Mainstream Media Lies
Get familiar with main-stream media lies so that you do not foolishly rely on the untrustworthy media outlets. Beware of Presstitutes. True journalism is dead in the West and elsewhere
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Reading time: 37 minutes (or 39 with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the Intro to this “Beware of Propaganda” segment? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article.
Here we will prove how you have been fed lies by your government through mainstream media, which is controlled by the state and big corporations allied with state's interests. Besides, we also unpack these related topics:
And in a separate article “Writins On the Wall”[*], we provide a list with many samples of debunked mainstream media lies about the war in Ukraine (mistakes are one thing and lies quite another).
In the Western mainstream media, journalists often assume moral superiority over Russian colleagues whom they slam for lying but now we know they are hypocrites who project their own faults onto Russians. If you allow us, we will show you how your main news sources have been compromised and why you should get out of your “information bubble”.
Just think how predisposed the Western mainstream media is against Russia when they don't have a single ethnic Russian journalist among them, not even Russian correspondents reporting from Russia (the reports from Russia are done by non-Russians). By contrast, Russian state media outlets (e.g. RT News[»]) are packed with Western journalists[+][+][»][»][»][»][»][»][»] (currently 194 from NATO countries[+]) and the correspondents are always local journalists[»]. What does that say about diversity in Russia vs. NATO countries?!
Since this is the NATO proxy war against Russia[*][+], the Western public is being conditioned by one of the most aggressive propaganda campaigns ever mounted into accepting that this is a fight between good and evil, as well as democracy against autocracy. Ukraine President Zelensky is branded as a Marvel comic book superhero and Ukrainian armed forces are a force for good, engaged in an existential struggle against the absolute evil represented by Putin and Russia.
Intellectual rigor dictates that we reject such a reductive rendering of what is taking place, which is especially important when those most vigorous in pushing this one-sided narrative sit at the heads of governments whose own legacy of war crimes and atrocities are multitude, and which have a clear and vested interest in twisting the truth in pursuit of a specific agenda of Western hegemony and liberal democracy.
This is not of course to suggest that Russian forces have not or are not capable of engaging in propaganda and atrocities. Of course, they are. There are good as well as bad people everywhere and Russia is no exception. If you are searching for bad people in Russia, you are sure to find them but if you look for them, then, to be fair, look for them in Ukraine and NATO states as well. War is hell and those involved in it are brutalized beyond measure by the grotesque carnage they witness and find themselves engaging. This horrific dynamic is intensified still further when the kind of ideological and ethno-nationalist hatred that underpins this particular conflict is added to the mix.
Have you ever seen a one-sided coin? No? That’s because there isn’t one. The same is with conflicts – it takes two to tango; it takes two hands to clap. Both sides are responsible. But all the mainstream-media give us only one-sided view of the war, whereby they are in the business of deceiving us, which is why all intelligent and intuitive (rather than “educated”, brainwashed) truth-seekers and free-thinkers boycott them and get their news elsewhere (from independent channels on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Substack[+], and YouTube).
Let us start this topic by acknowledging there are two sides to every story. Both sides fight information battles against each other in this hybrid war and the rest of us are caught in between. We all consume propaganda from one or the other side and assume we are being told the truth when most of it is just lies used as weapons.
For us to come to the truth, we all need to learn to read between the lines of propaganda and use our own head to weigh in all the given info from both sides. Most people do not want to know the unpleasant truth, as it is more pleasing to feed ourselves only with what we want to hear, read, or watch. However, if the truth is unpleasant, it means there's something wrong with our beliefs. In reality, truth is divine, constructive, helpful, useful, beneficial, and productive. So, no need to be afraid to face the truth, even if it hurts due to our beliefs about it. Truth does not hurt when it is put in right context. Our prejudices are not a right context.
If you prefer to believe that Putin is and Zelensky and his allies (Biden, Stoltenberg, etc.) are good, or that Ukraine is the victim and Russia is the aggressor, or vice versa, then you might get upset whenever you are presented with something contrary to that narrative but only because you believe that narrative is right and good. We are not here to tell anyone who is right or wrong and good or evil but to present some undeniable facts that reveal the truth that no one has to be afraid of.
As it happens in all wars, your government and state-sponsored media are lying to you, regardless of what side you are on because it is their job to deceive the public to get the public support, they need to win the war. Without public support, no war has ever been won. The public consists of taxpayers who pay, vote, and hold guns. As the book “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu points out: "All warfare is based on deception.
State-sponsored media is not there to inform us but to form us or control us.[»]
Mainstream media is not there to inform us but to sell ads. And if their sponsors want them to plant stories, then they do it, otherwise, they could not exist (pay bills).
Most reporters do not report but speculate and interpret through their subjective, biased filters instead of being objective, violating the Code of Conduct for Journalists.
Since the public doesn't buy newspapers nearly as much as it did before the internet era, MSM1 is now sponsored mostly by states, directly or indirectly, advertisers, and some interest groups interested to spread the news that supports their interests. Unfortunately, there are still many people who pay to be brainwashed – by buying and reading non-independent publications, they invest their money and/or time to be programmed into taking the ruling class’s side.
Here is just one instance when a journalist admits to lying: German magazine Bild prominent journalist tweeted[+] he is ready to bend the truth if that helps the cause. Well, it is a rotten cause if it needs lies to be helped. Now you know you can't trust Bild. That journalist didn't even get fired for publicly admitting he lies in his reports. It's all you need to know that to this media, just like all Western mainstream media, a cause or an agenda or narrative matters more than truth – is this what you really want to support and waste your time reading/watching? Forgive us if we don’t base our peace initiative on the reports from the likes of those. American and European governments rely on people's ignorance to put out ridiculous narratives but luckily you have us and many other free thinkers to get you out of the ignorant camp.
Here[»] is just one of many instances proving how mainstream media and law enforcement work together to blatantly deceive us: when farmers were protesting for bio-diesel production in Germany, reporters from the German state TV channel ZDF infiltrated a guy with a sign saying “More Weapons and Money for UKRAINE” under the protection of police and presented the protest as “Protest for Ukraine”! Imagine how many other such instances are when mainstream media shamelessly lies to us! Since this is German state TV, every German household is obligated to pay 18,36€ monthly for it, no matter if you're watching it or not! They put you into jail if you don't pay.
The mainstream media lying is not accidental or incidental. It is intentional, pervasive, relentless, and reckless. It’s one of the reasons North-American and European foreign policy so often results in failure: it is so often premised on lies. Lawmakers consume mainstream media content falsely and naively believing it is all "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
“Censorship is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.” – Potter Stewart
Massive censorship is a hallmark of an totalitarian regime.
It is not just what lies or disinformation the Western authorities are telling us but what they are NOT telling us. The massive censorship. This is particularly the case with the war in Ukraine, as most Russian news channels have been censored (whatever intel leaked, it has been immediately advertised as “Russian propaganda” and removed) and we have not been properly told that the war was going on since 2014, which means that Russian SMO in 2022 was not an invasion but an intervention to end the war, and certainly was not “unprovoked” or “illegal” as we have been led to believe.
As Irish businessman and scholar specializing in small arms and munitions Chay Bowes (who was also called to speak[+] in the UN Security Council) said[+]:
“There's a reason the US and EU have decided we shouldn't hear what Vladimir Putin has to say. There's a reason they ban Russian News media, there's a reason they lie constantly about him and Russia. They are terrified you will realize he's telling the truth, and that they are lying.”
If you think that is wrong for Russia to censor Western media (that only demonizes Russia and its leader Putin), then you should also think it is wrong for your government to censor Russian media and hold them accountable but do you? Do you hold them accountable or you keep on trusting their narratives? If you think Russians should watch Western news media, then you should watch Russian news media, otherwise you are nothing but a hypocrite. Do not expect from others that which you yourself are not willing to do vice versa.
Unfortunately, most Western authorities in politics and media don't even know what the ancient “Golden Rule”[+] is, let alone live by it. This principle of treating others as one wants to be treated can be found in the tenets of most religions and creeds. “Do to others what you would want them to do to you”. Any society that integrates this rule into its culture need not be reminded of it, which is why a part of the solution for preventing wars in the future would be to do just that.
In the Western mainstream media that assumes moral superiority over Russian counterparts, there is much condemnation of censorship and the lack of free expression in Russia, which is pretty laughable considering that the West has censored or banned all Russian media outlets. Considering NATO's countless attempts at regime change in Russia (in 2011-2013[+], 2017/2018[+], 2019[+], 2021[+]) and all the smear campaigns of Putin and Russophobic content, no wonder Russia has blocked or censored NATO propaganda outlets but Russia has never done anything of the sorts (no smear campaigns or demonizing of Western heads of states, no Westernophobia or Americophobia), which is why there is no justification for Western authorities to censor not just Russian news but Russian culture (music, literature, philosophers, etc.), too.
There's a reason the US and EU have decided we shouldn't have free and easy access to Russian culture, including Russian literature, music, movies, documentaries, fashion, arts, ballet, circus, and cuisine. They are terrified we would realize how great Russian culture is and favor it over American culture! What would happen to the US and its exports’ profits if the world turns to Russia with its products and stops buying all American overpriced products and trash culture[+][+]? The only reason the US has managed to preserve hegemony is by censoring and demonizing others while idolizing itself as the “free world” so as to increase its overrated exports, cut the cost of imports (exploiting the natural resources of other countries by bribing foreign politicians), and weaponizing the dollar – all this is dwindling now.
Censorship is the enemy of truth, for it prohibits the free flow of diverse opinions and perspectives. Domineering governments (run by hegemonic globalists keen on world domination) and their media do this all the time as they conduct psyops on their gullible masses. The puppet masters decide the narrative they want to convey and anything that doesn’t fit that narrative gets left out of the frame. Reality is reduced to the view through a straw. This is profoundly deceitful and often, hard to detect.
The censorship in the West, especially in the NATO countries and Ukraine has been so massive that communist censorship pales in comparison (communists allowed Western movies and music whereas Western authorities do not allow any Russian culture). Our governments in the West, without our consent, have illegally censored or blocked Russian news and culture from us for more than a decade, whereby we have lost chance to benefit enormously from Russia, which is a great pity. How can it be normal that in Europe, our television is loaded with American news programs, shows, and movies but none from Russia, even though Russia is in Europe and the US is not?! How come every TV subscription in Europe includes CNN but not even a single Russian news channel[»] even though Russia is in Europe and the US is not?! It became a norm due to Americanization of Europe thanks to the corrupt European leaders who take bribes or fall for pressures from the US officials and corporate giants. In Europe, we have been bombarded with overpriced American gadgets and all kinds of trash culture from the US, as many American celebrities are real degenerates and immoral people, who are propped up into role models for a reason – to hurl us into dumbness so that we would obey the dumb or cunning leaders.
If you live in the West, just think about when was the last time you saw an original, real Russian movie or documentary, or heard Russian music, or read contemporary Russian literature? We don't mean from or about the US puppets like Navalny[+][+][»][»][+][»][ꚛ][+][+][»] or any other Russian traitors who work on the behalf of Western interests (you can tell that when the West gives them prizes, awards and such, and Russians give them nicknames such as Analny for bending over backwards to please the Western masters) but from true, authentic Russian people who are not doing as told by the Western puppet masters. Even long before alleged “Russian invasion”. If you are struggling to remember the times you experienced authentic Russian culture from Russian patriots rather than Russian traitors (who scorn at highly-popular Russian government any chance they get only so that they could get the power or bribes from the West), then you can be sure your government has failed you, it has deviously deprived you of your right to benefit from Russian culture.
“If you truly hate censorship then you will defend anyone that is unfairly censored. Everyone deserves their legal rights, even when they disagree with us. Protecting their rights protects ours.” – C.A.A. Savastano
“I noticed something peculiar when thinking about freedom. Everyone wants it but less are willing to extend the same freedoms to everyone. Seems inconsistent to me.”
– C.A.A. Savastano“You can't pick and choose which types of freedom you want to defend. You must defend all of it or be against all of it.” – Scott Howard Phillips
And it is not just Russian content that the self-acclaimed “free world” is censoring or depriving us from, or from knowing the truth. There are many other ones, such as the information on Israel crimes and Hamas, covid-19 (corona virus leak from the US-funded lab in Wuhan)...
Here are examples[+][+][+][+] of times Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon explicitly said they only passed censorship policies because they were threatened by the Biden government.
The Censorship-Industrial Complex: How Top Biden White House Officials Coerced Big Tech To Censor Americans, True Information, And Critics Of The Biden Administration – Interim Staff Report[+] of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the US Federal Government – exposing the Biden White House's pressure campaign and its devastating effects. “By suppressing free speech and intentionally distorting public debate…, ideas and policies were no longer fairly tested and debated on their merits.”
Reports from the Western independent media such as “Americans Are Being Led By a Lying Media and Corrupt Political Class”[+] are abundant enough for intelligent people to start to question the establishment's narrative. If there were enough intelligent people in the West, this war would be over by now because as soon as the West stops supporting Ukraine with its deceptive narrative, the Kyiv regime2 would have no other choice but to negotiate peace.
Here's evidence[»] from the horse's mouth about mainstream media lies – how whatever they reported, it used to be accepted as a fact but no longer as more and more people discover their lies. Speaking at the WEF's 2023 Davos summit, editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, Emma Tucker, bemoaned the death of public trust in the mainstream media: "We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well… If it said it in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, then that was a fact. Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news, and they're much more questioning about what we're saying."
It’s hilarious that she honestly believes that only her and her friends should be allowed to report the news. They killed their own credibility by deceiving people who now do not trust anything they say. Truth-seekers and free-thinkers no longer trust them because they can find holes in their narratives. But have they learned anything from it? Obviously not as they keep at it. The core issue with official news media may be their lack of independence, which has led to a significant loss of credibility. The shift in public trust is not just about the availability of alternative news sources but also about the perceived integrity and impartiality of these traditional outlets. When news organizations are seen as being influenced by external forces, be they political, financial, or otherwise, their role as unbiased informers is compromised. It's this erosion of perceived independence that has fundamentally undermined their credibility among the public. That and being caught lying too many times.
Amid all the hysteria of Western media, badmouthing Putin and Russia(ns), omitting key facts when inconvenient, it’s most important to understand the full spectrum of what’s happening and, above all, to think clearly in order to have all the information necessary when we seek to end this war and bring peace to Ukraine and Europe.
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.
If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.” – Mark Twain :)
Objective analyses of the war in Ukraine are hard to come by throughout the heated propaganda campaigns on both sides. As with all aspects of war, the fog of war is hard to penetrate and that's especially true in cyber-space. Most people are victims of “information bubbles” from either Russian or Western propaganda and many inside-the-box thinkers believe they understand exactly what's going on, not aware of being deceived, brainwashed, or indoctrinated. In times when information is hard to assess accurately, it is critical to be open-minded and resourceful rather than believe your sources just because they are yours or coming from your government.
The general rule is, metaphorically speaking, if one side’s group says it's raining and another says it's dry, it's not our job to quote them both. Our job is to look out the window and find out which is true. Arguing about whose sources are right and whose are wrong, what is real and what is not is like these toddlers[»][»] arguing whose mom knows better and who’s real. It is so precious and funny; everybody should see it :)
So, to back our peace initiative, along with facts and evidence, we offer different perspectives and put them into a broader perspective and context for a look at the big picture, which we hope will shed more light on it all and put most puzzles together to get a better idea of the whole war or C Ultimately, the goal is to provide the context, background, evidence, and analysis needed for the readers to make an informed judgment and decision about what to personally do to help end all atrocities and hostilities, shift in thinking from hatred to compassion, and come to a peaceful solution that is somewhat satisfactory to all belligerents.
This is an evidence or facts-based initiative, nonetheless, we don't pretend to know all the facts or the whole truth but we are sure about knowing a main solution, which is (although easy) not that simple, therefore, we needed to write a whole book on it to back up all the provisions of this peace initiative.
Confined in their “information bubble” controlled by the Western propaganda machine, most common people around the world were not even aware of why Russians attacked Ukraine nor were they even aware of the Ukrainian Civil War in Donbas 2014-2022[+][+][+] between the new US-puppet regime (installed through revolution) and Russian ethnic minorities because the NATO states-sponsored Western mass media deliberately concealed it all from the public[+][+][+].
In years leading to Russia's attack, casualties such as 14.400 killed, 54.000 wounded and 2,6 million displaced were gone unreported by NATO-backed Western mainstream media, as well as the crucial fact that Ukrainians were the aggressors and invaders at that time (in other words, Ukrainians started the conflict being under mind-controlling psyop[+][+] influence of the US, UK, and EU conducting a “divide and rule” ploy among Slavs) as they (mostly neo-Nazi battalions and paramilitaries backed by Kyiv regime and funded by the West) were tyrannizing Russian ethnic minorities, which is defined as ethnic cleansing or genocide by many experts (details provided in the article covering the Russian demand or goal of "Denazification" of Ukraine, in the article on Genocide[*]).
If you can visit just one link from this initiative, then let it be this one[»] with a video showing you why Russians had to intervene – the images that Western officials hid from all of us so as not to expose that Ukraine is the primary aggressor since previous President Poroshenko (2014-2019), with Russians being innocent victims of terror.
Propaganda is part of information warfare that is a key part of modern hybrid warfare and implies the use and management of information and communication technology in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent. It involves the manipulation of information without the target's awareness so that the target will make decisions against their interest but in the interest of the one conducting information warfare. In other words, the public (as well as other targets such as soldiers, politicians, etc.) is oblivious to being deceived and acting falsely on that information.
The side that is losing is forced to conceal the truth and lie. No need to lie when everything is going your way, right? So, when we notice that someone is trying hard to keep up appearances in a circus-like manner using showmanship, we know it is not real but just an appearance. We know we are lied to.
Also, if there is an effort to conceal some facts, or if high-officials are being warned about those who try to get the truth out of them, then we can be sure they are liars.
For instance, short after Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was pranked by Russian pranksters in November 2023, whereby she revealed[»] some truths that in the EU circles, there was “a lot of fatigue” with the Ukrainian conflict and that it was near “the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out,” a German mainstream media Bild3 issued[+] a warning of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to all German high-officials about the possibility of them being pranked, too. In other words, they warned all high-officials not to be fooled into telling truth! Otherwise, why to be afraid of a phone conversation, why such a public warning?!
Nevertheless, the warning of the German special services did not work – German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck fell[»] for their bait soon afterwards, although he did not reveal any confidential information. No shame in trusting.
If you enter a poorly lit room and there is a rope on the floor, you might think it is a snake, especially if you’ve been told or warned by pranksters about a snake being there. You might then run out and warn others about a snake in that room. This is what many people in the West do now with Russia or Putin. But if a friend with a lamp came along and asked you to go back to the room, would you do it? Probably not because you “know” there is danger lurking there. But what if a friend went there alone armed with a lamp and video camera and then showed you later that it was just a rope and not a snake, would you go back to the room? Surprisingly, most people say “no” because they are already preconditioned not to go there. Are you that person?
Anyone who tells the truth about the real situation on the battlefield and the history of this conflict gets slammed for being a Russian propagandist by American agents and those who can't handle the truth. Before you start suspecting that we are just disseminating Russian propaganda about the West allegedly using propaganda, hear it from a horse's mouth, a German pro-Ukraine reporter for Newsweek, Apple News, and French news organizations in Ukraine[+], former soldier Roland Bartetzko[+]. He wrote[+] that they are not reporting the full truth and to not lose accreditation, all media workers have to refrain from reporting the most important bits of news, such as “numbers of destroyed Ukrainian army material, numbers of killed Ukrainian soldiers, or pictures of the impact of Russian missile strikes”. He indicated that the job of all accredited Western journalists in Ukraine is not to inform the public or report the news but to maintain morale in the population and to deceive the enemy (not to give away sensitive information). Since when do foreign journalists work for a local government and have an enemy at all when on duty? If they see Russia as an enemy, how credible their reporting can be then?! Curating facts one considers unpleasant is the purview of ideology rather than empirical analysis. He also wrote that journalists like him are obliged to portray the Ukrainian military in a positive light, otherwise, they would not grant him access to conduct interviews with soldiers and to report from the frontline. If Western journalists like him are just reporting what Ukrainian authorities allow or want them to report, then surely you will agree that they are not journalists or reporters but shameful propagandists, a tool of the Kyiv regime. He wrote that CNN is maybe the most extreme case of a Ukrainian propaganda tool. According to him, due to CNN's compliance, they are privileged and enjoy maximum access to the military in Ukraine (they even get to ride on army helicopters into the war zones). He wrote that no other news organization comes even close to CNN's level of access and that's just because they fully obey Kyiv's orders on what to report and what not to. How credible is then CNN's reporting?! Of course, with special access, they can make breaking (fake) news, fascinating pictures, and interesting reports (however one-sided, biased, and defective), which gives the false appearance of their superiority and credibility over other media outlets that are more genuine (unwilling to spread Kyiv's and NATO’s false narratives).
Even one of the leading Ukrainian propagandists, TV presenter and journalist Aleksey Pechiy from Ukrainian TV channel 24 admitted[+] that his primary goal as a journalist was to “shape the audience's attitude to certain events.” Not to “unbiasedly report the true events”, not to “tell the truth”, not to “honor journalistic ethics and standards” but to “shape the audience's attitude to certain events.” So, think about how reporters like him have shaped your attitude about the war in Ukraine, Russians and Putin.
If you need more convincing about Western propaganda from a journalist, here[»] is another one from Germany, Udo Ulfkotte4, who admitted in 2017 how the US intelligence agencies are influencing the media in other countries and how he and his colleagues deliberately planted lies and stories against Russia. According to Ulfkotte, the CIA and German intelligence (BND) bribe journalists in Germany to write pro-NATO propaganda articles, and it's well understood that one may lose their media job if they fail to comply with the Western agenda. This is part of a larger pattern of media corruption he described in his book that was released under the title Presstitutes, alleging the press to be prostitutes and American agents. He blew the whistle because he feared a greater escalation was underway that would destroy Europe by the US. He was killed in 2017[+][+]. His worries turned out to be justified as he proved that the US was planning the war in Europe against Russia years ahead.
In Germany, the so-called press is little more than a deputized press office for NATO, and by extension the Washington regime and the liberal ideology that it acts as a fountainhead to[+]. From Der Spiegel to Die Welt, modern German media has its genesis in the rubble of the Second World War, where publications were founded for and sometimes by the occupying Allied forces. Each outlet had to apply to get a license from the Allied command to operate, no different than the Soviet bloc. Almost 80 years on and the modern German press pack follows in this lineage through the Cold War and into this NATO's proxy war[*][+] against Russia.
There are many other reports[+][+] of violations of free speech or reporting with journalists having their credentials threatened, revoked, or denied over charges they’ve broken rules imposed by Ukrainian authorities and run by press handlers after they showed some bits of the real situation or reported about Ukrainians using banned cluster munitions (from the beginning), or interviewed Crimeans telling how happy they are after joining Russia. Also, all reporters in Ukraine are obliged to take lie detector tests to prove they aren't Russian agents. What?!
The consequences for journalists who break Ukrainian rules can be much more serious than the loss of credentials. For example, many journalists[+][+][+][+] have been added to the Myrotvorets website[+], which is a public kill-list run by the Ukrainian government (secret services SBU)[+][+] (funded by the CIA and hosted by NATO).
· The US State Department openly criticized Myrotvorets in a 2016 report[+] on the human rights situation in Ukraine because people put on that list subsequently received death threats and were subjected to significant online harassment
· Human Rights Watch denounced[+] Myrotvorets’ actions and pointed out that “irresponsible comments and behavior of this kind are a threat to the safety of journalists and human rights defenders and a violation of their right to privacy.”
· The UN Committee on Human Rights in their report[+] on the human rights situation in Ukraine called on Ukrainian authorities to carry out a quick and effective investigation into alleged violations and remove personal data from the Myrotvorets website.
· In a resolution[+] in 2021, the EU Parliament urged authorities in Kyiv to “firmly condemn and ban the operations of extremist and hate-incentivizing groups and websites, such as Myrotvorets, which incite tensions in society and misuse the personal data of hundreds of people, including journalists, politicians and members of minority groups.”
· Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice condemn[+] it for violating numerous UN resolutions on human rights and the safety of journalists endangering the lives of hundreds of journalists and freedom of expression.
· The Schiller Institute and the Executive Intelligence Review published[+] a presentation calling Ukrainian nationalists publication Myrotvorets a legalized terrorist organization in Ukraine, created on the initiative of a former freelance advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. They claim that it not only violates a number of international agreements and laws, but also endangers the lives and safety of everyone who found themselves on the Myrotvorets firing list.
The journalists whose personal information was published by Myrotvorets are labelled as collaborators for the Russian separatists. Many of them have received death threats as a result. This caused a reaction by a number of international organizations and media. Many journalists were already “liquidated” after being listed on Myrotvorets site (e.g., Italian photojournalist Andrea Rocchelli[+][ꚛ], Russian journalist Andrei Mironov[+][+], Russian war correspondent Daria Dugina[+][ꚛ], Oles Burzina, Grigory Nemtsov, etc.[+][+]), as well as others, some attempts failed[+]. However, it has become a badge of honor among those opposed to Ukraine’s regime when they are included on the Myrotvorets site, as they make claims such as “it proves I must be doing something right and courageous”.
Many other war correspondents have been persecuted and jailed for opposing Kyiv's narrative (e.g., a Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira[+][+][+] who was tortured to death in prison, Ukrainian journalists Anatoly Shariy[+][+][+][+], Ruslan Kotsaba[+][+], and Diana Panchenko[+][+][»], Spanish journalist Pablo González[+], etc.).
Russia's President Putin[+] and Ukraine's President Zelensky are often the subjects of conspiracy theories, which makes it a titillating topic for sure. It also makes it more difficult to separate fact from fiction, even in some of the conventional coverage of the war. For example, you might have heard that Zelensky is a drug-addict while Putin eats human brains[+][»], who one day woke up at the advanced age of 70 and decided out of the blue (totally unprovoked) to invade Ukraine because he wants to be an emperor of the whole of Europe, so he won't stop there[»][»] as he is, you know, an evil megalomaniac (unlike NATO globalists, of course), who is also “a vampire who bathes in the blood of children”, as condescending then-Ukraine’s spokesperson[»] wants us to believe. In the First World War, the Germans were accused of sticking babies on their bayonets in Belgium, and in the First Gulf War, the Iraqis were accused of taking babies out of incubators in Kuwait. Many people believed this nonsense. Just as they believe all the nonsense about Putin and Russians nowadays.
Putin was Time magazine's "Person of the Year" in 2007 and was a runner-up for the same title again in 2014 (actually, Putin was a de facto Person of the Year, as the first and second place went to groups of people rather than a person – Ebola fighters and Ferguson protesters)[+] as well as nominated and shortlisted for the title multiple times including 2022[+] and 2023[+] (unlike Zelensky, Biden and any EU leaders who were not nominated, despite Time magazine being pro-Ukraine American news magazine) but now, echoing his hater Navalny's[+] words, the same publication deems him a dictator and evil madman[+][+] as if he suddenly, for no reason, grew horns, despite putting him on the list of most influential leaders of 2022[+].
While on the subject of Time magazine's "Person of the Year", let us not forget that also Zelensky got that title in 2022 even though he has refused all peace proposals and escalated a conflict into a war, there was an absurd campaign[+][+][+] for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.
And the American news magazine TIME named him Person of the Year[+] in 2022 even though he got only 6% of the vote. Raise your brow if this sounds ridiculous. All he has done is prevent peace (signed a decree[+][+] prohibiting Ukraine from negotiating peace with Russian President Putin) and beg for killing machines. TIME magazine also awarded Adolf Hitler with the same title in 1938[+] and put him on his cover in 1933[ꚛ], which is telling of this magazine's ability to distinguish the good guys from the bad ones. Perhaps he is a good guy but clearly not a good leader. As an average guy with no experience or education in leadership, politics, and diplomacy, competent is not the word we would use to describe him and even less epithets such as “smart”, “wise”, or “brave”[*]. Meanwhile, Zelensky went from Time 'Person of the Year' to 'Emperor with No Clothes'. In 2023, he was not even nominated while Putin was (lost it to Taylor Swift for some unworthy-of-mention reason).
The Wall Street Journal (a.k.a. War Street Journal) acknowledged[+] in mid-November 2023 that the narratives it’s been pushing for months – of a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, a possible coup in Moscow, the Russian economy, the industry in tatters[+] – are “Magical Thinking.” In other words, their coverage has been a fraud.
Who Runs the World of News and Controls Our Minds
"There are about 5 editors who decide what gets put on the front page. Is that what we want? Do we want a handful of people to decide what they think is important? Or should it be that the people decide what's important?” – Elon Musk[»]
About 15 billionaires[+] and six corporations[+] own most of the US media.
For decades the media has fallen under the ownership of a few corporations who through their editorial control have created a socially engineered construct which represents a fabricated version of reality. In order to maintain this artificial illusion the media exercises a program of censorship of all news and events of importance and often replaces the truth with lies, distortion, distraction, and omission. The media thereby create a false version of reality in order to keep the public compliant and controlled.
Keep in mind that almost all newspapers and TV channels in the world use Reuters and the Associated Press as sources, which, like The Economist were owned (the largest shareholders) and are still covertly controlled by the secretive Rothschild Family[+][+][+][ꚛ] through their proxies, a Zionist family whose head investment banker Jacob Rothschild claimed: “My family created Israel”[»][»], stealing the land from Palestinians. As with a great many things controlled by the Rothschild empire, you will find no direct link of proof connecting ownership directly to them. That said, with conspiracy theories running wild and Jacob Rothschild getting old and dying in February 2024 with no equal heir to the throne to replace him and his scheming, they lost the plot, which is why plotters are getting exposed and more and more truth is coming out.
It is worth mentioning that all major Western media outlets (news and entertainment, including Hollywood) are owned and run by Jews[ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][ꚛ][+][+][ꚛ], which is a rather odd and precarious circumstance because they are in a position to push an agenda or narrative that is advantageous to Jews and disadvantageous to their rivals and enemies. That is not to say that they designed the narrative about the war in Ukraine even though they control the narrative.
There is another force such as a Jesuit-schooled ruling class or a so-called “Deep State” (shadow government controlled by the CIA[»]) that gives orders to the media corporations, especially in times of a war, which is ordained through the well-coordinated mechanisms of behind-the-curtain maestro or kingmaker (gray eminence, the Jesuit black pope). This is not a place to give details about the Judeo-Jesuit scheme (a.k.a judeo-masonic plot, global cabal, scheming alliance, etc.) but in the segment on the EU's role in this war, in the coming article on Behind-the-Scenes Powerbrokers[*], we will explain the role of Jesuits and how, in searching for root causes of war in Ukraine, all roads lead to Rome (Jesuits HQ).
Russia is the most conservative country in Europe and among the white people the only major power challenging[+] the expansion of neoliberal or ultraliberal values (aimed at “The Great Reset”[+] – depopulation, deindustrialization, digitalization, globalization – the creation of one world state – a global government run by the Jesuits, a.k.a. Freemasons and Illuminati) of the globalists, which is why globalists despise Russia. Globalist agenda stems from Jesuits and is pushed through hundreds of Jesuit-run schools, universities, and scholarships around the world, mostly in the US. As long-time missionaries, educators, and preachers, Jesuits have mastered mind control techniques.
When it comes to Jewish media moguls, with an alarming rise of antisemitism[+][+] (escalated during the pandemic as it turned out that Jews run most major Covid-19 institutions and are top vaccines profiteers[ꚛ][+]), Zionists/Jews needed to divert or convert neo-Nazis’ hatred from Jews toward anyone else and so reduce the danger of being their victim again. However, it backlashed, as oblivious to God's or Yahweh's law of sowing and reaping and Torah Proverbs 26:27[+]: “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them,” this anti-Russian Jews’ actions backfired big time in October 2023, when Palestinians attacked Israel and Israel's president said[»] "Not since the Holocaust have so many Jews been killed in one day."
As Zionist Jews thought of the ways to counter rising antisemitism and neo-Nazi movement, the most obvious place to counter the threat was in the eye of the storm. Ukraine is the world's and certainly Europe's number-one hub for neo-Nazis with Kyiv being the capital of the neo-Nazi scene, where they like nowhere else in the world infiltrated governmental positions, receive state funds for their projects, run boy-scouts and children's summer camps[»], hold festivals ("Banderstadt Festival of Ukrainian Spirit", annual Asgardsrei festival in Kyiv[+][+], etc – most neo-Nazi music festivals are closely guarded secrets but not the ones in Ukraine) and have the largest number of members (neo-Nazi Svoboda party had over 2 million voters in 2012[+] and the number of Bandera followers[*] surpass that party).
And the most convenient substitute for hatred of Jews was hatred of Russians (American rival), because the second most-hated ethnic group by neo-Nazis is Russia as it was Russians who defeated Nazis in the WWII, who stormed Berlin and got Hitler to commit a suicide and Nazis to capitulate. Grandchildren of the Eastern European Nazis or Nazi collaborators are waging their revenge to this day. But the irony is, Russia saved the Jews from Nazis and, instead of being grateful to Russians, ungrateful Jews (media moguls) are thanking Russians by waging an informational war against their motherland Russia. All those Holocaust victims must be turning in their graves seeing their grandchildren being nasty to their savors. Moreover, silly Jews are now backing Ukraine in this propaganda war, despite the fact that it was Ukrainian forefathers who were collaborating with Nazis and committing atrocities against Jews in WWII and their descendants who call themselves Bandera followers[*] are now glorifying those Jews-killers by calling them heroes, naming streets after them, erecting monuments and opening museums in their honor, teaching schoolkids that they were heroes, etc.
Therefore, no wonder, dishonorable Jews got spanked by God or Yahweh or Allah (rather than Russians) in October 2023 via those from whom the Jews stole land in 1948. Just like Ukraine, Israel might lose their land5 due to stupidity of harming their historical good-doers. Jews are now double indebted to Russia and until they redeem themselves, they will be doomed according to universal laws, even though gracious Russians hold no grudges and wish no harm to them in any way.
After Russia paid off all debts of the Soviet republics in 2017[+], Putin declared[+][+][+][+][+] “total independence” from international banking organizations privately controlled by the Rothschild family and ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar - “Our future generations will be born without Rothschild chains around their wrists and ankles.” So, Jewish or Zionist Western mass media and entertainment industry planted Russophobic content with character assassination of Putin and smear campaigns against Russia in general. They also undertook a total blockade of Russian content and culture, save for giving a platform to those who blemish Russia, like US-puppet Navalny[+][+][»][»][+][»][+] and all other neoliberal anti-government and anti-Putin opposition figures. If you live in the West, just think about when was the last time you saw a Russian movie or documentary, read a Russian book, heard Russian music, or heard anything positive about the true, authentic Russians (not Russians who are US-puppets like Navalnys or other Russian traitors who are doing as told by the Western puppet masters) from the local authorities. Certainly, more than a decade or two, right?
So through media mind control, Jews turned Banderites’6 hatred away from them and onto Russians by turning Banderites into extreme Russophobes and giving them media space to promote their cause and live out their hatred by killing Russians rather than Jews. It may be a survival instinct for them, so no need to vilify them.
Watch here[»] a video with hard facts & testimonies that the West & the Kyiv regime prefer to hush up – how it started, escalated, and how Kyiv has killed civilians.
Mainstream Media Unreliability
We caught countless Western mainstream media discrepancies and flips that prove how unreliable and incompetent they are. We did not note them down as they occurred, which is why we only have just a few random evidence, which might suffice to those who caught them flip their narratives as well on occasion:
· Forbes first wrote[+][+] in May 2023 that the British Challenger 2 tank will be able to break through Russian defenses and then in March 2024 that it is an unsuitable tank for Ukraine.
· Some media cited Zelensky[+] in November 2022 that “the Russian Army is degrading fast, no longer even 22nd in the world”, and then in March 2024 that “Putin wants to completely destroy Ukraine, without US help we will lose”.
· BBC first wrote[+][+] in late-August 2022 that Moscow accusation of Ukraine for Darya Dugina murder was fiction, and then couple months later in October 2024 that US intelligence said Ukrainians were behind Dugina killing.
· British Telegraph run a headline[+] in 2023 that “In defeat, Vladimir Putin is becoming desperate” and year later: “Putin is close to victory. Europe should be terrified.” What changed or happened in one year that they never reported?
· New York Times: The CIA has no idea what's happening on the ground in Ukraine. New York Times, 17 days later: Ukraine is full of CIA personnel.[+]
The Telegraph flips — Putin's Russia collapse in July 2023[+] to Putin's Russia is closing in on a victory in December 2023[+]:
Again The Telegraph flips — desperate defeated Putin in November 2022[+] to one year later in December 2023: Putin is close to victory[+]:
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Beware of Propaganda” segment so far covering Intro, Zelensky’s Lies and “Putin's lies”.
When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this “Beware of Propaganda” series: Writings On The Wall
main-stream media
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Bild[+] is a German tabloid newspaper published and owned by a libertarian, pro-Jews, pro-Israel, pro-American, CIA-funded German publishing house Axel Springer, which also owns Business Insider, Politico, Die Welt, German edition of Rolling Stone
Udo Ulfkotte[+] was a political journalist for the German main daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He wrote a book titled "Presstitutes" (Bought Journalists: How Politicians, Intelligence Agencies and High Finance Control Germany’s Mass Media)
Ceasing to exist as a state is not a bad thing though, because states are usually based on ethnicity rather than religion, so Jews can live happily ever after in any state they choose.
Banderites are Bandera followers or neo-Nazis – followers of Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera[+][+] who was a convicted murderer, a WWII war criminal, and an anti-Semite leader of the ultranationalist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its paramilitary wing, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)[+][+][+] with Nazi ideology collaborating with Nazi Germany in executing ethnic cleansing & genocide of Jews and other perceived subhumans including Slavs, Gypsies, gays, etc. massacring around 100.000 civilians in World War 2. After the war, Bandera collaborated with CIA and MI6 against the Soviets until a KGB agent assassinated him in 1959.
Bandera has millions of followers (Banderites) in Ukraine today, especially in military and police forces, as well as former (2014-2019) President Poroshenko[+][+][+][+][+] and former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Zaluzhny[+][+][+][+]. Despite the world condemnation, millions of modern day Ukrainians glorify Bandera and his neo-Nazi followers as national heroes and since 2014 revolution, new Kyiv regime has installed hundreds[+] of monuments of WWII Nazi collaborators, including 40 monuments[+][+] just of Bandera and not one but 5 museums[+] dedicated to him, as many as 94 streets[+][+], 2 avenues[+], 5 lanes[+], and bridges were renamed after him, issuing postage stamps[ꚛ] with his portrait, and he was named an honorary citizen of many western Ukrainian cities. Since 2014, more than a thousand settlements and more than 50.000 streets have been renamed after those Nazi collaborators in Ukraine[+] – in 2022 alone, 237 streets, squares, avenues and boulevards were renamed just in Kyiv. In May 2015, they passed a law[+][+] that gave the OUN-UPA Banderites the honorary status of "fighters for independence" of Ukraine, making it also a crime to “publicly exhibit a disrespectful attitude” toward them, and in December 2018, they gave the original Banderites (1.201 people) a full recognition and the status of veterans[+][+] with all the benefits, such as the right to social security, and accolades. Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] glorify them while all other countries in the world consider them war criminals. And they teach[»][»] school-kids to be and salute like neo-Nazis and to hate and kill[»] Russians.