukrainians are often depicted to be defending freedom and democracy against evil and autocracy, despite all the Western experts[+][+][+][+][+][+] designating Ukraine as an autocracy. And despite all the evidence of Ukraine being a non-democratic authoritarian state:
➡ US-backed corrupt politicians came to power through revolutions or coups rather than through democratic ways and stayed in power only because they eliminated and banned the major opposition parties and candidates. Since 2004 there were two US-funded revolutions (2004 and 2014), which blatantly discarded democratic processes and installed new US-puppet regimes via violence and fraud.
➡ political persecution – like a dictator, Ukrainian President Zelensky sacks or persecutes and prosecutes his political rivals[+] and anyone who criticizes him
since the US organized[*] a coup or a revolution in February 2014 to install an anti-Russian government, in a country with around eight million ethnic Russians and more than half of the country being pro-Russian (according to Kyiv International Institute of Sociology – KIIS opinion polls[+][+][+]) and voting for pro-Russian president and party[+], all pro-Russian political parties and presidential candidates were either banned or prevented to participate in elections – is that democratic?! For instance, the pro-Russian Party of Regions[+] was the most popular[+][+][+] political party in Ukraine until 2014 (since 2006, it won all three parliamentary elections) but then suddenly ceased to be active until it was banned. On 20 March 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky banned 11 other pro-Russian political parties[+], only pro-Western parties are allowed – is this how democratic leaders act?
The Ukrainian government enacted authoritarian laws to gain an absolute monopoly on power – the suppression, eradication, persecution, and prosecution of political opposition and dissent[+][+][+] E.g., in 2014, they outlawed the Communist Party and several pro-Russian parties banning them from running candidates in elections. Is this democracy? In May 2022, Zelensky enacted a law that allowed him to ban any political parties merely accused of being “pro-Russian,” without any right to appeal. In March 2022, Ukraine suspended 11 political opposition parties[+], including OPZZh, the second biggest party in terms of parliamentary seats and banned them from any political activity. Since then, in total, 19[+][+] pro-Russian political parties have been prohibited in Ukraine and their assets seized by the state. And all this while fascist groups and parties such as Azov, Svoboda, and Right Sector are permitted to exist and even given weapons and funds. Anyone opposing Zelensky's autocratic regime is labeled pro-Russian, some or many of whom might even be pro-Russian rather than pro-NATO, why not. How many opposition parties does Zelensky regime has to ban for the West to realize that there is no democracy in Ukraine???
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned[+] Russian President Putin for arresting political opposition when in August 2023, US-puppet pro-West Aleksey Navalny[+][+] was sentenced to a further 19 years in prison (on charges of extremism this time; previous charges were on embezzlement). Navalny was one of Putin’s weakest political opponent13, so he never posed any threat to Putin and all other ones are alive and kicking. But why didn't Blinken condemn Zelensky when he got opposition politician (the founder of the second largest party in Ukraine) Viktor Medvedchuk[+] or US journalist Gonzalo Lira arrested and tortured to death, or attempted to arrest his rival former president Poroshenko[+], or when Ukrainian politician Ilya Kyva and peace negotiator Denis Kireev were killed by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), or when he banned 11 political opposition parties?! The US has many political prisoners[+], too. With such hypocrites leading the US, no wonder the world is outraged by American double standards.
Zelensky fires[*] anyone who criticizes him, such as the country’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Vadim Pristaiko[+], after he described Zelensky’s response to UK Secretary of State for Defense Ben Wallace as "a little bit of sarcasm." Wallace, too, had to step down for it[+][+]. Usually, he just accuses his critics of corruption or treason to get away with it.
Zelensky regime persecutes and jails anyone who criticizes them or does anything against them, such as members of opposition and pro-Russian people (more than half of the country was always pro-Russian or anti-NATO or anti-EU, as all elections and polls prove), such as this 82-year-old man Yuri Chernishov[+] who got a life-sentence (15 years) on charges of high treason and collaborating with Russia. Just like Gonzalo Lira, this guy also exercised his right to free speech, whereby he openly criticized the fascist Kyiv regime in his literary and analytical publications, and since Kyiv could not arrest him for free speech, they invented (no evidence) that he was collaborating with Russia against Ukraine. And like Lira, knowing what awaits him, Chernishov jumped bail during his trial and attempted to flee but was apprehended on the Belarus border. MP Yevhen Shevchenko got jailed for calling on Zelensky to begin dialogue with Putin[+]. Many other critics of regime were arrested for their tweets “spreading fakes about the war in Ukraine” and face 5 to 8 years in prison, such as political analyst Dmytro Korniychuk[+][+], a blogger from Odessa Yevgeny Levchenko[+], a blogger-cosmetologist[+] from Kyiv, and many more.
➡ the persecution of independent reporters (e.g., Gonzalo Lira, Anatoly Shariy[+][+][+][+] – one of the country’s most popular journalists, Ruslan Kotsaba[+][+], Diana Panchenko[+][+][»], Yuri Chernishov[+], Kirill Vyshinsky[»]), editors[+], and media companies[+] as well as members of the public and religious organizations who are objectionable to the Kyiv regime and as such classified as traitors and Russian collaborators. Democracy can only thrive when journalists work without fear or favor.
sanctions against its own citizens, companies, television channels, other media outlets, and even members of parliament
anyone who criticizes the new regime, especially journalists, has been imprisoned, tortured, or assassinated
the list[+] of those kidnapped, tortured, and imprisoned by Ukraine’s security services since the outbreak of war grows by the day
➡ the persecution of peace activists (e.g., Yurii Sheliazhenko[+][+], a well-known Ukrainian peace activist, conscientious objector, pacifist, human rights defender and lawyer, Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, has been placed under partial house arrest[+] by the Solomyanskyi District Court of Kyiv on 15 August 2023) – crackdown on peace activists and anti-war people reveals their growing intolerance for dissent. People are prosecuted and detained simply for peacefully expressing their genuine pacifist views, vocally opposing any escalation of the conflict, calling for a ceasefire and peace talks to end the war[+]
➡ no free speech – apart from politicians and journalists being persecuted and prosecuted in violation of their free speech rights, all other common people get the same treatment – here are just a couple of shocking examples:
An elderly woman who replied to a reporter that “Ukraine started the war in 2014” was arrested for saying that[»], even though even NATO chief said it[+][»]
Ukrainian fortune-teller/tarot cards reader was arrested during her live stream session[»] because she was doing a reading on Zelensky that was unfavorable to him – the cards showed that he was aggressive, irrational, too emotional, self-centered, his decisions bring harm to Ukraine, surrounds himself with greedy, power-hungry people like him. The actions of the so-called authorities are reminiscent of the Nazi Gestapo's in the 40s. (Disclaimer: not sure if this was staged)
➡ virtual elimination of independent media outlets and total state propaganda[+]
in 2021, Zelensky closed down three TV channels[+] and banned[+] the opposition media news sites such as Strana.ua as well as imposed sanctions on its editor-in-chief, Ihor Huzhva, without any legal basis.
suppressing press freedom and strict censorship – Zelensky ordered the drafting of a new law to boost media regulation in 2019. In December 2022, Zelensky signed[+][+] authoritarian law expanding government power to regulate media groups and journalists in the country
the authoritarian Ukrainian government enacted laws to crackdown on the freedom of expression – detaining bloggers who publish footage of bombing and false working of air defense – e.g., the SBU14 opened criminal proceedings against 6 bloggers[+] who face up to 8 years in prison. Who said it’s a free country?!
➡ no rule of law:
over the past years, international human rights monitoring organizations have recorded many facts of illegal detention, torture, intimidation, harsh treatment, and sexual violence, including forcing people to confess their guilt or cooperate. Such examples are regularly included in the reports of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU). In November 2021, the Human Rights Committee expressed concern over information about ongoing torture and harsh treatment by the Ukrainian security forces, while indicating that the number of cases of convictions for such violations is small.[+]
extrajudicial reprisals – illegal arrests and subsequent detention, torture, intimidation, and inhuman treatment, as reported since 2014 by UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) and The US State Department Reports, such as in 2022 on Human Rights Practices in Ukraine[+]
The UN OHCHR found[+] in 2016 that “arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, torture and ill-treatment of such conflict-related detainees were common practice of SBU… A former Kharkiv SBU officer explained, ‘For the SBU, the law virtually does not exist as everything that is illegal can be either classified or explained by referring to state necessity.”
Vasyl Maliuk, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), explained[»] how they intimidate judges to achieve prosecutions of certain people. They’re not even hiding it … that’s pure fascism in the open
the Ukraine regime runs[+] the Myrotvorets kill list[+][+][+] – the website was created[+] on the initiative of a former freelance advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, is run by the Ukrainian government[+] (secret services SBU[+], funded by the CIA and hosted by NATO). Human Rights Watch[+], The UN Committee on Human Rights[+], the EU Parliament[+] The Schiller Institute and the Executive Intelligence Review[+], and human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice[+] condemn it for violating numerous UN resolutions on human rights and the safety of journalists endangering the lives of hundreds of journalists and freedom of expression. Here is what they post on their homepage][+] flaunting the attrocities they have done to Russian POWs:
➡ violation of ethnic minorities rights[+][+] – the Kyiv government has drawn criticism from international organizations for its restrictions on the rights of ethnic minorities. Kyiv’s attitude and policy towards national minorities changed after the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014. Three years later, in 2017, the Ukrainian parliament adopted the Law on Education, which severely limited the existing rights of ethnic minorities to receive education in their native language. And in 2019, the law on the state language literally banned the use of historical minority languages in 30 spheres of public life. Since 2014, Kyiv regime has banned Russian culture[+], Russian TV channels[+] and radio stations15[+], films[+], books[+], newspapers[+], social media[+], songs[+], plays and concerts[+], arts[+], 200 cultural figures[+][+] (actors, film directors, singers, ballet dancers, writers, etc.), pro-Russian political parties16, etc. They even banned Russian medicines[+], stopped paying pensions[+] to ethnic Russians, and many other human rights violations. In order to comply with the EU's accession criteria of protecting national minorities, the Ukrainian parliament adopted[+] a new Law on National Minorities[+], however, this new law does exactly the opposite: Kyiv strips from its ethnic minorities rights which they had previously enjoyed, thereby provoking conflicts and this war.
For instance[+], ethnic minorities such as Poles, are not warranted under the new legislation to freely use their ethnic-national symbols, even though they are fighting on the front lines, and Poland provides the biggest possible support to Ukraine. They are provided less time to air Polish-language media content and can barely use their mother tongue in schools or outside their homes, even though they were free to do so since the independence of Ukraine. Hungary opposes all EU measures[+][+] partly due to Ukraine's bad policy on minorities, including the Hungarian ethnic minority.
“First, second and third duty of democracy is freedom for all.” – Qamar Rafiq
➡ violation of human linguistic rights[+] – in 2019, Kyiv regime passed the law on the state language that banned the use of ethnic minority languages in 30 spheres of publiclife17, which was equally strongly condemned[+][+][+][+][+] by most of the ethnic minorities (Russia, Hungary, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria), as well as European Parliament[+][+] and the Council of Europe Venice Commission[+][+], as well as all major human rights organizations, such as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – OHCHR[+], Human Rights Watch[+], and OSCE[+], as the new restrictive laws violated international law, the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights[+], the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages[+], ratified by Ukraine in 2003, and Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights[+], and even the Ukraine’s Constitution and its Declaration of Independence, as well treaties with Russia. International law mandates the rights of ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities to enjoy their own culture, profess their own religion, and use their own language[+].
➡ religious prosecution[+] – a total ban on the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the persecution, prosecution[+][+][+][+], killing[»] of the clergy, and forced eviction of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra[+] monastery's brethren, all of which are allowed by the West[+] “Ukraine, without any doubt or unnecessary modesty, is the leader of democratic transformations”[+][+] – Zelensky, the joker, at Summit for Democracy! While Zelensky is persecuting priests, he has not prosecuted a single commander or general who are committing crimes – unlike Russia with the rule of law[+][+].
➡ autocratic nature of the Ukrainian government is evident also in that every single Zelensky's proposal gets approved, which is because it is a one-party government, Zelensky's party (it has a majority in parliament and so it assures enough votes for all new policies and laws), which consists of his friends – they all got the job not because they are competent but because they fall in line with Zelensky's masters' agenda. In other words, just like in authoritarian regimes, everything that Zelensky or his American masters want to legalize gets legalized – from marijuana[+], pornography[+], and even organ trafficking[+][»] to banning opposition, independent media, Orthodox Church, Russian language, books, and TV channels
➡ cronyism18 is another evidence of Zelensky's autocratic regime – upon assuming the role as Head of State, Zelensky did not surround himself with experienced professional political and foreign policy advisors but rather hired the cast and crew of his media production company – actors, scriptwriters, cameramen, film editors, promotional people, and media technical advisors. A total of 12 people from Zelensky’s Kvartal 95 production studio were appointed to a variety of government posts[+][+]. Additionally[+], nearly 20 Zelensky friends received appointments into parliament, the President’s Office and central executive bodies or became members of supervisory boards and committees. Zelensky was ill-prepared for the role of a real President, which is why he should have appointed competent ministers and bureaucrats with relevant education and experience in these fields, yet he appointed his incompetent but loyal friends in all high offices[»]. Appointment of controversial officials: Zelensky faced criticism for appointing individuals with questionable backgrounds to key positions. For example, in September 2023, he appointed a former Ukrainian football player as his adviser[+][+] despite him not having any credentials or competencies for that job. Zelensky faced criticism for appointing many individuals[+][+][+] with questionable backgrounds to key positions.
➡ our shining “beacon of democracy” Zelensky canceled both the parliamentary and presidential elections[+] (supposed to be held in October 2023 and April 2024) and presidential elections[+] using martial law19[+] as an excuse, which was accepted because according to the Ukrainian Constitution (Articles 1920 and 8321), parliamentary and presidential elections should be held after the cancellation of martial law. Critics say, he and parliament (run by his party) opportunistically extended martial law to extend his party's grip on power. Zelensky was under mounting pressure from the West for months to at least pay lip service to democracy by holding elections. A number of EU politicians as well as US senators have made such arguments to Kyiv but to no avail. Zelensky’s aides were also suggesting[+] an election might be possible, with the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament suggesting that the laws could be amended because “democracy cannot stop.”
The proof that Zelensky is a dictator and Ukraine a dictatorship rather than democracy is the fact that there will also be no presidential elections in Ukraine in 2025 – as People's Deputy of Ukraine Zheleznyak said[+], “The draft of the 2025 state budget has nothing included regarding the possible holding of elections.”
In this context, there are several other crucial reasons to argue against Zelensky being a democratic leader and Ukraine being an alleged democratic country:
If elections must be delayed due to martial law, constitutionally, this does not extend Zelensky's term as the president!!! They can extend the martial law but not the authority of a president whose mandate is up[»]. The Ukrainian constitution forbids parliamentary elections during a period of emergency but it does not spell out any rules for canceling presidential elections and extending a president’s term. Article 83 of Ukrainian Constitution says that under martial law the powers of parliament may be extended but no word about extending president's power, which means it can't be extended. In that case, according to article 111 of Ukrainian Constitution, presidential powers should be transferred to the parliament, thus the Speaker of the Parliament Stefanchuk should be an acting President until new President can be elected. One of the authors (one of the members of the constitutional commission that drafted the charter) of the current Constitution, then-head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Dmitry Tabachnik, said[+] that Zelensky cannot be considered the legitimate president of Ukraine after his term expired in May 2024. According to Article 103 of the Constitution and the explanation of the Constitutional Court, which clearly states that the terms of the president's powers are determined solely by the articles of the Constitution, he said that Zelensky is no longer the legitimate leader of Ukraine. Zelensky’s move to extend his own presidential term indefinitely seems to be in breach of Article 109 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code, which says that this should be treated as seizure of power.
After pressure from the US to hold the election, Zelensky invalidated his excuse for canceling the elections by saying it is indeed possible but only if other countries pay for it. In other words, it would be not against the law to hold the election as long as the West gives him more money – he demanded 5 billion[»]. It was then time for the West to prove how much they really cared for democracy, whether they were willing to fund the Ukrainian election as much as they are willing to fund the Ukrainian military. Since they did not pay for the elections, it became evident that war has more value to NATO countries than democracy!
Zelensky claimed that he would not hold elections (both parliamentary and presidential) because he needs all the money for the military, which is exposed as a lame excuse to stay in power by the fact that he allocates huge funds for purposes unrelated to the war all the time[+]. For instance, in August 2023, he replaced the Soviet symbols on the shield of the Motherland monument with the Ukrainian coat of arms[+][ꚛ]. The project costed over 756.000 dollars. At a time when there is no money in the budget to pay pensions and salaries to the military, as well as for elections, Kyiv was spending Western taxpayers' money for ideological purposes. Well, if they have money for that, then they should have it also for democracy.
The West was pressuring Ukraine to hold the election, which is also telling how inappropriate was to cancel the election. ”Holding presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine, insisted on by Western partners, could lead to destabilization of the internal situation in the country” - the then-Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov.
Zelensky’s status in the eyes of the Russian government is based on Ukrainian constitution and therefore, he is considered an illegitimate president, “the ringleader of the Kiev regime.” Putin suggested[+] that Ukraine’s Western backers were keeping Zelensky Zelensky in power as long as he is willing to lower the military draft eligibility age evermore to 18. This is needed to make up for the shortage of manpower and to fight “to the last Ukrainian” for the Western interests. So, to please his masters for not holding elections and keeping him in power, in early-April 2024, he first lowered[+] the age from 27 to 25 just as the US emissary Graham requested[+] when he came to Kyiv just days before.
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) head ‘Tiny’ Kox objected to it pointing out: “Although democracy is far more than only elections, I think we all agree that without the elections, democracy cannot properly function.”
There was a war there already since April 2014[+][»], so why didn't they declare martial law then? Why could they hold presidential elections in May 2014[+] and in March 2019[+] during wartime then and not now? At both times all pro-Russian candidates were prevented from campaigning and running for office (due to a major anti-Russian sentiment flared by the West during Euromaidan protests and Maidan Revolution in 2013-2014, new US-puppet anti-Russian regime, and the consequent Crimea's secession followed by annexation by Russia), which means that the elections were not democratic, free, or fair. Martial law was first declared in half of Ukraine by then-President Poroshenko in November 2018 for 30 days (from 26 November to 26 December 2018)[+]. The presidential election was held 3 months later – he lost and Zelensky won. Critics associated the timing with Poroshenko's pre-election political ambitions since his ratings fell very low[+]. History repeats itself, just with another President trying to use martial law to remain in power.
To cling to power, it would be in the interest of Zelensky and his party (which has a majority in parliament) to keep the conflict with Russia going indefinitely so as to prolong martial law and so prevent elections. According to the Ukrainian political scientist Oleh Soskin[+], Zelensky illegally extends martial law in the country, due to which any elections in Ukraine, including presidential ones, are postponed, and thus he allows himself to remain in power indefinitely and continues to impose his dictatorship. “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky faces civil war if he continues to illegally hold power in the country…” – Oleh Soskin, the advisor to the former president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma (on YouTube[»]). Earlier, Soskin said that the decision announced on 26 July to extend martial law shows Zelensky's fear of losing the election.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad allowed elections in 2021[+] during the long war in Syria[+] (headed by some NATO states) and NATO states accused him of being an autocrat nonetheless but Zelensky who prevents elections by extending the state of emergency is deemed a “beacon of democracy” by Western leaders – what does that say about them and their definition of democracy?!
The US has fought countless wars but never missed a single election. Even during its civil war when 600.000 Americans died. However, they still want us to believe that Ukraine is defending democracy and to support the country and its President who banned the opposition and sought to evade elections.
Unlike Zelensky, Putin has not used martial law (in October 2022, he declared[»] martial law in all the regions[+] of former Ukraine that Russia annexed, just like Ukraine already declared it there and everywhere in February 2022) nor used any other cheeky means to avoid the 2024 presidential election[+], which proves that Putin is much more of a democratic leader than Zelensky. Also, Putin[+] had no fear of losing the election like Zelensky has – otherwise, he would hold the election. Russia's parliamentary elections are scheduled for September 2026.
➡ “Who questions Zelensky’s legitimacy is an enemy of the state!” – Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine said[»] after Zelensky's legal mandate expired in May 2024. You’ve got to love the open democratic discussion in Ukraine!
➡ citing “credible intelligence”, the Federal Intelligence Service of Switzerland said[+] that Zelensky was “showing authoritarian traits”. The FIS accused Zelensky of attempting to “politically eliminate” Kyiv mayor Vitaly Klitschko ahead of next year’s presidential election.
➡ Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko criticized[+] Zelensky’s policies as not democratic but having the “smell of authoritarianism,” singling out the “monopoly on information” as being bad for Ukrainian society. Klitschko told the Canadian outlet Globe and Mail that many Ukrainians don’t understand the situation on the battlefield, as the state media only talks about successes and ignores setbacks.
➡ In January 2023, Zelensky announced[+] his revocation of the citizenship of four Ukrainian lawmakers suspected of treason, including three from a banned pro-Russian party, and signaled more bans were still to come. In what country does one man has the right to denounce citizenship to opposition politicians? Is this democracy or autocracy? These former Ukrainian members of parliament were forced to flee their country due to threats from Zelensky regime. One, Medvedchuk, was jailed but got free through a prisoner swap and fled to Russia.
➡ The Cato Institute, an American libertarian think tank, urged[+] the Biden administration in April 2022 to stop calling the Ukraine-Russia standoff a fight between democracy and authoritarianism, stressing that Ukraine is "at best… a corrupt, quasi‐democratic entity with troubling repressive policies", with the neo‐Nazi Azov Battalion being an integral part of the state's military and security apparatus.
➡ American politician and candidate for governor of Kentucky Geoffrey M. Young[+]: “There are still millions of Americans who believe we're defending freedom & democracy in Ukraine. We're not. We're defending the worst nazi government in the world. In fact, the US & NATO totally control the nazi "government" of Ukraine.”
➡ On the Senate floor, US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) warned[»] about Ukraine being an autocracy listing much evidence.
➡ The Democratic Erosion Consortium published an article posted by University of Chicago on 5 February 2022: Autocratic Behavioral Warning Signs During Zelenski’s Presidential Rule in Ukraine[+]
Apart from evidence, also countless testimonials from Ukrainians clearly tell us that Ukraine is not a democracy, like this one[»] on French TV in 2022 in which a Ukrainian woman from Kyiv kept telling that to the prominent guests in the TV studio but they could not believe and could not even hear her or let her speak. They were so brainwashed about alleged Ukrainian democracy that they disputed the native as if they knew better than she did, taking just one argument of persecution of journalists as insufficient proof of failing democracy in Ukraine, not hearing and wanting to hear all the other evidence. Such testimonials are innumerable but many prejudiced people just do not want to hear them or have a look at all the evidence.
Just like the plagiarist[+] gynecologist-turned-president of the EU Ursula von der Leyen[+] (nickname: von der Lying[+][+][+], a member of the board of trustees[+] of WEF), who had the nerve to declare[»] that “the war in Ukraine is about autocracy against democracy” although she herself was never democratically elected to become a President!
Joe Biden tweeted[+]: “We are engaged anew in a great battle for freedom. A battle between democracy and autocracy. Between liberty and repression.”
“The American people understand that defending democracy and liberty is never without cost,” President Biden said, regarding the US’ role in protecting Ukraine.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, too, claimed[+] that “It is about Ukrainian democracy against Putin’s tyranny. It is about freedom versus oppression”.
Countless other NATO countries' authorities are following that script, including US House Speaker 'Nancy the Ripper' Pelosi[+], dilettante Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock[+], etc. They contend that the war in Ukraine is part of a broader battle for democracy and against autocratic and illiberal values.
Statements from Western politicians, as well as pervasive reports in the mainstream media, have created an extremely misleading image of Ukraine (and Russia). There has been a concerted effort to portray the country not only as a victim of brutal Russian aggression but as a brave and noble bulwark of freedom and democracy. The promoters of that narrative contend that the ongoing war is not just a quarrel between Russia and Ukraine over Kyiv’s ambitions to join NATO and their territorial dispute. The established narrative would have us believe that Ukraine is a flawless, democratic Eastern European antithesis to Putin's regime, when in fact it is much worse.
When it comes to the democracy against autocracy narrative, it must be said that this claim cannot be further from the truth because there is no democracy in Ukraine, which is verified by renowned Western sources[+][+][+][+][+][+] that show that Ukraine is an autocracy, not a democracy, but NATO leaders are selling Ukraine as a democracy and Ukrainians as fighting for democracy, which is to say, they are deliberately deceiving their employee, the public. According to leading analysts of global democracy, Ukraine’s government does not measure up as a democracy.
The Economist Intelligence Unit, in its 2021 Democracy Index[+], assessing nations' democratic status by measuring electoral process, pluralism, political culture political participation, government functioning, and civil liberties, doesn’t consider Ukraine as a democracy. That same report ranked the US as a "flawed democracy."
Similarly, the nonpartisan think tank Freedom House gave Ukraine a democracy percentage of 39.2 percent in its 2021 Nations in Transit report[+].
In other words, as an autocracy or flawed democracy even before the Russians rolled their troops into Ukraine, Ukraine is certainly not suitable to defend democracy or fight for Europe's democracy. It is all just propaganda to gain support from democratic countries.
All things considered, Ukraine and the West22 need to leave behind this narrative, just as renowned experts are pleading.[+][+][+][+][+][+]
Ukraine is a certified electoral autocracy[+] (a.k.a. hybrid regime[+][+]) – the Ukrainian government is the US-puppet regime that was installed by false campaign promises23[»][+][»] as well as manipulating both the election process and the minds of voters. We provide the evidence[*] on how the US undemocratically enacted a regime change in 2014 and we give more evidence24 about the undemocratic electoral fraud in Ukraine's 2014 presidential election as well as evidence25 for how could a 41-year-young guy (Zelensky), who was nothing but a self-admitted[»][»][+] “proud clown”[»][»][»][»] just months before being elected in 2019 and had no training or experience in politics, diplomacy, or leadership whatsoever, possibly be elected as President and what's more with incredible 73% of the vote[+]! Just take a step back for a minute to think about how on Earth something like that could ever be possible.
Not only there was a Hollywood-style four-year-long presidential campaign in the form of a comedy series (‘The Servant of the People’[+] with Zelensky acting as a President and successfully solving all Ukrainian problems) and presented like a reality show[»] combined with mass mind-controlling psyop along with false campaign promises[»][+][»] at play but there was alleged electoral fraud and major opposition leaders were prevented to run for office. What is more, many people voted for Zelensky as a vote against then-President Poroshenko who was much hated, so most people would vote for anyone only not to let Poroshenko remain as president[+]. In other words, by voting for newcomer Zelensky and his newly-formed party, most people did not vote for him but against the government that was installed by the Maidan revolution – Zelensky was not part of it and so he got all the anti-Maidan votes[+]. Identifying as a populist, he positioned himself as an anti-establishment, anti-corruption figure. He won thanks to a strong anti-establishment sentiment and on the promise to break the system, just like a fictional president whom he played in his TV comedy show. Zelensky even named his political party after that sitcom – "The Servant of the People" Party, which certainly can be renamed "Servant of the USA".
Understandably, people voted for him just to get rid of Poroshenko and the likes of him (other presidential candidates) but it is curious why Ukraine has no one else worthy enough to be a hero or a role model, which is why they deem people like victims of sniper attacks and a convicted criminal, Nazi collaborator, loser Stepan Bandera26[+][+], as “national heroes”.
There were also other presidential candidates but Zelensky was a perfect candidate to play the role of the US puppet because he had three main assets – Jewish heritage, liberal globalist mindset, and acting skills (preferable for US puppets), and he was not hated by the people as almost all other politicians who had proven to be corrupt. The actors are good puppets. So, the US made sure that this showman won the presidency by all means. Another reason why American neocon globalists backed Zelensky to become the President may be the fact that he is alleged graduate[+][+][+] of the Young Global Leaders program[+][+] of the World Economic Forum (WEF) – a five-year program of indoctrination into WEFs principles and goals, which is affirmed with him sharing their worldview and being with his insignificant wife[+] their keynote speaker[»][+]. The one thing the globalists fear is a populist uprising, which is why, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, they “dress” their chosen guys, like Zelensky, as populists to let them lead their “sheep” into submission rather than revolt. It may be too late to do anything about it when the populace realizes that they voted for a different kind of populist[+].
Zelensky was convincing in his role as a liberal democrat populist President in the TV series The Servant of the People[+]: a common man fighting against corruption and discrimination against Russians. This was broadcast on the TV channel owned by Ukrainian the Jewish oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, who was later the main sponsor of Zelensky’s presidential campaign as well as of neo-Nazi paramilitaries. Four years of acting as a fictional president surely helped Zelensky with his fast transformation into his role as a real president. Kolomoisky[+] and Americans helped him blur the line between fiction and reality.
The US (or NATO) was keen to get a Jew to become the President of Ukraine to convince the public that all the talk about neo-Nazis in Ukraine is nothing but Russian propaganda. Since the Western intelligence officers knew very well about this issue of Ukraine being the world's biggest hub for neo-Nazis and that the West has been funding these neo-Nazis since 2013 or earlier (to stage anti-government protests and revolution, and then to kill Russians first in Donbas then elsewhere), NATO heads knew very well that Russia would use it against Ukraine and NATO in their informational warfare. Therefore, to counter it, Western leaders came up with a perfect plan to help a Jew win the presidential election. So, the West installed27 a Jewish President mainly28 for that reason – to use it as an argument against all allegations about the rampant neo-Nazi movement in Ukraine and to discredit Russian denazification efforts. How else a comedian with no education and experience in politics, diplomacy, or leadership could become a president?
Then there are reports[+][+][+][+] including from the Daily Beast and the Nation[+] in 2019 revealing that Zelensky's sponsor's neo-Nazi militants – Biletsky’s29 National Druzhina (engl. Squad, the street wing of the Azov movement) monitored the polls in the 2019 presidential election, intimidating the voters and in a position to rig the election on the polling stations staffed by their fighters[+]. Like their sponsor Kolomoisky, they were against[+] the current President Poroshenko who was Zelensky's rival in the election. Since 2014, Jewish oligarch Kolomoisky has been funding and funding not just comedian Zelensky but also Ukraine's notorious neo-Nazi and ultra-nationalist battalions, including Azov, Aidar, Donbas, Dnepr 1, and Dnepr 2, according to Newsweek[+]. As the Daily Beast[+] and the Guardian[+] reported, Biletsky’s National Druzhina (consisting of former members of neo-Nazi organizations) were storming a municipal council intimidating and threatening lawmakers as well as civilians so as to “restore order” according to their fascist “justice”. Just a look at them marching through streets like this[»] is reminiscent of Hitler's Germany.
American psyop methods[+][+] (CIA’s influence on public opinion[+] and the US military perception management program[+] to induce or reinforce attitudes and behaviors) that we mentioned earlier were used, of course, but what is staggering is the extent to which these methods are effective – understandably, it is possible to influence the public to vote for a long-time opposition leader with a fair amount of experience in politics but to be able to get them to vote overwhelmingly (73%) for a self-proclaimed[»][»][+] clown[»][»][»] as a president and also for a boxer as a mayor of the nation's capital (not known for their intelligence, diplomacy, leadership, or economy expertise needed for the job) with no previous experience or education in politics, that is absolutely staggering. It either says a lot about American ingenuity or Ukrainian lack of intelligence (Zelensky’s former adviser and spokesperson Oleksiy Arestovych, dubbed as “nation’s psychotherapist” was suggesting the latter[+][»]). It seems, they fell for false campaign promises[»][+][»] (with Americans helping Zelensky figure out what the voters want and then blatantly promise them, without meaning to do it), American mind control psyop methods, and hope that he, as one of them, would be better than Poroshenko and all other corrupt politicians who disappointed them.
Zelensky was elected to end the war but he made a “U-Turn” and rather escalated it, breaking his promises[»][+]. When he ran for president in 2019, Zelensky promised to stop the corruption and war in Donbas[+][+][+], as well as to reconcile the country (pro-West and pro-Russian populace) but he spat in the face of his voters who wanted peace by doing the opposite with escalating the conflict into a full-scale war with Russia, and he never stopped corruption either (quite the opposite[+][+][+][+][+][+]).
Zelensky's ratings dropped very soon after being elected – his approval rate was extremely low in 2020 and 2021, with a large majority of people disapproving of his actions – just 12% people liked him and another 26% somewhat approved his actions, according to Statista[+]. In 2022, his ratings soared due to NATO propaganda that praised him, although he did nothing special other than begged for support and aid.
Forbes wrote[+] in 2021, “Life has become art. But for many Ukraine watchers and foreign investors – they want their money back. This Servant of the People real-life movie version is not like the TV series. This is a flop.”
“I am a clown, and I am very proud of it!” – Zelensky[»][»][+]
“When a Clown moves into a Palace, he doesn't become a King. The Palace instead becomes a Circus.” – Turkish proverb
“Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit? – Jesus, Bible, Luke 6:39[+]
When asked in Quora[+] about Zelensky, Ukrainians described him as extremely disrespectful towards everyone[+], immature and incompetent[+], unrealistic and corrupt[+], traitor[+], just an average TV showman[+], he was hated by the biggest part of the population for his lies[+]. But when Russia launched its SMO and the West stood with Ukraine, Zelensky's ratings soared because naïve Ukrainians believed that it was all his doing, obviously not aware that this was NATO's proxy war[*][+] against Russia using Zelensky as pawn and Ukrainians as mere cannon fodder. Although it took a while, with time, more and more Ukrainians are finding out about that as well as Zelensky's corruption[+], how he is pocketing[+][+] and embezzling[+][+][+][+] foreign aid instead of using it as intended.
“You can’t say it enough, Ukraine is not a democracy. … In American terms, you would call Ukraine a tyranny… So, having banned all opposition[+], he then seized control of the country's media outlets. Zelensky signed a decree that combines all national television channels into a single platform that he controls.”
– Fox News host Tucker Carlson, on his show, 22 February 2023.
Ukraine's democracy is a travesty – the mere fact that (under the US and EU patronage) for many years even before the war, Ukraine has been the most corrupt[+] and the poorest country in Europe[+][+] that issued laws against ethnic minorities[+], it could indicate to intelligent people that there is something wrong with that country and its government that has no democracy[+]. But if democracy is where they are screwing over the minorities in the name of the simple majority, then this is Ukraine.
“As President, I’ll refuse to be bullied by an anti-democratic comedian-turned-leader & it’s truly mystifying to me that the rest of the West is eating out of this Pied Piper’s hand every day.” – US Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy[+]
Moreover, evidence for the Kyiv regime being authoritarian is in all the laws and legislations enacting an absolute monopoly on power, extrajudicial reprisals, strict censorship[+][+], the virtual elimination of independent media outlets[+][+], persecution[+][+][+] of journalists, clergy, and all of who oppose the Kyiv regime narrative, as well as the eradication of the political opposition[+][+]. The shift into autocracy begins with a leader’s decision to repress their opposition. The current regime, adopting the ideology and practices of Ukrainian national radicals, has essentially morphed into a neo-Nazi or fascist dictatorship[*]. This is the regime that the EU and the US are supporting and providing with weapons to kill anyone, including civilians, and to conduct terrorist attacks in Russia.
All that Putin was condemned for doing by the West, we saw Zelensky do to the nth degree in a manner of a totalitarian regime – exceedingly prosecuting opposition, journalists, activists, and protesters. Every single thing that Putin was accused of, Zelensky does it all the time at a much higher volume – shutting down all independent media, banning opposition parties[+][+], banning the Orthodox church, people getting tortured to death for contradicting the Kyiv narrative, bloggers being persecuted for posting videos of real events[+] (as opposed to Kyiv's narrative), no freedom of speech[»], no democracy, corruption[+][+] in overdrive with evidence of Zelensky embezzling money[+][+] – and still, NATO states support Zelensky regime giving him weapons and billions of money. What does that say about the US, UK, and EU?
NATO officials’ claim that the war was triggered by Russia breaking into the “Garden of Eden” of Western democracy is a misrepresentation invoking a global struggle for “democracy” against “authoritarianism”[+]. The framing of the war in the West as a battle between democracy and authoritarianism or even tyranny[+] or dictatorship[+][+] is just a trickery to raise the stakes of the war and to generate political, financial, military, and moral support for Ukraine from people in the West. The whole terminology of “defending democracy” is being stretched extremely wide and applied to any policy in some manner related to Western nations defending their own interests.
However, such a depiction of this war as democracy vs authoritarianism is highly counter-productive and beneficial to Russia because it alienated non-democracies and prevented them from solidarizing with Ukraine and its democratic allies. Autocracies such as China, Saudi Arabia, India, and Iran, for instance, are surely not going to support the alleged democracy of Ukraine for that matter[+]. The thing is, only about half of the world’s countries are now democracies (democracy started to spread only after WWII). But when it comes to the number of people, 71% of the world's population do not live in democratic countries[+], mostly in Asia and Africa. So, they are surely reluctant to support such a cause of alleged saving democracy.
Both Russia and Ukraine are considered electoral autocracies[+] – the most prevalent type of political regime in the world with over 5,6 billion people living in such regimes.
Many European diplomats have been hesitant on the democracy-versus-autocracy framing but only for the pragmatic reason of not confronting a bloc of countries that oppose democratic systems. While the democracy-autocracy divide is set to become more consequential, NATO officials are exposing the insincerity of their backing of the supposed Ukrainian fight for democracy as well as their double-dealing by seeking deeper cooperation with authoritarian regimes to help counter Russia. If this war is supposed to be democracy-versus-autocracy how insane are NATO officials in soliciting autocratic governments to support an alleged democracy of Ukraine?! The United States and some European states have been reaching out to Gulf states to replace Russian gas and softening their positions toward oil-exporting Venezuela. The United States used up considerable political capital trying to get the Gulf states to condemn Russia at the United Nations. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to the Middle East to press the region’s authoritarian states into action against Russia.
The reality is, Ukraine's regime is an electoral autocracy and Ukrainians are NOT fighting for freedom and democracy, especially not for Europe's. No, Ukraine has not set out to protect Western civilization as it, in fact, ruined it trying to push its fascist agenda[*]. This will become more evident with more facts provided throughout this peace initiative. Their packaging of this war is just propaganda to get more financial, military, and humanitarian aid.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Reality Checks” segment. When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this series: Is Ukraine A Fascist And Terrorist State?
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Georgia is on the Asian side of the Caucasus mountains — the boundary between Europe and Asia is the Caucasus mountain
Plutocracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the wealthy classes; government by the rich. A political system governed by the wealthy people. Also, a controlling or influential class of rich men and women, whose power derives from their wealth.
many European leaders came to power through a scheme and not by the will of people — here are just a few examples but there are many more:
France[+][+] - Gabriel Attal became a PM in June 2024 despite losing it to a populist coalition and with only 24.5% of the votes. After him Michel Barnier was also appointed by Macron rather than elected in September 2024
Spain[+] - Pedro Sánchez remained a PM despite losing it to Feijóo and with only 31.7% of the votes
Poland[+] - Donald Tusk became a PM despite losing it to Morawiecki and with only 30.7% of the votes
Netherlands[+] - Dick Schoof became a PM despite no one voted for him and Geert Wilders winning the election
Bulgaria[+] - Nikolai Denkov remained a PM (came to power through a coalition) after all 3 attempts to form a government following the June 2024 elections failed and despite no one voting for him and him submitting the resignation in March 2024
WEF[+] — World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab is a billionaire club of far-left, globalist oligarchs with huge influence on world governments and UN; meets once a year in Swiss Davos. Agenda: the Great Reset, NWO, one world government, depopulation, CBDC...
WEF is just a proxy serving the interest of the globalist Jesuits (HQ Rome, near Vatican) via Jesuit-run CIA, as we explain in the article "Behind-The-Scenes Powerbrokers"[*]
One of Von der Leyen lies[+]: "the Russian economy, the industry is in tatters" but it turned out to be a lie as the Russian economy keeps growing while the EU economy and industry are in tatters
WEF has infiltrated in many governments and the UN[+][+] — One of the UN projects to achieve WEF Great Reset Agenda is The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Obscured by noble-sounding verbiage, hides a hideous truth - they want to take away our goods, such as electrical appliances, cars and even property rights
Anglo-Saxons[+] are originally pagan Germanic people who migrated from northern Europe and settled first in England and then also in the US (British royal familiy the Windsors are Germans)
Navalny never posed any threat to Putin as he was very unpopular in Russia – with his party, he had only around 2% liberal pro-West supporters who oppose Russian traditions and conservative values and as traitors team up with Russian enemies
radio stations[+] were not banned but as part of forced Ukrainization, since 2016, all radio stations, including those in Russian language, were forced to have 60% of programmes such as news and analysis and min. 35% songs in Ukrainian language
Since 2014 Maidan revolution, when a new US-propped anti-Russian regime came to power by force, 23 political parties have been banned in Ukraine, which clearly shows that there is no democracy there. In 2014-2015, Party of Regions and 3 communist parties[+] (the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Communist Party of Ukraine's Workers and Peasants, and the Reformed Communist Party of Ukraine) were effectively banned. Party of Regions[+] won the previous parliamentary election[+], so it was the most popular party at that time but the new Kyiv regime prevented it from running in new snap 2014 election by destroying it. The Communist Party (KPU) had been an important force in Ukrainian politics, polling 13 percent in the 2012 parliamentary elections[+]. Since March 2022, Zelensky regime banned 19 more political parties[+]!
Kyiv regime banned the use of Russian language in 30 spheres of public life – public administration, electoral process, referendums, courts, schools/education, science, theatres and other culture, media, economic and social life, health and care institutions, activities of political parties etc.; Ukrainian mandatory for civil servants, soldiers, doctors, and teachers – all of which is violation of human rights as well as the Article 12 of the Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership Treaty with Russia[?+ENpg.33].
The restrictive policies started since 2014 and culminated in 2019 with the language law that prohibits employees of restaurants, cafes, bars, shops, banks, hospitals and other similar institutions from talking to visitors in Russian language[+], the citizen can no longer contact or send letters to the officials and authorities of higher levels in Russian language; identity documents can no longer be issued in Russian language...
In a country in which 30%[+] of people – 14,3 million people declared Russian as their native language in the last national census; 8,3 million[+] of them identified as ethnic Russians, if your native language is Russian and you don’t speak Ukrainian, would you protest the regime that passes such laws? And if you protest it but you are called a “terrorist” because you protest it and government sends the National Guard packed with neo-Nazis to kill or terrorize you and all your family, friends, and neighbors, would you like to separate from that regime, or not?
Although 30%[+] of Ukrainians declared Russian as their native language in the last national census, even more or most of them – 50% of Ukrainian social media users posted in Russian language (46% in Ukrainian and 4% in English), as data collected[+] on Instagram showed in January 2022.
cronyism[+] is the spoiled system practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues, especially in politics and between politicians and supportive organizations — as opposed to awarding jobs based on merit or competence
martial law[+] is the substitution of civilian government for military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.
Article 19 of the Law “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”[+]: "In the conditions of martial law, the following are prohibited... conducting elections of the President of Ukraine"
Ukrainian Constitution (Article 83)[+]: "If the term of powers of the Verkhovna Rada expires while martial law is in effect, its powers shall be extended until the day of the first meeting of the first session of the Verkhovna Rada elected after the cancellation of martial law"
false campaign promises — Zelensky promised he would end corruption and war in Donbas, negotiate peace with Russia, as well as reconcile the country (pro-West and pro-Russian populace) but instead he did the opposite
the snap 2014 presidential election should have been invalidated by the UN for at least five main reasons:
1. Voter turnout was below the legal threshold, as according to Ukrainian law[+], a snap election must have a voter turnout higher than 50%, which was not the case – the total number of eligible voters was around 35.5 million but only around 18 million people cast a ballot, which was less than 50%. Mark Twain once famously said that there are three types of lies: “lies, damned lies, and statistics.” The Ukrainian authorities falsely and unlawfully presented voter turnout as 60% because they excluded the regions that were “not under government control” (Donbas and Crimea) although they claimed those regions as Ukraine. In the 2014 parliamentary elections, the official voter turnout (excluded some regions) was even lower, 52.42% – unlawfully deducting the eligible voters in areas where voting was not made possible. Calculating the turnout in such a manner was unlawful because no electoral regulation ratifies the exclusion of any region or eligible constituency under any circumstances! Government has a duty to ensure everyone the possibility to vote but the interim government of the time failed (and didn’t care) to do so for over 5,5 million eligible voters, who were discounted (certainly for the reason that they were sure to vote for pro-Russian candidates), which invalidates the legitimacy of those elections that should have been postponed until the possibility to vote was granted equally to everyone. Even by discounting millions of voters, the alleged turnout of 60% was much lower than the average voter turnout of 72% in previous presidential elections, so such a low turnout suggests some foul play in which many people obviously didn't want to participate – many people questioned the validity of the election. What is more, there is a dispute about what constitutes “not under government control” anyway because, at that time, there was no legitimate government, as the opposition undemocratically and unconstitutionally forced itself into the government position. Therefore, it could be argued that Donbas was indeed under democratically elected government control and all other regions were not. Furthermore, Ukraine continues to claim Crimea as an integral part of its territory but it has denied its people the possibility to vote in all elections – how can that be lawful? In summary, to our knowledge, regarding voter turnout count, no law allows disenfranchising or discounting or excluding any region or eligible constituency under any circumstances, therefore any such act is unlawful and so, by law, the voter turnout was then lower than 50%, which was below the legal threshold and therefore snap 2014 presidential election should have been invalidated. The US and EU were pleased with the election results because it suited their agenda, thus they and their allies quickly praised the election endorsing the vote. Draw your own conclusions about it.
2. Morally unacceptable electorate manipulations took place, such as administrative tricks to get more votes for a particular party, disenfranchisement, voter intimidation, disinformation, corruption, banning assault, harassment, and libel, as the election was restricted – it was not held everywhere in Ukraine – most ballot stations in regions with Russian ethnic minorities were not open for polling, as they legally should have been. Russian ethnic minority voters, that is, pro-Russian voters were hindered to vote. For instance, in the pro-Russian Donbas region, only 426 ballot stations were open for polling instead of all 2.430, disabling 80% of the Russophone Donbas population to cast a vote – this alone should have questioned the legitimacy of the elections.
3. Pro-Russian candidates were hindered to run for office – as opposed to all previous elections, there were no well-known pro-Russian candidates in the elections as the established Russian ethnic minority leaders were forced into exile or arrested on charges of leading a separatist movement (and after the elections cleared of charges in the absence of proof, which is telling of the political motive behind the arrestment). Ukraine's Pro-Russian candidate quit the presidential race[+] because it was too "dangerous" for him to continue his presidential campaign, as he was beaten by pro-Ukrainian activists in Kyiv. What kind of laws and constitution allows an ethnicity with millions of people to be unrepresented in the elections?
4. No equal chances for all parties – the pro-Russian Party of Regions was hindered to run presidential campaigns in many regions – it was the biggest party in Ukraine between 2006 and 2014. providing several Ukrainian Presidents and Prime Ministers but ahead of the 2014 elections, the party's symbol and activities were banned in many regions governed by ultra-nationalists, thus they were illegally prevented to campaign in those regions.
5. Corrupt election observation with biased international observers[+] – Ukraine only sent election monitoring invitations to the pro-EU monitoring organizations and not to the pro-Russian CIS Election Monitoring Organization. This was not only unfair but also intentional in order to cover up all the irregularities surrounding the elections. See also Election fraud in the 2014 Parliamentary Elections[+]
The Western community disregarded these issues of constitutionality and legitimacy of the 2014 election as well as its procedural irregularities because the results suited them, as a pro-EU government was then instituted.
It is most curious why and how Ukrainians elected no one better than Zelensky to be their president – a 41-year-young guy who was nothing but a vulgar[»] self-proclaimed[»][»][+] clown[»][»][»] just months before being elected in 2019. A guy who made his living by playing piano with his genitals[»][»][»], dancing shaking his bootie in high heels[»], and running naked in public spaces[»][ꚛ][+][ꚛ]. It makes us wonder how on Earth could Ukrainians choose a showman with no political and leadership education or experience to be their national and war leader and with a suspiciously high 73% of the vote[+].
Obviously, there is more than one reason but a majority voted for him because he was a Russian-speaking anti-war, pro-peace candidate, who promised to make peace with Russia. There was a war there since 2014 and most people wanted it to end, which he vowed to do but then went back on his word. How he convinced people is a psyop matter and most people voted for Zelensky only to vote against the then-President Poroshenko so as not to let him stay the president[+]. By voting for a newcomer most people did not vote for him but against the government of the Maidan revolution[+].
West installed a Jewish President — US-led NATO countries governments indirectly (through NGOs and US-based Jewish Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoyskyi) backed, funded, and endorsed Zelensky's presidential campaign
other major reason to have a Jew in power was to easily get him to sell Ukraine to Jewish-owned American businesses such as BlackRock, JPMorgan Chace, etc. This plan also worked as Zelensky handed the Jews from BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase a $400 billion contract[+] to rebuild Ukraine; they own[+][+][+][+] Ukraine anyway as they have grabbed much more Ukrainian land and natural resources than Russia has, after Zelensky approved a Land Reform allowing foreigners to buy land in Ukraine. The American Jews seized Ukraine by means of manipulation and exploiting Ukrainian corruption with bribing or blackmailing corrupt Ukrainian leaders or by installing their puppets into leadership positions – how else do you think that dilettante Zelensky came to power (with the help of Jewish Ukrainian oligarch living in the US, Kolomoisky)?! American Jews bought[+][+] Ukraine at a discount price and in a destroy-rebuild scheme[+] will earn even more if Russia allows it.
American Jewish asset management firm BlackRock is the richest company in the world -it is one of the top shareholders in all major U.S. banks, including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. It is also a top shareholder of Walmart, General Electric, General Motors, Ford, AT&T, Verizon, Google, Apple, Exxon Mobil and Chevron. BlackRock’s other large holdings include Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway, Gilead Sciences, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Merck, Intel, Coca-Cola, Walt Disney Company, Home Depot, Philip Morris, VISA, McDonald’s, Cisco Systems, PepsiCo, IBM, Oracle, Comcast, Lockheed Martin, MasterCard, Starbucks, Boeing and ConocoPhillips, along with thousands of other, smaller brands.
Biletsky was the founder of the notorious neo-Nazi Azov brigade in 2014 during NATO-funded and orchestrated Maidan revolution/coup that violently ousted democratically elected president Yanukovych and government