Writings On The Wall
Have a look at the plenty of evidence and samples of Mainstream Media Lies
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Reading time: 60 minutes (or 68 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. Did you read the Intro to this “Beware of Propaganda” segment? Please, do so for a better grasp of the topic of this article.
In search of truth, just like detectives, sometimes, we all need to follow the cues if solid evidence is not available. Like detectives, we may look at the cues and do the math to arrive at truth. To avoid falling victim to propaganda and the deception of the true wrongdoers, we all need to be willing to accept that we might have been deceived or wrong and that there are people among ruling elites and their mouthpieces who may be wolves in sheep's clothing.
Most of you will know the phrase ‘the writing is on the wall’ but not everyone knows that this phrase comes from the story of King Belshazzar’s banquet featured in the Bible at Daniel, Chapter 5[+]. As you read the story, the parallels to today’s crises will hit you between the eyes.
Briefly, the King holds a drunken feast at which he commits the sacrilege of using the sacred vessels pillaged from the temple in Jerusalem. In the midst of the feast a disembodied hand appears and starts writing mysterious words on the wall – ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin’. None of the King’s advisors can interpret the words so the prophet Daniel is summoned to explain their meaning, which he interpreted as Mene : God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel : You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Parsin : Your kingdom is divided and will be given to the Medes and Persians’. That night the King was slain as the Medes ransack the city.
How similar is this to modern day ‘King’ – the US hegemon, whose kingdom is divided and its days of hegemony are numbered, coming to an end? Who has ruled the world since the end of WWII and is being judged left and right nowadays and found wanting?
As the phrase writing is on the wall points to clear signs that a situation is going to become very difficult or unpleasant, all the mainstream media writings on the wall do just that. Constant threats and warnings of World War III, nuclear war, defeat of Ukraine and Europe unless we step up our support for Ukraine, etc. is nothing but the old doom and gloom narrative used as defeatist propaganda or manipulation by war profiteers. There is much talk about the US Military Industrial Complex, MIC, but it actually grew into cancer-like monster MIMAC[»] – the Military Industrial Media Academic Complex and beyond with many other war profiteers in multiple sectors (such as oil companies, food processing and commodity-trading companies, logistics, reconstruction, assets management firm Blackrock, to name just a few war profiteers).
Unlike the MIMAC, we point out in other direction. Their end is near, even more so if you join this peace initiative by raising your awareness and consciousness, as well as shunning the warmongers and their media and academia representatives.
Here, we are going to provide you with many examples of exposed lies in the Western media so that you could realize (raise awareness) how you have been lied to in order not to be fooled further or ever again but first we instruct you how to read writings on the wall yourself.
Consider if the US and its NATO allies lied about all the other wars such as the wars in Iraq[+][+], Libya[+][+][+][+][+], Syria[+][+][+][+], and Afghanistan[+][+], how do we know that they are not doing it again with the war in Ukraine? Think about it! Can you trust them and continue to support them? They already admitted that all those other wars were based on lies and resulted in disaster but want us to believe that couldn’t possibly be the case for the war in Ukraine.
As it is common knowledge by now, no need to prove it but we just remind everyone that they already lied on numerous occasions such as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq[+][+].
Furthermore, in 2019, the Washington Post newspaper revealed[+] that senior US officials lied about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable. But media outlets, think tanks, and influential pundits continued to rely on these “officials”; even after it was revealed that they have also lied about another war – the Iraq war, which was also fought on false pretense and fabricated evidence.
Also, the “Pentagon Papers”[+] published about half a century ago revealed that the US regime was guilty of an enormous cover-up regarding the terrible losses in the Vietnam War, which led to some 55.000 American and more than a million Vietnamese deaths, as well as about the imaginary incident that served as a reason for the US intervention. Also, read here[+] how the UK started the Vietnam war.
Any expectation that US media and the public’s trust in the government’s take on wars was “forever diminished”, turned out to be premature, as official lies about the “dirty wars” in Asia, Africa, and Central America continued to be widely reported as facts. Even today, as US Special Operation Command covertly deploys special forces across Africa to fight “shadow wars”, it blatantly preaches a “free and transparent press”. One does not know whether to laugh or cry.
Like the disastrous US interventions in Iraq[+] and Afghanistan[+], the road to war with Russia is paved with media-hyped lies. The distortion of data (or out of context or card stacking or cherry picking) fallacy is a devious technique used to convince the public of something that is not true by using selected information and not presenting the complete story (rather than lying about it). Fake news and distortion of the facts in the mass media is nothing new, so we won't go into that other than just point to a couple of minor examples, maybe not the best ones but worth mentioning to get you questioning how truthful your own “information bubble” is and how great possibility may be of being brainwashed or indoctrinated by one-sided information so that you may be compelled to correct the informational asymmetry or bias.
So, all of you who criticize Russian propaganda, you may be right but hold off from throwing the stones because you are living in a glass house. Have a look at the propaganda being pushed by Western media and Ukrainian disinformation services that you got yourself into propagating further, spreading falsehoods and hatred.
Even before Russia attacked Ukraine, for decades, Western media was filled with anti-Russian propaganda and all Russian films, documentaries, and news from Russia have been blocked, except those from Putin's opposition or those that portray Russia in a bad way. If this war is really about one country taking land from another or invading it for that matter, then the US would have been sanctioned, its state assets would be seized or frozen, and all US billionaires’ assets would be seized after the US invaded not just one country but 84 countries more than 223 times until 2018[+][+]!!! Only from 2018 to 2020, the United States government undertook military operations (labeled “counterterrorism”) activities in 85 countries[+]. So, no, it is not about that.
The Western mainstream media has constructed an outright “Putin's War” narrative that conceals America's imperialist expansion into Eastern Europe and Middle East. This is an Orwellian effort to project onto Russia what the United States and its main imperial ally, the United Kingdom, have been doing since 1945 and for centuries.
A fictional conspiracy theory started to circulate in the Western mass media brainwashing the gullible public with the fearmongering notion that Putin and Russia are set out to attack and conquer Europe, Ukraine just being the first, due to Putin’s alleged imperialistic tendencies supposedly coming from the times of the Russian Empire and USSR.
Most people in the West1 bought into the narrative that Russia wants to conquer Europe and that Putin[+] is a madman. This was easy to buy for people who do not use their brain cells to question how credible could that be in light of the fact that in his prior 22 years of rule Putin has never conquered any country and that Russia attacked a 44 million population of Ukraine with less than 100.000 Russia's troops[+] (even though the West inflates the Russian numbers, they reported[+] that Russia had attacked with more than half of the 150.000-plus troops it had arrayed around Ukraine, which means more than 75.000 troops, plus 40.000 Donbas troops and 5.000 PMC Wagner fighters). This is a clear proof against the conquest narrative. And this narrative was easy to buy for people who do not use their brain cells to question how credible could that be in light of the fact that the very same regimes that condemn Russia & Putin and claim moral superiority are those who invaded countless other countries – Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Syria, Libya, Somalia, former Yugoslavia, etc. including four[+] countries just in January 2024! Are we supposed to trust them?!
Further hole in that narrative is the fact that the Western officials kept saying how weak the Russian army was, which contradicts an army that is allegedly set to conquer not just Ukraine but the whole of Europe. How high is their IQ when they do not realize how their narratives contradict each other? It is hard to keep up all the lies.
This narrative was easy to fall for when gullible people were deceived that the war started in February 2022 with the Russian military operation although, in fact, it started in Eastern Ukraine in 2014[+] by the US-backed Ukrainian new anti-Russian regime launching an “anti-terrorism operation”[+] in Donbas2, whereby they funded and armed neo-Nazi battalions to slaughter and terrorize the ethnic Russians.
It took Russians 8 years to finally intervene militarily to defend its tyrannized folk in Eastern Ukraine because until then, they were trying to resolve it diplomatically with the Minsk agreements[+][+], which, as it turned out later, Ukraine had no intention to implement at all, as it was admitted by then-Ukrainian President Poroshenko[+][+], then-German Chancellor Merkel[+], and then-French President Hollande[»][»][+][»] who all said it was nothing but a deception to buy time for NATO to arm Ukraine to fight Russia to recapture Crimea (where NATO wants to station their fleet to reign the Black Sea region with its trade routes). This is against the law but no one is holding accountable all those fraudulent signatories. Also Zelensky admitted[+] that he sabotaged Minsk peace deal with Russia and here[»] is he recorded ridiculing the Minsk Accords in 2019 in Paris.
Deception is believed to be important in gaining advantages in war, both to gain domestic support for operations and against the enemy. Just like Sun Tzu wrote in “The Art of War”, all warfare is based on deception. There is no doubt that, like Russia, the US has no qualms about employing psyop or psychological[+][+] and psychic warfare, psychotronic[+] warfare, covert "propaganda assets”, brainwashing, and massive ideological attacks, by using the media, social networks, entertainment industry, religious organizations, and other influencing channels for employing hypnotic messaging, psi-generators[+], fear-mongering, character assassinations, psychoactive drugs, sensory deprivation, and other mind-bending means.
Whilst the claims about propaganda psyop or psychological warfare[+][+] appear sensational in hindsight and are easy to pin on false accusations of Russian propaganda, they have nonetheless had real-world effects since the Cold War ‘battle for the mind’, as the US military and government funding for research related to mind control pushed the objectives of mainstream psychology and psychiatry in direction of world domination.
For instance, the CIA influence on public opinion[+] and the US military perception management program[+] to induce or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to US objectives, vilify the enemies, and hinder anti-war protests (such as flower power3), including infiltrating the media and the arts by planting fake news[+], editing Wikipedia pages4, compromising smart TVs and web browsers[+], enlisting journalists[+], etc. as well as other covert operations such as the notorious and illegal Operation Mockingbird[+], MK-Ultra Project[+][»], state-sponsored online propaganda Operation Earnest Voice[+], "Information Operations Roadmap"[+], just to name a few. Just like the MK-Ultra brainwashing programme and Operation Mockingbird did it before, American and British intelligence keeps on recruiting loyal journalists willing to bend the truth for a cause to organize underground influence groups into a propaganda network.
Another format is vilifying and prosecuting whistleblowers and insubordinate journalists, such as Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and Julian Assange from WikiLeaks. Whistleblower protection has been recognized as part of international law since 2003 by the United Nations, nevertheless, the whistleblower protection laws in the United States were meaningless when Manning was prosecuted, Snowden and Assange were indicted by the US (one is still hiding in Russia, while the other is jailed in the UK while appealing his extradition to the US as he made a mistake of taking a refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy instead of Russian or Chinese or Iranian).
“When it becomes a crime to expose a crime, you’re dealing with criminals.” -Edward Snowden
Oddly enough, in the West, there are actual spin doctors who dedicate their lives to spinning the narratives and devising[+] the ways of winning wars by fighting a war of narratives[+][+]. A pen might be mightier than a sword but not mightier than artillery. Indeed, the power of writing, communication, and ideas can have a greater impact and influence than physical force or violence but only so much. Information warfare is a factor in modern-day hybrid military conflicts but it can't beat the reality on the battlefields. Russian soldiers can't be fooled by Western narratives as they have no access to or interest in them. But it can garner support for Ukraine for a while longer but only to prolong their suffering while war profiteers fill their pockets.
After the 2023 counteroffensive catastrophically failed, in December 2023, the Financial Times mused[+] about the need for Kyiv to accept a frozen conflict and so declare victory. One former US official indirectly suggested faking a victory implying Ukraine could win the war by winning the war of narratives: “We have to flip the narrative and say that Putin has failed.” He has some nerve to say it so blatantly and FT to make it public! Those spin doctors take us as retards, don't they? Maybe most people are indeed fools to fall for it as they were fools to buy the narratives about all the other American wars long enough. The truth always comes out but later when it does not matter much any longer. The US Democrats have to spin it that US-puppet Kyiv regime5 won and Putin has failed so that they have a chance to win the 2024 presidential election. After that, it doesn't matter. They’ll just move on to the next war.
The Western spin doctors engaged in war of narratives want us to believe that Putin’s narrative is crumbling[+] when in fact it is theirs that is being crashed thanks to social media. To be fair, they were winning the war of narratives from 2014 until the end of 2022 but then, it all came crashing down as Ukraine's failures could not be disguised as fairy tales much longer. Thanks to internet, NATO propaganda could not hold water for too long. Increasingly, people get news from Twitter, Telegram, Substack[+], and YouTube channels rather than from corporate or state media that lost its credibility.
You might save yourself much time in research and avoid being deceived by reading just this piece from Harvard Business Review titled “Why the News Is Not the Truth”[+]. It starts by saying: “The US press, like the US government, is a corrupt and troubled institution. Corrupt not so much in the sense that it accepts bribes but in a systemic sense. It fails to do what it claims to do, what it should do, and what society expects it to do. The news media and the government are entwined in a vicious circle of mutual manipulation, mythmaking, and self-interest… The two institutions have become so ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that the news media are unable to tell the public what is true and the government is unable to govern effectively. That is the thesis advanced by Paul H. Weaver, a former political scientist (at Harvard University), journalist (at Fortune magazine), and corporate communications executive (at Ford Motor Company).” It is fair to say that the same is the case in all the other countries that are dominated by the US and beyond.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a New York Times best-selling author, Chris Hedges[»][+][+][+] wrote an article in July 2023 titled “They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They Are Lying About Ukraine”[+], which exposes some of the lies.
There are countless other prominent sources that warn about press being nothing but propaganda, like Wikipedia's page on Lying press[+]: “the mass media at large is used as an essential part of propaganda and is thus usually dishonest or at least not based on careful research.”
So, we all need to be cautious rather than gullible about what we hear from MSM6. In other words, all their talk about Putin and Russia being evil or imperialist-minded and Ukraine being a victim and democratic should be checked, which is what we did and present our findings throughout this peace initiative.
There are many malicious political propaganda techniques to be cautious about, which we can't review here but at this point, we would like to call your attention to the one called “a big lie”[+], which is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth that was also used by Adolf Hitler (as mentioned in his book “Mein Kampf”) and shows how people could be induced to believe a colossal lie because they would not believe that establishment could have the impudence to distort the truth so outrageously. It is usually used by those who wish to rule the world or establish a totalitarian regime. A variation of the big lie is the great narrative, such as that of the likes of Klaus Schwab (the Jesuit-educated[+][+] Founder and former Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum pushing “The Great Reset”[+] or NWO7). Even if there is some truth in a big lie or narrative, spinning it and blowing it up out of proportion has always had severe consequences for a large number of the population.
The same type of big lie or narrative that Hitler was impudently selling (1934–1945) to the German public about Jews being evil (and responsible for German economic downfall), the West has been doing for over a decade about Russians and Putin being evil, just as they did before about Iraqis and Saddam Hussein, and many other folks and their leaders (Syrians & al-Assad, Libyans & Gaddafi, Afghanis & Taliban leaders, Congo & Lumumba[+], etc.) who defied playing by American or Western rules and could not be bought by the US that was eager to control them and exploit their natural resources. If anti-Semitism is criminal, why is anti-Russianism not?!
The proof that it is not the other way around (Putin and Kremlin are not selling “a big lie” to their folk) is in the fact that Russians are not demonizing any country or leader – never calling anyone evil or doing character assassinations. And the evidence that Putin and his government have no designs on world domination or any imperialistic agenda (for which a big lie would be needed) is given in another article[*]. Also, Russians can't be accused of white supremacy (white supremacists need a big lie or narrative, like German Nazis belonging to the superior "Aryan race"[+]) because they never colonized any people of color but that concept comes from the West that needs to come up with big lies and other ploys to keep up the appearance of its supremacy.
The great narrative of the Western leaders for centralization of power through globalization and “The Great Reset”[+] is: we face multiple existential crises (terrorists, Russia, China, climate change, pandemic, the threat of WW3 and nuclear war…), therefore we need greater global cooperation, which, of course, would need to be coordinated by us to implement Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) and rewrite the social contract[+].
Jordan Peterson (Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto) explained[»] how to recognize the tyrants from the real leaders: they’ll frighten you into compulsion and they’ll use or even provoke or escalate (“pour gas into fire”) a crisis and catastrophe to justify compulsion; they use the doomsday narratives, the fear of apocalyptic crisis (climate change, pandemic, threat of WW3 and nuclear war…) to retain power. Does it sound anything like the Western or Russian leaders do[+][+][+][+][+][+]? Wikipedia already has a full page on World War III with hypothetical scenarios[+]! While expecting an apocalypse, rather than invest in civil society (raising collective consciousness[+] or virtufication[+] and virtuologues[+]), the ruling elites of the West have built for themselves gigantic, luxury bunker-condos with jacuzzies, fireplaces, movie theater, gym, and stuff[+][+]. Don't those people have any Generation Z grandkids to talk some sense into them? Did we say people?
We need to warn you also about the so-called “fact-checking” websites. Most of them, if not all, serve as part of a propaganda machine. At times of war, belligerent and invested states subordinate everything to their narrative to either win the war or weaken the enemy with informational warfare, which is why everything that is state-sponsored or controlled must be taken with a huge grain of salt. There are at least two ways to check and discover which “fact-checking” websites are compromised. First, if you can, just see who pays them or how are they sponsored. If they are funded by any of the Russian or Ukrainian or NATO state-sponsored organizations (also, third parties sponsored not by the state but by the state-sponsored organizations), that would mean it is just propaganda. Looking into it might be complicated for an average Joe, so the second option may be the best: check if they are “debunking” info or facts that blemish just Ukraine or also Russia. If they are only “fact-checking” to favor, say, Ukraine, but (almost) nothing to favor Russia, then you can be sure that they are one-sided, biased, and spinning facts in Ukraine's or NATO's favor. You should not waste your time on such sites or read what they write even if most of it is actually true because if you are bombarded with info that exposes Russian propaganda but none whatsoever that exposes Ukrainian and NATO propaganda, then, whether you accept it or not, you are going to get an unconscious impression that Russians are a bunch of liars and Ukrainians and NATO not, which would then influence you to side with Ukraine based on false premises. It is different if you balance it with fact-checking it also from Russian-biased websites.
This applies also to all other media. So, if you notice that some publication or channel is only posting just one-sided, biased information in favor of one side and tells almost nothing favorable about the other side, then you should not waste your time reading or watching their content, as they are surely spinning everything to one side, deceiving you. Or, make sure to balance it by informing yourself also from the other side about each particular issue, so that you can try to intuitively discern which version might be true. If you get the impression that they are both lying, then you might find the truth somewhere in between.
Another great way to determine whom you can trust is to follow their track record of telling lies. In time, most lies and fake news get exposed, so by now you are surely able to detect liars among the war correspondents even if your intuition is not working. Recall how many times have you caught someone or some publication lying or spreading disinformation (rather than just sticking to reporting the facts).
We caught many too many times, so we cannot trust them anymore, or we use them to discern the opposite or far end to be true. So, if they have a long record of serving Ukraine's interests by constantly praising Ukraine and slamming Russia, then if they are saying that “Ukraine is advancing slowly in their counteroffensive”, we would take it to mean that they are failing to advance as expected or are not advancing at all, save for a few potato fields or any other insignificant area.
Here are a few renowned Western MSM outlets that during this war have lost all credibility among the truth seekers (and may not survive unless they keep on being sufficiently funded by those who have an interest in paying to spread certain lies): CNN, BBC8, The New York Times9, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, The Times, The Telegraph10, The Guardian, The Economist11, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Business Insider12, Forbes, Politico13, Bellingcat, etc. (all are owned and run by Zionists or Jews[ꚛ][ꚛ][+]). Many so-called European media outlets are funded in whole or in part by the American government such as Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty[+]. There are many independent prominent figures in the US, including the US presidential candidate RFK Jr.[»], who have been warning about the American mass media being compromised and serving the CIA propaganda machine. Even Wikipedia has been compromised – besides CIA operatives actively editing Wikipedia pages, the highest number of edits to the Russian-language Wikipedia is done by Ukrainian users followed by NATO countries users (mostly Americans and Germans), as Wikipedia stats show[+][ꚛ]! On the other hand, we never caught Russian MSM outlets such as TASS[+], RT[+], and Sputnik[+] lying about the war in Ukraine so far, although they are biased, too, but at least they exclude subjective elements such as emotional appeal and rhetoric. The most reliable sources that are independent and unbiased are listed14 in an article[*] of the Reality Check segment.
For instance, here are some exposed lies told by Euronews[+][+][+][+], Guardian[+][+][+][+], and Reuters[+][+][+][+][+] and more we expose below in bullet points. Also, leaked docs reveal[+] how Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia.”
In this peace initiative, we do provide links to some Western and Kyiv's MSM articles where there is some evidence about the points we are trying to make but we run the risk of our readers considering also the rest of their content as valid, nevertheless we are confident that the free-thinking truth-seekers will read it against the grain15 just as they do with Russian propaganda. Even though there is some truth in their articles, the overall reporting is one-sided, biased, unreliable, mostly deceptive, and largely false, which is why we ask for caution and even to read between the lines[+] being aware of underlying propaganda. We mostly cite Western sources to support our peace initiative so as to avoid being labeled as Russian propaganda but also to expose how crazy they or many of their reports are. Here are some of the many pieces of evidence that the Western MSM are liars, publishing fake news, disinformation, and blatant lies using it as a weapon of choice to crush dissent and incite support for Ukraine:
· in an article[+] on “Ukraine’s online propaganda,” the New York Times sought to downplay the Ukrainian government’s penchant for pushing fake news, arguing that Kyiv’s information war merely “dramatizes tales of Ukrainian fortitude and Russian aggression.” In other words, the New York Times readily goes along with posting fake news from Kyiv. The US media’s support for Ukraine’s propaganda efforts meant that it covered some of the most suspicious events without a hint of skepticism, and thereby encouraged more. As a result, without any journalistic obligation to investigate matters thoroughly, they reported falsehoods that Russians massacred civilians in Bucha[+][+], attacked Mariupol maternity hospital[+][+][+], targeted civilians in Kramatorsk[+][+] and Kremenchuk[+], and the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa [+] – all of which have been debunked and expected[+].
· when in November 2022 missiles struck Poland killing some Polish civilians, all Western mass media outlets ran immediately with the headlines[+] such as “Russian missiles cross into NATO member Poland” blaming Russia for the attack but as it turned out, it was not true – as Polish[+] and NATO officials[+] including US President Joseph Biden[+] have since confirmed, it was Ukrainian S-300 air defense missiles that either by accident or in attempted false flag operation hit Poland. If everyone believed the narrative pushed by Zelensky[+][+] that Russia attacked a NATO country, they would be obliged to mobilize NATO troops, according to Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, and fight against Russia, which is something Ukraine constantly tries to make happen. One might argue that Western media was not lying but jumping to a conclusion, nevertheless, this was extremely dangerous false reporting that should have never happened, especially considering the possible dire consequences. Despite the clear risk of a catastrophic escalation – or perhaps because of it – Western corporate media immediately blamed Russia for the strike, never even posing the question of why Russia would consider Polish farmland such an important military target that it would be willing to risk a full-scale war with the then-30-member NATO alliance.
· BBC[+] and Business Insider[+][+] reported in March and September 2023, and they were not joking, that Russians were fighting with shovels as weapons providing no evidence for that but citing the British Ministry of Defence[+]. And not just any shovel but the MPL-5, which was designed in 1869! The Pentagon must have been scratching their heads to figure out shovel countermeasures, so maybe this is why NATO is not able to beat Russians in Ukraine – they haven't invented countermeasures for shovels of mass destruction just yet :) Maybe they should forbid them in the Geneva Convention. Joking aside, we heard even more ridiculous excuses for why with American and NATO help, Ukrainians haven't been able to push Russians away or win this war yet, none of which have, according to Western leaders, anything to do with the strength of Russians but their alleged weakness or evilness. Anyone using brain cells and watching videos from battlefields could tell that the BBC has been giving us a load of hogwash for some time now. After all the COVID-19 misreporting, who can trust them anyway, other than the herd-mentality naïve lower classes?! (The BBC is by far the most widely used source of news in the UK both online and offline, and it is one of the most highly trusted sources of news for the plebs. According to the BBC itself, it reaches more than 400 million people globally with news every week.)
Proof that BBC is partial and not set out to report the whole truth (intentional half-truth reporting is lying) is also in the fact that it is only reporting Russian casualties but not Ukrainian[*], which would tell the public what “standing for Ukraine” and solidarity is costing Ukraine in human losses. Would the British politicians and the public endorse current British foreign policy knowing that half a million Ukrainians died because of it? Even politicians rely on the media to discern whether the war effort is sustainable or not. BBC hired the Russian anti-Putin pro-Ukrainian[+] media outlet Mediazona16 (founded by former Pussy Riot members, Russian traitors[+][+], who fund[+] and support[+] Ukrainian army) to count Russian casualties based on obituaries, graves, and similar methods but it did not do the same for Ukraine – wonder why. Or perhaps it did but is hiding from its paying audience. The British public pays a license fee to BBC every month, so they deserve to be told the truth rather than just one-sided hogwash. BBC has a duty to impartiality and is there to serve the British public, not the Ukrainian government.
· According to The New York Times[+], “Russian soldiers go into battle with little food, few bullets, and instructions grabbed from Wikipedia for weapons they barely know how to use.” Or according to The Hill[+], “Russian troops are battling high and drunk”, which begs the question then, if this is true, how come are then brave Ukrainian soldiers not able to defeat those hungry, unarmed drunkards and junkies?! How ineffective the Ukrainian Army must be then when despite all the NATO aid, they are not able to push such a weak Russian Army away from their land?! What does that say about the capability of Ukrainians when, nonetheless, Russians are advancing and slaughtering them in such huge numbers[*] (evident also by Ukrainians having not enough reserves left, judging by their need to resort to violent drafting measures[»][»][»][ꚛ][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»][»] and mobilizing teenagers[»], old men and fathers of five children with no training[»] and jailing[+][+][»] and humiliating[»][»] the draft dodgers)?! What's more, Putin doesn't have to shamefully force or kidnap civilians from the streets like Zelensky's regime does to mobilize for AFU17 as most Russian militants joined voluntarily[+] to fight for Putin or Russia but you do not hear that from the Western MSM. And, as it turns out, it is not Russian but Ukrainian soldiers who learn how to use weapons by instructions grabbed from internet, as they themselves said here[»]
· As Times Magazine[+], Washington Post[+], Business Insider[+], and many other MSM, as well as the EU President Ursula von der Leyen claimed in September 2022[»], that Russian military is taking chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to fix their military hardware”, for which the source was US Secretary of Commerce Raimondo who allegedly heard it from unnamed Ukrainian sources who suspiciously reported it to no other than her (sounds more like Secret Intelligence Service of CIA). This narrative was repeated by British representative to the UN in January 2024[»] and reported again by NATO MSM such as by The Independent[+]. The mere idea is insulting the intelligence of their audience, or is it (maybe we are overestimating the intelligence of their audience)? But imagine if that was actually true and what would that then say about how resourceful and genius Russians are not only to come up with such solutions but also despite such disadvantages to be able to conquer a large chunk[ꚛ] of the advanced NATO-equipped Ukraine! However, knowing about the Russian sense of humor, it could be that the Russian Secret Intelligence Service deliberately planted that ludicrous story to test which of their channels are CIA and MI6 eavesdropping. The point those Western authorities were making turned out to be a lie because no one can deny that Russians have not just plenty of modern military hardware but much more advanced than NATO-equipped Ukraine, as we provide evidence in the article on Military Equipment[*].
· According to UK's Express[+], Russian soldiers have reportedly been sent to war with “rusty and moldy” weapons. No idea what they wanted to achieve with that nonsense, as this was then saying more about NATO and Ukraine than Russians. Because, if Russians managed to occupy Ukraine with such defective weapons, how incompetent must Ukrainians be not to be able to push Russians away?! That fact alone indicates that such reports can't be true, given that Ukraine is equipped with advanced NATO weaponry and could then easily defeat an army with substandard equipment.
And what do all such reports on Russian weakness say between the lines about the capability of Ukrainians when, nonetheless, with all the NATO help, they haven't managed to defeat the Russians?
· Furthermore, if we ought to believe the reality presented by the Ukrainian and Western mainstream media, Vladimir Putin is dying of terminal thyroid cancer, blood cancer, abdominal cancer, Parkinson's disease, leprosy, serious surgery complications, the aftereffects of a stroke, and dementia[+][+][+][+][+][+]. He is also allegedly so unpopular that he is about to be killed or deposed[+], surrounded only by foes, etc. So, all Ukraine needs to do is to just hold on a little longer until he dies, which is going to happen any minute now. On a few occasions[+], he was reportedly already dead. In January 2023, Zelensky claimed he believed Putin was dead and all the mainstream media unquestionably reported that[+]. Western media treats Zelensky as Jesus believing everything he says without verifying it and treating his speech as a holy mass. Putin has been also declared dead already many times by some “experts” and renowned mainstream media[+][+][+][+][+][»][»][+][+][+][»][+], as well as Ukrainian “intelligence”18 chief Kyrylo Budanov[»]. If we are to believe Western media, it seems Putin has resurrected more times than Jesus. Otherwise, why would anyone continue to believe all those media outlets and people who claimed Putin was dead if it turns out again and again that he is not. The truth, which his Western adversaries hate to admit, Putin is at the top of his game.
· And our favorite comes from top Ukrainian influencers and a human rights activist[+][»]: Putin ate human brains prepared for him by Prigozhin! So, all of you cannibal Putin supporters, it is time to switch to Ukraine's side, or so the authors would want. What they didn't say and we would like to know is whether he ate Ukrainian or Russian brains. It must be Ukrainian because, as we are told, Russians have no brains. And now that Putin “demonically” devoured the brains of many Ukrainian people, he must be very smart by now, or what would be the point of eating them and not the other organs (he didn't consume them to get his vitamins, or did he?)? Now that he smartened up, he must have stopped being a cannibal, right? They said “ate”, so it means he doesn’t eat them anymore but maybe because Prigozhin is no longer his cook. And the same source claimed[+] that Putin's brain-feeder Prigozhin kept a harem of virgins. Of course.
· Another hilarious case was when NEXTA[+] (HQ in Poland, founder from Belarus opposition) was asked on twitter where's the proof of “Ukrainian air defense shooting down two Russian Su-34 within a single day” – we kid you not, NEXTA gave[ꚛ] a photoshop graphic as a proof (look to the right)! And they did not mean it as a joke! These people just take Kyiv regime's words as gospel, never bothering to fact-check and honestly take illustrations for real!
It is appalling how much rubbish MSM and influencers report and, even more, that reporting falsehoods is not made illegal, don’t you agree?! After all, lying is a mortal sin among Christians and beyond.
There are also countless other instances of spreading disinformation that are not lies but deceptions that confirm the bad intent to deceive the public, such as:
· “Russia hit an educational facility in Poltava!”[+][+][+] – what most of the media omitted to mention was that it was a military educational facility, as evidenced here[»][+][+], obviously attempting to insinuate that it was civilians or even children targeted there, so that dumb members of the public condemn the Russians and support the war effort against them and even on Russian territory (Kursk offensive). There is an interesting tidbit about how history repeat itself and how those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it – in 1709, the Kingdom of Sweden invaded Russia and was destroyed at the Battle of Poltava. Then in September 2024, Swedish instructors of NATO troops were destroyed by high-precision Russian missiles at Poltava as they trained Ukrainian military to invade Russia (Kursk).
There are also countless other instances unrelated to this war that confirm the assumption that they work to affirm the establishment's narrative, such as:
· When the establishment turned against Twitter and its owner Musk for not censoring the content according to the government's demands, Elon Musk caught a BBC journalist lying about hate speech and covid-19 misinformation on Twitter[»]
· “Long before “fake news” had a name, the BBC was a master of fake news, in fact, fake news of the most dangerous, the most vicious consequences, casting nations, not just individuals, into direct calamities.” – a professor at Columbia University for Aljazeera[+]
· Read about BBC controversies on Wikipedia[+], and articles titled “BBC Acts As A Propaganda Weapon By Spreading Lies”[+] and “The BBC and a Panorama of Lies”[+]
To list all the lies coming from Ukraine, we would need a whole book for it but to give you an idea of their Muppet show, here are some obvious lies woven into their propaganda that Ukrainians are winning and Russians are being defeated by them:
· Maybe the funniest case of Kyiv propaganda is this video[»] in which they attempted to show how their militants are very brave and courageous but oops, the camera person got into the shot, exposing it all being staged! Some Oscar-worthy actors serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
· In mid-March 2024, Ukrainians tried to disrupt the Russia's presidential elections by attacking and intimidating Russian civilians across the border, probably trying to prevent them to vote for Putin and “liberate” what neo-Nazi Banderites[*] believe[+][»][+] is ethnic Ukrainian land (Belgorod), but their "suicide squad" failed so embarrassingly catastrophically[»] that they had to invent fictional “triumphs”. A couple of such examples were posting how allegedly Ukrainian army penetrated deep into Russia[»], except the road-signs were for some reason in Ukrainian! Another such instance was posing[ꚛ][»][+] in front of a “conquered” village, except the house was later located to be in Ukraine – Ryzhevka, Sumy region. How embarrassing! Clearly, they were shooting pathetic propaganda videos from Ukraine pretending they conquered Russian territory and trying to deceive their followers. Imagine their intelligence level! And imagine how many other such PR stunts they have been feeding you with, which no one explained you how fake they were! Also, while they were cheering the Russian Volunteer Corps & Freedom of Russia Legion troops that attacked Russian civilians on Russian soil (damaging dozens apartments and several civilian vehicles; one rocket landed near a school), they omit to mention that they were cheering the neo-Nazis[+], their leader is since 2019 banned (Schengen Ban) in more than half of Europe and so are many others of them. According to Moscow’s estimates, the Ukrainian military has deployed over 2.500 servicemen, some 35 tanks and around 40 other armored vehicles to attack multiple locations along the border but all the attacks have been repelled and invaders suffered over 1.500 casualties[+] in three days of border raids.
There's a joke about why Kyiv ordered that attack on Russian soil across a long borderline soon after losing Avdeevka and several villages in February – March 2024:
Ukrainian commanders: “Ok, we’re losing ground across the entire frontline what should we do?” Zelensky: “I know! Let’s make the front twice as long.” :)
· In mid-March 2024, Ukrainians tried to discredit the Russia's presidential elections by posting fake videos[»][»] of how voting was conducted, which was a pathetic attempt to deceive the gullible pro-Ukrainian public. In comments sections of the first video-link are many evidence of it being fake, such as a flag on the table changed places[ꚛ][ꚛ]. Also, the boots’ curtains were blue while everywhere in Russia were white[ꚛ], and they glued a part of a Russian flag on a wall which Russians don't do (nowhere else was so). They also faked voting ballots on which they alleged people wrote Ukrainian slogans[ꚛ][ꚛ], as well as invented some fictional “Noon against Putin” protest[ꚛ][»][ꚛ][»] showing people waiting to cast a vote at noon, which is the time when most people arrive on a Sunday to vote – they literally tried to make us believe that people voting were people protesting, alleging they knew who these people were voting for, not Putin. Such pathetic attempts from Kyiv regime (filled with former showbiz guys) to discredit the fact that Russians are holding elections while a "beacon of democracy" Ukraine is not, only discredits Kyiv! If they did this, imagine how many other fake “evidence” or fake news they fed us with, which should be a clear sign not to support such a regime.
· In March 2024, Ukraine released more fakes[»][»] about supposed civilians of Belgorod forming a defense against the attack from Ukraine, probably to justify their criminal attacks on civilian targets there during their mid-March invasion across border.
Let's not forget that Ukraine is run by guys who used to work in show business, so, no wonder it is all just a show but too many people in the West are to foolish to realize it and believe their shows as if it is reality. President Zelensky himself was a show-biz guy, a comedian and self-proclaimed[»][»][+] “proud to be clown”[»][»][»], and when he got elected, he did not surround himself with experienced professional political and foreign policy advisors but rather hired the cast and crew of his media production company – actors, scriptwriters, cameramen, film editors, promotional people, and media technical advisors. A total of 12 people from Zelensky’s Kvartal 95 production studio were appointed to a variety of government posts[+][+]. Additionally[+], nearly 20 Zelensky friends received appointments into parliament, the President’s Office and central executive bodies or became members of supervisory boards and committees. For instance, the Head of the Office of the President, Andriy Yermak, used to be a film producer.
Here is a curios fact: Russian authorities never post fakes! What does that say about who is good and who is bad here?! Of course, there are some Russian bloggers who play around and photomontage Zelensky as a drug-addict or his wife living an expensive life-style and such, which are fakes but not nearly as much as pro-Ukrainian or Ukrainian bloggers do. However, more importantly, we are talking about the problem of leaders and authorities (politicians and renowned media outlets) lying to us about important staff, such as who really started the war, who provoked it, who is the real aggressor here (since 2014, not willing to make any peace deals), who targets civilians really, who does more atrocities, who is winning, who is more decent here, and such — all the info we all need to make up our minds about whom to support in this conflict or to decide to be neutral.
Here is just some samples of how they fake the imagery:
We agree, all these illustrated lies or deceptions are minor and insignificant but the big question is why do they fake it, why showing old unauthentic photos? Why do they need to deceive us? The obvious answer is that they are pushing a certain narrative of “Putin and Russians are evil; ALL Ukrainians are innocent victims and brave” but if they do not have the authentic images to support their narrative, we all should ask ourselves whether we are being played here and whether we want to play this game by being fools who support a seemingly good cause that might be not true at all.
To believe that the West and Ukraine do no propaganda at all, that they don't distort the facts, just like Russia, is to live in denial and illusion. How do you know if you are a victim of propaganda? If you get only positive news about one side and only negative news about the other side, and if you notice some nonsense[+] and conflicting or contradictory reports[+] from the same media outlet or officials. Also, if you hear or read the same wording from different sources, this is proof that they have been briefed to push a certain narrative. No need to do such a thing when all is straight.
How do you know if you are brainwashed? Simple: if you hate other human beings based on the information you get from biased media. Solution: try using your intuition to distinguish truth from lies, or do an open-minded cross-examining or research and seek multiple perspectives. Or read this initiative thoroughly for good measure. You will be prompted to consider both sides of the story and hopefully cease to take sides or take part in adding fuel to the fire. Think outside the box or forget about the stupid box and listen to both sides[+]19[+][+]. Play with a full deck.
While you do your research, look up info on the American decline[»][+][+][+] and how the US is dragging Europe and Canada down their path (the Decline of the West[+]) as it runs NATO and pushes its socio-political system, cultural homogenization[+] and its neoliberal or ultraliberal values (including homosexuality, same-sex marriages, hedonism, narcissism, permissiveness, promiscuity[+], perversity[»][»], adultery gambling, idolizing money and material values, usury, greed, gluttony, etc.) that lead to decadence and moral decline[+], which leads to social decay[+] , drug addiction, and ultimately to economical and geopolitical decline. The West and its vassals like Ukraine are in self-destruction mode and all Russia needs to do at this point (after it liberated its folk in south-eastern Ukraine) is to patiently wait for their natural collapse, or try to save them by force before it's too late.
Knowing that propaganda is a necessity for all declining superpowers to hold on to power, all of us need to use critical thinking to be able to distinguish what is true among all the (dis)information we are bombarded with so as to be able to act accordingly. Most people are unaware of how they play a significant individual role in prolonging this war and how much power they have to bring this horror to an end. This is why we wrote this long peace initiative to raise both consciousness[+] and awareness of it all so that a critical number of people may act on it to create conditions for ending this horror sooner rather than later and prevent a nuclear war.
Whether there is any mass manipulation exercised by the US, just consider why the world leaders and the public have done nothing to prosecute the US leaders and soldiers for their war crimes in invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria[+][+][+], and many other countries. If there was no mass manipulation, it would be most logical for the US and its allies to be held accountable for their crimes.
Furthermore, like no other country, the US has calculatedly branded itself to be the “land of the free“, and “land of opportunity” where everyone can supposedly live the “American Dream”. Such propaganda slogans are part of the ideology of the Americanization of the world. Nothing wrong with that, except when it is a big lie[»][»] and used as psychological warfare to rule the world by deception, subjugation, and exploitation.
Here are just a few pieces of evidence of Western propaganda concerning Ukraine:
Most Western MSM claimed that “Ukraine’s future integration into Europe is longed for throughout the country” and portray Putin as a monster who is preventing it. While that statement is not a lie, it is formulated so as to suggest that all or most people longed for it, whereas throughout the country there were just some here and there that wanted it, mainly those in the western parts, and rarely anyone in the East and South of Ukraine. This is evidenced by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) polls[+][+][+], which showed that those in favor were a minority (around 30%). As every informed observer knows – from Ukraine’s history, geography, languages, religions, culture, recent politics, and opinion surveys – that the country was deeply divided as to whether it should join Europe or remain close politically and economically to Russia. Therefore, the EU and its ally the US needed to orchestrate a coup or something to turn Ukrainians against Russia and see the EU as their savior and so get them to sign the anti-Russian trade deal that was in favor of the EU rather than Ukraine. No wonder, anti-EU pro-Russian folk in Ukraine sees Putin as a savior.
Another example of Western propaganda or distortion of data is reporting on the Ukrainian summer 2023 counteroffensive, whereby they reported only Ukrainian gains but no losses. For instance, from 4 June to 12 July 2023 (38 days), the Armed Forces of Ukraine recaptured only 5 empty hamlets and fields with 97 km2[+] of insignificant territory in what used to be mostly a gray zone but lost as many territories elsewhere[+][+][+][+][+], such as in Avdeevka-Maryinka and Kupiansk-Svatove regions, which was not reported along with the price Ukraine paid for those 5 empty hamlets with losing over 26.000 servicemen and more than 3.000 items of military hardware[+] in that timeframe, sacrificing precious lives and burning billions-worth of assets for no gain on the whole. A textbook example of Pyrrhic victory – a victory that is not worth achieving because of the excessive toll it takes on the victor.
Another example of Western propaganda or data distortion is constant false claims that Russia is isolated due to its foreign policy, such as the Washington Post article on allegedly “Putin being increasingly isolated as war falters”[+], which cannot be further from the truth[+] as attested by an ever-increasing number of world leaders[»] siding with Putin and continuing or even increasing doing business with Russia. For instance, in June 2023, despite being threatened by the West, leaders of 130 countries attended the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), and even 150 firms from 25 unfriendly states took part[+]. Also, in July 2023, 49 out of 54 African countries attended the Russia-Africa summit[+] in St. Petersburg. In March 2024, Putin held a meeting with participants in the World Youth Festival in Sochi - youth leaders from 190 countries came to meet Putin[+], including from the US, such as Caleb Maupin, the leader of the United States delegation, representing the Centre for Political Renovation. There is evidence that it is Zelensky who is being isolated rather than Putin but no headlines about that in the Western press. For instance, in the July 2023 EU-Latin America summit[+][+], Latin American countries rejected Zelensky's attendance[+] and support for Ukraine. Pulitzer Prize-winning US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said[+][+] that most countries side with Russia in the Ukraine conflict.
If we got a penny for every time we heard or read Western media claim how Putin got supposedly humiliated by this or that Ukrainian feat, we would be very rich by now. By the same token, if we got a penny for every time they claim the same thing for Zelensky, our pockets would remain empty. And that is despite all the defeats and losses the Ukrainian army endured despite all the Western aid, especially the loss of Bakhmut/Artyomovsk with over 50.000 elite troops there, despite all his broken promises and failed attempts to liberate captured towns (Bakhmut/Artyomovsk, Crimea...), all his postponements and then failures of what was hyped as to be the greatest counteroffensive in history of humankind[+], all the rejections from world leaders and media events (Oscars, World Cup, Eurovision…), all the rejections from NATO to join the alliance and get extra military equipment, and all other of his numerous humiliating failures. Nevertheless, the Western spin doctors spin him into a superstar who is only second to Jesus with many Hollywood stars and other celebrities lining up to kiss the ring of this globalists’ avatar who can do no wrong.
Here are a few more clear pieces of evidence of Western or Ukrainian propaganda:
For example, this Telegram post[ꚛ] was distributed by ostensibly 4 different nationals.
In another case, Ukrainians were faking to be Russian soldiers and announcing a supposed retreat from Zaporizhzhia during the Ukrainian failing counteroffensive in June 2023[»]
Some other fakes documented here:[+]
Another one was when the Kakhovka dam and HPP was destroyed[+][+], as Ukrainians faked a rescue of a dog from a flooded area by a Ukrainian boy[ꚛ], which was in fact a Serbian boy from many years ago.[+]
Yet another fake victim, which was the most iconic “face” of the war and probably the best example of the informational war. The woman pictured across the different tabloids was not a casualty of the war in Ukraine but according to some sources[ꚛ] victim of a gas explosion in the Russian city Magnitogorsk in 2018, whereas other sources[ꚛ] say she is just a crisis actor and a staff member of Information Warfare & PsyOps Center. The same woman was portrayed as a victim in some other cases[ꚛ][ꚛ], which looks like she has been used at least 3 times to stage fake reports.
It seems that Ukraine does not have its own heroes because Ukrainians keep stealing images of heroes from Serbia, Russia[ꚛ], the US, Syria, and even Tasmania[ꚛ]. Ukraine has been caught many times in faking heroes in their mass media campaigns, portraying foreign heroes as their own. Pathetic. Where are real Ukrainian heroes?
There are thousands of other such examples of Ukrainian and NATO states’ propaganda, which we all need to consider in conducting a fair peace initiative. Including NATO's bombing's illegitimacy[+] in Yugoslavia and elsewhere. No one is innocent, so to prevent scapegoating, we remind all those assuming moral superiority of Jesus's wise words: "Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at Russians."
That said, desperate times call for desperate measures. This is not to justify any crimes but to broaden our awareness, raise our understanding, and apply the Golden Rule[+] so as to treat criminals on both sides as we would want them to treat us, and give them rehabilitation opportunities. Because this is humane and what civilized societies do. No one is born a criminal; war turns people into savages, so we all need to do our part to stop the wars instead of contributing to them with hatred, hostility, animosity, support for weaponizing Ukraine, and other destructive modes of consciousness.
After decades of anti-Russian broadcasts and watching enchanting defamatory American and British movies with Russian villains, the public has been predisposed to believe that the world is threatened by this “evil dictator” and his “brainwashed” nation. Countless mindless (brainwashed) and thoughtless people in the West became haters and trolls obsessed with posting their salty20, cruel, inflammatory, hostile views on Putin and Russia, whipping up anti-Russian hysteria and nursing the old East-West dichotomy[+] (cultural, rather than geographical) and “cancel culture”. A bad take since their pooh-pooh makes bright people cringe. The copy-paste and trolling on the net are getting out of hand. It's their way to blow off some steam, we understand, but we all need to touch grass21, chill, keep our cool, and have an occasional vibe check. We’re not here to judge… just, maybe step outside the box once in a while. Some people spend too much time online losing touch with reality. A lot of folks cannot stop talking about Putin; he lives in their heads rent-free! It is obvious that the public is oblivious to the mechanisms behind this fictional conspiracy theory and is spellbound by it.
The same goes for the Russian public who also became stupefied by their anti-West propaganda and as though under a hypnotic spell, unthinkingly follow the commands in a kind of semi-sleep and a type of mental disorder. Not just the state media but also religion is used to control people. On both sides, the fanatics who believe in the unreal world are like bio-robots, predisposed to hear the voice commands of priests and to carry out any order unquestioningly.
Watching journalists and pundits in respected American and British journals exhaust the synonyms of war criminal, evil, and dictator to describe Russia’s President Putin, with little or no attempt at balance or objectivity, one is inclined to believe that Western media has largely been enlisted in NATO’s crusade against Putin’s Russia.[+]
Exploiting the rise of all kinds of conspiracy theories in the world of the blame-driven and fear-driven working class, the ruling classes have decided to take advantage of the masses easily and naively falling for such fearmongering presumptions by masterminding this “divide and rule” ploy using “us against the evil Russians” agenda.
So, they spread a conspiracy theory about Putin’s and Russia’s “devious” plan to conquer Europe to conceal the fact that it is, in fact, them who are trying to cling on to their world domination with their New World Order’s “Great Reset” plan.
The American hegemony is in decline, which is why they, like all other previous declining world powers or empires, resort to all sorts of totalitarian means to hold on to it, such as propaganda, perception management, media manipulation, cancel culture or character assassination, fear-mongering, war-mongering, and information war. All world-dominating superpowers went through rise, peak, and decline, and all of them went through the same pattern, which is why, based on history lessons, it is easy to recognize their blueprint[»] and anticipate the future developments of all superpowers.
Part of that blueprint are all the same developments we witness in the US and their vassal states (particularly in the West) nowadays that happened in all other declining empires in the past (such as Greek, Roman, Ottoman, Dutch, and British), such as social decay[+], moral decline[+], decadence, over-consumption and consumerism, hedonism, narcissism, greed, gluttony, sexual liberties, promiscuity[+], perversity[»][»], permissiveness, adultery, idolizing money and material values, usury, gambling, celebrities (rather than God) worship, a declining marriage rate[+], family breakdown[+], children born outside of marriage (40%)[+], high abortion rate (340 million/year)[+], wealth gap – growing income inequality[+], huge debt, mental health issues[+], bad health – huge healthcare spending[+], extreme opioids and painkillers consumption[+][+], prevalence of obesity (68%)[+], junk food addiction, gun addiction, drug addiction[+], people turning into zombies[»][»][»][»][»][»], gun violence[+], a rise in suicides[+], high incarceration rate[+], high crime rates[+], police brutality[+][+][+][+][+], homelessness[+][+], loneliness epidemic, occupational stress, gender inequality, etc.
The narrative propagated by politicians and media in Ukraine and its allies in NATO states explains the war in Ukraine as a fight between good and evil, in which Russia’s guilt for (what is portrayed as) the alleged invasion doubles as proof of Ukraine's and the West’s innocence and righteousness. However, a growing mountain of evidence that Ukraine, the US, and NATO share responsibility for many aspects of this crisis is swept under the proverbial carpet but eventually leaked to the public.
“We've become addicted to comic book good-versus-evil narratives, that erase complexity and blind us to the legitimate cultural, economic, and security concerns of other peoples and other nations.” – US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Americans[»]
Public support for what is now known as NATO's proxy war against Russia in Ukraine[*][+] rests upon four frequently repeated narratives: Russia invaded Ukraine, Russia's “invasion” was unprovoked, Ukraine is a unified, democratic state, and Ukraine will win the war. Based on widely available public information, it is increasingly self-evident that all four of these narratives are flawed.[+][+]
It is vital to contextualize rather than derange the facts and the whole issue.
When Russia started its special military operation (SMO[+]), most people around the world jumped to conclusions about Russia's and Putin's evilness and righteousness of Ukraine based on one supposed fact alone – Russia was blamed as an unprovoked invader. But what the public didn't know due to a complicit, illicit coverup is that it was the Ukrainian military that first invaded Russian ethnic minorities in Donbas killing and terrorizing them since 2014 because they opposed the new unelected US–puppet regime that forcefully overthrew the democratically elected government and on 23 February 2014 started the procedure to restrict or ban the use of the Russian language (in 30 spheres of life22), Russian culture[+], Russian TV channels[+] and radio stations[?+], films[+], books[+], newspapers[+], social media[+], songs[+], plays and concerts[+], arts[+], 200 cultural figures[+][+] (actors, film directors, singers, ballet dancers, writers, etc.), pro-Russian political parties23, even Russian medicines[+], as well as stopped paying pensions[+] to them, and many other human rights violations.
Can anyone imagine what would happen if opposition parties of Switzerland or Canada or Belgium would violently overthrow democratically elected government and ban French language in Romandy or Quebec or Wallonia and killed thousands of French-speaking protesters and called them terrorists?! Or if Finland's government would ban the Swedish language and killed thousands of Swedish-speaking protesters and called them terrorists?! Or what would happen if Ireland would ban English language and killed thousands of English-speaking protesters and called them terrorists?! Would the world ignore and allow it like it was done in Ukraine when the Kyiv regime banned the Russian language in 2014? In Finland, there are 5,2% of Swedes but Swedish is the official language. In Ukraine, there were at least 20% of ethnic Russians and more than 50% of Ukrainians used Russian as their main language, which is why the ban was even more inappropriate. Russians had been knocking on all doors, OSCE, Council of Europe, etc., asking the international lawmakers to intervene but no one did anything about it! Why? Double standards, which are against the law.
Putin tried for 8 years to resolve the issue through diplomacy but found out that Kyiv and its backers never meant to implement the Minsk agreements[+][+] and were only trying to fool him[+][+][»][+] to buy time to militarize Ukraine to kill the resistance and the (ethnic) Russians. Would France, Sweden, the UK, or any other country wait 8 years to use force to stop their diaspora from being killed every day?
After trying to resolve the issues diplomatically for eight years, with Ukraine violating all agreements, acting on request[+][+][+][+][+] by Donbas authorities, Russia intervened with an SMO24 in an attempt to drive the Ukrainian regime to stick to the treaties and negotiate a settlement while preserving Ukrainian sovereignty.
The point is that the public is not being told the whole story but just a fragment taken out of context to make Russians look bad or much worse than they are. Most likely, the same is in Russia with Russians receiving filtered information through MSM. Don't judge too quickly, just like in the Ameriquest cat killer commercial[»].
A word or two more to all those who still might resist the idea of any Western propaganda going on for the reason that Western publications also publish articles criticizing Ukraine or seemingly favoring the Russians. First of all, this is all part of a well-coordinated propaganda game to either a) deceive the public that they are candid, non-partisan, and trustworthy (to counter the allegations that they abandoned all semblance of impartiality and objective news gathering; when a news source is too sympathetic to one side, it may be seen as not fulfilling its role of evenhandedly reporting the facts and so lose its credibility) or b) to punish Ukraine whenever they refuse to follow the establishment's orders (a way of coercing the Kyiv regime to follow orders). Second, whenever they publish such an article, they make sure that they throw in an extra dosage of vilifying the Russians so that in the end, the public still has the impression that Russia is a monster and Ukraine a victim (despite making mistakes). In other words, they never ever favor Russians and whenever they do criticize Ukrainians, they do it to serve the purpose of helping Ukraine in a roundabout way. We challenge you to find any Western mainstream media outlet's article since 2014 that favorably portrays Russia or Putin. And then look at the definition of bias and into the law of polarity that ascertains that everything and everyone has both positive and negative sides. Reporting just one side is partiality, which no self-respecting reporter or press should feature as it is against the journalism code of practice.
An instance of the White House punishing[+] Ukraine for refusing to follow their order is the New York Times article[+] about the 6 September 2023 missile strike on the market in the Ukrainian-controlled town of Kostiantynivka (Donetsk region), killing 16 civilians and injuring 33 others. Zelensky blamed[+] “evil Russian terrorists” for the attack, and many media outlets took his words as gospel and did the same without any fact-checking[+][+]. But some 12 days later, the New York Times published evidence proving that the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile. The reporters suggested it was an accident, which may be true but it may also be a false flag operation at the time US Secretary of State Blinken was visiting Kyiv to use it to outrage and so compel the US to provide more aid and stop pressuring Kyiv to freeze the conflict25 with “evil”. The realpolitik geopolitical analysts from The Duran[»] suggest that this White House publication did it to force Zelensky to freeze the conflict, which in the White House's view would be the best for Ukraine given that the Ukrainian counteroffensive failed, and would be the best for the US, too, as it needs an exit strategy because it is unable to sponsor the war much longer due to negative ROI and it doesn't want to come across as abandoning Ukraine (as it did with Afghanistan and many others, which would alarm Taiwan), which is why it makes pressure on Zelensky to freeze the conflict. The US has a bigger fish to fry with its escalating conflict with China (using Taiwan as a proxy). The Duran and some other geopolitical analysts justify their claim with curious timings. The missile strike occurred on the day when Blinken visited Zelensky in Kyiv and the humiliating New York Times article came out on the day when Zelensky visited Blinken in New York. The White House wanted to humiliate Zelensky so that he would not dare to pester them about more aid during his visit and speech at the UN and the US Congress, and more so that he would accept freezing the conflict[+] (like in three other former Soviet states[+], or Cyprus, Israel, Kashmir, and Korea). In the prior weeks of September 2023, Blinken, Johnson, and Baerbock visited Kyiv to try to persuade Zelensky to a Korea-style freeze and armistice[+] but to no avail, so they started exposing Zelensky's lies to push him to a corner (if he doesn't play ball, we expect their next step would be to expose his corruption). Zelensky lied[+] that Russian “terrorists” attacked the civilians in Kostiantynivka although it was a Ukrainian missile. It turns out, it was not the Russian evil, as he put it, but Ukraine's evil.
Western state-sponsored media has started to trickle down some stories[+] that contradict the Kyiv regime's narrative only as early as the end of June 2023 when it became more and more clear that Ukraine's much anticipated and hyped counteroffensive failed. This is when some Western leaders started to pressure Zelensky to negotiate a peace deal rather than allow Russia to seize the whole of Ukraine and wipe it out from the maps. Since Zelensky and his generals Zaluzhny and Syrsky defied those orders from their Western masters and sponsors, the Western establishment started to use their media outlets to pressure Zelensky into full submission. In other words, occasional bad publicity and criticism of Ukraine are only meant to warn Zelensky what they could do to him if he doesn't obey and are a sign of internal strife between Kyiv and Washington. This power struggle and backbiting has been growing ever more with the conflict between Kyiv and Warsaw as well. So, the bad press that Ukraine has been receiving since the summer of 2023 in the West is not at all a reflection of the objectivity or impartiality of Western MSM but of a power struggle.
And if there were ever any articles in the Western MSM posing as even-handily covering the war, they could pass as such only in the minds of people who do not engage in any critical thinking to detect an underlying perception management.
For instance, British mainstream tabloids featured articles in January and February 2023 with clickbait headlines such as “Ukraine is about to 'surrender' to Russia”[+] with predictions of a Russian psychic Mirella Gasanova but only to grab attention for its gains (click-driven advertising profits) and to ridicule Russia. Knowing that no one takes psychics seriously but may be attractive for their entertainment value, exploitative journalism uses sensationalist reporting to masquerade as even-handed reporters.
After concealing26[+] about Al-Qaeda motives for 9/11 attacks[»]27[+], Iraq's WMD28 propaganda in 2003, countless false flag operations[+][+][+], and all the debunked “Russia did it” narratives[*], one would think that since we have been lied to in matters of life and death time and again, a healthy skepticism, some degree of caution would set in, that rational people would think “haven’t we heard this kind of propaganda before?” But no. Unfortunately, many Americans and Europeans continue to buy the NATO narrative – perhaps because it is easy and comforting to think that we are the “good guys” and that the grave dangers “out there” make NATO necessary for our survival. Common folk tends to follow the path of least resistance, and with herd mentality, the masses just follow their masters like sheep. Thanks to mind control ops, NATO is largely taken as a secular religion[+], whereby general public a priori takes its pronouncements on faith. Ordinary people do not question NATO commanders, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and their proteges like President Zelensky. There seems to be a tacit agreement that lying in matters of state is “honorable” and that questioning it is “unpatriotic” – the Machiavellian principle that the supposedly good end justifies the evil means. But what is a good end to self-serving NATO, it is usually bad for everyone else, which is why the evil means such as using neo-Nazis to exterminate as many Russians as possible is deplorable. Even the moral people of NATO countries should deplore it and many do.
On that note, we will close this section with a warning and an appeal to consider boycotting or disregarding all news media outlets that you caught many times in telling lies and standing to Nazis or neo-Nazis or fascists. This is important because of the great danger of the rise of neo-Nazis in the world and the imminent repeat of history in which Nazis killed over 75 million[+] people during WWII. No one saw it coming then and most commoners do not see it coming now, which is why the naïve public just shrugs it off as Russian propaganda.
For a common person, it is hard to imagine a WWIII ensuing from a fraction of malicious radicals at the fringe of society but what most people do not realize is that the ruling class has empowered them (using mass media, money, and weapons) to carry out their depopulation agenda as well as debilitate their rivals and disobedient nations. There are globalist ruling elites who are paranoid about planet Earth being over-populated (with people who are defiant to Western hegemony), therefore they self-admittedly seek ways to depopulate the Earth and one such way is to give power to mass murderers such as neo-Nazis, whom they diverted from hating Jews to hating insubordinate Russians. They built luxury bunkers[+][+] for themselves for a reason. Since the pandemic didn't serve the purpose, they welcome another world war.
For instance, boycott all news media outlets that you caught whitewashing the crimes and human rights violations of millions of neo-Nazis (Bandera followers[*]) in Ukraine and the Nazi veterans such as Yaroslav Hunka (who scandalously got standing ovations at the Canadian parliament on 22 September 2023, while Zelensky was their guest)[+]. The Western neo-Nazi apologetics among the media that shamefully downplay Ukraine's Nazi problem, whitewashing[»][»] the issue of masses with neo-Nazi insignia in Ukraine, include the New York Times[+], NBC[+], the Telegraph[+] and many other.
After the scandal dubbed as Nazigate at the Canadian parliament occurred, some renowned disgraceful news media outlets, such as Politico[+] and BBC[+], went as far as to shamefully defend the Nazi veteran as a freedom fighter and Canadian parliamentarians who glorified him, which is a sign of these media outlets justifying evil forces and as such anyone decent should boycott them. They highlighted some good points, which may be true, as no one is either just good or evil, but in leaving out the committed atrocities and falsifying the history[+], the authors’ overall message is that there is nothing wrong with glorifying Nazi veteran and neo-Nazis as long as they kill the Russians – the same ideology as Hitler.
Welcoming Nazis and Nazi collaborators by NATO states is nothing new, such as:
at the US White House in October 2006 (George W. Bush) where on the guest list[+] for the "Children of Glory" Screening and Dinner[+] was Laszlo Pasztor, who was a convicted Nazi collaborator, member of Hungarian pro-Nazi Arrow Cross party[+] youth group during WWII, and worked in Berlin, where he helped to arrange the deportation of 800.000 Hungarian Jews to the death camps; he also participated in the failed 1956 fascist uprising in Hungary for which the US called him “revolutionary freedom fighter”. He then emigrated to the US where he became the first chairman of the US Republican Heritage Groups Council and was part of Bush's campaign in 1988, as the Boston Globe and Alan Dershowitz in the St. Petersburg Times (Florida) reported[+] in September 1988.
Also, in 1983, at the US White House event, Reagan, then-Vice President George Bush, and UN Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick honored[+] Yaroslav Stetsko[+], a war criminal and Nazi collaborator in WWII, who assumed the leadership of the fascist OUN after Bandera was killed in 1959. The US saw no problem working closely with Stetsko who, in his own biography[+] (1941) wrote: “Moscow and Jewry are the greatest enemies of Ukraine… I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the advisability of bringing to Ukraine the German methods of exterminating Jewry, preventing their assimilation... " and on 30 June 1941, signed[ꚛ] proclamation of the establishment of the Nazi collaborationist government by the Stepan Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B).
President Ronald Reagan also visited[+] the graves of Nazi SS soldiers at Bitburg, Germany in May 1985, despite being forewarned by Jewish communities, which was so controversial that it is featured on Wikipedia as such and American punk rock band the Ramones made a protest song "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg"[+][»].
And in 1988, while running for president, Bush Senior was photographed[ꚛ][ꚛ] shaking hands with Nazi Stetsko and who knows what they did behind the cameras but in September 1988 the Philadelphia Inquirer[+][+] and the Boston Globe[+] exposed[+] several of émigré Nazis who were part of the Bush campaign[+]. Btw, Bush Senior’s grandfather served[+] as US partner of and private banker for Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, the financial architect of The Third Reich and Adolf Hitler's rise to power.
Thank you for reading this article and participating in this peace initiative by raising your awareness and, hopefully, your consciousness and spirit. To properly grasp everything, we[*] recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative for Ukraine in the proper order, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we recommend that you do. This article is part of the “Beware of Propaganda” segment so far covering Intro, Zelensky’s Lies and “Putin's lies”.
When you are ready, please proceed to the next article in this “Beware of Propaganda” series: NATO Cognitive Warfare
Donbas[+] is a coal mining region that was part of eastern Ukraine from 1922-2022 (now part of Russia) consisting of two Republics - Donetsk and Luhansk - where most residents have been Russians for centuries. In 2022, after Bolsheviks defeated the Ukrainian nationalists, Lenin gave that part of former Russian Empire with mostly ethnic Russian residents to the Soviet Republic of Ukraine under condition that it remains part of the Soviet Union and under Moscow governance (Kyiv administration) but in 1991, Ukraine violated that agreement by breaking off from the Soviet Union and from Moscow, and since 2014, Ukrainians had been demolishing all Lenin's monuments, therefore they have no rights to claim the territories he conditionally granted them. Since Ukrainians hate Lenin and Stalin so much that they demonize them, then in the Russian view[+], it is only fair to give back all the land[ꚛ] that Lenin and Stalin allocated to Soviet Ukraine, without even asking the locals’ permission (the majority were Russians in Donbas).
flower power[+] was the opposition movement to the Vietnam War during the late 1960s and early 1970s as a symbol of passive resistance and nonviolence
CIA editing Wikipedia pages[+] — in 2007, the now defunct database Wikiscanner revealed that computers from the CIA had been used to edit articles
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
MSM = main-stream media
Many British people say BBC stands for "British Brainwashing Corporation" as it is known to distort the truth and shape the attitude of people rather than just plainly report the news, as they are supposed to
The New York Times is a mouthpiece for the US Democratic Party, White House, globalists, and neocons. It is the flagship publication for liberal triumphalism; socially progressive. It used to endorse the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Telegraph is a national British daily newspaper with hostility towards Vladimir Putin
The Economist is a Jewish Rothschild-owned British magazine; one of Ukraine’s strongest supporters in the media, as a magazine representing the British financial interests which profit from every global conflict
Business Insider[+] is a New York City-based multinational financial and business news website owned mostly by a libertarian, pro-Israel, pro-American, CIA-funded German publishing house Axel Springer, which also owns Politico, Bild, Die Welt, German edition of Rolling Stone
Politico[+] is a German-owned news website reporting on political affairs, owned by a libertarian, pro-Jews, pro-Israel, pro-American, CIA-funded German publishing house Axel Springer, which also owns Business Insider, Bild, Die Welt, German edition of Rolling Stone
many trustworthy, nonpartisan, independent American political analysts, military experts, intelligence officers, and army veterans such as:
judge Andrew P. Napolitano[»] (a former US professor of law, Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst, and judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey who has published nine books on the US Constitution),
Scott Ritter[+][+][+][+][+][+][+] (former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN Special Commission weapons inspector),
Col. Doug Macgregor[+][+][+] (retired US Army colonel and former Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of Defense),
Col. Anthony Shaffer[+][+] (former US Army Reserve lieutenant colonel and CIA intelligence officer, whistleblower of Bush administration),
Larry C. Johnson[+][+] (former analyst at the CIA, a bona fide Son of American Revolutionaries),
Ray McGovern[+][+] (former Central Intelligence Agency officer turned political activist, appeared on CNN, BBC, Aljazeera, RT, CCTV and many other TV & radio programs and documentaries),
Chris Hedges[»][+][+][+] (Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, a New York Times best-selling author),
James Rickards[»] (Economist & Former Advisor To The Pentagon and CIA),
John Mearsheimer[»][»][+] (American political scientist and international relations scholar, Professor at the University of Chicago),
Brian Berletic[+][+] (former US Marine and independent geopolitical analyst), and many more brave prominent world experts (voices of reason)
All those genuine patriots and pacificists, who are being attacked by mainstream power structure as being Kremlin propagandists without having any evidence whatsoever to support that allegation or any justification for their alleged affiliation with the Russian government, are acting in defense of Western constitutional democracy, morality, ethics, values, and principles against a firmly embedded parasitic ruling elite of many NATO states (the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, and Norway) when they keep on revealing the reality and truth about Ukraine losing and Russia winning this war. As history unfolds before our eyes, they are urging the public to choose to be on the right side of it.
read against the grain – analyze the text and engage in alternative or "resistant" readings. Resistant readings scrutinize the beliefs and attitudes that typically go unexamined in a text, drawing attention to the gaps, silences, contradictions, and faulty logic of the text. When you read “with the grain,” you are seeking to understand and author's point of view.
Mediazona[+] is a NATO-states-funded anti-Russian online news site founded in 2014 by former Pussy Riot members, Russian traitors[+][+], who fund[+] and support[+] Ukrainian army – Russian government blacklisted the outlet as a foreign agent. One of the founders joined the Ukrainian Army, proving to be a traitor killing Russian forces.
AFU = Armed Forces of Ukraine
Ukrainian “intelligence”[+] - we put intelligence in quotation marks because Budanov and this institution are parading as military intelligence when in fact they are terrorists unlawfully eliminating civilians incl. journalists whom they deem as Russian collaborators, also in Russia
At the page on the archived RT link, click "GO" (up on the right) to get the latest version (it is blocked in the West, hence the daily archived version)
salty = overreacting; bitter or upset
to touch grass = to get a grip – time to go ground yourself when gone off the deep end, spiraling or said something totally inappropriate
Kyiv regime banned the use of Russian language in 30 spheres of public life – public administration, electoral process, referendums, courts, schools/education, science, theatres and other culture, media, economic and social life, health and care institutions, activities of political parties etc.; Ukrainian mandatory for civil servants, soldiers, doctors, and teachers – all of which is violation of human rights as well as the Article 12 of the Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership Treaty with Russia[+ENpg.33].
The restrictive policies started since 2014 and culminated in 2019 with the language law that prohibits employees of restaurants, cafes, bars, shops, banks, hospitals and other similar institutions from talking to visitors in Russian language[+], the citizen can no longer contact or send letters to the officials and authorities of higher levels in Russian language; identity documents can no longer be issued in Russian language...
In a country in which 30%[+] of people – 14,3 million people declared Russian as their native language in the last national census; 8,3 million[+] of them identified as ethnic Russians, if your native language is Russian and you don’t speak Ukrainian, would you protest the regime that passes such laws? And if you protest it but you are called a “terrorist” because you protest it and government sends the National Guard packed with neo-Nazis to kill or terrorize you and all your family, friends, and neighbors, would you like to separate from that regime, or not?
Although 30%[+] of Ukrainians declared Russian as their native language in the last national census, even more or most of them – 50% of Ukrainian social media users posted in Russian language (46% in Ukrainian and 4% in English), as data collected[+] on Instagram showed in January 2022.
Since 2014 Maidan revolution, when a new US-propped anti-Russian regime came to power by force, 23 political parties have been banned in Ukraine, which clearly shows that there is no democracy there. In 2014-2015, Party of Regions and 3 communist parties[+] (the Communist Party of Ukraine, the Communist Party of Ukraine's Workers and Peasants, and the Reformed Communist Party of Ukraine) were effectively banned. Party of Regions[+] won the previous parliamentary election[+], so it was the most popular party at that time but the new Kyiv regime prevented it from running in new snap 2014 election by destroying it. The Communist Party (KPU) had been an important force in Ukrainian politics, polling 13 percent in the 2012 parliamentary elections[+]. Since March 2022, Zelensky regime banned 19 more political parties[+]!
the US pressured Kyiv to freeze the conflict but as usual, the US totally disregards what Russia wants as it suggests freezing the conflict without considering the option that Russia would not agree to that. To negotiate peace on the US terms is surely not in Russia's interests
Bush lied about Al-Qaeda motives for 9/11 attacks[»] – when explaining why Al-Qaeda attacked and hates Americans, Bush lied "They hate our freedoms - our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other." Click here[+] for evidence. Osama wrote[+], it was because the US has killed millions and displaced millions more of Muslims so as to justify Israeli illegal occupation of Palestine since 1948 as the US uses Israel to contain the Middle East & exploit its natural resources for decades
Regarding Al-Qaeda motives for 9/11 attacks, Osama wrote[+], it was because the US has killed millions and displaced millions more of Muslims so as to justify Israeli illegal occupation of Palestine since 1948 as the US uses Israel to contain the Middle East & exploit its natural resources for decades
WMD = weapon of mass destruction