Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine
In a fog of war, besides the obscure realities on the battlefields, there are some other clues to figure out the outcome of this war
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Reading time: 15 minutes (18 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. The topic of this article is spread through six articles, this one being the first in this series/segment.
In this segment consisting of seven articles, we will provide all the indicators that offer an insight into who has the most chances to win this war. Here, we don’t include the military indicators because we committed another whole article[*] to that.
This is a win-win peace initiative where both warring sides may be the winners to some extent, although like in any war, with so many losses of human life and massive destruction, no one is a true winner.
At wars, there are no winners, in peace, there are no losers!
Spoiler alert: absolutely all of the indicators show that Russia will win this war.
The reason for sharing all these indicators is to shed a light on what future holds so as to best prepare for it. The authors of this peace initiative, being neutral and unbiased, do not have or take a position on it but look at it for what it is. Although we are from NATO countries, we do not favor one side or the other, which has enabled us to investigate the topic with pure mind, as truth-seekers and free-thinkers.
The Bible tell us who will win this war (and victory over anything else in this world) in 1 John 5:4-5[+]: “Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” Putin believes that Jesus is the Son of God, Zelensky as a Jew doesn't. Also, collectively, more Russians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, which is why they will win or already won the war even before they begun it. Whoever does not believe it and the gospels, believes then that Jesus was a liar (when he said that he was the Son of God), which is the work of Satan and so indicates that all such people are deceived by Satan. As such, they, as part of dark forces, have no chance of defeating those who side with Christ.
For instance, when Russians fought against the US-backed Chechen Muslim separatists (jihadists) in the First Chechen War[+] 1994–1996 under US-backed Yeltsin, Russians were communist atheists for almost a century before that and did not win it, but then in Second Chechen War[+] 1999–2000 (followed by insurgency phase until 2009), Christian Russians under Putin not only won the war but also converted Chechens into the greatest supporters of Russia and Putin to this day, as evident by them fighting most fiercely in Ukraine for Russia and in 2024 election[+], 99% people in Chechnya[+][+] voted for Putin.
Any war in history fought by devout Christians against non-Christians has been won by the Christians, and when Christians fought against each other, the winners were those who cherish Christian values more, which is now most certainly Russia. Ukraine persecutes Christian priests, rejects Christian values[+] and has a Jewish leader.
Note that we wrote “devout Christians”, not Christian posers under the Middle Ages papacy who did the opposite of what Christ taught such as crusaders[+] (1095–1291), witch-hunters[+][+] (1450-1750), inquisitors[+] (1250s-1806), and such. No wonder, Ottoman Empire could defeat such deviating “Christians” and spread throughout Southeast Europe[+][+] at the time of heretical Holy Roman Empire (800/962 –1806)[+] including notorious Borgias[+] being popes in the 15th century. For instance, Spain was colonized by Muslims from 711 until 1492 at the time when Christianity was ruled by the worst popes in history[+].
Those who openly deny Jesus as the Son of God suffer the most, like Jews and Muslims fighting in Israel for many decades. If there is a side that will eventually win, it will be the side that gets most Christians to side with them. If Russia sides with Palestine together with many Christian protesters around the world who stand for “Free Palestine”, this is also an indicator that Palestine will prevail but at a huge cost due to them denying Jesus as the Son of God and believing He was a liar or imposter.
If Russians back the atheist Chinese and the Muslim Iranians in their conflicts with NATO forces that oppose Christian values (family, LGBTQ+…), then they will surely win. Besides, Iranians are massively secretly converting to Christianity[»][»][»][»][+][+] (it is illegal to convert to another religion, thus there are no official figures) or to atheism or are simply no longer Muslims (deniers of Jesus as the Son of God). To many Iranians, Jesus appeared in a dream[»] or jail[»] or they converted through online preachers[»][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+] who revealed Quran’s satanic verses[+], Muhammad's immoralities (pedophilia[+][+], murders[+][+], slavery[+], adultery[+][+], mistreatment of women[+][+][+][+], cruelty[+], theft[+], idolatry[+], etc.), and proved the Christian trinity[+][+] (that Jesus was not a mere prophet).
Besides, the likely trajectory of the Ukraine war moving forward is easy to discern if we take all the key factors and historical prototypes into the equation and ignore all the wishful thinking and illusions of all belligerent sides. The point is that besides considering the actual battlefield outcomes (which may be covered with a fog of war due to war propaganda) and military capabilities (the ratio of manpower and weaponry between the belligerents), there are patterns in history, universe (time and space), and nature as well as in human nature regulated by the universal laws and once one is familiar with them, one can recognize them and sort of abstractly, if not specifically, predict the way this war is going to play out. And not just war but the destiny of nations and organizations such as Ukraine, Russia, the US, and NATO in general.
Just like it is possible to logically predict or give a forecast that in summer people will go on a vacation or that in winter people will wear coats, it is possible to predict or anticipate this war's outcome to a great extent when one is aware of historical cycles or patterns and raise own level of consciousness1 to a high level[+] – this is like having a satellite's or bird's view and seeing the big picture with a view of the most likely destination of groups walking down a certain path. To all who hope for a different ending (defeat of Russia), we are sorry to say that absolutely all indicators point to this one outcome:
Russia will prevail, Ukraine will cease to exist as such, NATO will dismantle, and the US will cease to rule the world.
Whether you like it or not, this outcome will be much better for Ukraine than if it remained being exploited by its corrupt regime and the predatory West. Ukraine never existed as a sovereign state anyway – since its first official statehood in 1991, it was never truly independent or sovereign due to prevailing foreign controls. We will expound on that later but at this point, we wish to stress that all will end well for both Ukraine and Russia.
And, although NATO will dismantle, there will be a much better security architecture in Europe, one that strengthens the security of all states so that the security of no country will be at the expense of the security of another state like it has been until now with NATO expanding and new NATO states strengthening their security at the expense of (threatening) Russia. All nations (such as the US, UK, and many EU states) that resist this process will suffer to the extent that they resist while all the nations that do not resist and go with the flow will flourish.
Whether we like it or not, the war is going to end how Russia wants it to end. Putin will get his victory. This is verified by all measurement methods – historical, scientifical, statistical, and above all by observing the reality on the battlefronts and future military capabilities. All clairvoyants are confirming that, too, but we do not rely on them and leave reading tea leaves and such to others but we take omens[*] (divine signs) seriously.
When it comes to military capabilities, Russia is not just way more superior than Ukraine but also NATO that proved to be a tax-money-stealing, ineffective paper tiger. Do not take our word for it but listen[»] to retired US Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis on why Ukraine has no chances against Russia on the battlefield:
So, there is no amount of money or aid that can buy Ukraine a victory because:
“the fundamentals that go into building the combat power at a national level are decisively and irrevocably on Russian side. You cannot buy your way into the situation where you can turn the tables because you cannot undo the fundamentals. The air power on the Russian side is overwhelmingly and irrevocably on the Russian side, the air defense, the military industrial capacity to be able to crank out large numbers of artillery ammunition, the weapons themselves, the drones, electronic warfare, and most importantly of all — the people. Russia has more people and they will always have more people…”
The same message has been retold over and over from the very start by countless other retired NATO officers as well as many other expert free-thinkers and truth-seekers, who are all saying in sync: Ukraine and NATO can't possibly win this war against the superpower Russia militarily, therefore it is counter-productive to push for the military solution to this war as this works only in Russia's favor.
“Ukraine and NATO can't win” – retired US Army Colonel and former Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of Defense Douglas Macgregor[+][+], former Lt. Col. in the US Army Daniel L. Davis[+][+][+], former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN Special Commission weapons inspector Scott Ritter[+], former US Marine and independent geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic[+][»], Czech General Sandor[+], former US Army Reserve lieutenant colonel and CIA intelligence officer Col. Anthony Shaffer[»], former analyst at the CIA Larry C. Johnson[+][+], former Central Intelligence Agency officer turned political activist Ray McGovern[»][+], US economist and former advisor to the Pentagon and CIA James Rickards[+], American political scientist and international relations scholar, Professor at the University of Chicago John Mearsheimer[»][+], US Senator Tommy Tuberville[+], Hungarian PM Victor Orban[+], US Ambassador Michael Gfoeller and David H. Rundell[+], and many more[+][+][+] voices of reason.
The List of Other Non-Military Indicators:
The Sorry State of Ukraine
The Sorry State of Ukraine
While the Ukrainian counteroffensive was failing, or to be more precise, while Ukrainian Armed Forces were being defeated during their much-hyped 2023 counteroffensive, at the end of September 2023, the President of the Russian State Duma Volodin[+], Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, Defense Chief Shoigu, and former President Medvedev, all warned Kyiv and its Western patrons that Ukraine must either capitulate on Moscow's terms or it will cease to exist as a nation.
Considering the realities on the battlegrounds and the waning Western support, it is in Ukrainians’ best interest to capitulate as soon as possible to prevent losing more people and land. Understandably, everyone in the Western establishment wants Ukraine to win and Russia to lose but continuing to persist in pursuing that aspiration and blind optimism won’t change the ground truth realities, which are increasingly in Russian favor. The Kyiv regime2 is not working in the interest of its people but in the interest of a selected few, including President Zelensky, who are clinging to power and money as long as naïve Ukrainian folk and sponsors play along.
The facts that call for capitulation:
1. Ukrainian leaders exude despair, which is a clear indication of losers. Despite being defeated in their 2023 counteroffensive and losing more and more territories every month, desperate President Zelensky[+][+][+][+] and Foreign Minister Kuleba[+][+][+] unconvincingly try to disguise their despair with pretending to be overconfident of achieving a maximum victory[?] over Russia while at the same time contradicting themselves by scare-mongering Europeans with alleged pending Russian attacks on them if Ukraine loses the war. Desperation among soldiers is even more evident as even the most lionized fighters of neo-Nazi Azov brigade refuse orders and abandon posts, such as in Avdeevka[+][+][+] and Chasov Yar[+][+][+], as well as among refugees who do not want to come back to Ukraine after the war is over[+][+][+][+]. When leaders lead their people into despair, you know they are the worst kind of leaders and losers. Despair is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit according to Christian teachings[+][+][+] and it is an unforgivable, eternal sin[+] as it is denying the work of the Holy Spirit. Whoever despairs, denies the work of the Holy Spirit and God: despair = faith in devil as opposed to the faith in God. Whoever despairs, is doomed to lose not just a war but any other contest in life – desperate people are losers, so when you hear leaders or representatives talk or act desperately, you know they are losers, deniers of the work of the Holy Spirit and God, and should not invest in them, let alone give them weapons as desperate people do horrible things.
2. the Ukrainian 2023 counteroffensive[+] failed, Russia defeated Ukraine – evidence: besides all the evidence[+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+] presented in the Western media and the admissions by President Zelensky[+] and Kyiv’s Main “Intelligence”[?] chief, General Kyrylo Budanov[+], none of the key objectives[+][+] were achieved, including liberating towns, cutting off Russia’s access to Crimea by land with reaching the Azov Sea, bringing a collapse in Russian defense lines as well as a political collapse in Russia. AFU3 was supposed to execute a classic blitzkrieg strategy to escape the protracted war of attrition but it failed colossally losing over 125.000[+] soldiers or 166.000[+] personnel plus much more wounded ones from 4 June – 1 December, during which time Russia seized more territories than Ukraine.
3. Ukrainians can't rely on the West much longer because:
it is facing weapons and ammunition shortages – evidence: a diminishing aid[ꚛ][+][+][+], lack of substantial military aid[+], NATO chief[+][+][+] and the UK Defense Secretary[+] bared NATO's inadequate production and supply capacity.
Western public is becoming less supportive as the people have lost trust in their leaders, which is why one by one have been forced to resign or step down – evidence: most of the leaders[+] who visited Kyiv since 2022 are gone (a.k.a. Zelensky Curse4[*]), plus the approval ratings of EU and US leaders have hit historical lows[+]. There is an increase of gaining power by the politicians who are against providing military aid to Ukraine, such as a shift in Slovakia, Netherlands, and Germany (AfD party on the rise), as well as the shift in Poland.
NATO countries must cater to their other allies in need such as Israel and Taiwan. Ukraine is getting less aid because some of it must be allocated to other hotspots.
economic decline in the West with all main allies either in recession or on the brink of it, which means that the West won't have enough money to support Ukraine – evidence:[+][+][+]
4. The lack of manpower in the Ukrainian armed forces – evidence:[+][+]
5. Ukraine is bankrupt – like a beggar, Ukraine is dependent on foreign handouts
6. Depopulation and demographic disaster in Ukraine – evidence: more than 10,5 million people have fled Ukraine. Another 11,2 million residents of Crimea, Sevastopol, the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, and the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions decided to join Russia. Ukraine has lost half of its population since 2014 (and even much more since 1991 when the population was 52 million)
7. Ukrainians grow discontent with country's outlook – according to survey data released by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology – evidence:[+][+] Most of Ukrainians believe that their country is moving in the wrong direction, which is certainly not a winners’ outlook.
Due to all these detrimental facts, Ukraine will cease to exist as a state unless the Kyiv regime capitulates on Russia’s terms. There are many other facts that speak in favor of Russia, which we will disclose throughout this peace initiative and which are related to some historical and legal conditions, which point to the fact that Ukraine is indebted to Russia and until they repay their debts to Russia and redeem themselves for violating treaties with Russia, they will be doomed according to universal laws, even though gracious Russians hold no grudges and wish no harm to them. This is a matter of God's or universal laws.
To all those who think this is not fair, we provide a ton of evidence throughout this document to suggest otherwise proving that God's laws and universal laws of causality are intact. Ukraine will prosper much more by drawing strength from its Slavic roots and neighbors rather than relying on and looking up to foreigners. As history and statistics show, Ukraine had it much better while it was in the Slavic or Russian sphere of influence rather than Anglo-Saxon's[?].
While on the topic of fairness, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated in a press conference of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in September 2023 that Russia respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine on the condition that it fulfills all of Kyiv's promises enshrined in its Declaration of Independence, such as neutrality. Is that too much to ask of Ukraine, to adhere to its own declaration? This seems a very fair requirement. The question is, why is Ukraine not adhering to its own Declaration of Independence? Why is Ukraine violating its own law? The answers are an indication of Ukraine losing its independence and sovereignty, which is a further indication of losing its fundamental power to win any conflict, including this armed conflict.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated in September 2023[»][+]:
“Of course, in 1991, we recognized the sovereignty of Ukraine on the basis of the Declaration of Independence[+][+][+], which Ukraine adopted when leaving the Soviet Union. The declaration contains many positive aspects, including the fact that they will respect the rights of citizens minorities, and the rights of the Russian language[+] and other languages. Then all this was included in the constitution of Ukraine. But in the Declaration of Independence, one of the main points[+][+] for us was that Ukraine would be a non-aligned country and would not enter into any military alliance. In that version, under those conditions, we support the territorial integrity of Ukraine.”
The declaration (with a preamble and ten chapters[+]) proclaims[+][+] that the republic is "a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs," and states that Ukraine will not accept, will not produce and will not procure nuclear weapons.
Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier spoke about the principled nature of Ukraine's neutral status as well[+]: "Kiev gained its independence and autonomy during the collapse of the Soviet Union on the basis of a declaration of independence, and in this declaration it was written in black and white that Ukraine is a neutral state[+][+]. This is of fundamental importance for us.”
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated also this[+]: “If they had complied with the Minsk agreements[+][+], then Ukraine’s territorial integrity would have been ensured.”
The rest of indicators we cover each in separate articles.
The Rest of Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine:
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which when raised, is a constructive force that creates everything in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions.
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
AFU - Armed Forces of Ukraine
Zelensky curse[*]: as of August 2024, some 50 of NATO and allied states high-officials (most of them heads of state, plus a couple of non-NATO allies) got struck by the so-called Zelensky curse as they all lost power (mostly resigned or stepped down) after meeting or supporting Zelensky and Ukraine. Here are they in chronological order of their fall: British PM Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister Liz Truss (not counting 20 UK government high officials incl. Rishi Sunak had to resign in 2022 and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace in 2023), Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (he was even killed), Italian Premier Mario Draghi, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (had to resign but got back), Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Moldova's Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, Finish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger, Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová, Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Latvian President Egils Levits, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (lost election but got back by a coalition scheme with much less power), Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš, Canadian Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota, Slovakian Prime Minister Ľudovít Ódor, US Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Montenegro Prime Minister Dritan Abazović, Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, Swiss President Alain Berset, Denmark's queen Margrethe II, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei, North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski, Hungarian President Katalin Novák, Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland (a.k.a. “the real ruler of Ukraine”), Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Senegalese President Macky Sall, Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
All the details about each case with links to evidence, you can find here[*].
So, one by one, all Zelensky's supporters fall off, while all 39 heads of state who visited Putin since the start of SMO in February 2022 until the end of 2023 are still in power, except Senegalese President Macky Sall stepped down due to a two-term limit and Pakistani PM Imran Khan who got ousted by a US-backed coup, so it doesn't count.