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Reading time: 12 minutes (or 19 minutes with footnotes)
Welcome to the peace initiative for Ukraine in which you can contibute by raising your awareness as well as your consciousness[+] and spirit to the modes[+] of neutrality[*], decency, respectfulness, wisdom[*], objectivity, mastery of the intellect, surrender (ego and mind to God’s will), and finally peace (inner then outer). To properly grasp everything, we recommend reading the articles of this peace initiative in the order that we[*] designed it, which is listed in the Contents. So if you haven’t read the previous articles, we urge you to do it, please. The topic of this article is spread through six articles, this one being the fourth in this series/segment (read the first one, please).
When we discuss the Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine[*], we include here the history lessons (besides the sorry state of Ukraine, omens, celestial powers, collective level of consciousness, and side-effects, not to mention the realities on the battlefields).
So, a further indication that Ukraine might lose this war is their relationship with the past and unwillingness to learn from the past because a nation that forgets its past has no future. We all can figure out the outcome of this war by learning from the similar occurrences in history. Surely, history does not always repeat itself but it does rhyme.
As hope of changing the current reality or trajectory in Ukrainian favor is understandably one of the drivers for Ukrainians to further engage in this war and accept all the horrors, they do not realize that this hope is nothing but a pipedream and that they are victims of a mass psychosis inflicted in a ‘divide and rule’ ploy by the Jesuits-controlled Anglo-Saxons establishment[*]. Even though, as a result of the American mind control scheme, many Ukrainians prefer to identify themselves with Anglo-Saxons1 and Vikings[»] (wearing and carrying Ruriks’ trident emblem) rather than with fellow Eastern Slavs2, there is no running away from reality and history.
Contrary to Western (NATO, Anglo-Saxon) propaganda, as all universal laws and historical patterns go, Ukraine is destined to lose while history-cherishing Russia is destined to win this war against not just Ukraine but also the declining West. As an ally of the nation on the rise (China), Russia has already achieved all its initial objectives3 (which are not the same as Western MSM4 reported but those listed in the footnote[3] and here[*]).
One of the best indicators of winners is learning from the past. Everyone needs to learn from both past and present because those who don't are doomed to repeat the same mistakes and suffer for it. There are many present lessons that every rational human being should draw from the war in Ukraine:
If you do not like your democratically elected government, use democratic rather than undemocratic, violent means to overthrow it and, if you stand for democracy, accept the will of the majority rather than protest and resist aggressively, otherwise, there will be aggressive resistance towards you and gruesome consequences – we reap what we sow
Do not discriminate and terrorize ethnic minorities as it will backlash[»]
Neutrality is precious and can save lives[*]
Honor the treaties[*] with other nations, otherwise, you will be punished by the law of reciprocity and suffer losses
Do not vote for a clown, a puppet of a foreign government, or an ordinary person as a president, especially if he or she had no education or experience in government, leadership, politics, diplomacy, or no set of skills and competencies needed for presidency, like Zelensky. There are certain competencies required for every important job, so if one needs certain skills, knowledge, and experience for every other leadership position such as a president of a university[+], then the same should be required for the highest office in a country! A fame drive, self-marketing skills, effective PR stunts, acting skills, humor, charm or likability are not top competencies that a head of state should be elected for. Every presidential candidate should demonstrate a successful track record of having excelled in this set of skills and competencies5
Do not be arrogant to think you can defeat a much larger nation, especially when you must rely on begging for handouts from foreigners. "My dad can beat up your dad" vibes are not worthy of any head of state posing as all-powerful while hiding behind the power of NATO allies
Even with all the foreign interference, bribery, and attempts at regime change in Ukraine, there would have been no war and no conflict if Ukrainians:
used democratic rather than undemocratic, violent means to change the regime in 2014
didn't ban the Russian language and pro-Russian political parties since 2014, and discriminated against and tyrannized Russian ethnic minorities
remained neutral or stood by their fellow Eastern Slav folk6 rather than NATO (e.g. when in 2008, they chose to abandon neutrality, or when in 2013, the EU officials pressured Ukrainians to choose between the EU and Russia)
didn't violate the treaties[*] with Russia in 2014, which then no longer provided security guarantees (territorial integrity)
didn't threaten to cancel the treaty with Russia in 2014 – Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet[+][+] a.k.a. Kharkiv Pact[+][+], which determined the status of Russian military presence in Crimea
Like most European leaders, President Zelensky is not a scholar of history; otherwise, he would take the advice of German statesman and diplomat (the first chancellor of the German Empire) Otto von Bismarck[+], who wrote[+]: “The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia.” And if we may add to it: “Be good to your neighbors.” Ukraine violated all treaties[*] with Russia and terrorized its folk since 2014, so…
One of the best indicators of what is to come is the fact that history repeats itself, whereby smart people can anticipate the future by studying and learning from the past[»][+]. By doing that, it is evident that the Western superpowers on which Ukrainians bet their lives are on a rapidly declining trajectory, which is why Ukraine should not count on their support and should better align themselves with the other bloc (BRICS) that includes Russia.
If history repeats itself, Zelensky regime’s crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church might have the same or similar fate as that of South Vietnam President Ngô Đình Diệm's crackdown on the Buddhists during the Vietnam War[+] (1955-1975) that the UK started[+]. Like Zelensky, Diệm came to power with the US & UK support (in 1955, under Eisenhower) and was murdered in 1963 also with the US support (JFK was President then) as he lost the support of his people and the US mainly because of his harsh treatment of the Buddhists. He was assassinated in a coup d'état, backed by the CIA and the US ambassador[+][+][+]. Like Zelensky, Diệm ordered religious persecution, which is why more and more people turned against him, including the allies abroad because religious and student protests garnered worldwide attention. Believing that the political turmoil was undermining the war effort, the US officials tried to persuade Diệm to address the Buddhist grievances and win back popular support but he refused to listen, which cost him his life.
If history repeats itself, Zelensky and Ukraine will be abandoned by the US as the US abandoned all their allies outside NATO. The US has a long history of abandoning all its non-NATO allies after it devastates their countries and leaves them in ruins.
The West7 is perceived by the rest of the world as unreliable because the Western authorities tend to operate according to short-sighted self-interest. Their loyalty is a commodity sold (not bought) for a benefit and they will willingly turn on anyone if they think it will profit them. Their loyalty to Ukraine has an expiration date just like it expired with many other nations that they abandoned after a while, the latest being Afghanistan[+]. The West will turn to greener pastures as soon as it realizes that Ukraine cannot grant them access to Crimea and cheap natural resources due to a blockade by Russia, as well as the means (locations for missiles) to threaten and contain Russia.
Additional indication that Ukraine, including, Kyiv is doomed and might lose this war is their disregard for history (contempt for historical figures) and even fabricating it (misrepresenting war criminals such as Bandera and his followers as heroes). A nation that forgets its past has no future! The Kyiv regime has been demolishing all Soviet era monuments[+][+][+][+] that were commemorating the Soviet victory over the Nazi Germany, as well as monuments of great writers such as Pushkin[»]. Also, myriad of settlements and streets named after Soviet heroes have been all renamed[+], and all those historical figures have been erased from Ukraine's history books. Desecrating statues and names of past heroes and conflating things from very different historical orders is a testament to the irresponsible, unappreciative Kyiv regime8. The dishonored ancestors are turning in their graves and it’s not going to work in Kyiv's favor, so much is clear.
Ultimately, the past informs our present. In some ways the Soviet legacy and the emotions it provokes explain part of the current conflict in Ukraine. In Ukraine, the Soviet legacy is blamed for all ills while in other former Soviet Republics and communist countries, it is the source of fond nostalgia for better days. In conflating the past and present, we run the risk of re-enacting old battles, not properly assessing what the true causes of our current problems are.
In the WWII, while the US and UK Allies only or mainly just bombed German towns from faraway, Soviets saved humankind from Nazism through immeasurable courage and immense sacrifice but ungrateful Ukrainians ruthlessly and cold-bloodedly destroyed memorials to Soviet soldiers, demolished monuments to great commanders, created a real cult of the Nazis and their proxies, erased and demonized the memory of true heroes. At the time of the creation of Soviet monuments, Ukraine undertook a moral commitment to preserve the monuments honoring the sacrifices of the Red Army but they went back on their word, again. Their destruction is therefore a violation of their own morals and a testament to the unprincipled regime. Such behavior reflects the level of consciousness of Ukraine's ruling classes – degradation, disrespect, dishonor, disgrace. When the degraded, disrespected, dishonored, disgraced, and discredited the true heroes of their past, they degraded, disrespected, dishonored, disgraced, and discredited themselves, which shows in the loss of reputation across the world and the military losses – all of which will end in losing the war, unless a paradigm shift occurs there.
Ernest Hemingway, who served as a WWII war correspondent and an unconventional soldier in Europe, said: “Every human being who loves freedom owes to the Red Army more than he will be able to pay in a lifetime!” And the leader of Red Army was Stalin.
To understand where the Ukraine war is headed, it is necessary to assess the present situation as well as learn from past examples[»][+] and universal laws. The present reality on the Ukrainian battlefield corroborates the known patterns from the past and the universal laws. As is always the case, a nation that forgets its past has no future! Ukraine is denying its historical roots and ties with Russia, removing or desecrating all the historical monuments[»][ꚛ] (from the communist era and Russian heritage), abandoning traditional Slavic values by adapting the Western neoliberal values and idols, and betting on the losing horse (declining West) – all of that disrespect and betrayal leads to failure, apart from other negative modes of consciousness9[+].
Furthermore, in the context of this war being in fact a NATO or American proxy war against Russia, there is also one major history lesson to consider: there is no empire that has existed forever; all empires go down eventually. Greek, Roman, Ottoman, Dutch, and British empires are just a few of them that perished in recent history.
Since the WWII, America has position itself as the hegemon as it built an empire disguised under different names but fundamentally, it has neocolonized the world with hundreds of military bases across the world securing American business and geopolitical interests, waging so-called “forever wars.”
Like all empires before, the US and its vassals in the West are facing an existential threat as their world dominance is declining rapidly. This is no fault of China, Russia, Iran, or any other superpower but the fault lays solely on their leadership. They are sure to blame it on “dictators” Putin and Xi Jinping but it is their own dictatorship towards the world that is to blame. For many decades, they have intimidated, coerced, blackmailed, threatened with economic sanctions, and bribed world's politicians and other ruling forces into submission, into allowing the pillage of local natural resources. Whoever rejected them was labeled a “dictator” and replaced by US-orchestrated coups, military incursions, and violent regime changes installing US-puppets as leaders across the globe to exploit world’s natural resources and impose the overpriced US exports onto the world with hype, masquerade, imposture, and intimidation. However, most of the world has seen it through and their days of world dominance are over. Whoever is siding with them, including Ukraine, is doomed to go down with this ship.
The historical and anthropological blueprint[»] enables us to anticipate the future developments of all superpowers and not just forecast but to confirm that the Western unipolar hegemony is on a decline trajectory. Therefore, anyone, in particular Ukrainians, who is counting on the West for anything is going to go down with that ship, regardless of perceived advantages, prerogatives, justice, constitutional rights, etc. The best is to turn away from (not against) the West (NATO states – the US, EU, UK, Canada) and, when forced to take a side (being denied the right to neutrality), partner with those who are on the rise in the new multipolar reality, such as BRICS+ states[+], which is why evermore countries[+][+] are applying to join the BRICS+ bloc and abandoning Western oppressive structures.
If we would consider historical references[»], then we would narrow it down to China as the country that has all the markers of becoming a new world ruler but unlike its Western predecessors (such as the Greek, Roman, Ottoman, Dutch, British, and American empires), being a socialist and communist state, not driven primarily by profits and military, let alone world domination (like Russia, it never colonized or expanded beyond its borders), China enables and even promotes a multipolar setup, paving the way for a more equitable global order.
Therefore, any nation aligning with China or BRICS+ has a much better chance for peace and prosperity than aligning with the declining West.
The Rest of Indicators of Who Will Win the War in Ukraine[*]:
Anglo-Saxons[+] are originally Germanic people who migrated from northern Europe and settled first in England and then also in the US (in case you didn't know, British royal familiy the Windsors are Germans)
Eastern Slavs consist of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. There are also Western Slavs (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) and Southern Slavs (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia).
Russians achieved all their main objectives (except from total denazification of Ukraine):
prevented Ukraine from joining NATO
liberated ethnic Russians and facilitated them to freely speak Russian language (which Kyiv regime banned from 30 spheres of life)
kept Crimea (as well as secured water and electricity supply for it along with a land-bridge to it)
demilitarized Ukraine - they are short not only of ammunition, air defense, fighter jets, and tanks but also of soldiers. Russia demilitarized not just Ukraine but also NATO - depleted its stockpiles[+][+][+][+][+][+]
denazified Ukraine to a large extent...
On top of it all, Russia has even taken most of the Ukrainian crown jewels – seized one-fifth of Ukraine[+] (over 100.000 square kilometers) that historically belonged to Russia with all its natural resources. Russia gained at least $12,4 trillion[+] worth of former Ukraine's energy, metal, and mineral deposits that before the conflict, in 2013, used to generate $43,3 billion a year[+], not to mention all the agricultural profitable land, companies, factories, and industrial zones, as well as around 8 million of new tax-payers (Russians collect over $2 billion[+] in tax revenues from four new regions every year) and labor power that will multiply with time.
Apart from a military victory, Russia also won on all other levels, including on economic[+][+] and geopolitical levels (87% of the world sides with Russia, BRICS expansion, multipolarity, de-dollarization, NATO's division[+]). Russia also destroyed many US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, thwarted child & organ trafficking, crushed NATO's economies, inspired and empowered their allies in Africa and Middle east to decolonize themselves from NATO and Israel…
main-stream media
Every presidential candidate should demonstrate a successful track record of having excelled in this set of skills and competencies:
· personal values – first and foremost, presidential candidates must embrace, embody and champion the country’s collective values, therefore, the ideal presidential candidate must appreciate the history, culture, and spirit of his country as opposed to appreciating more those of foreign countries. Personal values of presidential candidates should match collective values, therefore, if the majority of a country population is conservative, then they should not be represented by a liberal. Also, a president must, we repeat, must honor the human (incl. linguistic) rights of ethnic minorities rather than, like Zelensky, call them “terrorists”[+] and send neo-Nazi battalions[+] to massacre and terrorize them, otherwise they will seek independence and there will be a war
· a character strength (to lead and not to be easily intimidated or swayed by foreign leaders) based on virtues such as a sense of self-confidence balanced with humility, reputation as incorruptible, honor, selflessness, fearlessness, enthusiasm, optimism, self-awareness, friendliness to neighboring countries, a tolerance for ambiguity and nuance, integrity, authenticity, genuineness, and integrity that engender trust, work ethic, high energy, and demeanor that command leadership respect. Furthermore, every head if state should exhibit the virtue of collegiality and respect his opponents, with supportive rather than competitive attitude, and should value those who honor tradition as well as demonstrate the courage and conviction to make the necessary decisions in a compassionate way to ensure country’s long-term prosperity. Also demonstrate thoughtful and reflective listening skills, as well as inspire, energize and enthuse audiences for worthy causes. Empathy for the very real struggles that many fellow compatriots face and charisma should be of advantage
· a good working knowledge of country’s Constitution and the courage to follow it to the letter no matter the fall out; a sense of history and decorum, never to be embarrassed about being caught not knowing country’s laws and history
· a profound understanding of government and political systems, as well as excellent knowledge of domestic and international affairs, diplomacy, and economics is crucial
· academic credentials – presidential candidates should have credentials and/or experience sufficient to warrant the respect and complete confidence of the public, or a demonstrated record of successful executive leadership to serve public interest
· experience in public service and/or crisis management expertise
· leadership skills (a commitment to the “servant leadership” model, exquisite judgment necessary for superb leadership, and a proven record as a successful civic leader)
· diplomatic dexterity and political savvy
· problem solving skills (evidence of solving some major problems in the past)
· decision-making agilities (evidence of ability to make timely and informed decisions to ensure that decisions are made in a well-timed and fair manner with sensitivity to the context of shared governance, ethnic minorities, collective needs, human rights, and intellectual freedoms)
· change management (evidence of the capacity to identify new areas for transformation and ability to inspire, foster, and manage change in organizations, practices and culture but implementing change diplomatically – inspire many constituents to explore and achieve new possibilities
· a great strategist
· the ability and willingness to delegate authority (instead of acting as an authoritarian) to experts (as opposed to friends, fans, and sponsors) and hold people accountable
· considerable skill and experience as both a communicator and negotiator
· financial acumen – experience in managing the financial and budgeting operations of a complex organization, effectively overseeing all major economic aspects of it. An understanding of the importance of building a risk management framework, including, but not limited to financial audit, and some experience of determining and utilizing mitigation strategies should be an advantage
· the ability to assess and undertake calculated risk
· philanthropy – expanding resources is vital to the progress of every nation, and the President must play a key role as an engaged champion for philanthropy, setting the strategic direction and being personally engaged (demonstrate both a talent and an enthusiasm for fundraising, a passion for country’s mission, and the personal and social skills that enable successful donor relationships)
· community involvement demonstrate sensitivity to community presence and image, a high level of involvement and visibility in the region, playing a significant role in the economic and community development of the surrounding area. Experience in partnering with community organizations and serving on nonprofit boards would be among the indicators that the new President would possess the skills and interests necessary to succeed in this portion of the role
· advocacy – a country’s fortunes are regularly affected by how its external stakeholders perceive its value to its immediate region and beyond. The President must be a skillful communicator with the relationship skills, political acumen and “street smarts” necessary to position the country effectively and positively with political, business and civic leaders, both domestically and internationally
· governance – working knowledge of governance practices is essential, and having that experience in a government setting would be preferred, as would be direct experience leading within a collective negotiating environment. Working with boards and other parties’ officials and understanding how they operate can be learned rapidly once in the position but having that knowledge in advance would help the new President to quickly develop a collaborative partnership with cabinet members and governing institutions
· marketing skills – much of a country’s future success and strategic direction require additional external visibility and a broader, fuller awareness of its distinctive identity. The new President must lead and support the charge to continue enhancing the country’s reputation not only regionally, but internationally as well. Experience in overseeing public relations and marketing programs and campaigns that propelled an organization forward, and in communicating publicly on behalf of an organization, would be beneficial to the new President.
· IT skills – in today’s world of rapid technological advances and applications, a working knowledge of the direction and possibilities of information technology would be very useful in steering advances and shaping communications at the government
· visibility and approachability – a willingness and interest to participate in the life of fellow compatriots, including attending scientific, academic, cultural, and athletic events, with a considerate investment of time spent abroad in the international community. A high level of comfort in encouraging – and accepting – insights, feedback, suggestions (and criticism!) from a myriad of state stakeholders
· key accomplishments related to governing, leadership, diplomacy and/or academics (such as evidence of making an impact in the world, growth or improvement of followers/supporters, improved rankings, results of ventures and/or activism, new creations, inventions, and/or initiatives; advancing diversity, development, fundraising)
· awards and honors related to governing, leadership, diplomacy and/or academic achievements should be an advantage for a presidential candidate
Eastern Slavs consist of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. There are also Western Slavs (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) and Southern Slavs (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia).
we refer to Kyiv as a regime[+] due to its oppressive and repressive policies, corruption, and foul treatment of its ethnic minorities, such as the ethnic Russians, violating their human rights, tyrannizing, and killing them since 2014.
Consciousness is not mere awareness or wakefulness but a subtle dimension of who we are, which when raised, is a constructive force that creates everything in our life, helps us make the right decisions as well as come up with the best ideas and solutions.