The Celestial Powers
As one of Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine are not just earthly but also celestial powers. Spiritual warfare is more powerful than military warfare.
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Reading time: 31 minutes (or 38 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. The topic of this article is spread through six articles, this one being the third in this series/segment (read the first one, please).
Let's start this article with an American MAGA1 joke, shall we?
Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin all died and, as former world leaders, were being given a tour of hell. While there, they saw a red phone and asked what the phone is for. The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. Zelensky asks to call Ukraine and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Zelensky writes him a check. Next Putin calls Russia and talks for 30 minutes. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is 6 million dollars, so Putin writes him a check. Finally, Biden gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00. When Putin hears this, he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Biden got to call USA so cheaply. The devil smiled and replied: "Since Biden took over, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call." :)
When we discuss the Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine[*], we include here the celestial powers (besides the sorry state of Ukraine, omens, history lessons, level of consciousness, and side-effects, not to mention the realities on the battlefields).
Celestial powers can be phrased also as heavenly, Godly, supernatural, otherworldly, ethereal, astral, cosmic, or many other synonyms. The point is that there are other invisible forces beyond visible ones (humans, animals, and natural phenomena) that influence and impact the world and life, which should not be overlooked but taken into consideration.
Spiritual warfare
Before we get into the celestial powers as the indicators of who will win the war in Ukraine, let's also mention that celestial powers are also warfare, a.k.a. spiritual warfare in the fight between good and evil forces (we do not mean good and evil people as all people have both good and evil force in them, no person is pure evil).
Spiritual warfare[+][+] is the Christian concept of fighting against the evil forces by spiritual means, such as the exorcistic prayers, exposing lies, the Armor of God[+][+] (truth, righteousness, readiness, peace, faith, the Spirit, the word of God, prayer), guardian angels... It is based on the biblical belief in evil spirits, or demons, that are said to intervene in human affairs in various ways. Some Christian denominations believe that Satan and his agents exert significant influence over the world and its power structures, based on passages such as 1 John 5:19[+] ("the whole world is under the control of the evil one") and John 12:31[+], John 14:30[+] and John 16:11[+], where Jesus refers to Satan as "the prince of this world" as well as “a liar and the father of lies” in John 8:51[+].
In the Bible, written to the Greek Ephesians 6:10-18[+], Apostle Paul addresses spiritual warfare and how to combat spiritual attacks; "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Spiritual warfare is a type of warfare in which Russians have an overwhelming superiority and therefore they already won the war before they even began it. With the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill[+] and the rest of the clergy[+][+][+], who are blessing[»] Russian soldiers and their equipment all the time, Russian army is at the advantage over Ukrainian army whose UOC priests do not bless but condemn[+] and curse[+] Ukraine's President Zelensky and his regime. There is not a single charismatic religious or spiritual leader that is siding with Ukraine to match the spiritual power of Patriarch Kirill and his army of priests and angels. This is not Putin's war as much as it is Kirill's “holy war”2. In this article, we explain and prove why God, angels, and spirits (of ancestors) are on Russia's side.
NATO and Ukrainians have superiority in cognitive or information warfare but such warfare can never match the spiritual warfare due to a simple reason: it (propaganda) is used to lie and deceive. Truth always finds a way to come out and expose the lies. Dark forces can never ever beat the light forces. Like when you enter a dark room, all you have to do is switch a light on and the darkness will be gone in an instant. Dark forces or darkness can only reign where there is no light but as soon as light is “switched on”, darkness has no force, no power, nothing – it disappears. No one switches the darkness on but light off – all who find themselves in the darkness, it's because they switched the light off, as simple as that. This applies everywhere, including in both human world and life: the light forces are our virtues (constructive modes of consciousness) besides God, Christ, and Holy Spirit, as well as God's messengers such as God's words written in holy Scriptures and angels but also the spirits of our helpful ancestors (many of which can be part of dark forces, like Nazi ancestors who turn their descendants into neo-Nazis).
Lies, among other things, are dark forces, which lose all power (over people) when truth is revealed. Those who lie or have to lie to survive are held captive by dark or evil forces falling into a devil's trap. There is no amount of cognitive or information warfare that can save them, just prolong their misery. Spiritual warfare using truth is more powerful than any lie just like light extinguishes any darkness.
Another A prominent Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin explains in this video[»] how Russia fights against Antichrist. Since 2014, the concept of the "Russian World" has gradually begun to establish itself in Russia as a distinctly Russian ideology, historically and civilizationally rooted, and characterized by an Orthodox Christian eschatological vision with metaphysical, historical, and eschatological pillars of this worldview. These dimensions drive Russian geopolitics and millennia-old Russian civilization, which the events from 2014 in Crimea and then in Ukraine, have only awakened. This Russian awakening manifests particularly through an uncompromising opposition to Western hegemony and the reign of the Antichrist.
Perhaps many readers disregard the issue of God's mercy and celestial power, so we need to enlighten them about that, as well as cater to those who highly regard God's will and mercy. Many people doubt the existence of God in times of war and other crisis because they can't comprehend an almighty God allowing such cruelty. But cruelty is part of God's justice, more exactly God's laws (such as sowing and reaping, reciprocity, non-resistance, etc.). Merciful God does not punish anyone; it is God's laws that do it. In other words, people do it onto themselves by being cruel, and children suffer for their parents’ sins or their own sins from the past life3. No one dies anyway, according to most or all spiritual teachings about reincarnation or rebirth or everlasting life in heaven or hell (on Earth) based on karma/previous deeds. Innocent killed beings just go to heaven (either back on Earth or elsewhere), which is not a bad thing and sending them there is not evil. The date of birth and death is predetermined by God's laws, so no “evil” men can take it upon themselves to beat God to it. What is evil are torturing, raping, child trafficking, organ trafficking, bioweapons labs, etc. – all of which is conducted by those who want us believe they are morally superior to Russians.
Why God Is on Russia’s Side
God is on Russia's side because Ukrainian leaders, especially Ukrainian illegitimate president Zelensky wants to kill God[»], according to Diana Panchenko[+][+][»], one of the most popular Ukrainian journalists, once Journalist of the Year in Ukraine and Ukraine’s top 10 most influential women but now persecuted by Kyiv regime4.
He also lied[+][+] that “Ukrainians are God’s chosen people”, “God is an ally of Ukraine in the conflict with Russia”, and “God has a chevron with the Ukrainian flag on his shoulder” — despite Zelensky’s crackdown on the Orthodox Church. Jesus said that devil is a liar (John 8:44[+]), which would also mean that a liar is a devil. Read here a list of other Zelensky’s lies.
Like we already wrote in the Intro[*] of this segment on Indicators of who will win the war in Ukraine, where we also gave some historical examples, the Bible tell us who will win this war in 1 John 5:4-5[+]: “Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
“for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
God is on Russia's side because Russian leader Putin believes that Jesus is the Son of God, Ukrainian leader Zelensky as a Jew doesn't. Also, collectively, more Russians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, which is why they will win or already won the war even before they begun it. Whoever does not believe it, believes then that Jesus was a liar (when he claimed that he was the Son of God), which is the work of Satan and so indicates that all such people are deceived by Satan. As such, they, as part of dark forces, have no chance of defeating the forces of light who side with Christ.
Putin is religious (a devout Orthodox Christian) while Zelensky is not (he is a Jew by ethnicity, not religion). Putin is regularly seen praying and going to church, while Zelensky not (he meets rabis and priests only to get something from them or for propaganda purposes). Putin praises the Son of God while Zelensky denies Jesus’ as the Son of God.
Not just President Putin but most of Russian people believe in God and are religious, while more and more Ukrainians turn away from God and do not follow God’s commandments and pray regularly. While Ukrainian authorities make all kinds of PR stunts without any reference to God, Russian Ministry of Defense publishes powerful videos about religious, praying, and blessed fighters defend their Motherland, like this:
In this conflict, high priests from the local religion are on the Russian side, including the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill5[+] and the rest of the clergy[+][+][+], who are blessing[»] Russians and their equipment all the time while Ukrainian Orthodox Church priests do not bless but condemn[+] and curse[+] Ukraine's President Zelensky and his regime. This in itself is very telling about who is good and who is evil in this conflict as well as who is likely to win this war if we believe that God is in charge.
Just like the pleas from terrorized ethnic Russian Donbas residents in 2014-2022, also the pleas of the priests and parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) to the international community and the UN[+][+][+] in defense of Orthodoxy in Ukraine are being ignored so far everywhere but in Russia and celestine spheres. So far, the UN only talks[+] about but does nothing about it. Perhaps the UOC priests and parishioners need the backing of student protests like Buddhists in Vietnam in the 1960s to be heard so as to stop backing such a cruel regime and overthrow it.
A Ukrainian warrior and parishioner quoted[+] the words of St. John Chrysostom: “There is nothing stronger than the Church of Christ. Whoever wants to fight it will inevitably perish.” According to it, Zelensky the Anti-Church-of-Christ will perish because he or his regime persecutes and bans the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Let's see evidence that God is on Russia's side. This is corroborated by at least six types of evidence (two of which we explained in other, separate segments):
1. Russia's victorys[*] (God is the one who always determines the victors)
2. Countless omens[*] in favor of Russia
3. Russian Orthodox Church is main Putin's ally and is blessing Russian military
4. Ukrainian Orthodox Church is siding with Russia
5. Catholic Pope did not condemn Russia but praised it and its President
6. Kyiv regime is disrespecting and harming God's representatives
First two poins are explained and evidenced in separate articles, which is why we do not explain them here but give links to them. Here are the explanations and evidence for each further point:
3. Russian Orthodox Church is main Putin's ally and is blessing Russian military
This is another indicator that God must be on Russia's side. The main Russia’s God's representative, Patriarch Kirill6[+] of the Russian Orthodox Church and the rest of the clergy[+][+][+] are one hundred percent behind President Vladimir Putin[+], Russian Armed Forces, and SMO7 , blessing them all the time[»][»][ꚛ] because they are convinced that they are fighting a “holy war” against the evil8 in Ukraine, doing their duty to protect the motherland and following the orders of the authorities.
➡ Like it says in the Bible, God commands killing the murderers or reciprocal justice:
o Exodus 21:23–27[+]: “But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”
o Levitcus 24:19-20[+]: “Anyone who injures their neighbor is to be injured in the same manner: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The one who has inflicted the injury must suffer the same injury.”
o Deuteronomy 19:21[+]: “Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”
Jesus came to fulfill that Law, not to abolish it[+] as some falsely believe by wrongly interpreting his words[+], which in fact distinguish between non-resistance and justice through authority, as we explain below.
o Genesis 9:5-69[+]: “And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being. Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.”
Since April 2014[»], on orders of Kyiv unelected authorities that came to power by force, brigades of the Ukrainian National Guard, packed with neo-Nazis, have been murdering innocent (non-murderers) people and since justice was not served, Russian authorities, including the Patriarch Kirill[?+] of the Russian Orthodox Church
➡ like God commanded His people (Moses[+], Joshua[+][+], Saul[+][+], David, and many others) to kill the aggressors of their folk in warfare. Sometimes God even commanded[+][+] the unmerciful annihilation of whole evil nations (the Canaanites and Amalekites) and even did the mass killings Himself (The Flood[+], Sodom and Gomorrah[+], Egyptian firstborn sons[+], and more[+]). The Bible often praises the killings in legitimate battle. For instance, one of king “David's mighty warriors”[+] is credited with killing 800 men with the spear[+], and another is credited with killing 300 men[+].
➡ like Hindu Krishna in Bhagavad Gita[+] advised commander Arjuna to obey his king and the law by fighting the war against his wicked, aggressive, power-hungry relatives because it was his duty as a commander and of a warrior caste to fight without reluctance in the time of war, to follow orders of his king who has full authority. Arjuna had no authority to make decisions whether to fight or not for the state; his authority lied in commanding his troops to fulfill the orders of authorities as it was their duty.
In contrast, Ukraine's President and his folk get no such blessings but only curses as they ban[»] and persecute[+][+] their local God's representatives who then curse[+] him, his regime, and his folk, which is then manifest in their losses and also in a phenomenon known as Zelensky's Curse10 [*].
That said, Chief Rabbi Of Ukraine Moshe Azman supports the Kyiv regime. However, his level of support or blessing is not as practical and effective. Also, Ukraine is not a Jewish state but Christian, which matters in measuring the power of a rabbi in Ukraine and so on the outcome of this war. Azman said[+] that before the war, Ukraine had about 300.000 Jews and estimated that about half has fled abroad rather than defended Ukraine.
The Kyiv Patriarchate (with its Patriarch Filaret who was “punished”11 with COVID-19) has embraced the Westward-oriented outlook of the Kyiv regime while the much larger Ukrainian Moscow Patriarchate remains loyal to Russia. There is lack of congruity of the Kyiv Patriarchate because its values contradict each other – on one hand, it embraced the Western outlook of the Kyiv regime but it rejects Western ultraliberal values such as same-sex marriages, homosexuality, moral decline, hedonism, narcissism, promiscuity, perversity, adultery, idolizing money and material values, usury, greed, gluttony, etc.
Surely, there are many priests, including Orthodox priests and pedophile priests, who are accusing Russia and its clergy but God proves them wrong by punishing them.
Here is one clear evidence[»] of an Orthodox bishop, Mar Mari Emmanuel, who condemned and preached against Russia (wearing a black hood) and then got stabbed just weeks later by a Muslim man (in a black hoodie). In March 2024 in Sidney, he (born in Bagdad, likes fame as, unlike other priests, he is a TikTok star, building his brand on social media; he was ex-communicated from a Church over theological differences and then started his own Church) made a sermon in which he preached and urged Russia not to be friends with China – can you believe it?! Unbelievable as it is, as a bishop, he was preaching to his congregation that one can't be ally of Jesus and Chinese people at the same time! Was he saying that the Chinese are evil, or what?! What is he, a NATO propagandist? Did Americans put him up to this? He went on saying that he and his congregation are good Orthodox Christians while Russians are fanatical Orthodox Christians! Who talks like this, putting himself on a pedestal while demeaning others – a bishop? And how is his church better than Russian? Of course, he gives no justification or evidence to back up his claims, just condemnation as a gospel because his opinions must be taken as a gospel. Right. He used an analogy, a verse from Bible, Revelation 18:17[+] (on fallen Babylon and adultery) pointing out a woman losing all her riches in one hour and he compared it with America possibly losing its riches due to either a nuclear bomb or an earthquake, so no idea what does have to do with Russia being ally with China (which has not committed adultery but that could be said about Ukraine as it was “married” to Russia but betrayed it by allying with the US & NATO, so wonder why he did not speak to Ukraine instead and warn it against the US, the only country that has ever used nuclear bombs). Isn't this weird that just weeks after that, he got his punishment from God by being stabbed[+] by a Muslim?! How does he explain that? Sowing and reaping, or what? He almost lost life with all his riches, didn't he? Did he get his lesson?
4. Ukrainian Orthodox Church is siding with Russia
This is another indicator that God must be on Russia's side. Despite the Russian offensive and occupation, and despite being condemned, banned, and persecuted for standing with Russia, Ukrainian Orthodox Church remains[+] largely loyal to the Moscow Patriarchate, which still retains influence over almost three-quarters (roughly 11.000) of the approximately 16.000 Orthodox Church parishes in Ukraine. This fact alone should get at least Christians to question why is that, why is Ukrainian Orthodox Church siding with Russia. The enquiry may uncover the transgressions of the Kyiv regime.
As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia intensified, religion emerged as a proxy for the political struggle. The confrontational mood is especially sharp in western Ukraine, where nationalistic feelings tend to be more deeply ingrained than elsewhere in Ukraine. Believers in several village parishes in western regions have forced a change of allegiance to Kyiv over the issue of memorial services. Some 1.500 parishes were forced to pledge allegiance to the Kyiv Patriarchate. The Moscow Patriarchate considers those parishes that have switched to have been “usurped” by pro-Western forces.
The Moscow patriarch had the power to ordain the church’s head in Kyiv since 1686 until 2018 when the head of global Orthodox Christianity decided to grant Ukraine its own church independent of Russia’s patriarchate. Then-Ukraine’s President Poroshenko had lobbied hard for the church’s recognition, betting that the achievement could boost his 2019 re-election chances. It didn't work. The decision to grant independence to Ukraine’s church has split the Orthodox world and triggered the biggest Christian schism in a millennium. The two neighboring Orthodox Patriarchates not only divided but became enemies and in 2019, the Russian Orthodox Church cut ties with all Orthodox Patriarchates that recognized Ukraine’s new independent Orthodox Church, including the Istanbul-based Patriarchate and the Eastern Orthodox Patriarchate in Alexandria and Africa[+]. A break with Istanbul rank alongside the Great Schism of 1054 that divided the eastern Orthodox from the western Roman Catholic traditions. Russia accounts for a third of the world’s 300 million Orthodox followers.
5. Catholic Pope Francis did not condemn Russia but praised it and its President Putin
Catholic Church Pope Francis didn't condemn[+] Russia over its role in the war in Ukraine, despite being pressured by the Western leaders to do so. Pope said that the war was provoked – in an interview published in June 2022[+][+][+], Pope Francis said Russia’s war in Ukraine was “perhaps somehow either provoked or not prevented (questa guerra, che è stata forse in qualche modo o provocata o non impedita)”. In another interview[+][+] with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, pope said that NATO may have “perhaps facilitated” the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine by “barking” at Russia’s door. When accused of being pro-Putin, he said “I am simply against reducing complexity to the distinction between good guys and bad guys, without reasoning about roots and interests, which are very complex.”
The Pope called[+] on Russian youth to never forget their historical heritage and said they were the "heirs of the great Russia… that enlightened Russian empire of great culture and great humanity"[»].
Pope Francis has praised[+][+] Putin as a man of culture and even suggested that the Russian president has been acting on legitimate security concerns.
Pope Francis congratulated Putin on his election victory in March 2024[+][+].
6. Kyiv regime is disrespecting and harming the God's representatives
It's the same as harming the God and is another indicator that God must be on Russia's side. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, who is morally superior or not, we may anticipate who is the benefactor of God's mercy by the fact that Kyiv regime banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and persecutes its clergy, which is certainly not approved by God and the celestial powers.
Religious persecution[+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][»] has been going on in Ukraine since the new anti-Russian, US-puppet regime came to power in 2014 and Zelensky has intensified it since 2022. It reached the culmination in August 2023, when the Ukrainian government banned Christian monks from the greatest monastery after a court ruled[+] in favor of evicting[+] the clergy from the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery.
Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod, abbot of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, was first sentenced to ever-extending house arrest[+] (distorted values are evident in the fact that his bail was $900.000 while a guy trafficking Ukrainian children abroad for organ transplants was released on bail set at $27.000, he disappeared thereafter) and then detained facing up to 8 years in prison[+] (without the right to post bail), the clergy of the Cathedral of Khmelnitsky were charged with hooliganism, and a metropolitan archpriest of the Cherkasy Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) because he called[+] Azov soldiers "Nazis" – a well-established fact[+][+]!
If priests who peacefully resisted government’s oppression are considered hooligans, why aren't then also all the 2013/2014 Euromaidan protesters throwing Molotov cocktails at law enforcement charged for hooliganism, too?! Members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) have barricaded themselves in one of the buildings of the monastery[+] and the Kyiv regime prevented access to food. An incident representing disrespect: an Orthodox girl was praying for Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and Ukrainians were mocking her dancing around like demons[»].
This iconic 1.000 years-old Kyiv monastery survived the Mongols, Polish religious persecution, Napoleon, the Nazis, and the atheist Bolsheviks – can it withstand the fascistically repressive anti-Christian Zelensky regime?
Zelensky regime bans[»], persecutes[+], jails[ꚛ][+], harasses[»], beats[»][»], and even murders[»] their local God's representatives such as bishops and priests who then curse[+] him, his regime, and his folk, which is then manifest in their losses and also in a phenomenon known as Zelensky's Curse[*] (his allies and team members keep losing their jobs).
For instance, Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin was sentenced to 5 years in prison[+]. A Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest named Roman Kurach has been cancelled[+][+] in a massive scandal after calling for peace between Russians and Ukrainians.
Kyiv sold Christian valuables, including holy relics, from Kyiv Pechersk Lavra to museums in Italy, France, Germany and the Vatican under the pretext of "saving them from Russian missile attacks" to buy weapons to kill. Expelling all these sacred relics from Kyiv is like expelling God, thus Kyiv is doomed.
In September 2023, Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko ordered[+] the closure of 74 churches belonging to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), citing its alleged “direct ties” to the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. This may be another indication that Kyiv is doomed and might fall into Russian hands.
Kyiv regime not only closes churches but also demolishes many of them[»][»][»] (nothing to do with the war), which clearly shows their disrespect towards Christianity, which is surely not seen favorably by God, hence their fate is sealed. Russians, on the other hand, build churches (3 new churches a day[+]), even along the frontlines[»] and even a new, stunning Cathedral[+] dedicated to the Russian Armed Forces.
Which country is more kind to Christians, Ukraine or Russia? This is a fair question. Christians should support Christians rather than those who ban and persecute them!
Also, Kyiv regime with its leader Zelensky disrespects other Christian leaders, who call for peace negotiations, including none other than the Catholic Pope Francis.
In August 2023, Ukrainians added the Pope Francis[ꚛ][+][+][+][+] to their notorious Myrotvorets database[+][+][+] a.k.a. the Kill List run[+][+][+] by Kyiv regime (secret services SBU[+], funded by the CIA and hosted by NATO), where they list all "Enemies of Ukraine" and wish them dead (when they die, they mark them not as dead but as “liquidated”, which says a lot, like, for example[+][ꚛ][+][ꚛ][+], the journalists[+][+][+][+] they killed) because the Pope called[+] on Russian youth to never forget their historical heritage and said they were the "heirs of the great Russia… that enlightened Russian empire of great culture and great humanity"[»], which caused an uproar among Ukrainians and their allies. The US State Department criticized Myrotvorets in a 2016 report[+] on the human rights situation in Ukraine because people put on that list subsequently received death threats and were subjected to significant online harassment. Putting him on that list backlashed after Russians exposed them, so they quickly removed[+] him after Vatican spokesman also expressed[+] regret, so now they deny putting him on the list claiming, as usual, it was Russian propaganda. Beside the evidence in form of a snapshot from their website, further proof of Ukrainians and Kyiv regime condemning the Pope in the similar way they condemn many other people they put on that kill list are open condemnation of him – if they describe him the same way they describe others on that kill list, it is logical that they put him on that list, too, but they were forced to remove him because of his rank and bad publicity that would risk getting aid from the Catholics. Never mind whether it was true or not that they listed him among the "Enemies of Ukraine" or not because plenty other undeniable evidence prove their contempt of the Pope and many other God's representatives.
For instance, at that time when they put Pope on that "Enemies of Ukraine" list, in an interview[+] with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Ukrainian chief propagandist and the advisor to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak, has disrespectfully accused[+] Pope Francis of becoming "an instrument of Russian propaganda" and his words are perceived as "destructive for contemporary humanism" and are seen as "unconditionally encouraging aggressive imperialism”. Speaking on behalf of Kyiv regime, he amplified his or their loathsome views of Pope in an interview[+] with the broadcaster “Ukraine 24” using much stronger language to describe the Pope, even suggesting the Pope is corrupt and bribed by Russia. Frankly, no idea how any self-respecting Catholic may support Kyiv regime after that but even the exceptionally Catholic Poles stand[+] rather to Kyiv than Vatican or Pope! It seems that Polish and many other people are so extremely Russophobic that they turn a blind eye to what their moral authorities say and support the Banderites12 (neo-Nazis) despite their evil past.
Apart from classifying the Pope as one of the "Enemies of Ukraine", "an instrument of Russian propaganda," the undeniable evidence of Ukrainians disrespecting and harming the God's representatives was manifest in March 2024, when Ukrainian and pro-Ukraine crowd went mental over the Pope saying[+][»] that Ukraine was being defeated and should be brave by considering negotiating end of war with Russia. They called him all sorts of vulgar names[+], such as “stupid c*nt”, “a**hole”, “Putin's bootlicker”, “anti-Christ” but angrily calling the Pope a "communist's puppet" is probably the one that requires the most mental gymnastics. If they treat world’s moral authorities, including the Pope, that way, just imagine how they treat all other common people who push for peace!
Also, Zelensky disrespected Pope Francis during private audiences at the Vatican in May 2023 and June 2024. He blatantly rejected Pope’s proposal to mediate peace talks, gave him an icon with a missing Jesus[+][ꚛ], sat down before Pope did[ꚛ][»] (a gross violation of the protocol), and showed up in a T-shirt[ꚛ][ꚛ] (not bothering to dress up for the occasion like in 2020[+] and like all other respectful presidents do[ꚛ] but he put on a suit for neo-Nazi paramilitaries[ꚛ] as if he respects them more than the Pope; here's Russian satirical explanation[»] why Zelensky chose not to wear a suit and tie any longer :) with a Nazi emblem[+][ꚛ] instead of Ukrainian coat of arms.
p.s. Pope Francis never condemned Russia over its role in the war in Ukraine[+]
Despite all that disrespect and blatant contempt for God's representatives, Zelensky had a nerve to describe[»] God as Kyiv’s “ally” in the conflict with Moscow saying he “wears a chevron with a Ukrainian flag on his shoulder”. There’s that old cliche again – many nations at war claim that God is on their side and Zelensky made that cynical or hilarious claim. Often, it is unclear if Zelensky is acting as a president or as a comedian that he professionally is, doing a public speech or a stand-up comedy :) We are not sure if we should laugh at this or admire his mind-boggling reasoning. Many intelligent commentators ridiculed him pointing out that God is surely not too pleased with his crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church or his terror attacks on civilians in Russia and the Donbass. Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova mocked[+] his comment suggesting it was the result of a “drug overdose.”
7. Ukrainian blasphemous acts
Ukrainian blasphemous acts are another indicator that God must be on Russia's side. There are too many of them to mention here but we expose some of them. The fact that Ukrainians are showing off their diabolic conducts, such as openly and freely performing as devils in a church[»] might be all we need to know about Ukrainians and whom God favors in this conflict. Knowing the God's laws, such blasphemy will not be left unpunished. You can't do stuff like this and get away with it.
Some people just don’t have a moral compass[»][»], which is why it is no wonder that they found themselves in hell. But they blame it on Putin. Ukrainians often shell churches using excuse that Russian military might be hiding there but this false narrative is exposed by the fact that they also use drones to blasphemously attack[ꚛ] churches in Russia, such as in the Russian village of Prokhorovka, Belgorod Region, where obviously no military would or did hide.
Also, in August 2024, blasphemous Ukrainian soldiers looted churches in Russian Kursk region and were selling holy icons from $90 - $200 a piece[ꚛ].
8. Zelensky’s hate-speech and other profane acts
Ukrainian President Zelensky’s hate-speech and other profane acts are another indicator that God must be on Russia's side. There are too many of them to mention here but we expose some of them throughout this peace initiative, such as his lies[*] and profanities13.
Apart from calling his opponent a f***ing terrorist[»], demon[+], devil[+], a maniac”[+], inhuman[+], a sick, cynical creature[»], and other foul language unworthy of a statesman, his lying is a sin.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"[+] (Exodus 20:16[+]) is one of the Ten Commandments, widely understood as moral imperatives by Jewish and Christian congregations. The narrative in 1 Kings 21[+] describes a case of false testimony.
False witness is among the six things God hates, king Solomon said in the Proverbs 6:16-19[+]. He also repeats it twice in Proverbs 19:5,9[+] that ″A false witness will not go unpunished,″ and “whoever pours out lies will not go free” and “will perish.” If we are to believe the Bible and the richest man who ever lived, king Solomon, due to his countless lies[*], Zelensky will not go unpunished, will not go free and will perish. The same applies to the whole Team Zelensky, including media and allies abroad who lie.
Considering all that, who do you think gets more God's mercy – Russia or Ukraine?Accordingly, who do you think will win this war – who gets more God's mercy or less?
Why Spirits (Of Ancestors) Are on Russia’s Side
We explained why God must be on Russia's side, let's now see why other celestial powers must be on Russia's side – the celestial power of the ancestors or the kin.
All the royal families and most spiritual societies cultivate reverence for ancestors for a reason that we can’t go into here other than just point to the fact that ancestors have a great influence on the fate of people. Ancient Slavs worshiped spirits and ancestors as the facets of the supreme God or Rod generating all phenomena. God was perceived as the undividable unity of three components: the single all-pervading spiritual principle, the celestial power of the ancestors, and the aggregate of the terrestrial family and relatives. Even though half of Russians are Christians[+][+], together with a quarter who are non-religious believers, they cherish both ancestors and history.
One way in which Russians revere their ancestors is a March of Immortal Regiment[+], which is a massive civil event in major cities in Russia and around the world every 9 May during the Victory Day celebrations. It involves people carrying pictures of ancestors (relatives and/or family friends) who served in the Soviet Armed Forces and allied organizations during the Second World War (also called the Great Patriotic War).
Another way Russians revere their ancestors is by erecting and protecting monuments and other memorials of their heroic ancestors who defeated the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). By comparison, Ukrainians desecrated most if not all monuments and memorials of their heroic ancestors who defeated the Nazis and replaced them with those glorifying14 Nazi collaborators.
Russians revere their ancestors also by clinging to the land of their ancestors and protecting the kin who have been publicly threatened by the Kyiv regime to be expelled from the territories where their ancestors have lived for centuries.
Many Russians also conduct communion with their ancestors.
The only ancestors that Ukrainians revere are Nazi mass murderers, Banderites11.
Since 2014, the US-puppet Kyiv regime has been desecrating its heroic ancestors who gave their lives to liberate Kyiv from Nazi Germany, dishonoring the memory of grand forebears by disrespectfully demolishing[+][+][»][»] anddismantling[+][+] numerous monuments commemorating the Soviet victory over the Nazi Germany during WWII, as well as monuments of great writers such as Pushkin[»]. Red Army monuments and streets named after Soviet heroes were a reminder of the astounding Soviet ancestors’ sacrifice during the war. Yet, more than a thousand settlements and more than 50.000 streets have been renamed in Ukraine[+], without even asking local residents for their opinion or consent (majority opposed it). In 2022 alone, 237 streets, squares, avenues and boulevards were inconsiderately renamed just in Kyiv. Desecrating statues and names of Ukrainian and other Soviet Red Army heroes and conflating things from very different historical orders is a testament to the irresponsible, unappreciative Kyiv regime. The dishonored ancestors are turning in their graves and it’s not going to work in Kyiv's favor, so much is clear. A nation that does not appreciate its forefathers and saviors has no future!
Ernest Hemingway, who served as a WWII war correspondent and an unconventional soldier in Europe, was cited[+][+] in a Soviet newspaper Pravda15[ꚛ] on the 23 February 1942: “Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid… Anyone who fulminates against Hitler should consider the Red Army a heroic model which must be imitated.” And let's not forget who the leader of Red Army was – Stalin. Since the Cold War, NATO countries censored and suppressed all the praise for the Soviets and communists but the truth has its ways to come out[+].
On the other hand, Ukrainians erected many monuments to the Nazi collaborators and named streets after those who ordered the mass murders of Jewish, Polish, Roma, and Soviet civilians during WWII and are known worldwide as anti-Semites, fascists, and losers seeking to install a totalitarian regime. Such profanation of the achievement and sacrifices of the victorious generation is a transgression, which is an outright revanchism of neo-Nazis (contemporary Bandera followers, descendants of WWII Banderites[see footnote11]) against the Soviets who defeated their forefathers.
Let's highlight the fact that all those Ukrainian WWII “heroes” who are being glorified in Ukraine were all big losers – they achieved nothing and lost everything! Their spirits have no celestial power that could help Ukraine.
Who do you think among the ancestors has more celestial power to help their descendants achieve victory now on Earth – those hateful WWII losers or the winners?
The Rest of Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine[*]:
MAGA or "Make America Great Again" is an American political slogan and movement most recently popularized by Donald Trump during his successful 2016 presidential campaign. "MAGA" is also used to refer to Trump's political base
according to Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, the war is not about territorial or political aims or influence but about spiritual or ‘metaphysical’ aims - battle against the Antichrist and anti-Christian values.
reincarnation or rebirth – everlasting life in heaven or hell on Earth based on karma or previous deeds
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
according to Patriarch Kirill, the war is not about territorial or political aims or influence but about spiritual or ‘metaphysical’ aims – battle against the Antichrist and anti-Christian values.
according to Patriarch Kirill, the war is not about territorial or political aims or influence but about spiritual or ‘metaphysical’ aims – battle against the Antichrist and anti-Christian values.
neo-Nazis and ultraliberal values driven-society (same-sex marriages, moral decline, hedonism, narcissism, promiscuity, perversity, adultery, idolizing money and material values, usury, greed, gluttony, etc.)
Hibrew Bible, the Old Testament, Genesis chapter 9 describes God's interactions with Noah and his sons following the flood. First, God gives blessings and instructions, incl. the command to reproduce and fill the earth. Next, God commands killing the murderers or reciprocal justice.
Zelensky curse[*]: as of August 2024, some 50 of NATO and allied states high-officials (most of them heads of state, plus a couple of non-NATO allies) got struck by the so-called Zelensky curse as they all lost power (mostly resigned or stepped down) after meeting or supporting Zelensky and Ukraine. Here are they in chronological order of their fall: British PM Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister Liz Truss (not counting 20 UK government high officials incl. Rishi Sunak had to resign in 2022 and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace in 2023), Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (he was even killed), Italian Premier Mario Draghi, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (had to resign but got back), Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Moldova's Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, Finish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger, Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová, Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Latvian President Egils Levits, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (lost election but got back by a coalition scheme with much less power), Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš, Canadian Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota, Slovakian Prime Minister Ľudovít Ódor, US Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Montenegro Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Swiss President Alain Berset, Denmark's queen Margrethe II, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei, North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski, Hungarian President Katalin Novák, Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland (a.k.a. “the real ruler of Ukraine”), Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Senegalese President Macky Sall, Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
All the details about each case with links to evidence, you can find here[*].
So, one by one, all Zelensky's supporters fall off, while all 39 heads of state who visited Putin since the start of SMO in February 2022 until the end of 2023 are still in power, except Senegalese President Macky Sall stepped down due to a two-term limit and Pakistani PM Imran Khan who got ousted by a US-backed coup, so it doesn't count.
Ukrainian church leader blamed COVID-19 on gay marriage and called the pandemic crisis “God’s punishment for the sins of men and sinfulness of humanity” but then tested positive for virus[+]
Banderites are Bandera followers or neo-Nazis – Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera[+] was a convicted murderer, a war criminal, and an anti-Semite leader of the ultranationalist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its paramilitary wing, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)[+][+][+] with Nazi ideology collaborating with Nazi Germany in executing ethnic cleansing & genocide of Jews and other perceived subhumans including Slavs, Gypsies, gays, etc. massacring around 100.000 civilians in World War 2. After the war, Bandera collaborated with CIA and MI6 against the Soviets until a KGB agent assassinated him in 1959.
Bandera has millions of followers (Banderites) in Ukraine today, especially in military and police forces, as well as former President Poroshenko[+][+][+][+][+] and former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Zaluzhny[+][+][+][+]. Despite the world condemnation, millions of modern day Ukrainians glorify Bandera and his neo-Nazi followers as national heroes and since 2014 revolution, new Kyiv regime has installed hundreds[+] of monuments of WWII Nazi collaborators. In May 2015, they passed a law[+][+] that gave the OUN-UPA Banderites the honorary status of "fighters for independence" of Ukraine , making it also a crime to “publicly exhibit a disrespectful attitude” toward them, and in December 2018, they gave the original Banderites (1.201 people) a full recognition and the status of veterans[+][+] with all the benefits, such as the right to social security, and accolades. Ukrainian schoolbooks[»][»][+][+][+] glorify them while all other countries in the world consider them war criminals. And they teach[»][»] school-kids to be and salute like neo-Nazis and to hate and kill[»] Russians.
"I have no intention of talking to terrorists”[+] – Ukrainian President Zelensky referring to the rebel natives (freedom fighters) of the Donbas region
“Putin’s troops are “following the devil.”[+] – Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky
“Putin is a maniac”[+] – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
“Putin and Russia are a ring of inhumans”[+] – Ukrainian President Zelensky
“Putin is a sick, cynical creature”[»] – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
Unlike all other invaded heads of states, it is extreme how much undiplomatic President Zelensky vilifies his counterpart Putin using absolutely every opportunity[+] to slander him or accuse[»][+][+] him of anything without so much as single evidences, which reflects badly on Zelensky, on his reputation, while Putin is not touched with it at all.
When we talk about others, we talk about ourselves. So, he is mostly projecting and exposing himself. By calling Putin all these ferocious names and using inflammatory language, he is only demeaning himself in the eyes of the world, who know better than fall for it. Putin is the most respected and popular[+] leader in the world, who is a rare head of state loved by foreigners[+][»][+][+][ꚛ][»][+]. Like so many other Western leaders, Zelensky is assuming to be the world’s “value” guardian while being extremely corrupt[+][+][+][+] and lying all the time[*] as if it was his birthright. In a civilized world, defamatory statements are persecuted because it violates the law, but such unlawful behavior of Western authorities is not even condemned let alone punished by law, which indicates how “civilized” those Western states are.
True peace is not merely the absence of war; it is the presence of decency. The words of every world leader matter. Anyone in diplomatic circles rudely branding the opponent as a “devil”, “dictator”, “liar”, “war criminal”, “maniac”, “evil”, “tyrant”, “terrorist”, or nastily equating him with Hitler are guilty of defamation by law and should be held accountable but, most of all, should not expect respect and concessions from the adversary, which is needed for diplomatic measures to have an effect of ending the war. In a polite, respectful, and civilized society, it is customary to apologize for remarks of this kind. A person who frequently uses abusive words, inflammatory language, or engages in toxic name-calling is not a worthy diplomat, statesman, or a decent representative of a nation but a defamer or reviler and a fault-finder. Individuals who habitually criticize, insult, or verbally attack others using derogatory or abusive language have no business in politics, let alone peacemaking or, God forbid, in leading a nation.
In psychology, this phenomenon in which those who condemn or accuse someone of something but are themselves guilty of it (or similar) is called projecting[+][+]. Americans have the idiom for that: "The pot calling the kettle black".
When someone turns the story around to make it seem like someone else is at fault, deflecting attention and blame away from them to make someone else feel guilty, this type of manipulation is called gaslighting[+].
Since 2014, the WWII Nazi collaborators and war criminals, OUN members and UPA militants are glorified in modern Ukraine as national heroes. Kyiv regime erected hundreds[+] of WWII Nazi collaborators’ monuments, including 40 monuments[+][+] of their leader Bandera, 5 museums[+], and 94 streets[+][+], 2 avenues[+], and 5 lanes[+] are named after him... Since 2014, more than a thousand settlements and more than 50.000 streets have been renamed after those Nazi collaborators in Ukraine[+] – in 2022 alone, 237 streets, squares, avenues and boulevards were renamed just in Kyiv.